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Amazing Grace (Hearts At War Book 3)

Page 10

by Lena Hart

  “What can I get you, sir?” She winced inwardly at her awkwardly formal request.

  “Can you sit for a spell?” He took her arm and tugged her down on the seat beside him. “Please.”

  Gracie sat down, glancing nervously around the tavern before turning back to him.

  “You look tired,” he said.

  A small smile tugged at her lips. “So do you.”

  He returned her smile, though it was just as weary. “I am.”

  “What are you still doing here? I thought you left for Colorado.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve been working. I would have come to see you sooner, but today is my first night off.”

  “I haven’t seen you around,” she blurted, revealing to him just how much she had been searching for a glimpse of him. “Where are you working?”

  “I work with Whitaker at his mines half of the week and the other half I wrangle cattle.”

  She frowned. “Why are you working at the mines?” She knew the mines were hard, dangerous work, and she didn’t understand why a man with his experience and background would choose to take on such menial labor.

  Logan hesitated before he answered, “I’m working to pay off my debt to him.”

  “What debt?” No sooner were the words out of her mouth that it dawned on her. “I thought you paid Mr. Whitaker to cancel my contract.”

  “It wasn’t enough.”

  She shook her head, remembering her last words to him—every harsh, angry word of it. “Logan…about what I said…I didn’t mean to guilt you into doing this.”

  “I put myself in the man’s servitude for you, Gracie. Not out of guilt or obligation, but because I wanted you to be my wife.” He took her hand and held it tight. “I still want you to be my wife.”

  Her heart lurched at his words, but she glanced away from him. “Nothing’s changed, Logan. I’m only here until I can raise enough money to book my passage back to New York.”

  He squeezed her hand gently. “I want to show you something. Will you come with me?”

  Gracie debated it for a moment. It was already hard enough having this brief talk with him now. She didn’t think she could be in his company for much longer and not weaken in her resolve. But if tonight was the last time she would ever get to see him, she wanted to cherish every moment.

  “I have another two hours before my shift ends.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait here.”

  And he did. The sun was barely hanging on before its nightly descent arrived. They walked in silence as Logan brought her to a wide stretch of untended land. She glanced around, but couldn’t see anything but dirt and overgrown fields.

  “Logan? What is it you wanted to show me?”

  “This. Yesterday I filled out an application to homestead this land.”

  “You mean all of this land will be yours?”

  He nodded. “Once my contract with Whitaker is over, I’ll be free to work the land and build a home and make it ours.”

  She glanced around the empty, uncultivated plot. It was a wide stretch of land, but she could easily envision it as prosperous once tended and cared for. With a few animals and even a modest home, they could make this place flourish.

  A place just for us…

  Could she truly have that? A real future—a real home—with him?

  “Logan, this…I…”

  Gracie shook her head to clear her thoughts. She tried to reconcile what she knew to be true and what she felt in her heart. At his core, she believed he was a good man, but how could he expect her to simply dismiss their past?

  “I’m sorry, Logan, but I’m going back home to New York.”

  The lines around his mouth deepened as his gaze probed hers. “I can’t keep you from leaving, Gracie. But I love you and I don’t want you to go.”

  She released a shuddering breath. Once again, she was torn between what her heart wanted and what her mind reasoned. “I…I don’t know what to do.”

  There was warmth in his eyes when he stared down at her. “It was never my intention to lie to you, angel, but neither did I want my past to come between us. All we can do now is make peace with our past and move forward from it.”

  She stared off into the distance, remembering a similar conversation she’d had with Madeline. Hadn’t she also told the young girl to let go of her past and find happiness in her future? Why couldn’t she heed the same advice?

  “Gracie, we both know that there is a lot of ugliness and darkness in this world. And there are times…” He sighed. “There are times I can’t see my way out of it…and I feel lost in it. But all the ugliness we’ve lived through, will live through, won’t change what I feel for you.” He cupped her face. “I love you, Gracie, and will spend the rest of my days making you laugh and lighting some of that darkness. That, I promise you.”

  She closed her eyes briefly, her heart swelling at his words. I sought the Lord, and he answered me… I pray you find happiness… Her father’s prayer and Madeline’s words echoed in her head and Gracie’s eyes flung open.

  You shouldn’t let one painful experience harden your heart forever…

  Her own words to him reminded her that she too wanted that brighter day. No matter what their future had in store, she wanted to be with Logan, to be by his side through the good times and the bad.

  “Will you marry me, Gracie?”

  She stared at him searchingly. “It’s not going to be easy,” she whispered. “People won’t accept us.”

  “No, it won’t be, but that doesn’t change anything.” Tears welled in her eyes and he caught the single tear before it slid down her cheek. “Say you’ll marry me.”

