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Changed Page 2

by Heather Dahlgren

  What a long week this has been, I am so happy it is finally Friday. I am sitting on the couch trying to find something good on TV when Maddie walks in and plops next to me. She lets out a sigh, so I look over at her.

  “What is wrong with you?” I ask turning on the couch so I can look at her and she has her head back on the couch, looking at the ceiling.

  “I don’t think it’s ever going to happen with the Starbucks guy. I think it’s time for me to let that one go. It’s just such a shame because he is so fucking hot, Kenz.” She whines at me.

  I can’t help it and start to laugh. “I’m sorry Maddie, but why waste your time when you can have any other guy you want?” I ask.

  She turns her head to look at me and says, “Kenz, it’s not about that. I don’t like being turned down. I always get the guy.”

  She is to fucking much. I play along because it is easier than trying to be logical with her.

  “You know what? I bet he is gay. That would be the only reason for a guy to not be falling at your feet.” That makes her perk right up; I knew it would.

  “O-M-G, I think your right. Now that I think about it, he definitely paid more attention to the male costumers. Ugh, I can’t believe I have been wasting my time trying to get him to notice me.” She jumps up off the couch and says, “Well let’s get ready.”

  I look up at her and say, “Get ready for what?”

  She rolls her eyes at me and says, “We are going out tonight. It’s Friday and we are going to get our drink on, maybe find some guys while we are at it.”

  I have learned over the years that it is best to just go along with it. Makes things much easier, plus I would like to go out for a couple of drinks.

  “Sounds good. Text Becca and tell her to hurry up. She went to finish the paper she has due next week. I’m getting in the shower first.”

  It takes the three of us about two hours to get ready. One bathroom sucks. I have on a pair of skinny jeans and a strapless green top with a pair of black heels. I decided to put some curls in my hair and have my makeup done just the way I like it. It’s not over done, just enough to see I have it on. Becca is in a cute purple sundress with her short hair back in a head band with flowers. Maddie has on a tiny pair of white shorts with a shirt that has her tits spilling out of the top.

  “Damn, Maddie, trying to attract attention! Your tits are going to fall out of that top!” I say while we get our purses.

  “They won’t fall out, Kenz. I’ve gone dancing in this shirt for fucks sake.” We just laugh as we walk out the door.

  We walk the block over to our favorite bar. We always walk, not only in case we get too drunk, but also parking in the city is a bitch.

  When we are walking inside Becca says, “I’m buying the first round.” Maddie and I both agree and we make our way to the bar.

  As usual, tonight it’s pack. This bar is close to the college as well as many businesses, so there is always a mix of college aged people and older people who are looking to blow off steam after a long week. Once we are at the bar Becca orders three Appletinis. We grab our drinks and go to look for an empty table. This bar has pool tables, darts, and a small stage where on occasion a band will come to play. It’s a fun bar, that’s why we like coming here.

  We find a table that is close to the pool tables, which makes Maddie very happy because she loves to watch and flirt when the guys play. I can’t be a hypocrite I love to do the same.

  We are sitting and sipping on our drinks when Becca says, “Well I finished my paper today. I’m so relieved to have that done. Now I feel like I can relax.”

  I agree with her and Maddie says, “Good, now let’s try and get you some ass tonight. You know to celebrate.” Becca and I bust up laughing.

  “Maddie, I think I’m good to just have a few drinks tonight. I told you I kind of like Drew from my accounting class.” Maddie rolls her eyes because she thinks Becca could do so much better. Honestly, I do too. She is beautiful and Drew is good looking, but he’s kind of a dick.

  “Let’s just see how the night goes.” I say to try to make them both happy.

  We are on our third Appletini when Maddie says, “Holy shit, look at the guys that just went over to the pool table.”

  I turn my head and have the breath sucked out of me. Holy shit is right. They are all fucking hot, but the one guy is the one who I feel like stole my breath. He is gorgeous! Brown hair, a cocky half grin on his face, I can’t really make out his body, but I can tell the way his tee shirt stretches across his chest that he is built. You can tell just the way they are acting together they are a close bunch of guys. Mr. Gorgeous is laughing at whatever his buddies are saying. I literally can’t take my eyes off him. This is crazy, I have never felt like this.

