Pool Girl: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants)

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Pool Girl: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants) Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  But those eyes on me… that sound… He told you to tell him he wasn’t imagining things… he likes you!

  Sighing and feeling like I’m walking on air, I make it to the pool and notice an ivy-clad pool house to one side I didn’t see earlier. A kind of shack that in reality is probably bigger than our whole house. The door’s ajar but I can’t see much with the plantation shutters half-closed.

  I’m impressed with Will’s place. It’s huge, palatial… but the way he carries himself and the feel it gives off by its presentation makes it feel like a home as well.

  Cozy-classy, but on a grand scale. Like him.

  I focus on the job, for now, keeping a keen ear out for Will in case he comes back. The doors to the house are closed and I figure he’s doing whatever it is he does for the day.

  The water tests perfect, it doesn’t need chlorinating either. If I didn’t know better I’d guess that somebody was having a pool guy come out just to keep him in business.

  But a pool girl though? Was that his plan all along?

  I bent over, telling myself to stop it with the fantasy already, reaching down I thrust my hand into the freezing water to clear the leaf trap which is empty when I hear that low groaning sound again.

  A growl, like an animal.

  I lift my head suddenly but can’t see anything.

  It sounds like it’s coming from the pool house though.

  I make my way to the side of the pool closest to the pool house to check the other leaf trap and bent over on all fours, I hear it again, this time only more intense.

  It actually sounds like someone growling my name.

  I stand suddenly, turn and look at the pool house again, and I’m certain I can see Will through the shutters.

  It looks like he’s…

  Oh my.

  But it’s too late.

  I take a step back and watch the world flip as I tumble, backward into the pool.

  The shock of the cold is instant but quickly replaced with a scarier feeling.

  My parka is soaking up water quicker than I can try to make my way to the surface.

  I panic and watch blue-white spheres of my own screams float past my eyes before I feel myself hitting the bottom of the deepest end of the pool.

  I hear myself scream one last time before everything goes black.

  The one thing, the only thing on my mind…


  Chapter Six


  Seeing her bent over like that, the hum of the filters sending vibrations through the cement floor straight up to my dick, which suddenly feels like it’s about to explode.

  I can’t stand it.

  I can’t stand here. One more second in her company, and I know I won’t be able to control this feeling, this overpowering urge to be inside her.

  I thought I was okay. I thought I could take things slow with Piper but once she bends over in front of me like that… holy fuck, it’s like a switch has been flipped and so has my mind.

  You’ll be mine… and I’ll have you on more than just your knees bent over.

  Before she turns around again, I panic.

  I sprint to the only place I know she mightn’t think to look for me, the pool house.

  Once inside, I tear open my robe and yank my speedo down, freeing my cock which is already twitching.

  The cool air gives me some relief but it feels like there’s no stopping what’s about to happen.

  A thick line of clear precome runs free as I moan aloud, my hands trembling as I debate whether I should really be doing this.

  It’s supposed to be for her, every inch, every last drop.

  Once I see her coming up the path to the pool, I grit my teeth, feeling my jaw sting with tension as I watch her. A new edge of hardness growing just from the sight of her again so soon.

  True to her task, she bends down on all fours and starts checking the leaf traps… and that’s it.

  I’m done. I’m totally gone now.

  Her full chest is almost spilling out of her jacket. I can see her white tee underneath straining as her tits fight to free themselves as she bends forward.

  My hand is pumping my hardness before I can even think, a low moan, followed by an inhuman growl escapes me.

  I can’t help it now, the sight of her and the sensation of my cock about to get the relief it needs is too much for me to even try and control any longer.

  Even when she stands up, looking straight at me through the shutters, I don’t care if she can see me or not anymore.

  I hope she can see me, see what her perfect fucking body is doing to mine, making me lose all control like this.

  If anything, I want to come for her now, if it can’t be inside her it may as well be in front of her.

  She bends over again, to check the second leaf trap and I feel my balls start to rise up, my breath at a frantic pace that matches the blur of my hand against my stiff purple head.

  Clenching my jaw tighter. I try to hold it but the sight of her on all fours from behind now, moving those thick thighs just far enough apart so I can make out her mound… imagining myself thrusting my thick meat deep up inside her.

  “Agggghhhhrrrrrr... Fuck! Piiiipppeeeeerrrr!!!” I hear myself growl, throwing my head back and hearing a strange animal cry, feeling my thick shaft starting to twitch as it sends thick ropes of my hot seed splashing against the glass.

  It’s not inside her but I have plenty more of it for her, I can feel it building in me again already just from looking at her.

  I want to watch her while I come, and I thrust my shaft forward, squeezing myself harder with each pulse, grunting with each fresh shot from my swollen head.

  She stands and turns, and I swear for a single moment our eyes meet through the shutters, making me smile with satisfaction as my climax finally begins to slow.

  But my heart explodes in my chest for a different reason, she steps back and I moan aloud again… this time in horror as I watch her slip and fall backward, into the deepest end of the pool.

  I experience a split second of indecision.

