Humble Beginnings

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Humble Beginnings Page 27

by KA Hopkins

  During the great War, from 1914-1918, aircraft design saw huge advances in performance. At the start of the war, aircraft could fly at 50-75 mph with a range of a hundred miles or so. By the end of the war, only four years later, aircraft were flying at over 145 mph and had ranges of nearly 500 miles. Compare that to the Wright Brother’s first flight of a powered, heavier than air aircraft in 1903 - the Wright Flyer flew at 20 mph for a distance of 120 feet. The airplane came of age in World War I, yet it had only been invented eleven years earlier. Impressive as the technical innovation was in World War I, it was not enough. The Grays influenced the victorious allied nations to enact war reparations so severe that little encouragement was needed for Germany to start World War II only twenty-one years later. Once again, the pace of technical advances was astounding. Propeller aircraft speeds at the start of the war were 250 mph; by the end of the war jet aircraft were flying at over 600 mph and the German V2 rocket was reaching speeds of 3500 mph.

  At the end of World War II the Allies declared all of Germany’s advanced technology was forfeit as war spoils. The most obvious example was operation Paperclip during which hundreds of German rocket scientists, along with their research, were relocated to the United States, where they made invaluable contributions to the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space programs. Due to the threat of the cold war with Russia, one could not have shared the advanced technology faster if one had simply given it to the Allies; the Allies blindly adopted all German advanced technology like it was their own. The trap was set.

  The real purpose of both World Wars and the Cold War was to sufficiently advance technology worldwide, to not only make Earth more useful to the Draco trade Empire; the technology itself was how the Draco Empire would control the billions of people on Earth with only a few hundred Grays and Dracos.

  In less than a hundred years of continuous minor and major wars, mankind went from sailing ships to space ships. Look at the timelines – 1838, first steam ship driven by a screw propeller; 1880, the steam driven propeller screw is widely accepted, displacing sailing ships; 1903, first powered airplane flight by the Wright brothers; 1947, the X-1 piloted by Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier; 1969, Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the Moon. Since the end of Apollo in 1973, no one has walked on the Moon, even though three additional missions, Apollo 18, 19, and 20 had built and paid for all the necessary hardware. Not only has man not walked on the Moon in forty years but, after spending roughly 109 billion dollars, to be first and beat the Russians, the Moon as a destination and an object of scientific exploration was all but forgotten, with only a handful of unmanned missions going back. Today it’s doubtful such a large undertaking as returning man to the Moon is even possible, given the world’s only superpower cannot even get a website working to deliver much needed health care. Was moon exploration abandoned because mankind lost the will to explore space, or did the original NASA astronauts find something on the Moon? Of course they did - the best place to hide alien bases is on the far side of the Moon, out of sight of Earth, but only a few hours flight time for an alien scout ship.

  Not until the Roswell crash of 1947 did the Grays secretly make their presence known to selected world governments. When they did, their timing was perfect; more than sixty million people had died in World War II. No world leader was willing to risk another World War, especially against an advanced alien race with unknown weapon capabilities.

  The Grays secretly revealing themselves to various world governments in 1947 was no coincidence. Their story about why they had come to Earth - their offer to exchange advanced technology for human test subjects critical to the survival of their race - was always a ruse.

  Examining some of the more popular beliefs circulating the mass media about the Grays and why they came to Earth, shows the accepted myths do not hold up. One of the most common myths describes the aliens as a dying race that needs human DNA to save themselves. Does it not seem strange that an alien race, that long ago cracked the secrets of interstellar travel, is stymied by biology 101? Or that somehow only human DNA can save their race, when there are hundreds of other advanced species in the galaxy.

  Another popular myth is that the Grays feed on human energy and emotions. If this is true, what did they eat before coming to Earth? Lastly, many alien/human encounters detailed aliens gathering human vital signs by something as primitive as a rectal probe. They have the ability to travel the stars but cannot master CAT scan technology. There are many more inconsistencies, but all point to one fact - none of what the aliens told the world governments in 1947 was true. The real reason the Grays revealed their presence in secret, to select governments, was more insidious. It was time to advance mankind’s technology again, but using World War III as the catalyst would cause too much destruction now that weapons of mass destruction - nuclear, biological and chemical - were available.

  Despite extreme efforts to keep the existence of the Grays from the public eye, too many people were involved in the many alien technology research programs for the secret not to leak out; the story was just too good. Given that the best defense is a good offence, the corporations trusted with the secret of the Grays’ existence started a disinformation campaign, to discredit anyone who came forward with knowledge of extraterrestrial life. The campaign has worked brilliantly for the past seventy years. No believable, concrete proof of the Grays, or any other alien existence has withstood the disinformation program.

  The Cold War was the next catalyst for technical innovation, as the Grays gave alien technology to both western and eastern governments. When presented with advanced alien technology, the Allied governments, after World War II, looked to the best and brightest in the private sector to help understand and exploit the technology - ironically reaching out to the very same corporations who already were under the Grays’ influence.