  “Earth to Kenz.” Becca says. I turn to find her and Maddie laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” They both laugh harder at my question.

  “I was just going to grab some napkins to wipe your drool.” Maddie says handing me a napkin. I hit it out of her hand. I guess I was staring longer than I thought.

  “What? I can’t help it. Those guys are fucking hot.” I say to them. I’m not going to deny it because it’s pointless.

  “No shit! I need to talk to that blond one. He looks like he could have me screaming his name over and over and over.” Maddie says. All three of us are laughing hysterically now. We are definitely feeling a buzz, plus Maddie’s dumb ass comment, it’s impossible not to laugh.

  I guess we are making a lot of noise because when I look over at Mr. Gorgeous they are all looking over at us. I immediately stop laughing. When I do, Mr. Gorgeous gives me that sexy as hell half grin and tips his beer at me. HOLY SHIT! I think I may have just melted on this seat. I can feel myself blushing and am grateful that he can’t see from there. I smile back at him and turn to the girls. Maddie and Becca don’t notice the exchange and to be honest, I’m happy about it. I felt that it was a private moment between Mr. Gorgeous and me, which is absolutely ridiculous, because I probably won’t even talk to him tonight.

  “I’m going to order another round I’ll be right back.” I tell the girls and make my way to the bar. I just felt like I needed to walk away to collect myself.

  I am waiting at the bar for the bartender to make our drinks when I feel someone standing close behind me. I turn my head and holy fuck it’s Mr. Gorgeous. He is even more gorgeous up close.

  “Hey.” He says with that fucking sexy smirk. His voice is just as amazing and his eyes are a clear blue.

  “Hey, yourself.” I say and try to keep myself from melting to the floor.

  “I was wondering if you would mind if my friends and I join you beautiful ladies for a couple of drinks?” he asks. Like he has to fucking ask. I want to say, fuck the drinks let’s get out of here so I can see what you look like naked while I scream your name over and over.

  I feel myself blushing and I am so embarrassed where my thoughts are going. I look up at him and he is smiling a knowing smile at me. The bartender comes at that moment to give me our drinks. I go to hand over the money but he is faster and hands over cash for the drinks.

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” I say.

  “I want to.” He says grabbing his change.

  “Well, thank you.” I say going to grab the drinks. He grabs two of them for me and we back away from the bar.

  “So beautiful, what do you say about letting us join you for drinks?”

  Mr. Gorgeous is still looking at me waiting for an answer. Again, I can feel myself blushing. Who the hell am I blushing like this?

  I clear my throat and say, “Yes, I would like that.”

  He gives me that sexy grin and we make our way to the table. I can see the smiles on Becca and Maddie’s faces as we approach and I think please don’t make me look like a fool. I don’t need Maddie saying how I was drooling over him before.

  Right before we make it to the table, Mr. Gorgeous says to me, “I’ll drop these off with your friends, go g
et mine and be right back. Okay?”

  I smile up at him and say, “Yes, thank you for the drinks and helping me carry them.”

  When we reach the table, he puts the drinks down in front of Becca and Maddie, then turns to me and whispers in my ear, “You’re more than welcome, beautiful. Be right back.”

  I can’t even say anything I just nod my head. Thankfully, I have the table to hold onto because my legs almost give out when he leans so close to me. He smells amazing, it’s a clean sexy scent that I want to be wrapped up in. I sit down after he walks away and look over at the girls.

  “Holy fuck, Kenz. That guy is hot and he seems totally into you.” Maddie says while she sips her drink.

  “I know he really is gorgeous. He went to get his friends to join us for a couple of drinks. He actually bought these drinks. How fucking sweet was that?” Both of them agree that it was sweet of him.

