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Changed Page 4

by Heather Dahlgren

  “Okay that sounds great Campbell. So Young and Dick are moving in here too, huh? Well that should make Maddie happy.” She says and laughs. It is the most beautiful sound and I can’t believe how much I missed it considering I’ve only heard it for one night before.

  We walk out of the bedroom to find Dick and Young not doing anything. They are sitting on boxes drinking fucking beer. “What the fuck are you two doing? I thought you would have some shit unpacked by now.” I say.

  “We thought we would get a show. Either Kenz was going to beat the shit out of you for being such a pussy or you guys were going to go at it like rabbits. Either way, we figured we should relax and enjoy.” Young says in all seriousness.

  “You guys are such assholes.” I growl but Kenz is laughing next to me.

  I turn to look at her and she lifts her shoulders and says, “What? They’re funny.” I shake my head and smile at her.

  “So, did you guys figure your shit out?” Dicks asks.

  Kenz and I smile at each other and without looking at them I say, “Yeah, we figured it out.”

  When I wake up the next morning, I already have a smile on my face. I lie in bed and replay last night in my head. When I saw that Campbell was our new neighbor I was so pissed. I wanted to run in my apartment and slam the door. When he asked if he could talk to me, I thought about what Maddie had said and figured I would at least hear him out.

  Once we were in his bedroom and he started telling me everything, I felt my guard starting to let down. He poured his heart out to me and I didn’t think about the asshole he was in high school, I thought about the man standing in front of me. A sexy as hell man at that. After listening to everything he had to say, there was no way I was able to deny my attraction to him. When we kissed, it was the best fucking kiss of my life. No one has ever kissed me with such meaning before. I couldn’t get enough; his taste was intoxicating.

  Last night when I got back to the apartment, Maddie and Becca were sound asleep on the couch. I figured I could fill them in on everything today. I am sure they will have a million questions.

  When I finally got into bed, I texted Campbell so he would have my number.

  Me: This is my number. Kenz :)

  Campbell: Saved, beautiful. Thank you for agreeing to see where this goes. I look forward to every second of it. :)

  Me: Me too. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  Campbell: Beautiful you have no idea how much I am too. Get some sleep sweet girl. Text me when you wake up. Sweet dreams. xo

  Me: Sweet dreams. xo

  It was the most simple, yet amazing conversation. He melts my heart and wets my panties. I look forward to more of both.

  I decide that I should get out of bed and talk with Maddie and Becca. I also need coffee, a lot of coffee. I go wash up in the bathroom then make my way to the kitchen. Becca and Maddie are not out there, so I guess they made it to bed after I got back last night. I start the coffee pot and wait for it to brew. I grab the biggest mug we have and pour in my coffee. I just finish putting creamer in when I hear noise in the hallway. I look out the pep hole to find Young and Campbell trying to move a couch into their apartment.

  I decide I should bring over some mugs and coffee because they probably still have everything packed away. I run to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I pull my hair up in a ponytail and wash the sleep from my face. When I’m done, I grab three mugs, the coffee pot and put it on a tray with my coffee. I open the door and walk across the hall to their apartment. Thankfully, their door is open because I have no free hands to knock.

  I stick my head in and say, “Knock, knock, room service.” I hear Dick yell to come in. I walk into the kitchen, put the tray down, and pick my mug up.

  The guys are all moving furniture so I take a moment to admire the beauty before me. Hot, sexy, sweaty, muscular men are a sight to behold. I am staring at Campbell’s fine ass when he turns his head to look at me. I blush right away because I know I’ve been caught staring. He moves from the living room toward the kitchen and I feel my heart start to race. He is so gorgeous. He makes it over to me, leans down, and gives me a quick kiss.

  “You’re a welcome sight beautiful. What brings you over so early?”

  I smile and say, “I figured you guys would want coffee and probably didn’t unpack anything.”

  He grabs me and smashes his mouth to mine. I am so glad I brushed my teeth. I wrap my arms around his neck and we kiss with such passion I can’t help the moan the escapes me. I hear someone clear their throat, so I start to pull away.

