Heart of Stone

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Heart of Stone Page 11

by Tess Oliver

  “Heard someone wanted to fix the engine on their boat.” He lifted the wide brim of the hat to see my face. “I don’t have any work, and I can’t sit around all day with Slade and play video games. He’s annoying to play with because he’s way better and he gloats like a fucking spoiled brat about it.”

  “In other words, you needed something to take your mind off wanting to throttle your brother?”

  “Yeah, something like that.” He glanced around at the yard. “Who knew there was a yard under all those weeds. Guess I need to do the same.”

  “Yep. You guys will be the only eyesore left when I get this place all spiffed up.”

  “Spiffed? See, that’s what I missed the most. Your comical vocabulary.”

  “Really?” I pressed my boobs so that they jutted against the snug cotton fabric of my shirt. “You missed my comical vocabulary most of all?”

  “Well, not the most.” Not giving a damn that we were standing in the front yard, he reached over and pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I felt the pinch between my legs as if he’d reached down my shorts and stroked me. Time spent not touching each other had been like a long torture session for both of us.

  He lowered his hand to his side.

  “Why don’t you boys have work?” I looked up at him. “It’s not because of me giving David the boot, is it?”

  He shrugged. “Might have something to do with it, but Rincon was having staff problems. He decided to shake up everything, including his crew on the water. He’s laying low for awhile and then he’s looking for new people.”


  “Yeah, just wait until the three of us show up at your door needing to be fed.”

  “Considering that the three of you can consume more food than six normal human beings, that would be scary. As it is, we don’t have much in the kitchen except poisoned cookies.”

  “Did you say poisoned cookies? What the hell, did Santa leave you a bucket of coal or what?”

  “Don’t ask. Just be glad that Mom only came after you with a vase.” I glanced away to let him know this wasn’t the time for advice about my mom. I motioned toward the toolbox. “Were you really going to fix the Ranger’s engine?”

  “If it’s all right with the owner.”

  “Yeah, that’d be great. Are you walking down there?”

  “Too hard to carry this on my bike. But I’ll need the keys to the boat.”

  I walked over and rested my rake against the porch. “Be right back. I’ll walk down there with you. I could use a break from yard work. Just let me check on my mom.”

  Mom was in my dad’s old chair. She’d fallen asleep watching her favorite soap opera. Oddly enough, as groggy and out of it as she’d been on the new meds, she always remembered exactly when to sit down for her show. She still knew exactly what was happening.

  I grabbed the boat keys from the drawer where we kept them. I tossed my hat on the kitchen chair, knowing that I’d be struggling to keep it on my head on the breezy walk down to the marina. It was silly, but I was excited, like a schoolgirl with a damn crush, about spending some time with Hunter. He was like that for me. As annoying as it was, I was never able to tamp down those same giddy feelings I got when I was going to see him.

  I hopped down the steps, and we headed in the direction of the marina. “What will you guys do now? Hey, maybe we could fix up the Ranger and renew our dads’ commercial fishing licenses. We could start a fleet of fishing boats,” I suggested.

  “Not sure if two trawlers, including one that might not even be seaworthy anymore, would make a fleet.” Hunter combed his black hair back with his fingers. The fabric on his shirt was stretched so thin with the movement of his massive arm muscles, I could almost see his tattoos clearly through it. “Slade’s the only one with fishing in his blood. I’m not sure what the hell to do. We’ve all managed to stash some cash away. Working for Rincon had its risks, but it had its benefits too.”

  “Like not having to work too hard for money?”

  “Shit, Street, when you put it that way, makes me feel like a lazy ass loser.”

  “Does it? Then I phrased the question perfectly.” Mrs. Grinwald’s black and white cat, Tux, came out from behind the rose bushes in front of her house. I leaned over, and as usual, the cat snaked itself around my legs in a perfect figure eight, making sure to rub every inch of its head, body and tail against my jeans. I stroked his ears. “Tux, I think you just might have been a pair of socks in a former life.” A bird skittered out from the bushes and pulled away the cat’s attention.

