Humble Beginnings

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Humble Beginnings Page 7

by KA Hopkins

  Even if Homo sapiens bred like rabbits compared to the Neanderthals, the scientific hypothesis that modern humans eventually outbred Neanderthals makes no sense in a hunter/gatherer society. Large families cannot survive and prosper on a hunter/gatherer diet of wildlife, berries and roots. Large populations can only be supported if there is an established agrarian culture capable of feeding all mouths, allowing for the specialization of skills. So what made Homo sapiens change from hunter/gatherers to farmers?

  Earth archeologists found evidence that around 30,000 years ago both Neanderthal and Homo sapiens populations were stable based upon a hunter/gatherer social structure. Then the Homo sapiens population exploded, because out of the blue they figured out agriculture and how to domesticate crops and animals. Was this natural evolution at work? Not a chance. Changes of that magnitude don’t happen in only a millennium - Homo sapiens became the dominant humanoid race on Earth because the Nordics planned it that way. It took a couple of attempts to get it right. The first genetic manipulations were made 200,000 ago, which for the reasons mentioned failed as Homo sapiens could not compete head-to-head with Neanderthals. It was not until the Nordics introduced advanced farming techniques some 30,000 years ago that Homo sapiens began to thrive.

  With a stable, well fed artificial work force, a number of tries at Earth colonization were attempted by the Nordics and a few other alien races. Your historians called the civilizations Mu and Atlantis. While the alien colonists with their newly created workforce were able to overcome the environmental challenges, inevitably labor issues arose within their created workforce. A problem with master/slave relationships is that when there are not enough masters, slaves have to do most of the supervision of other slaves. Religion and the belief in vengeful Gods go a long way in allowing the few at the top to control the many at the bottom; but control is tenuous over long periods of time.

  The easiest way to control any population long term is through food production. No matter how good or bad the harvest, the Gods kept much of the spoils while the masses got whatever was left over. A subtlety not lost on the slaves, especially those at the top of the pecking order, who were keeping all of the others slaves in line. Eventually the top slaves figured out that their Gods were not quite as great as their portrayed personas. Being a top slave was a good gig; being a God an even better one.

  As you might imagine, nothing angers an advanced being pretending to be a God, quite so much as their own creation's attempts to overthrow them - especially when their creations offer their masters up as sacrifices to the false Gods created to keep the masses in line. While somewhat ironic, it was a clear affront to their authority and severely impacted their ability to rule. To quell the rebellions, the remaining aliens wiped out their creations with extreme prejudice.

  These slave uprisings which lead to cataclysmic cleansing events such as: great floods, plagues, earthquakes and insect infestations - became part of human mythology, most of which are based upon true events. Mythology stems from the fact that primitive peoples relate to advanced technology beyond their understanding, using concepts they understand - magic and miracles. You might want to ask: how could aliens, pretending to be Gods, mistreat their creations? First creating man and then destroying him time and time again. The answer is obvious - alien Gods are to men as men are to ants. Does man truly care what an ant thinks or believes?

  Once the annoying and obviously ungrateful slaves were eliminated, Nordics could start over with a clean slate, breeding out the behavioral traits such as aggression, self-reliance and imagination. Their goal: a one hundred percent compliant and docile workforce.

  While a number of races have tried to colonize Earth and failed, there are two alien races still trying - the Nordics and the Grays. The Grays are an alien race tens of thousands of years older than mankind. They were conquered thousands of years ago by a race that has more in common with reptiles than mammals, called the Draco. As a result, Grays are front lines troops and slaves of the Draco Empire in their quest to expand Draco trade and influence throughout the galaxy.

  The Nordic-looking alien races have a slightly different approach to empire expansion than the Grays. The Nordic races believe that planets with a certain level of technology such as what was found on Earth around 5000 years ago should be left alone to develop naturally without outside interference. If a planet has the right biological and environmental conditions, but no technically advanced sentient beings like Earth 200,000 ago, the Nordics will do everything to create a sentient modern society in their image.

  The Grays on the other hand are short term opportunists. As you may have guessed, the Grays’ small size makes them poorly suited to any initial colonization attempts of primitive worlds. Their preferred colonization method is to let one of the other more physically robust Nordic races do most of the hard colonization work; then, once a moderate level of civilization has been reached take over by any means of subversion possible. This fits well with their personalities as they disdain physical labor.

  Depending upon the technical sophistication of the indigenous species, colonization takes tens of thousands of years. You can cut short the process significantly by taking over existing indigenous populations - ideally planets where nuclear weapon technology and interplanetary space flight capability have developed. At this level of industrialization, it takes only fifty years or so for a society to advance to a level of producing goods useful to an alien Galactic trading empire. Think of it as outsourcing, but with fewer labor problems, as you couldn’t care less about what happens to the workforce.”

  “Fifty years after interplanetary space travel and nuclear weapon technology puts us in the region of 2019. So the people of Earth are pretty much screwed,” I said.

  “You could say that. The alien Nordic races created mankind as slaves - the Grays want to turn the planet into their version of Wal-Mart©. Neither have mankind’s best interests at heart. Both are far more interested in expanding their trade empires, only their methods differ.