  Campbell gives a low growl then says, “Thank you for bringing the coffee, Kenz. You have no idea how much I needed that.” I smile at him and he leans down to whisper in my ear, “And I’m not just talking about the coffee, beautiful.” He pulls away and kisses my cheek. It takes me a minute to compose myself. Thankfully, I am standing by the counter, so I grab onto it since I feel as if I may melt into a puddle on the floor.

  “Yeah, Red, thanks for bringing us coffee. Now give me a kiss.” Young says walking closer to me.

  “Touch her and I will break your fucking hand, Young.” Campbell growls. This is an over whelming amount of testosterone to take in this early.

  “I’m fucking joking, Campbell. Damn, relax.” Young says laughing.

  The three of them fix their coffee and just as I’m about to ask if I can help out with anything, I hear screaming from across the hall. I drop my mug and run to the door. Campbell, Young, and Dick are much faster than I am and make it to my apartment first. I try to get to the door but Campbell stands in front of me.

  “No way, beautiful. We will go in first.” I want to argue that this is my apartment until I hear a glass break. It makes me jump so he squeezes my hand than says, “Stay put.”

  The three of them go in and all I want to do is run in to see what the hell is happening. A minute later Campbell comes to the door, “It’s all good Kenz. Just Maddie.”

  I rush past him to see what is wrong with Maddie. When I walk in, I see her in the kitchen, with a broken mug in the sink.

  “Kenz, I can’t find the fucking coffee pot. Someone broke in and stole our coffee pot. How the fuck am I going to function?” Is she fucking kidding me?

  “Maddie, what the fuck? I took the coffee pot across the hall so the guys could have some. You scared the shit out of me. I thought someone broke in here! That you and Becca where in trouble. Stop OVER REACTING! FUCK!” I can’t help but yell because she scared the shit out of me and now to top it all off I’ve started to cry. I don’t want to cry in front of Campbell and his friends; it’s embarrassing. They probably think I’m an emotional mess. Maddie rushes over and grabs me in a hug.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. You know how I love my coffee; I guess I was a bit dramatic.”

  I pull away from her, wipe my eyes and say, “Yeah I know you’re a dramatic bitch. I’ll go get you the coffee pot.” I just want to get away from everyone right now.

  I walk across the hall to the guys’ apartment. I get into the kitchen and see that I just dropped my mug on the floor. “Shit.” I say to myself. I look around and see a roll of paper towels. I grab them get down on the floor and start cleaning up my mess. I pick up all the big pieces of my broken mug and lay down paper towels on the coffee to soak it up.

  “Kenz?” I turn around to see Campbell standing there with his hands in his pockets. “Leave it sweet girl. I’ll clean it up.”

  I turn away from him and continue to clean it up. I feel the tears running down my cheeks and I do not want him to see it. Fucking Maddie scaring me like this.

  Campbell comes in front of me and squats down. “Kenz. Please just leave it.” I haven’t said anything to him and I’m afraid to look up. I feel like such an idiot crying like this.

  He puts one of his big hands on both of my hands cleaning the mess and the other he lifts my chin. “Please stop.” He pulls me up and pulls me to him. I start to cry harder at his sweetness. “Oh beautiful
, it’s alright. Maddie is fine.”

  I’m too embarrassed to look up at him so I mumble into his shirt, “I know she is. It just scared the shit out of me. I feel like a fool for crying like this. You may want to run now.” He pulls away so he can look at my face.

  He wipes my tears with his thumbs, gives me a smile, and says, “Kenz, you’re not a fool for being upset. You thought something happened to your friends, sweet girl, and as far as running ... that’s not going to happen.”

  I give him a smile and say, “Thank you for rushing over there and for coming to check on me. That was extremely sweet.” He pulls me back into a protective hug.

  He rests his chin on top on my head and sighs. “Kenz, I told you that I wouldn’t let you regret giving us a shot. I will do whatever I can to protect you and make sure you’re alright.”

