Happy Truth About Love: Island County Spinoff Series (Silver Ridge Series Book 1)

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Happy Truth About Love: Island County Spinoff Series (Silver Ridge Series Book 1) Page 12

by Karice Bolton

  Desire flashed through Joel’s gaze as he slowly looped his arms around Autumn’s waist. He loved how she sank her teeth into her bottom lip and looked up at him through her thick lashes. Joel was taking everything in about this moment when the kitchen door swung open.

  “I don’t have great news,” Mason said, stopping in his tracks.

  Joel quickly stepped back, and Autumn’s cheeks blushed as she turned to face her contractor.

  “If it’s not great, is it at least good?”

  Mason laughed and scratched his chin. “Depends on your definition. It looks like over the years, the roof has been patched over and over, but we’re getting to that point where it needs to be replaced.”

  She let out a gutted sigh and her gaze dropped to the floor.

  “I wish I had better news, but after all the snow this winter, the leaks are bound to spread.”

  “It’s better to know now than later. I can rework my budget and see what needs to be done immediately.”

  “The porch is a priority.” Joel pressed his lips together and glanced at Mason. “I can get that done.”

  Autumn shook her head.

  “I’ll work the numbers, and I’ll send over an estimate going over everything we’ve spoken about, and I’ll list the priorities as I see them. I’ll get the roofer I work with to come out to hear his thoughts, and we’ll go from there.”

  Autumn’s chest tightened with unease as she thought about funding all of these projects. She couldn’t open the doors to a half-complete B&B. She’d have to figure out a way to get everything done before November. She’d get more than one job if she needed to, but she had to get these doors open without the doors falling off into the guests’ hands.

  “That sounds perfect.” She kept her gaze steadily on Mason as he wrote down a couple of things on a piece of paper and handed it to her along with a business card.

  “If you think of anything else, give me a call, but I’ll get back to you in the next day or so.”

  “Thank you,” Autumn said, the knot in her stomach only growing.

  Mason said goodbye to Joel and left out the kitchen door.

  “That wasn’t what I expected to hear.” She looked up at Joel, who seemed to be thinking about something.

  “I’ve got an idea.”

  “If it’s single-handedly rebuilding my house, the answer is no.”

  “Let me take you to dinner.”



  She held in a sigh. The weight of exhaustion was pressing down on her, and all she wanted to do was get into bed and start the day all over again, but when she looked up at Joel, she knew he wanted to ease her worries the best he knew how.

  Autumn took a breath and nodded. “You know what? I think that’s exactly what I need.”

  Joel’s brows shot up. “Really?”

  “I think so. It’s either I sit here and wallow in my misery, or I enjoy a wonderful meal with an incredibly wonderful man.”

  “You don’t know that I’m wonderful.” Joel smiled.

  “You’ve been awfully wonderful to me.”

  He took a step forward. “Maybe it’s just you who brings it out in me.”

  “Maybe.” Autumn closed the gap and looked into his eyes. Every inch of her burned with the desire to be kissed. All the emotions from minutes before came flooding back, only this time, they were magnified.

  That was what kindness did to her. It magnified the feelings, attraction, and emotion she’d already been trying to ignore.

  She inhaled a slow breath, and he cocked his head slightly, his eyes studying hers as she prepared to be kissed.

  “Well, the place I want to take you is a little way out of town.” His smile widened as he saw the desire already stirring behind her gaze. It seemed no matter how much he told himself to cool it, he couldn’t when it came to Autumn Tucker. “We should get going before it’s too late.”

  “Okay,” she said breathlessly. “Is what I’m wearing okay?”

  Joel took a step back, his eyes cascading down her body, only to linger on her curves.

  “More than okay, Autumn. You’re absolutely stunning.”

  She didn’t feel very stunning. Actually, there weren’t that many times in life that she ever felt much beyond cute.

  “You certainly know the right things to say.”

  “It’s true.” He slid his hand over hers, and she suddenly felt as if she were back in high school. Autumn glanced at Joel and tried to memorize every little thing about him.

  For instance, she loved the way his forehead creased when he looked pleased or the way the muscles in his neck tensed when she caught him looking in her direction. It was these little things she’d never noticed before on a man, but with Joel, they all meant something.

  “So where are you taking me?” she asked.

  “It’s a surprise.” He winked. “Remember, I’m good at those.”

  She glanced at the unpacked boxes and laughed. “Yes, you are.”

  The thrill of the unknown pulsed through Autumn as she quickly locked up her home. She’d never been much for surprises, but Joel seemed to excel at them.

  By the time she was sitting in his Honcho, she couldn’t play it cool any longer.

  “Are you taking me to Tucker Park?” she asked, looking at him as he pulled onto the main road through town.

  “Nope. I don’t think you’d be very impressed with the park’s selection of squirrel meat.”

  She smacked his knee playfully. “That’s just gross.”

  “You’re not very good when it comes to allowing surprises to happen organically.”

  “That’s because surprises aren’t organic. They’re all based on getting a reaction out of someone.”

  “A pleasant reaction.” Joel slid his hand to her knee as he drove them out of town along Tucker Street.