  Hunter had grown quiet. He stared straight ahead as we walked, and I took the opportunity to gaze at his profile. His cheek was healing. The cut had scabbed over. It would leave a scar, but at least he’d been able to move his face without it bleeding again.

  “You never did tell me how you got that cut.” I’d hurt his feelings with my earlier comment, so I decided to change subjects.

  He shook his head, letting me know he didn’t really want to go into detail. “Bad losers at a poker game,” he finally muttered.

  We walked on. Gunmetal gray seagulls coasted overhead on outstretched wings, waiting for something tasty to pop up above the water’s surface. Most of the fishing boats and even some of the pleasure boats were out at sea. It was an exceptionally beautiful day, clear blue with white puffs of clouds and water that looked like green glass.

  I took a deep breath. The pungent smell that was uniquely coastal filled my nose. “This is the kind of day where I wonder how anyone can live in a place where you can’t see the ocean? How do people who live in the middle of the country, landlocked and miles away from the coast, stand it?”

  “Don’t know.”

  I grabbed his arm to stop him and circled around in front of him. “You’re mad about what I said.”

  “No, I love being told I’m a loser. Especially coming from you.”

  I smiled up at him. “Especially coming from me? So, what I say means something?”

  “Stop. You know damn well it does, Street.”

  I traced my fingers over the black ink I could see underneath the stretched white shirt. “Here’s the thing—”

  He sighed. “Here comes one of those infamous Street lectures—”

  “Fuck you, and that’s right, so listen. Your dad sucked. O.K. I didn’t need to state the obvious, but it’s my lead in. The one thing he did right was work hard. He was a good fisherman, and while that was the only thing about his entire existence that should have earned him a shred of respect, it’s a fact. But you guys, you’re all so much above him on the human chain that it’s like you aren’t even the same species. Hunter, don’t let him be above you on that. Even if he is just a crappy, ugly memory, he doesn’t deserve to be thought of as a man who worked harder than his sons.”

  Hunter gazed down at me with those brown eyes that could see right into my heart. I knew my words had reached him. His throat moved as he swallowed, almost as if he was swallowing back what I’d told him. “We should get going.”

  I put my hands on his chest to stop him from moving forward.

  “At this pace, I won’t have any light to work on the engine.”

  “Good.” I pressed my body against his. “Do you have any gas in the Durango?”

  “Some,” he said almost as a question. “What do you have in mind?”

  I rubbed my hip against his fly and wasn’t disappointed to feel his cock hardening against me. “I was thinking, it’s such a nice day, it would be a shame to waste. You know that quiet little place on the side of the marina where we used to go when we wanted to—”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the marina. “I fucking missed you, my wild little Street Corner Girl.”

  Chapter 18


  It was only a ten minute journey to the small indent along the coast, a section of land that was so thick with trees no cars or bikes could travel through it. It was a deserted, overgrown coastal forest. As kids, we�
��d sometimes row to it and go exploring. I’d gone there many times with the brothers. It had been a great place to get away from our parents.

  In that short stretch of time on the water, Hunter and I hadn’t been able to keep our hands off each other. He had to drive the boat, but he’d still managed to take off my shirt and jeans.

  As warm as the day had been, it was still a little too wintry to be wearing just a bra and panties. I got up and grabbed a towel from the bench at the back of the pilot house.

  Hunter looked over at me with disappointment as I pulled the towel around my shoulders. “What’s the point of taking off your clothes if you’re going to cover up?”

  “It’s cold. I need to be smothered by my big, hunky boat captain. Then I won’t need the towel.”

  “Ay ay, mate.” He maneuvered the Durango to a quiet little section of water, out of view of any nearby roads or houses. He shut off the engine. The motor for the anchor chain rumbled beneath the deck.

  He spun his captain’s chair around. “You were saying something about the beautiful day?”

  “I was.”