  Is this guy for real? Everything he says and does seems too good to be true. I squeeze him tighter and say the only thing I can think of, “Thank you Campbell.”

  After the morning from hell, the guys went back to unpacking and the girls and I are sitting on the couch enjoying this relaxing day.

  “It’s obvious that you and Campbell are going to give this a shot. Want to tell us how this all happened?” Becca asks. I smile because even just hearing his name does things to me.

  “Well I got some good advice from Maddie. She said people change. I just realized that she is right.” I look over at Maddie and she gives me a wink.

  I proceed to tell them everything that happened last night, right down to the text messages.

  “Holy shit. I think I love him.” Becca says.

  “Fuck, I might actually be jealous of you right now.” Maddie says laughing. We sit and talk into the late afternoon.

  We are just finishing a late lunch when I feel my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. I pull it out to see who it is. I am not disappointed to see its Campbell. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

  “Oh boy, looks like someone just got a text from lover boy.” I flip Maddie off and open the text.

  Campbell: Hi, beautiful. I wanted to make sure we are still on for tonight.

  Me: Yes! Looking forward to it. What are the plans?

  Campbell: I may have something up my sleeve. ;)

  Me: No hints? :(

  Campbell: Don’t give me that sad face, it breaks my heart. I figured dinner and I want to take you somewhere after. Sound alright?

  Me: Definitely! What should I wear?

  Campbell: Whatever you want. I’ll leave that up to you! ;) I’ll pick you up at 7!

  Me: Perfect! See you then.

  I look over at the girls and say, “He’s picking me up at seven for dinner.” Of course, they are both throwing out ideas of what I should wear, how I should do my hair. I’m laughing at their excitement. “Guys! It’s not my first date ever. I know what I’m wearing, how I’m doing my hair, even what underwear I’m wearing.” We all laugh. We hang out just relaxing for a while longer before I decide that I should start to get ready.

  I took my time in the shower making sure to shave everything. I have my long red hair in loose curls and my makeup is flawless. I put on my favorite green dress that hugs my breasts, but then flows out giving it a fun, flirty feel. I love to wear green, it goes so well with my hair. I put on my favorite black heels, my bangle bracelet, sliver earrings, and the necklace with a single diamond my dad gave me for high school graduation. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I am not a conceited person, but I look hot! I walk into the living room to find Maddie and Becca with huge smiles on their faces.

  “Holy shit, Kenz! You look sexy as hell. Campbell is going to be walking around with a hard on all night.” Maddie says and Becca nods her head in agreement. Just then, there is a knock on the door. All of a sudden, I am a nervous wreck. Butterflies start in my stomach and my throat is totally dry. I push all that aside and walk over to open the door.

  I knock on Kenz’s door and wait for her to answer. I am nervous as hell for this date, which is ridiculous because I am never nervous before a date. This is just another reason I know this is something special. Kenz opens the door and my heart stops. She is absolutely stunning. I have never in my life, been attracted to someone the way I am to her. It’s like I am being pulled towards her.

  I give her a grin and say, “Kenz, beautiful does not even begin to describe how you look. You take my breath away.” I give her the roses I picked up earlier and give her a kiss on the cheek.

  She starts to blush before she says, “Thank you Campbell. You look ridiculously handsome.” I have on a black dress shirt with the top button undone. I don’t know how the fuck guys button that without chocking to death, and my favorite pair of jeans.

  “These roses are beautiful. Let me just put them in water, then we can go.”

  We walk into the apartment and the girls are sitting on the couch.

  “Campbell you better be good to our girl. We know where you live now.” Maddie says from the couch.

  “I promise you I will treat her with nothing but respect.”

  Maddie laughs and says, “Shit, don’t be too much of a gentleman. Just don’t fucking hurt her! I have no problem leaving you dickless.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” I say when suddenly the door opens. Young and Dick walk in with beer and pizza. I look at them and raise my eyebrow in question.