  She wanted to pay attention to the homes they were passing, but all she could think about was the heat rolling through her body, all from a simple touch of his hand.

  When she spotted North Road, she knew exactly where he was taking her.

  His resort.

  As they continued the drive, her mind began racing. Would his brothers be there? Or his grandmother? What about his mom? She kept her eyes straight ahead and caught Joel glancing at her every now and then, which only made her emotions a more complicated mess of what-ifs.

  It wasn’t until they drove over a little knoll that her suspicions were confirmed, but what sat in front of her surprised her even more than where they were going. A tiny little town sat in front of them.

  “Welcome to Silver Ridge Resort.” Joel grinned and Autumn shook her head in disbelief.

  “It’s a miniature town,” she whispered in awe.

  She thought the town of Silver Ridge was adorable, but this little place tucked at the base of the mountain was what dreams were made of. She couldn’t begin to imagine what this little place looked like covered in snow.

  “It is.” He nodded in agreement. “We’ve had a lot of fun over the years expanding the amenities of the resort.”

  At the end of the road directly in front of them sat an enormous hotel with rustic features like log beams under the eaves and patios extending from each guestroom. Autumn assumed guestrooms were available overlooking both the slopes and this little town.

  Alongside the road leading to the hotel were restaurants, shops, and activity centers. Flowers overflowed from colorful window boxes, and patio seating sprinkled the sidewalks underneath striped awnings. The streets and sidewalks were bustling with as many people as the town below.

  “I had no idea the resort was like this. I thought there was just a hotel.” She nodded her head in amazement as he drove in front of the resort and two of the parking attendants came dashing out from a booth and opened their doors.

  “Good evening, Mr. North,” the man greeted him. “We weren’t expecting you this evening.”

  “It’s fun to keep you on your toes.” J
oel smiled warmly as the man slipped into the Honcho.

  “Any reason to be able to drive this beast, and I’ll take it,” the valet driver said as Autumn slid out of the vehicle.

  “Have fun with it.” Joel walked around the front of the car and slid his arms around Autumn’s waist before leading her up the stairs to the hotel.

  It wasn’t as if Autumn hadn’t been exposed to grand hotels during her travels, but there was something special about this place. Warmth immediately washed over her as they walked into the lobby where a large stone fireplace anchored a seating area.

  The front desk staff immediately recognized Joel and began waving while one of the concierges came rushing over.

  “Is there anything you need, sir?” the man asked.

  “Just dining out tonight, Paul.” Joel slipped him some cash and Autumn saw the man light up.

  She got the feeling Joel didn’t come here with women that often for dinner.

  Or was it wishful thinking?

  Joel looped them around the lobby and past a row of elevators. She spotted an outdoor fireplace.

  “In the winter, that place is always so popular.” Joel pointed in the direction of the patio seating. “With the fire blazing and snow on the ground, there’s no place like it to grab a quick bite to eat.”

  “I bet it’s incredible.” She found herself leaning into him slightly. “But it seems everything your family touches is unbelievable.”

  “It’s funny. That’s how I feel about you.” He stopped walking and turned to face Autumn. His eyes steadied on hers, and his hands slowly brushed away loose hair before cupping her chin. No matter what he told himself, he just couldn’t resist Autumn Tucker.

  Without waiting a second longer, he brought his lips down to hers, and she let herself fall into him, feeling everything about his body as it responded to her. She loved feeling his lips against hers and his hands as they slid along her neck while she sank deeper into a fantasy she never knew she wanted.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Joel captured Autumn’s hand in his as they walked into the restaurant. He was still spinning from the kiss they’d shared, and he really wasn’t sure what had come over him.

  He kept promising himself that he’d give her space . . . that he’d give her time to get settled before he considered leading them both down a road they couldn’t easily navigate.

  There was so much he wanted to tell her about his family, share about his life, but he knew it had the possibility of leading her right into revelations about her own family that couldn’t be easily explained away.

  The hostess quickly found them a private table overlooking the base of the mountain. In the winter, it sparkled in white, but tonight, emerald green stretched as far as the eye could see. There was still an hour or so of daylight left, and he was glad Autumn got to see the town when she did, but he was really excited for her to see it when it was all lit up at night.

  As he helped her into her seat, he couldn’t help but feel like he’d scored a jackpot by getting her to accept dinner with him tonight. The moment she’d found out about the roof, he could see the stress lodging deep within her gaze, and the only thing he could think of to do or say was to invite her out.

  Well, that wasn’t completely true. What he wanted to do was what he’d done just a few minutes ago.

  They ordered their drinks with the hostess before she left the table.

  “Do you trust me?” Joel asked, not bothering to look at the menu.

  “Are we talking dinner or something bigger?” Autumn seemed to instantly relax as he watched her.

  “Maybe it’s one in the same.” Joel resisted the urge to push. “But specifically, dinner.”

  “Then yes.” She kept the menu on the table. “Surprise me.”

  The waitress came to take their orders as Autumn glanced around her surroundings. She couldn’t imagine a better restaurant in the middle of a ski resort. All the colors were earthy, the décor was modern and elegant, and the views were magnificent. By the time Joel was done ordering, she returned her attention to him, and he looked as if he was waiting for a response.