  I’m half-naked in my pool house, my cock still twitching with my climax, and my new pool girl is stumbling, fully clothed in the freezing water.

  My protective instincts kick in, and before I know it, the freezing water has shocked me to my senses.

  I’ve tossed aside my robe and sprinted from the pool house and dived in to save her.

  If my dick’s out, too bad. It might give her something to grab onto.

  But it’s more serious than I thought.

  The puffy parka has filled with water in seconds, pulling her straight down and I swim through the last of her screams as giant bubbles, break against my chest before I can finally reach her.

  Her eyes are closed and there are no more bubbles, just her sweet mouth gaping slightly.

  I thrust an arm around her, using my other to thrash through the water as my legs spring us both up to the surface.

  I squeeze her diaphragm as I make for the steps, feeling some of the water in her coming up but she’s still unconscious.

  Hold on Piper. Just you hold on.

  Lifting her out of the water once I feel the steps under my feet, I carry her in my arms to the lawn by the edge of the paved path, laying her down gently but swiftly.

  Frantically, I tear open her sodden jacket, her thick chest is round and full with large dark nipples.

  Not my concern right now, but I can’t help but utter a cry of disbelief at just how beautiful she is.

  Turning her onto her side, I’m overjoyed when she heaves up the remaining water and starts to splutter.

  I hold her like I’ve never held anything in my life, swearing to myself that nothing is ever gonna happen to her ever again.


  She hacks and heaves for a while longer, slowly regaining her senses before she turns to face me, looking embarrassed more than anything.

  “I thought I was gonna have to give you the kiss of life,” I
say, trying to make light of what could have been a deadly situation.

  She smiles feebly, water running from the side of her mouth, her hair slick on both sides of her sweet face.

  “Why didn’t you then?” she rasps, clutching at me as hard as I’m holding onto her.

  “Because if I did,” I tell her. “I wouldn’t have been able to stop,” I tell her honestly, my voice nearly breaking with emotion as I hold her closer.

  “Oh, Will,” she gasps, shivering suddenly.

  I stand with her in my arms, feeling my hardness restored and pressing into the small of her back, not caring in the least.

  “Let’s get you inside and out of these wet clothes,” I say firmly.

  Chapter Seven


  At the same instant I think of him… my last thought as I try and call out for Will, it’s only a few moments before I feel a pressure around my middle in the darkness.

  A part of me is ready to give up and let go, but a greater part of me knows it’s him.

  That he’s saved me.

  That I will belong to him from now on… Forever.

  I slip into a kind of deeper darkness, but I know it’s not the end. It’s more like the beginning.

  The sensation of cold air, and being turned on my side hurling up pool water slaps me awake. I can’t see properly when I try to open my eyes, but I can feel something that tells me I’m saved.

  Will’s huge arms are holding me and I can feel his nakedness against me, forcing a weak smile to play on my lips.

  I shiver once he tells me what would’ve happened if he’d given me the kiss of life.

  I’m starting to freeze for real, but the warmth that’s growing deep down inside me is lit once again.

  He carries me in his arms, into the pool house, firmly telling me he’s gonna get me out of my wet clothes.

  Where I was shy and embarrassed before, I know I have to get naked now, if only to stop from going hypothermic.

  He lays me out on a huge wicker sofa that has giant waterproof cushions and pillows. The interior of the pool house has a tropical theme and looks geared up for company and pool parties.

  Something I just know has never happened somehow.

  There’s an empty bar and large tropical style plants in pots. The floor’s tiled with sandy looking slabs, non-slip and like everything else around here, spotless.

  Will props my head up, looking concerned, my teeth are chattering and I’m shaking more than ever, but secretly, I’m trying to crane my head forward.

  I could swear I saw his member was out.

  He reaches for his robe, which is on the floor close by and covers me with it, then it looks like he’s tucking himself back into his speedo before he looks at me seriously.

  “Piper, I need you to undress. You’ll get very sick otherwise.”

  I hear myself half protest but I’ve already unbuttoned my jeans and Will looks at me again sternly.

  “I’m going to help you, okay? It’s only to help you dry get and warm,” he says, reassuringly. Not a hint of any ulterior motive in his voice.

  I might be pouting when he says that, but I can’t feel my mouth or my face.

  Easing me forward as I sit up as much as I can, he peels off the heavy and very wet parka which he tosses angrily to one side. I feel even colder suddenly, my breasts feel like icicles and Will’s eyes freeze on them.

  I know my breast are huge. I’ve been self-conscious of that most of my life and right now my nipples feel like bullets. I didn’t wear a bra today either… it just makes it easier skimming leaves all day.

  Will shakes his head, half in disbelief but I also know he’s telling himself something.

  Maybe telling himself he can’t, that he mustn’t.

  But right now, despite everything else, it’s all I want him to do.

  He forces his eyes away and doesn’t look as he lifts my sodden T-shirt over my head, making sure he covers me with his huge, fuzzy robe up top while he finishes unzipping my jeans.

  I hear myself starting to whimper, whining with an urgency that seems to worry Will.