  “What? You and Kenz should be the only ones to have fun tonight.” Dick says.

  “Ladies what do you say we all hang out? We can have our own party, while these two get their freak on.” Young says putting the beer in the fridge. Even if the girls didn’t want to, I know these two won’t leave now.

  “Sounds fun. Maddie and I were just going to watch a movie anyway.” Becca says. I turn to see Kenz smiling at the whole exchange.

  “You ready, beautiful? I think these guys have everything under control.”

  “Yes, let’s go.” We walk over to the door to leave, the girls tell us to have a good time.

  Young yells, “Wrap it before you tap it man!” What a fucking douche.

  We pull up to my favorite Italian restaurant in the city. I park my truck, turn it off, and say, “Stay put, beautiful.” I get out and walk around to her side. I open the door and hold out my hand for her to grab. She grabs it and I help her out of the truck. That dress she has on, the way she looks, it has me in a semi hard state. I want to run my hands over her body. I want to kiss and worship every inch of her. I want to know what it feels like to have my dick wrapped in her pussy.

  “Thank you.” She says pulling me from my dirty thoughts.

  “You deserve to be treated like a lady, Kenz.” I pull her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. “Shall we?”

  Once we are seated, the waitress comes to take our drink order. “I’ll have the red wine.” Kenz says.

  “I’ll have a Blue Moon.” She says she’ll give us a few minutes before we order.

  “Everything sounds delicious. I don’t know what to order.” She says looking at the menu with a look of concentration on her face.

  “Everything here is out of this world, you can’t go wrong.” After a minute or so, she closes her menu and places in next to mine on the table.

  “Decide what you want?”

  “Yes, I’m going to try the eggplant rollatini.” Just then, the waitress brings our drinks and asks if we are ready to order. Kenz orders her eggplant and I order linguine with shrimp. The waitress leaves and we both pick up our drinks to have a sip.

  “Alright Kenz, I need to know everything about you.” I laugh and she blushes. Damn, I find that such a turn on.

  “How about where did you grow up?” I thought I would start off easy. She picks up her wine again and takes a sip. She puts it down and starts to run her finger on the base of it. “Kenz?”

  She looks up at me and says, “Oh, sorry. Umm, I grew up in Jersey.” No fucking way.

  “Really? So did I. Where did you grow up?” She seems completely d
istracted again, so I wait a minute before I clear my throat.

  She looks over at me, gives me a sad smile, and says, “I grew up in Union Beach.”

  “That’s cool. I grew up in Toms River. Have you ever been down that way?” She shakes her head no and picks up her wine again. I am starting to feel like I am prying, but I don’t understand why.

  “Do you want to tell me about your family?” I ask it as a question because I’m not sure what she wants to talk about.

  “My dad raised my brothers and me. My mom passed away when I was five.”

  “I’m sorry, Kenz.” She looks at me and I see the sadness in her eyes.

  “Thanks, Campbell. What about your family?”

  “My parents have been together since high school. I have a younger sister, Alexis. I absolutely adore her. She goes to school in Florida so I don’t see her nearly enough.” Just then, our waitress brings us our food. We both take a few minutes to enjoy before we start to talk again.

  “So how did you meet the girls?” We have had steady conversation after that awkward start. I think she was just nervous. I love learning everything about her. We’ve talked about school, our future careers, music, movies. It’s the best fucking dinner I have ever had.

  “We met during orientation. They are amazing. I don’t know what I would do without them. How about you and the guys?” I tell her how we all met and little about both of them.

  “They seem like great guys.”

  “They really are. Pain in the asses, but my pain in the asses.” I say laughing. “Well are you ready to get out of here?”


  I pay for dinner and grab her hand as we walk out to my truck. She looks up at me and smiles. “Thank you for an amazing dinner, Campbell. I had a great time.” I kiss her cheek as we continue to walk.

  “You are so welcome, beautiful. Are you up for one more stop?” I ask as we make it to the truck.


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