  Under the guise of National Security, trillions of dollars could secretly be funneled into the classified programs to exploit the gifted alien technology and National Security rules kept total control of all aspects of the programs within small select groups. These groups, due to their isolation and compartmentalization, were open to corruption and control by the Grays. No one saw that the Grays were playing both sides, providing both the threats and solutions. As the companies owned by the thirteen Families became super wealthy, their newfound money bought influence and protection for other pacification activities. The government is supposed to keep the law. But who watches the government when it breaks its own laws?

  What two World Wars and the Cold War did to advance technology worldwide in the areas of manufacturing, energy, transportation and weapons, the war on drugs and terror advanced surveillance and monitoring technology even more. By declaring surveillance and monitoring technologies to be the sole domain of the National Security agencies, the corrupted Global Elite had the power to force the technology onto the public, always using the guise of trading National Security for personal freedom. A few hundred Grays and their willing human collaborators would use the very same technology to blackmail the Global Elite, and ultimately control all of mankind.

  Consumer technology is rigged purposely to promulgate the technology needed to monitor and control the population. The mass media’s constant deluge of marketing helps to create an artificial demand - only the latest and greatest technology will make you hip. People soon become dependent upon, if not addicted to it, not realizing how much personal information they are giving up. “But I have nothing to hide,” they may say. Everyone has something to hide; often it’s only an embarrassing story; sometimes it may border on illegal. Once every aspect of your life, every phone call, email, health statistic, tax and spending activity has been recorded, National Security agencies can pick and choose from your intimate secrets, to build any story they want about you. That much power is easily abused for political and monetary gains, as everyone who doesn’t toe the party-line is a target for blackmail and manipulation.

  The key to successful blackmail and
manipulation and the source of most of the thirteen Families’ power, has always been money. The legality of the opportunities was irrelevant - the thirteen Families played both sides to their advantage.

  For example, drug trafficking - illegal drugs generate hundreds of billions in illicit profits. The war on drugs spends tens of billions on enforcement, prisons and equipment for law enforcement. Banks help out both sides with laundering and loaning services. The thirteen Families have business interests in all areas and make money from everyone involved.

  When drug war profits are insufficient, real war has always been a big moneymaker. By stirring up regional instabilities, the industrial military complex sells expensive weapons systems and defensive structures to both sides of the conflict. In the event conflict actually breaks out, the industrial military complex has the opportunity to sell reconstruction and humanitarian services to both sides. A nice sideline business, is the complete loss of control for both combatants of their natural resources and their state owned assets - their mineral rights, public-sector companies and utilities will all be sold off, well below market evaluations to help pay war costs. An all-around great deal for the industrial military complex; not so much for the people killed, maimed or made homeless in the countries involved.

  With so much money involved, and the secrecy surrounding alien technology, it was easy to corrupt key figures one by one. Once a target was brought into the fold, they were presented with a fancy watch that, once fitted, was impossible to remove, short of cutting your hand off. The watch came in all brands and models, so as to not provide a means to easily identify those corrupted. The watch provided GPS, emergency alarm and surveillance, allowing the alien handlers to know exactly where each wearer was and what they were up to at all times. A novel feature was that it could identify and authenticate other watches nearby, notifying the wearer that other alien collaborators were in the vicinity, allowing unknown collaborators to easily meet and completely trust each other without knowing each other’s identity. If a collaborator tried to object, or their behavior was not what the alien and human handlers wanted, a powerful neural stimulator within the watch provided re-education. The neural stimulator made getting hit with a Taser feel like fun. Once branded with the watch you had little choice but to do what you were told.

  Even when branded with the non-removable watch, there was little cause for concern at first, since nothing changed in the Global Elite’s daily routines. It was business as usual. In fact, once branded, they became even richer and more powerful. Who would not want that? With everything going their way, why rock the boat? They realized too late that their contract with the aliens was a lifetime deal. They were no longer masters of their own destiny. A few brave souls displayed great courage and tried to break free by taking their own lives; the Draco made examples of their families so others would understand that even in death there was no escape. Few people will risk having their entire family tortured and eventually brutally murdered as retribution for their mistakes.

  In some ways you could almost feel sorry for the Global Elite. None of them woke up one morning thinking, “I will become evil today and help pacify the people of Earth for an alien race of bad tempered lizards.” The first steps on the path to hell were always easy ones - they were just expanding their businesses, providing jobs and improving society with their inventions. They were giddy over their success, making money hand over fist and earning the admiration of society and their peers. Even those who questioned the improbable success after success of certain companies eventually chose to ignore any hint of outside manipulation.

