The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

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The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3 Page 7

by Amelia Wilson

“Of course!” Andar gently handed over the baby. It was a little female.

  Janelle took the bundle, wrapped in the brown, satiny fabric she now knew so well. “Little one,” she crooned. “They are so perfect,” She whispered, looking at Andar and Maslar.

  “And strong,” Maslar added. “You’ve done amazingly well, Janelle. Twins are rare. I couldn’t dare begin to hope for the prospect, though it has happened more often with multiple males.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I remember being told that was the reason it happened.” She raised her head, doing her best to blink the tears away from her lashes. “I love them. I love them both so much. Promise you’ll take the best care of them.”

  “I promise,” Maslar and Andar said at once. “We will protect them with our lives. We swear it to you.”


  Janelle stood outside Andar’s home, staring longingly at the huge tree that had sheltered her for so many months.

  “I can’t believe that this is the last time I’ll see you,” Janelle whispered, her heart breaking. Maslar and Andar faced her, the young tucked in each of their arms.

  “We could never repay you for this,” Andar responded. He blinked rapidly, holding back his own sorrow.

  Maslar nodded. “You have given us the greatest joy that we will ever know. You have given us new life and new hope. You have healed the wound in my heart.”

  “And you have given me the greatest gift also. You have taught me to love and you have given me this young to raise. You have made it possible for our species to have a future again.”

  Janelle stifled a sob. She had promised herself that she was going to remain strong in their parting. She stepped forward, embracing Maslar first, careful of the young, and then Andar second. She stooped and kissed the bald head of Andar’s young and then the ridged cheek of Maslar’s.

  “I love you, sweet babies,” she said brokenly. The tears came then and she wiped them away with the back of her hand.

  “Oh, Janelle. You have a whole life waiting for you back on Earth,” Andar encouraged her. She could see in his eyes the sorrow in his own heart. It matched hers.

  “I know. I’ll never be able to forget you. I’ll always wonder if my young are well and what they look like. How you both are. If you’re well and happy.”

  Maslar nodded. “As we will think of you. Don’t let that stop you from living a full life. This was a moment in time that we all needed to heal. Destiny brought us together for a reason. We can’t fully know it now, but you will in time.”

  Andar gently reached out and stroked Janelle’s cheek. She knew she had to go soon. The pods would be leaving and she was expected back at the cave to be washed and dressed in her own clothing and sent on her week-long space journey back to Earth.

  “We will always be with you in your dreams and in your heart. If you focus on us, you will feel us. You will know that we are alive and well, and that we are thinking of you often and that we carry a part of you with us also. That connection is strong and can never be broken. You will always have these memories, and these young will always be a part of you.”

  “Yes, Janelle. That’s right.” Maslar nodded. “If you focus hard, you will always know that we are with you. Never forget that.”

  Maslar and Andar held out their arms and she stepped into the ring, holding tight to the young that could never fully be hers. She felt safe and protected and loved. Part of a family for the first time in her life. She finally understood that had been the reason she was sent here. That Andar was right when he said that everything in her life had prepared her for this moment.

  Janelle went to step away, and in that moment, the ground below her feet trembled. She felt the quake like a tingle in her feet and legs. She pulled out of the hug and glanced up in shock to see if Maslar and Andar had felt it as well.

  “What was that?” Janelle asked, her worry and fear apparent in her voice.

  “Nothing.” Maslar shook his head.

  “Our planet trembles from time to time,” Andar said. “Not unlike what happens on Earth.”

  “But that can be dangerous!” Janelle protested. “Are you sure it was nothing?”

  Maslar and Andar glanced at each other and something passed between those purple eyes that she was not privy to. In the next instant, though, they were smiling and nodding.

  “It’s nothing,” Maslar said again. “You don’t need to worry about us or the young. We are safe and we will be well. Klaskar has been our home for generations.”

  Janelle had to ask the words she had been needing to voice all morning. She didn’t want to, she knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t stop herself. “If there had been no law stating that I couldn’t stay, if your lifetime wasn’t so much longer than mine, would you want me here with you? Would you love me?” Her voice trembled and tears threatened again.

  Maslar and Andar’s faces were tender.

  “We will love you the same Janelle,” Maslar assured her. “Despite our long lifetime and the miles between us.”

  “Just because you are not here beside us and we are not beside you does not mean that our bond will ever be any less,” Andar said.

  Janelle nodded. She knew what their answers would be before they asked but she had to say the words. She couldn’t spend a lifetime wishing she had, regretting that she hadn’t.

  She filled her gaze with one last look at Andar and Maslar and their young. She would never forget the sight of them standing beside that tree, holding those two precious little bundles in their arms. She smiled once and they smiled back. She would remember their faces for a lifetime, cherish the memory like one cherishes photographs.