  Both the Nordics and Grays are claiming Earth before the ULIR council. The Nordics built their case around the fact that they created Homo sapiens. But their case is weak- they abandoned Earth several times and then managed to lose all colonization records during the Galactic Great War when their home planet was turned into an asteroid field by a couple of planet buster bombs. The Grays have a much stronger case, as they can clearly show their efforts to advance your technology to make Earth a useful ULIR colony.

  If you are confused about which alien race did what on Earth it’s understandable. During the Galactic Great War much of this sector of space was thrown into chaos. The Galactic Great War involved nearly all of the two hundred alien species who had achieved interstellar flight. It was caused by the fight for planetary resources. As the different alien species sought to expand their empires, looking for new planets to colonize and mine, battles broke out in many of the inhabited solar systems across the Galaxy. Due to the logistical challenges given the distances involved between star systems, the war raged on for nearly 50,000 years, ending a mere 5000 years ago. By the time peace was achieved, more through attrition than one side gaining an overwhelming tactical advantage, empire building by all alien races was on hold due to a lack of resources. Many early alien colonies were either lost or abandoned during the war.”

  “Well, it sounds like both races are a real piece of work.”

  Ship continued, “Agreed. Neither is innocent or altruistic. One thing you should know about the Grays is that they had not always been so ruthless in their empire building. In fact they no longer control much of their own destiny, now that they are slaves to the Draco Empire.

  Dracos are reptilian looking beings from Alpha Draconis in the constellation Draco, about 310 light years from Earth. The Draco Empire is the largest and the most successful within the ULIR. As a result, Dracos have a well-earned reputation as the most dangerous species in the known universe. Where the Nordics have an informal “hands off�
� policy and sometimes will even protect pre-sentient pre-spacefaring planets, the Draco violently exploit all races - regardless of their level of civilization. They are one hundred percent dedicated to extending their trade empire; they have been at it for thousands of years and have yet to deviate from their path other than during the Galactic Great War.

  You have to look at the plight of the Grays with some sympathy, they were once a promising race that had a significant cloning program that gave them the labor pool necessary to explore and colonize the universe. Unlike most alien colonization races that fought anyone that happened to get in their way, they were a passive race depending upon planets without any sentient lifeforms for empire expansion. When their expanding empire bubble intersected with the Draco Empire, they were easily defeated and enslaved even with the limitations of the Einsteinian - Rosen Bridges. The Grays’ cloning technology was seen by the Draco as the perfect answer to obtaining the labor pool necessary for empire building; but there were unintended consequences. Cloning on such a large scale for multiple generations has real limitations - like a photocopy, you can only make so many copies before errors start to appear. To prevent errors, genetic diversity is needed to maintain a healthy population. This is what makes the Earth so important to the Grays: you have great genetic diversity, not to mention seven billion potential soldier/slaves.

  So, while there are very good reasons for both races to conquer Earth, it could be a simple case of “grab it” so that others races cannot have it. In the game of empire building, real estate matters, indigenous species not as much. Given most modern races have very low birth rates, measured in centuries, not years, little things like war and empire expansion are impossible without an easy source of available, replaceable, cheap labor such as what the Earth provides. The bottom line is, the people of Earth while potentially useful are nevertheless expendable.

  It’s a testament to your species’ genetic diversity that you survived and flourished on your own. Due to the Galactic Great War, the alien colonies on Earth were cut off from their parent worlds for over 5000 thousand years. Between attacks on Earth by alien races and the rebellion of their slave workers, all of the alien colonies on Earth eventually fell and along with them, nearly all traces of alien modern technology.

  While much of the modern alien technology has been lost, you can still find proof despite governments and churches’ efforts to cover it up. You can’t really blame them for being so secretive with the knowledge - think what would happen if the masses knew the truth. Governments and religious orders would lose control all around the planet, resulting in widespread chaos.

  Despite the best efforts of the Church and world governments to hide the existence of ancient aliens on Earth, alien artifacts are occasionally discovered and leak out in public. There are numerous occurrences of giant Nordic skeletons, eight to twelve feet tall, being discovered in ancient Middle Eastern cities and the American mid-west, along with elongated skulls of the Orions found in ancient Egypt, and present day Peru, around the Paracas peninsula.

  Ever wonder why your folklore and mythology is full of references to giants, even though skeletal remains have not been publically displayed? The simple reason is that a race of twelve foot giants doesn’t fit well into the current theories of evolution, so it is much easier to hide the evidence than to explain it. While no giant skeletal remains are publically displayed, hundreds of elongated skulls can be found in Museums around the world. Apart from the skull shape, the other notable feature is some of the skulls have remnants of red hair that occurs in only about one to two percent of the human population. Archeologists explained, the elongated skulls were caused through physical deformations caused by the cultural tradition of boarding children’s skulls at youth; which did occur, but does not explain how some of the skeletal remains have a very different skull structure comprised of three parietal skull plates compared to the four (two frontal bones and two parietal bones) found in modern man. By the way, if your skull only has three parietal plates your head does not have the elasticity to fit through a human woman’s birth canal. It’s highly doubtful mankind knew how to perform a caesarian section thousands of years ago. Moreover, what parent would put their children through what had to be a painful process to deform their skulls, unless there were highly respected individuals in their society that they wished to emulate? The practice still exists today in the royal families - where do you think the tradition of wearing a crown came from?