  If this were God’s will to bring Logan into her path, into her life, then she would not turn him away a second time. Love only came to few, and true love only came once.

  She wouldn’t turn her back on love again.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He flashed her a relieved grin then just as quick, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her into a tight embrace. They held each other for what seemed like forever.

  “If we hurry,” he said close to her ear, “we can catch the reverend before he turns in for the night.”

  “You want to get married tonight?”

  Logan kissed the side of her neck, his beard tickling her skin, and she hugged him close.

  “Yes, angel. I plan to make love to you tonight and I’d like for you to be my wife when I do.”

  Gracie’s face heated, and something light and warm spread inside her. There was something to be said about a man with passion, and her Logan was filled with it. He awoke the same fiery emotions in her that he harbored inside and made her want to demand more out of life.

  She didn’t know what was in store for their future, but she did know that she had just found love with the unlikeliest of men.

  And with Logan she felt beautiful and cherished and simply…amazing.


  June 19, 1870

  * * *

  To my dearest Daddy,

  I hope this letter finds you well. I’m writing you from our lovely home in Montana. So much has happened since I last wrote you. Just last month, we welcomed a healthy baby girl, Evelynn Grace Finley. We have gotten accustomed to calling her Evie, and now Elias has a little sister to play with.

  * * *

  As you know, Logan has been very good to me and our children. He is a great husband, and father, and we are very much in love. I couldn’t be happier. As for the land, we continue to work diligently at it, and in another year, it will be legally ours. I can’t wait for that day.

  * * *

  With my teachings at the Negro Academy, I had to take a break due to my condition and the harsh winters, but that hasn’t stopped me from writing and tutoring some of the young children in the area. I’m also hoping to start a Negro Freedom Day celebration here to rejoice five years of our independence. So far, there has been a great deal of support from the community.

  * * *

  Many black men and women continue to venture west, and I have met so many different people from all walks of life, including friendly Natives, some Mexicans, and even a few Chinamen. Life on the frontier is beautifully rugged and, at times, dangerously so, but I am proud to call it home.

  * * *

  Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you and Mama, but I pray every day for your well-being and good health. I’m glad to hear that Junior is growing into a fine young man and I hope life continues to be good to you as it has been for me. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers and hope that you can find some way to come visit me and my growing family.

  * * *

  Logan sends his regards and, as always, I send you all my love. Please write soon.

  * * *

  Your loving daughter,

  Gracie M. Finley

  Dear reader:

  I hope you enjoyed Gracie and Logan’s story—a romance inspired by real-life interracial couples, Albert and Lucy Parsons (m. 1871) and George and Lucinda Stevens (m. 1872). The Parsons’ and the Stevens’ marriages were just one of many that showed, despite racial strife and the discrimination of their time, love is truly color blind.

  * * *

  Amazing Grace was written to pay homage to that kind of audacity for love. Though it was a challenging romance for me to write, it was an important one for me to tell because we must never forget our past but learn to forgive the pains suffered for it. Nothing is more freeing.

  * * *

  All my best,

  Lena ♥

  * * *

  Select References:

  African American Women of the Old West by Tricia Martineau Wagner

  Black Women of the Old West by William Loren Katz

  Prohibition of Interracial Marriage in Utah by Patrick Q. Mason

  “The Civil War” (documentary) by Ken Burns

  Check out my latest contemporary sports romance!

  Newly appointed head coach Mason Courage is in for the fight of his life. What should have been the biggest night of his career turns into the worst moment in his life when his wife files for divorce—and the media has a field day.

  * * *

  Tired of her husband’s neglect, Jules believes the best course of action for their strained marriage is to end things now before things get worst. But her former bad boy isn’t about to let anyone—or anything—break up his family.

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  For his career, his children, his wife, Mason is prepared to fight for them all… But can he manage to win back her heart?


  “Mommy, where’s Daddy?”

  Jules took the large serving spoon out of her messy four-year-old daughter’s hand and replaced it with a smaller one.

  “He’s sleeping, sweetie. Daddy got home really late last night.”

  Madison pouted and frowned down at her cereal. “But he promised he was going to make me pancakes for breakfast.”

  “Not today, baby. He needs his rest.”

  Madison released a grunt of displeasure, but spooned a big helping of the cereal into her mouth. Jules finished her banana and tossed the peel in the trash. She ran down the many appointments she had today and knew she was forgetting something. She needed to check her calendar if she had any hopes of getting her schedule straight.

  She searched around the countertop for her cell phone until she remembered it was still in the bedroom.

  “Madison, don’t forget we have to visit your new school today, so finish your breakfast then get out of those pajamas.”

  “Is Daddy coming too?”

  “No talking with your mouth full. And no, baby. Not today.”