  I look over to see what Mr. Gorgeous is doing and he holds up one finger, indicating one minute. He points to the pool table and I know he means he is going to finish the game with his friends before they come over. I smile at him and shake my head ‘yes’ so he knows I understand. Than he winks at me, he fucking winks. Holy shit! I cannot remember the last time, if ever, I have felt like this with a complete stranger. He is turning me on just by looking at me from across the room; add that sexy grin and winking. It’s a panty change isle five!!

  “So, Kenz, do you know his name?” Becca snaps me out of my eye fucking.

  “Umm ... no actually I didn’t even ask.” I laugh because he has my panties soaked and I don’t even know his name.

  “Well, did you ask him anything? Like how old he is?” she continues.

  “Yes Becca, I didn’t ask his fucking name but instead I asked how old he was. No, I didn’t ask him anything yet. He asked if he and his friends could join us, bought our drinks and we came back. That’s it.” I say loudly to her.

  “Alright, shit.” She says. Maddie is looking over at Mr. Gorgeous’s blond friend. I know she is going to be going home with him tonight.

  “Girls just want to let you know now, I will be leaving with that sexy ass blond tonight.” Maddie says while she licks her lips. It’s like I can read her damn mind sometimes.

  “What if he comes over here and you can’t stand him? What if he is annoying as hell?” Becca asks her.

  “Well, than I will tell him not to talk while we have sex.” We all laugh at her ridiculous logic. When I look back over to see if the pool game is still going I can see that only the 8 ball is left. One more shot and they will be coming over. I’m excited and nervous all at once.

  “Looks like the game is over ladies or should I say it’s just beginning.” Maddie says as they put the pool sticks down.

  As the guys make their way to our table, the dark haired one goes toward the bar. I guess he is going to get them more to drink. I pick up my glass and take a sip of courage before Mr. Gorgeous makes his way over.

  He walks up to the table with his blonde friend and says, “Ladies, I hope you’re enjoying your drinks.”

  I smile at him while Becca and Maddie thank him for the drinks. The table has chairs around it, so he grabs a couple chairs for them to sit down. He sits next to me and blonde friend sits next to Maddie.

  “So, guys, why don’t you tell us your names?” Maddie asks.

  “Hey, sexy, I’m Young.” The blonde one says. I spit my drink out of my mouth and start coughing.

  “Oh, shit. Are you ok?” Mr. Gorgeous asks me. I take a quick sip of my drink to stop coughing and embarrassing the shit out of myself. I clear my throat.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thanks.” I say to Mr. Gorgeous then look over at the blonde and say, “Ummm ... Did you just say that you’re too young?” Both guys start laughing.

  “No, his name is Tyler Young, but everyone calls him Young.” Mr. Gorgeous says.

  “Oh, thank shit. I thought you meant you were too young to be here.” I say and everyone laughs again. “So what’s your name?” I ask Mr. Gorgeous.

  “Campbell. What’s your name?” he asks.

  “Kenz.” I say and we smile at each other. Everyone at the table exchanges names and then the other hot friend comes over with the guys’ beers.

  “Hey.” He says as he sits down.

  “Thanks, Dickhead.” Young says to the guy.

  “Is Dickhead your last name?” I ask and everyone laughs including me.

  “No, I’m Keith Dickson, but these two assholes call me Dick.” He says before he takes a sip of his beer. Everyone is talking and having a great time.

  I keep looking at Campbell. I know that name. It’s not a common name. I went to high school with a kid named Campbell. I don’t want to believe this gorgeous, sweet guy could be one of the assholes from high school.

  He interrupts my thoughts when he says, “So, Kenz, how old are you?” I look up at him and smile. He can’t be the same guy, that guy was an asshole.

  “I’m twenty-one, you?”

  “Same. Do you go to school?” he asks.

  “Yes, I’m in my last year. Majoring in journalism, how about you?” I ask. I love this part of getting to know someone. It’s all still a mystery. You don’t know anything about each other and it’s such easy conversation.

  “I’m also in my last year. I want to do sports rehab. My goal is to do it for football. I used to play in high school, so I think that would be where I want to end up. But for a professional team, if I can.” He says. I am looking at him and it is all of a sudden coming back to me.