  That’s enough on the history of the two predominant alien races that created and shaped mankind, more importantly you need to understand why the aliens are on earth today.

  After the formation of the ULIR a period of peaceful empire expansion never seen before, occurred. The Draco Empire recovered more quickly than many of the other races, probably thanks to their single minded goal of expanding their trade empire. Through their proxies, the Grays, they once again set about empire expansion with great zeal. Survey ships were sent out in the direction of the former colonies. The Gray reconnaissance survey flights first arrived on Earth thousands of years ago, and regularly every couple of hundred years afterwards. Two hundred years ago the Grays confirmed the presence of a technological civilization changing from sail to steam - perfect for exploitation.

  The frequency of Gray reconnaissance flights increased once mankind reached the steam age, although direct contact was purposely limited. That all changed with the invention of atomic weapons. Mankind had finally reached a level of technological advancement that made Earth suitable for alien colonization. Earth governments were aware of the alien survey flights since the 1940s. When the Grays approached the US government in 1947 with a treaty trading alien technology for a few thousand people a year, the US contacted the major governments of the world, at that time Russia and Britain. The consensus was to accept whatever was offered by the aliens, morality be damned.

  More than sixty million soldiers and civilians had just died in World War II and here was yet another possible enemy demonstrating technology far in advance of anything found on Earth. With the original trade deal, the cost of human life was small compared to the millions who had died in World War II. In fact, it was tiny compared to the millions of people who die each year of various causes in the United States.

  Absolutely no one wanted to risk a planetary war so soon after World War II, so it suited the Earth governments to believe the Grays’ story, of how their race was dying and they were refugees coming in peace. In their haste to make a deal, the Earth governments did not ask the obvious question: why did an advanced alien race, capable of travelling the stars, want to trade technology for primitive human beings? In hindsight it seems obvious - trading anything for human life is so repulsive that every government official involved would do their absolute best to keep the secret from the public. Because the original government leaders were trying to protect and defend humanity against a superior enemy, they believed the ends justified the means. If a few thousand people were lost per year world-wide, it was a small price to pay in order to buy time for humanity.

  Since governments change all the time, it was decided that private corporations would be the best long term keepers of the secret alien technologies and trade deals. Before long, alien technologies made the Global Elite rich beyond all belief. Imagine absolute power with no control or limitations and how it can corrupt all those who have it. If you don’t believe this can happen, then you simply have never experienced true power.

  Of course the Grays were less than forthcoming with their technological gifts. Just enough was provided to advance human technology quickly, but the knowledge needed to achieve mass produced space craft or develop effective weapons against the Grays was never shared. Achieving this breakthrough effort took nearly forty years of reverse engineering and trillions of dollars to produce working human-built copies of alien technology capable of intersystem and interstellar travel - even then the copies were just a shadow of the originals. Human designed weapons derived from a
lien technology are nowhere near as capable as those found on the simplest alien scout ship.

  From the very beginning everything played out according to the Grays’ empire expansion plan - advance Earth’s technology quickly; at the same time put in place the power structure to enslave mankind. Their first targets were the corporate and government elite. It took years, but only a couple of hundred Grays were able to effectively corrupt the Earth Elite, convincing them to sell out the planet for what amounted to baubles in the big scheme of things. The alien/human treaties make the purchase of Manhattan Island from the Indians look like a good deal - for the Indians.

  As part of the negotiated deal to exchange alien technology for humans, the Grays were given control over several hidden facilities and a total clamp on security as to their existence. This permitted non-authorized expansion of their facilities and expanded unauthorized human abductions. There were two reasons for the abductions - it ensured all human collaborators would maintain secrecy and it provided genetic material for the Grays to develop a hybrid super soldier. By the time the Global Elite had figured out they had been completely duped through their own hubris and greed, it was far easier to continue the charade than to own up to their sins and try to right the crimes against humanity they had knowingly perpetrated. In fact, many believed - and rightly so - if the real truth got out on how they had manipulated alien technology for their own personal gain at the expense of thousands of human lives, they would have been lynched in every park in the country.

  In the 1950s, the Nordics attempted to contact your governments and warn them to the fact that the Grays were not the benevolent aliens they portrayed themselves to be. Many of the global Elite, happy with the way things were going, ignored the Nordic’s warnings. A few of the global Elite, unhappy with the corruption perpetrated amongst their peers, showed stronger moral fiber and reached out to the Nordics stationed on Earth. (Despite all their failed attempts at colonization they still like to visit - they appreciate the beauty and diversity of the planet’s geography and fauna and flora…and humans with all of your personality quirks are a never-ending source of fascination.) Unfortunately their efforts to reach out to the Nordics have largely been met with indifference.


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