  “I missed something, didn’t I?” Autumn laughed.

  “Nothing important.” Joel was completely amused by her and wanted to know what she was thinking. He’d like to think it was about him, but he knew better.

  “No. Tell me what I missed.” Autumn glanced at the waitress over in the corner. She was leaning over the bar, whispering to the bartender. Barely a few seconds passed before the bartender looked over at their table.

  Joel smiled and looked at the bar, noticing the same thing as Autumn. He shook his head. “Word gets around fast.”

  “What word is that?” Autumn asked, her eyes settling on Joel.

  “I don’t usually come here for dinner unless it’s with family.” Joel noticed the way that made her smile, but he hid his own.

  “I would probably be here all the time if I owned it. Everything smells delicious.” Her smile was genuine as she took a sip of the cocktail she’d ordered. “I can’t get over what all is at the base of the mountain.”

  “It’s been a real process. Throughout the years, we always saw this resort as a little village, a place for strangers to become friends and make lifelong relationships. The hotel came first and then we built outward.”

  “Do you ever have any intention of linking this village with Silver Ridge?” She’d always heard this resort was one of the region’s finest, and now she understood why. Seeing the village also gave her hope for her own B&B just down the road.

  “No.” He shook his head. “There are only plans for one more phase.”

  Autumn nodded. “It’s funny. I thought Silver Ridge couldn’t get any more darling, and then you brought me here.”

  “Both are pretty special places.”

  “So do you own any other buildings or businesses in town I should be frequenting? Do you own the other burger place?”

  He laughed and shook his head about the burger joint. Her question was innocent, but Joel found himself shifting in his seat. He wanted to be completely honest, but he also didn’t think his explanation needed to be overly detailed.

  “We actually own a few residential rentals in town.”

  “But no restaurants or shops?”

  She seemed to skip right over his admission.

  “Not in the city limits.” He shook his head.

  Her eyes stayed on his as he wondered if she saw right through him.

  “You’re close with your brothers.” It was a question framed as a statement. She took another sip of her cocktail and felt her shoulders relax.

  “To a fault.”

  “And your parents are divorced?”

  “Yeah.” Joel was surprised she remembered. He’d tried not to bring them up much since he’d found out her parents had passed away, and truthfully, he disliked talking about his parents. Well, mostly, he hated talking about his father. Joel loved his mother, but his father had betrayed them long ago.

  In fact, the man had been indirectly responsible for Joel’s entire philosophy about relationships. Joel was loyal if he allowed himself the chance, but the truth of it was that he rarely got to that point because he saw the devastation heartache could cause.

  “Does your dad live in town?” Autumn asked.

  “No.” Joel felt his chest tighten. “I’m not actually sure where he moved to. I think my brothers know, but I never paid attention.”

  Her green eyes were soothing as he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. He’d often wondered if his father cared about his own sons or if he’d just left them all behind because he couldn’t handle the consequences of his own actions. He shook his thoughts free and brought his concentration back to Autumn.

  “It wasn’t necessarily a messy divorce, but that was partly because my mom had an iron-clad prenuptial agreement.” He pulled his brows together in a scowl.

  Autumn noticed the man even looked good when he was angry. Or
maybe it wasn’t anger that flashed through his expression but sadness.

  “She wasn’t going to lose her family’s legacy over a bad marriage,” he continued.

  “Wait. So this is all from your mother’s side?” Autumn’s brow arched and her hands motioned in a circle about her head.

  Joel’s lips curled slightly and he nodded. “North is actually my mother’s maiden name. She kept it, and so did we.”

  “That’s pretty cool.” Autumn cocked her head slightly.

  “She’s a pretty incredible woman.” This time, there was no mistaking what flashed through Joel’s eyes.


  “My father had multiple affairs over the years, but my mom never knew. None of us did. I think my brothers and I suspected on some level, but it still felt like a sucker punch from nowhere when it all surfaced.” He chewed on his bottom lip and glanced toward the bar. “I think what hurt my mom the most was that the entire town seemed to be aware of my father’s activities before she ever had a clue.”

  “The joys of small towns.” Autumn pushed her brows into a frown. “Or maybe even big towns.”

  He let out a low sigh. “Who really wants to be the bearer of that news? I think my brothers and I all kicked ourselves for not investigating what my dad was doing when he’d sneak off or press him on why he came home so late.”

  The waitress brought over the first course, which was a pear and walnut salad. The presentation was beautiful, but Autumn couldn’t get over what Joel had said.

  “You can’t blame yourself for your father’s indiscretions. You might have figured it out sooner, but it probably wouldn’t have changed the outcome. You and your brothers weren’t responsible.”

  Joel nodded and took a bite of pear. “True. I know you’re right, but it’s still something I think about. She felt like the laughingstock of the town.”

  “That’s awful, but I’m sure that wasn’t the case.”

  “Not even close. In fact, most of the town probably would have driven him out if he hadn’t chosen to leave.” He wiped his mouth with a white napkin. “Which in itself isn’t kind.”


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