  “Kennedy, why don’t you try out for the football team? You’re big enough.”

  “She really should try to do something with herself if she ever wants to get laid”

  “Nice hair Kennedy. You are such a loser with no friends. Nice outfit, tubby. What a waste of space she is.”

  The laughing the teasing, it’s all coming back to me. I’m starting to feel like the same weak girl that I was back in high school. I look up at Campbell and realize this is the same guy from high school. He looks older and more built, but this is definitely him. Fuck! I can’t believe this is happening. I need to get out of here. I do not want to turn back into that weak girl, and I absolutely do not want him to realize it’s me. I don’t want him to knock down everything I have changed about myself. Fuck, I can’t believe I was eye fucking someone from high school. If he knew who I was, he would run out of here, but not before making me feel like shit. I need to leave now.

  Campbell brings me back to the present when he says, “Hey is everything ok. You look pale? Do you feel alright?” Fucking perfect. Now I look like shit.

  “Yep. Fine. I need to go now. Nice meeting you.” I start to get up and he grabs my hand.

  “Hey, what happened?”

  I yank my hand away from him and say, “Nothing, shit. I just need to go now. Girls, I’ll see you at home.”

  With that, I hurry out the door and rush home. I will not let him change me back into that person.

  I just watched her run out of here like the place was on fire. What the fuck was that? I turn and look at everyone and say, “What the hell just happened? Why did she leave like that?”

  Becca says, “I have no idea. I’ve never seen her like that. I should go and check on her.”

  She starts to get up to leave and I say, “Becca, could you do me a favor please? Would you please give her my cell number? I would really like to see her again.” I have never felt the way this girl made me feel and I’d like to see if it could go anywhere.

  “Sure Campbell, I can do that for you.” Becca says.

  I grab a napkin and Becca gives me a pen. I write down my number and hand it to her.

  “Thank you. Tell her I’m glad I met her tonight.” I say as I hand it to her. She agrees to tell her that and leaves. Her friend Maddie is practically sitting in Young’s lap and I know he loves every minute of it.

  I think back over the last couple of hours while I sit and finish my beer. Kenz is by far
the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her dark red hair and crystal blue eyes are unbelievable. She has a sexy as hell body too. When she looked over at me earlier, I was shocked when my heart skipped a beat. She actually stopped my fucking heart. When she smiled my heart melted, she is so beautiful. When I got the balls to go over to talk to her at the bar, my hands were sweating and my stomach was in knots. No one has ever made me feel like that, ever. I can’t just let her walk out of here and not see her again.

  “Hey, Campbell, you alright man?” Dick asks pulling me from my thoughts of the red haired goddess that can stop my heart.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just don’t get what the fuck happened here. I thought we were having a good time. I have no idea why she freaked out like that.” I confess to him.

  “Maybe she just had too much to drink and needed to get home man. Don’t worry about it. She has your number, I’m sure she will call.” He says finishing off his beer.

  “Maybe you’re right.” I say. I hope he’s right, because the thought of not seeing her again makes my fucking heart hurt. I just want to get out of here and go crash. Hopefully she will call me tomorrow and explain what happened. I have a feeling we will have an overnight guest as well. “You guys ready to get out of here?” I ask them and they all agree it’s time to leave.

  When we get home Young and Maddie go right into his room and slam the door shut. I just hope they aren’t too loud because I would like to get some sleep tonight. I give Dick blankets and pillows, and head to my room. I strip down to my boxers and climb into bed. I cannot get Kenz off my mind. I am questioning everything that happened tonight, trying to figure out if I can see what freaked her out. Nothing seems off though. We flirted, talked, and laughed. Maybe Dick is right and she just needed to get home. Fuck, I really hope that’s all it is. I pick up my cell phone and stare at it hoping I will get a text to let me know she is alright. My mind is starting to play with me now and I have all kinds of shit running through it. I hope she made it home alright. I hope she isn’t too sick. I hope she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Damn, I need to get some sleep. Just as I close my eyes I hear, “Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m going to come!” Fuck me this is going to be a long night.


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