  She turned slowly and without looking back, set off across the field to return to the cave and after that, to her life on Earth.


  The Alien Seduction

  The Klaskians Series Book 2


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  When the blue-skinned Klaskians first brought their planet into Earth’s solar system the world was split. Half the population was enthralled by these new visitors; they healed the rainforests and helped clean up Earth, in return for sharing the sun with them. That half of the population people just accepted the world as the new normal. The other half of the population was wary. They didn’t trust something they didn’t understand and wanted to know what the Klaskians meant by moving a whole planet, Klaskar, into their solar system.

  The people who were skeptical protested some by storming the homes of the world’s leaders and some by refusing to shop with companies that supported the Klaskians and their trips back and forth to Earth. While these people may have been against the planet just showing up, they never took any action that affected the way the Klaskians lived. There weren’t any attempts to hurt the aliens or go to their planet with ill intent. That was until they started having babies with women from Earth.

  They found out the compatibility by accident. One Earth woman’s curiosity ended up producing a Klaskian child and from that point on the world just accepted a surrogate program in return for the aliens helping out planet was the way it should be. A deal was struck that any woman who needed or wanted to make money by helping the Klaskians grow their population could apply.

  At first, the public was shocked and outraged. This woman went against nature for a night of weird fun. After that it was kind of a joke and then the government realized how much the aliens had lost when they had to move away from their failing star. They wanted an ally because now they knew there were other planets out there and if there was ever an i
nvasion having a whole planet to escape to or plan from would be important.

  There were hopes the Klaskians would share technology to help improve the military and anything else the people of earth needed. While there were some things they were willing to share, they kept a lot close to the chest.

  Women signed up with the promise of pleasure, money, and a three-month pregnancy that would allow her to get it over and done with. The women of Klaskian agreed to the deal and were relieved to have the help. When the planet moved many of them had lost their children and the move had killed many women. Producing young was a much longer process for the Klaskian women so they were more than happy to welcome the Earth surrogates to help their males.

  Those quiet protestors and disapprovers were horrified by the surrogacy deal. They thought it was an abomination to both God and science. That’s why two of the largest groups on Earth joined forces to silently stop it. One group was the Institution for Higher Scientific Learning. They were a group of scientists who wanted to further their knowledge after school and performed experiments to improve their technology and biological influence.

  The Klaskians with their advanced technology in every way were a slap in the face to their hard work. They coveted the alien’s knowledge but drew a hard line at being all right with mating with them. The other large group was religious in nature, The Children of a Peaceful Nation. It was a borderline cult with certain restrictions for its members. When the aliens came it gave them a purpose. A reason to say to their followers, see what evil has been brought forth from the stars? If you support the unholy union of man and alien you are doomed from hell. They made posters, had billboards, and were openly against them.

  These two groups the IHSL and The Children formed a union to openly speak out and protest the surrogacies. Then the governmental officials worldwide decided it was not in the best interest of Earth to allow people to fight against their agreement with the aliens. They made it treason to do anything they deemed revolted against their plans with the aliens.

  This meant the two groups backed off, they didn’t want to go to jail or worse for going against the world government. A select few from the group felt they wanted to put an end to the alien intrusion no matter the consequences. They broke free and formed the group SAAB which was Scientists Against Alien Babies. They were underground and operating like a secret spy group to find ways to take the aliens down.

  The only way they saw to get rid of the problem was to destroy their planet. The Klaskians were deeply connected to their planet and the foliage and fauna that lived there. If the planet became sick then the aliens would too. They would either leave thinking they’d wandered into a poisonous atmosphere for their planet or they would die. Either way, they would stop procreating with human women and the goal of stopping the act would be reached.

  After the aliens had been in the solar system for six years SAAB finally felt like they were ready. It was time to execute the plan and they needed someone the aliens would never suspect to deliver the dangerous contaminant.

  Sending up women ahead of time to scope out the situation was easy. Those women just had the babies and brought back the info. They also cleverly found ways to bring things back. After a few times when women didn’t return to SAAB after having babies they devised a way to keep the women from getting pregnant. When they weren’t carrying alien young and falling in love with the people they were there to help destroy it worked much better.

  The plan was all leading up to the time when they would send the one woman who would start their downfall. Years of careful planning all led up to one person and they had to choose her carefully.

  The government and the aliens also had a deal that not too many people were aware of. They would give their prisoners, the very few Klaskians that weren’t any trouble to earth to study. They wanted to find the cure for cancer and whatever other super power they could pull from these fascinating specimens. It wasn’t at all ethical. The babies were being born and the prisoners were secretly being sent to earth, so they could be experimented on.