  Jules headed to her bedroom and was surprised to find the bed empty, though the shower in the connecting bath was running. She should have known better. No matter how late her husband got in, he was never in bed after eight.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and quickly went through her calendar. As she suspected, she had back-to-back appointments, including a late afternoon board meeting with one of her charities. She scrolled down her calendar and saw the reminder highlighted in red at the bottom.

  Wedding anniversary next month!

  Jules smiled. This year they would be celebrating nine years of marriage. She wondered what she should get him. He’d been so distracted this year with his team and so focused on getting to the playoffs, she couldn’t think of anything he wanted for.

  Except winning the championship Cup, of course.

  Jules sent a little prayer and a couple of wishes that her husband and his team got exactly that. As for their anniversary, she would just have to think of someplace special to take him. Someplace far away from his work.

  An email notification sprang up on her screen and she quickly scanned it. It was from their son’s speech therapist. She was so engrossed in her reply email, she didn’t realize the shower had stopped for some time now.

  “Good morning, babe.”

  Jules glanced up to find Mason still damp from his shower, a thick white towel wrapped around his lean waist. His short, dark hair was tousled, adding to his rakish good looks. She admired the way his abs flexed as he strode over to where she sat on the bed. Even though he had traded his hockey stick for a clipboard three years ago, he still kept his body fit and firm. Leaning down, he planted a kiss on her lips.

  “Good morning,” she murmured against his mouth, breathing in his fresh aftershave.

  He started to straighten, but she latched on to his towel and held him to her. His deep blue eyes widened with surprise before he smiled crookedly at her.

  “You want this off?”

  “No, I want to know what you’re doing out of bed?”

  “I have to get back to the stadium. We have a long day of training ahead.”

  Jules frowned. “But you got home really late last night. You should be sleeping in.”

  He arched a brow. “When have I ever slept in?”

  “I know, but still… You need to stop and take a break.”

  “I will, babe. Once we win this thing. Until then, we can’t sleep on our competition. And I certainly can’t let up now.” He framed her face with his palms and came down until his lips hovered over hers. “But I could spare an hour or two in bed if you join me.”

  Before she could respond, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her deeply. Jules braced her palms against his hard abs, savoring the feel of his athletic body and the way his lips moved over hers. He began to draw her down on the bed, and the moment her back touched the soft, cool sheets, she pushed against him.

  “Wait. The door isn’t locked.”

  He glanced behind him. Their bedroom door was left slightly ajar. “The kids are still home?”

  “Only Madison. Carrie brought Jeremy to school so I could take her to meet her summer prep teacher.”

  Mason turned back to her and lifted a brow. “There’s prep school for pre-school?”

  “At Saint Francis there is and that meeting is in an hour, so we’re going to have to pick this up later.”

  He blew out a heavy breath, gave her one last kiss then pushed himself up. “Pretty soon we’re going to have start scheduling our love making.”

  She followed him up. “We wouldn’t have to if you just made it home at night.”

  “Don’t start, Jules.” His tone was curt as he made his way to their walk-in closet. The sound of a drawer opening then snapping shut was indicative of his surly mood.

  Jules pursed her lips. She didn’t want to start an argument, but she wouldn’t let him make sly comments about their barely tepid love-life as if she or their kids were to blame.

  “You know I’m right, Mason. When was the last time we made love that wasn’t…lazy.”

  He poked his head of the closet, a scowl marring his handsome face. “Lazy?”

  “You know what I mean. We used to have fun, be spontaneous. Now we’re like two ships passing each other with maybe a quickie tossed i
n right before you jet off to another game.”

  He ducked back into the closet. “It’s only temporary,” he called out. “Once the season’s over, I’ll take you someplace special and we’ll make love until we both can’t move.”

  She rolled her eyes at that. Then suddenly his words dawned on her. “When the season’s over? You don’t have anything planned for next month?”

  “No, why?”

  Jules narrowed her eyes then hopped off the bed. She went to the closet and leaned against the door frame, watching him as he jerked on his slacks.

  “Mason, please tell me you didn’t forget.”

  He stilled then glanced back at her. “I didn’t forget.”

  She studied him then scoffed in disgust. “Liar.”

  Turning on her heels, she started toward the bathroom.

  “Come back here, babe.” He came after her and looped his arms around her waist. “I said I didn’t forget. It’s our anniversary next month, isn’t it?”

  “Are you asking or telling me?”

  He nuzzled the side of her neck. Jules couldn’t stop the shiver that raked through her. He must have felt it too, because he drew her closer to him.

  “Don’t be mad at me,” he murmured in her ear. “Not for something that hasn’t even happened.”

  “I don’t want to spend our anniversary alone, Mason. I don’t care what game you have that week.”

  “You won’t, babe.”

  Jules let herself relax against him. She couldn’t stop the soft sigh that escaped her when he pressed another kiss against her neck.


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