  “Sorry, Piper, almost there. Then I’ll go get some blankets. We just need to get these wet clothes off, now,” he says firmly, his jaw set with determination.

  I moan as he unzips me, and although numb, I lift my butt and shimmy as he has to yank hard to get the wet denim off my thick flesh.

  His tugging sets my chest bouncing and my nipples scratching, cold and hard against his robe making me moan again.

  I automatically start to press my legs together, trying to rub my pussy with my thighs.

  God, what this man is doing to me. All I wanna do is…

  “Piper! I need your help here,” he says, commanding me to stay still and keep my legs straight as he finally pulls my jeans down far enough to start to slide them down.

  I feel the warmth of his breath as he puffs against me. His eyes are fixed on my mound now, I can feel it and he lets out a low groan himself.

  “Will,” I moan, reaching for him, grabbing at his hair and tugging it, my intense arousal almost too much for me now.

  Most of my body feels numb, but all the parts I want Will to touch are burning like fire.

  He eases my jeans off and with his eyes fixed on my mound which I can feel is only covered by a thin layer of drenched white material, I open my legs wider, gasping as I feel my whole pussy start to quiver.

  I start to shudder all over and Will swallows hard, his hands finally resting on the inside of my thighs, making us both groan with pleasure.

  If I am freezing to death, I don’t feel it.

  Far from it. I’m damned burning up.

  “Piper,” he cautions me. “I need to get some blankets,” he says firmly. His dark eyes are blazing now and I can feel his heart racing through the pulse in his hands, thumping new life into me with every beat.

  I’m shaking my head, reaching out for him again, whining again.

  “I need you here, Will, here!” I gasp, pulling my panties to one side and jolting from the sensation.

  “Will… I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” I feel it, something inside me about to burst and I know if Will doesn’t touch me it’s gonna happen all on its own anyway.

  He has a split second of indecision, but my eyes are pleading with him.

  “I want you to…” I whisper, “I want you to…”

  As I said, I’ve never even kissed a boy… or a man. And until this moment, I haven’t wanted to.

  My first kiss from Will is his whole, hot mouth right over my quivering pussy, right before his tongue slides deep inside my twitching wet hole.

  He groans just as loudly as I do and I feel the warm, smooth wetness of his lips, the heavy vibration of his groaning buzzing right through me while his tongue starts to explore inside me and then outside, rolling over my thickened clit which feels as stiff and thick as my nipples right now.

  I thought I’d explode as soon as he touched me, but something shifts up a gear and I hear myself telling Will not to stop, to keep doing what he’s doing.

  “I’m yours, Will,” I gasp.

  “You saved my… life… now it’s yours… do what you want with it… take me.”

  Chapter Eight


  It’s what she wants. She told me so herself and by god, she’ll have it.

  I have no intention of stopping, she doesn’t need to encourage me to keep going.

  I thought draining my balls might help some, but once her body is against mine, once I started to peel her clothes off…

  I’m as hard as when I started, maybe more so and I can feel my thick, hot seed oozing out of me as I run my hands up the inside of her thick thighs, groaning as she yanks those panties aside, telling me what I’ve longed to hear.

  She wants me. She wants me to have her.

  I hank her panties off and my mouth is on her slick mound in seconds, fuck she tastes sweet.

  I know at once that I’m gonna give her this
every day from now on every chance I get.

  I’m hooked and I know from her hips bucking up hard against me, and her thick creamy thighs locking around my neck that I’m not going anywhere anything soon.

  Suits me just fine.

  She’s snuggled up in my robe up top, leaving just her bottom half bare. The heat from my own body and now what I feel coming from hers tells me she’s in no danger of freezing to death.

  I may have just found the ultimate emergency cure for hypothermia.

  Her moans get louder and my growls and grunts get harder. I don’t mind if she screams her head off, it’s making me so hard knowing just how much she’s getting off and I want to give her every moment of sheer pleasure I can before she comes in my mouth.

  My hands move from her thighs, up to her hips… oh these hips. I can feel them, kneading them with both my hands I realize that Piper’s body was built for mine, she’ll be a perfect fit I just know it.

  Not to mention perfect for childbearing.

  I groan again, the urge to fill her with my seed almost unbearable, if it weren’t for her long and loud moans, calling my name and telling me to fuck her with my mouth.

  She sounds like a different person, I would never have thought she’d even think half the things she’s calling out, let alone say them.

  I introduce one, and then two of my fingers, working around her opening as my other hand starts to squeeze her perfect ass… the ass that started all this in the first place.

  Her breath starts to quicken suddenly, and I feel her pussy start to shudder in time with her whole body, which locks up before she really starts to come.


  I moan, she moans and it’s like something inside us both is unplugged. I can taste her essence, feel it running over my mouth and tongue. Her hands press my head down, hard, pushing my mouth and tongue deeper inside her as she twitches and jerks.

  I grip her ass cheeks with both hands now, squeezing them and pressing them, amazed at how long and how hard she’s coming for me.

  Her first time in my mouth and it’s my first taste of her… and already I want more.


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