  “Well, all right then.” He grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs to the deck. “Wait there.” He walked to the stern and came back with a giant green tarp. He shook it out and lowered it onto the deck. Then he reached up and yanked the towel from my shoulders. The ocean breeze tickled my naked skin. I felt deliciously exposed standing on the middle of the boat on the wide open sea in nothing but a pair of panties and a bra.

  Hunter leaned back and squinted at me. “Hmm, something’s not right.”

  I looked down at my scantily clad body. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh . . . I know what the problem is. You’re not naked enough.” He reached behind me, and I nuzzled my face against his chest as he unclasped my bra. He dragged it off my shoulders. His thumb flicked over my hardened nipple. Instantly, I pushed my breast harder against his fingers. He teased my nipple as he reached down and pushed my panties to the ground.

  “I seem to be the one who’s always completely naked.”

  “What’s your point?” He sat down on the tarp. I went to follow him, but he put up his hand to stop me. “Not yet. I was just thinking how fucking hot it is seeing you walk around this deck completely naked.” He waved me on. “A little show please.”

  I strolled to the railing and leaned over, jutting my bottom out. I glanced back over my shoulder. “How’s the view from down there?”

  Hunter was leaning on his elbow staring straight at my naked ass. “Very nice but I think you need to part those legs just a bit.”

  I moved my feet apart and the breeze cooled the moisture that was already pooling between my legs.

  An appreciative groan rolled up from his chest. “Yeah, baby, this is making me so fucking hard.”

  I turned around and walked to the stack of nets. I reached up and grabbed hold of the rough rope, keeping my hands stretched up high above me, pushing my breasts out. “I think you’ve caught something in your net, Captain.”

  He reached back and yanked off his t-shirt. I sucked in a breath as I watched him push off his jeans and boxer briefs. His cock was shiny with slick moisture as he stomped toward me. The deck of the boat shifted slightly beneath his heavy footsteps.

  I squealed as he reached for me. My hands released the net, but he stretched them back up and made me take hold of the rope again. “You stay right where you are, my little captive.” He pressed his mouth against mine and teased my lips open with his tongue. As he kissed me, he tucked his hand between my legs and his callused, thick fingers slid through the hot creamy folds of my pussy. The wanton feeling of standing naked out on the open sea being caressed by his hands and mouth and the warm strands of sun made the whole thing that much more erotic.

  “God, Hunter, this is such a fucking turn on, I’m almost ready to come.” I took a deep breath. “I want multiple orgasms today, please. You know how to make me come again and again. I want that today.”

  “Then let’s get this party fucking started,” he growled as he pushed his finger inside of me. He was so damn skilled and he knew my body and my desires so well, he never wasted any time or movement. Every touch had a reason. Every stroke hit the right spot. He even had pressure down to an art. His thumb massaged my clit just the way I loved it and in response, I tightened my thighs around his hand to hold him exactly where I wanted him. His free hand teased and played with my nipples as the hand squeezed between my legs brought me to a shuddering climax. As my body thrummed with the feel of it, he jammed his finger deeper stroking every intimate inch of me as my pussy hugged his hand.

  Whimpering with the sheer satisfaction of it, I could no longer keep a grip on the net. I released my hold and dropped forward. He caught me. I laughed as he swept me up into his arms.

  “Sure hope there are no boats out there with binoculars pointed this way.”

  “Let them look and be jealous that I have my arms filled with the sweetest little fuck on the ocean.” He spun around once with me in his arms.

  “Not sure how I feel about that title. And what about those rich playboys on their yachts with their supermodel girlfriends.”

  “Nope, I still win. If you don’t like that one— how about dirtiest little fuck?”

  I hit his chest with my fist. “Ooh. I hate that. I might just wriggle back into my panties if you say that again.”

  He gazed down at me. “How about the wildest, hottest little fuck?”

  “Getting closer, but I was thinking something more like beautiful sex goddess or something along those lines.”