  That was why the Klaskian government did not let the humans stay. They came up and they had the babies. Once the babies were born and that meant the very minute, the humans were sent back to earth and paid. They were all kept in one little community and all the governing bodies of the planet were underground along with the jail.

  The people didn’t know what was happening and the planet couldn’t risk the possibility that it would be discovered, or their people would stop reproducing and possibly revolt. They were peaceful, but they outnumbered their government by the hundreds.

  That’s why humans were supposed to stay on earth and never over stay their welcome on Klaskar. But of course, nothing would ever be that simple.

  Chapter One


  Sarah Overstreet took three quick breaths before the pod opened and she stepped into a new world. She knew what to expect from the girls who'd gone before her but the pills they'd given her for the trip disoriented her.

  She had to take it or the week-long trip up to Klaskar would have been unbearable. Now she needed to get her wits about her. Every step she took while she was on the planet affected the cause. She was the most important pawn in the chess game of bringing down the aliens.

  She had to sacrifice her body and be a willing participant. It was something she didn't believe in but only a few of the members of SAAB were left that were young women. Some of the others had already come up and been surrogates to bring back the information that was needed to make this mission possible.

  The ground warped and seemed to move beneath her feet as the drugs she’d been given still remained in her system. Thankfully, their effects would soon wear off. She squeezed her eyes closed and slowly counted backward from ten. As the drugs started to make their way out of her system she opened her eyes and looked around. The platform the pod landed on put her in the mind of the subway. She stretched feeling like she’d not been able to fully extend her arms for days. The joints in her back and arms cracked. Slowly, she rolled her neck on her shoulders trying to ease the tension in the muscles. The pod was roomy enough you could stand if needed but she was scared if she moved around too much it would malfunction, and she’d fall through space forever. She shivered. The thought of dying freefalling through space was not something she wanted to experience. She’d always had an irrational fear of deep space even though she’d never been there.

  They didn’t really get to practice the ride up. They had a zero-gravity chamber and a demo pod for how it would be inside, but you couldn’t really get a good sense of what it was actually like in one until you were hurtling through space on your way to a distant planet.

  She was walking in line now with hundreds of women. These women willingly gave up their bodies and carried these alien’s babies. It was beyond her. When the program first started they’d sent Denise. Sweet little Denise. She had reported she was one of twenty and now the program was taking in more and more. Denise had left the cause once she became an actual surrogate. She’d reported the alien’s sperm was an aphrodisiac and addictive to humans. She said once the babies were inside of her she no longer believed in stopping the surrogacy program. That was why the cause had stressed Sarah would not get pregnant.

  She was ready. The scientists she worked with had inserted something inside that would keep the alien sperm from implanting. She would but be a successful surrogate but that wasn't what she was there for. The aliens didn't allow anything brought in but the clothes the women wore and their IDs. This meant the infecting agent to add to their atmosphere also had to be concealed in her body.

  She touched the little vial implanted in her arm and smiled. So little to destroy so much. She didn’t see it as hurting the aliens, but helping them leave before they were wiped out. She felt like they were being fair to them and only destroying a few to save the many. That’s what the cause stressed to the, and she believed it.

  There was a large blue man standin
g on a platform in front of them. Sarah had never actually seen one if the aliens up close before.

  She was struck how vibrant the blue was. The man's purple eyes looked at them all as he spoke. When his eyes met hers, she felt like he was staring right into her soul. There was no way he knew she had ill intent, but she still averted her eyes from him. She’d heard the aliens could read emotions, that some were better at it than others.

  "Thank you for coming to Klaskkar to help us. The women will clean you up, fix your hair and give you comfortable clothing before you meet your males."

  A shudder went through her and she looked around to make sure no one noticed. She knew there was a good possibility she would have to be with not one but two Klaskians while she stayed on the planet. It gave the aliens a better chance of impregnating her. There were so many women walking with her towards a large cave.

  She was happy to hear they'd be cleaned. A week in a pod made her feel the dirtiest shed ever felt. She was surprised her hair wasn't standing straight up and couldn't wait to wash it.

  Looking around as they entered the cave she saw the planet looked normal. The sun seemed closer but of course, it did, they were closer to it on this planet. The sky was blue and she found herself wondering if that was the case where the planet used to be. She could see the tops of some trees as they went into the cave.

  All the women giggled and chatted nervously. It seemed a lot had come with friends and they held hands as the line progressed forward. She was nervous but not as nervous if she would have been if she wasn't protected from pregnancy.

  They checked in with a large male Klaskian who verified their names and ages. He explained if they became pregnant with twins, they would have more money in their account when they returned to Earth. It was meant to ease them into the idea of being with two men, but some of the women were still surprised.


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