  Chapter 35 - The covert war heats up

  By carefully covering our tracks we managed to drive Old Lizard Face crazy searching for those who had attacked his operations. We also put true fear of retribution into the hearts of the Global Elite, driving home that they were not above the consequences of their actions. But all good things must come to an end. Old Lizard Face had too much experience in the pacification of other planets to believe in coincidences, especially when plans that had worked successfully for over 150 years began to fail out-of-the-blue - and an awful lot of them were failing of late. Old Lizard Face understood only too well that more than Earth technology was involved in the disabling of the ballistic nuclear submarines and the EM pulse attacks on the financial centers. To top it off, key Global Elite collaborators who had previously shown a real flair for subverting Earth organizations suddenly became incompetent, had a run of fatal accidents or just plain disappeared along with their entire staff. It was obvious someone was actively targeting the alien collaborators.

  The definitive evidence of who was behind all of the subterfuge was the reported appearances of the missing scout ships on Earth. Since they were not destroyed and still in the solar system, the hijackers were not from any ULIR affiliated alien race; they had to come from Earth. To find them, the Central Surveillance AI examined billions of records provided by the thirteen Families, for any accidents or unusual events over the past several years, and correlated trends and timelines no matter how insignificant the data seemed. The sorted data narrowed the list of organizations capable of planning and executing the attacks to a single group.

  His Glorious Supreme Pangalactic Commander sat in his office as comfortably as could be expected on this miserable damp planet. His normal sour mood was not improved by the latest status reports. Nothing in the reports gave him the feeling that the pacification would soon be over and he could take his well-deserved place of leadership on the royal council. No other Draco on the royal council had four successful pacifications to their credit. With four successful conquests, his appointment to the council was almost guaranteed - and possibly the next chairmanship.

  Only a few more years, five at the most, and the day-to-day life on Earth will be so chaotic and unworkable, mankind will have little choice but to welcome their new Draco rulers with open arms. He looked forward to the day when he could turn over his command, “mission accomplished,” and let some other Dracos endure the pleasures of Earth, where the cold caused visible moisture to stay on the ground and there is far more water than land. Other than a small daily amount for drinking, no self-respecting Draco wanted to have anything to do with water, as their bodies were so dense that they could not swim. Dracos had always feared water for that reason. Just thinking of the oceans of water on Earth put him in a worse mood, despite the Central Surveillance AI having made great strides in narrowing down which group of humans were the suspected instigators.

  At first His Glorious Supreme Pangalactic Commander suspected that a few of the Global Elite, on their own initiative, had decided to resist the Draco pacification efforts by leaking key information to the suspected instigators. But a check of their surveillance records for the past several years proved their innocence, which was really a shame as he could have used that as an excuse to kill a few more of the family heads. While pacification activities are expected to have ups and downs due to world politics, and the unpredictable nature of humans to do incredibly dumb things, the significant pacification setbacks in the past six months started with what appeared to be a single run-of-the-mill alien abduction operation.

  Repeated checks of the selected snatch victim’s family background revealed nothing out of the ordinary, just your average middle class American family. Yet, all of the root cause vectors pointed to this event as ground zero, the focal point when all the trouble started. Men-in-black agents confirmed the Central Surveillance AI analysis findings after visiting the family home, where they found the family house burnt to the ground, nothing but ash was left. Even the steel beams in the floor joists were melted.

  The extreme heat damage found in the ruins of the house could only be caused by a thermite initiated blaze, which someone tried to cover up by faking a gas leak. If that was not enough to raise suspicions, the entire family literally disappeared off the face of the Earth, leaving no trace of where they went. In-laws, the few that could be found, even when questioned u
sing enhanced techniques, knew nothing of their whereabouts. Remains of both cars registered to the house address were found in the garage and no one had accessed any bank accounts or credit cards since the night of the fire. No average family can disappear that quickly in a modern surveillance society without professional help.

  Several months after the fire, evidence came to light that proved they were not dead. In fact they were still very much alive, as videos posted to the internet captured the family members in separate mall and bar fights. The Central Surveillance AI ran a facial analysis and determined the kids took part in one fight and the father in the other. Adding to the enigma was the one-sided odds and the violence of these fights. In both altercations, the attackers outnumbered the family members many to one, yet the attackers took the brunt of the beatings and ended up being hospitalized with severe trauma injuries similar to those caused by the techniques taught to Special Forces operators.

  As he read through the report His Glorious Supreme Pangalactic Commander could not believe a single family would have the courage and resources to stand up to his pacification efforts when the Global Elite with their billions of dollars and millions of employees could not. Despite his disbelief, the facts could not be denied; some part of the family history had to be missing. What made this family so special?

  The surveillance records clearly showed the Global Elite were so terrified, they were paralyzed with fear. He had the Global Elite, more importantly the thirteen Family heads, exactly where he wanted them, incapable of mounting any form of resistance as they believed all hope was lost. Crushing their spirit might not be the best way to motivate them, but getting rid of that pompous chairman who believed he was an equal partner in the pacification process was well worth the trouble. Since the change in chairman, the thirteen Families at last understood their role in the new world order they helped to create.


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