  A smile tilted his mouth. “How the hell do you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Make every fucking day better. You know something, Street, I’m not sure I’d ever drag my ass out of bed or out of the house if I didn’t know there was a chance to see you.”

  I felt as if someone had pushed a tennis ball into my throat. I was thankful for the sea breeze. It dried my tears before they fell. Not that it would matter if he saw me cry. I was naked in his arms clinging to him as if he was the only person who mattered to me. He knew. Even without the tears, he knew how I felt about him.

  He kissed me as he lowered me down onto the canvas he’d placed on the deck. It was stiff and scratchy.

  “Not exactly a downy comforter,” I said as he knelt down over me. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his face down toward me. “But as long as I have my hunky sea captain to warm me up—”

  I wrapped my legs around him as he pushed his long, hard cock into me. The sweet ache from my first orgasm was still there and an involuntary frisson of pleasure coursed through me as he filled me.

  “Sweet, tight, hot, there’s nothing as fucking perfect as your pussy,” he groaned against my mouth. He used one arm to raise himself up and keep from crushing me. His massive size and his stone chiseled shoulders and arms made me feel so slight and weak that the sheer difference between us should have been frightening. He had so much power over me physically that I should have felt terrified instead of thrilled like I did.

  He squeezed me just hard enough to remind me of that power. He pumped his cock into me, and I met each thrust, enthusiastically. “Come again for me, baby,” he grunted. “I’m staying hard. I won’t leave you until you come again. I want to feel your pussy squeeze down on my cock. Don’t deny me that, Street.” He kissed me hard on the mouth while still grinding into me. Suddenly, he grabbed hold of me and spun us both around. He was on his back and I was on top of him. I straddled my thighs over him and braced my hands against his chest as I slid down over him, taking in his cock with slow precision. His lids seemed to get heavier with each inch. With his black hair, dark eyes and unshaven jaw, he looked less a sea captain and more a pirate, a dangerous pirate, and every part of him thrilled me.

  I leaned down over him and writhed over his cock as his big hands took hold of my ass. The ocean rolled beneath the Durango’s deck, causing it to rise and
fall along with my movements. He held me tight against him, and we moved in rhythm, like two people perfectly in tune with each other.

  Then the sensation started deep inside, the tingling feeling that felt as if my pussy was closing up on itself to prepare for the coming explosion. My fingers dug into his hard arms and my hips moved feverishly, wanting to absorb everything he was giving.

  He knew I was close. “That’s it, baby, take it to the edge. Take me fucking with you.” He tightened his ass to push his cock deeper inside of me and that was all I needed. Splinters of light flashed behind my eyes as my pussy convulsed around his cock. His iron grip tightened on my hips and he held me firm as he thrust into me, making my orgasm grow in intensity.

  “Yes, fuuuck yes,” I moaned.

  A low, guttural sound rumbled deep in his throat and his body stiffened as he came.

  The sea breeze felt almost cold on my flushed pink skin. A small shiver raced through me as my body temperature dropped and my pulse slowed. I climbed off of Hunter and stretched out next to him. He turned and wrapped me in his warmth.

  “This was a good suggestion, my sex goddess.”

  “Uh huh, but don’t overuse the sex goddess title. It should only be used at the height of passion or in really important times, like when a bunch of your usual groupies are hanging around you at a party. Then you can call me sex goddess.” I grew quiet. My bringing up the other girls had sprinkled a bit of darkness on an otherwise great afternoon. But it was always there like an irritating fly at a barbecue, the notion of the other girls, or them as he called his other conquests.

  “You know they don’t mean a thing,” he said quietly.

  The seagulls had moved in on the boat, certain that we either had fish or some good snacks onboard. They screeched intermittently overhead. It had been a perfect afternoon, but I’d broken the bliss with my comment. I could never shake it, the heartbreak of knowing that Hunter was never going to be mine.

  “Nothing is right without you, Street. Nothing. But I’ve got nothing to offer. You deserve so much—”


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