The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

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The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3 Page 12

by Amelia Wilson

  A moan came from deep in her through as Sarti reached around and pinched one nipple while cupping the other breast. He was rougher than he needed to be but she didn’t mind. She’d let him touch her how he wanted. Notla’s tongue probed deep into her mouth and her sex ached to be filled and release the delicious pressure that had started to build there.

  “I want you Sarah,” Notla said, “right now.”

  Sarah looked into his eyes and saw desire and the possibility of love. He flipped her around so she faced Sarti. His eyes held a sadness and he tried to make them cold as he claimed her mouth. He kissed her hard punishing her with his mouth. She only enjoyed it. He wanted her as well, she could feel it in his touches.

  They both were hard. She could feel Notla’s large cock pressing into her back and saw Sarti’s hard on peeking out the top of his pants. She giggled despite the tension. His face almost changed to a smile but then he remembered and he stopped himself.

  She sighed and leaned forward to kiss him. They both pressed into her with their hardness and she felt exhilarated at the thought of both of them having her at once. She wondered if they would all take turns or she would have one in her mouth and one in her pussy.

  “You’re going to have to trust us, Sarah, I know you aren’t sure what to expect,” Notla said.

  She said, “Yeah, sure. What did you have in mind?”

  “We want to share you,” Notla said and kissed her neck. “At the same time.”

  “Oh,” she said getting their meaning. There had never been anyone in that part of her body. She was extremely nervous but also turned on by the thought of having one of them fill her ass while the other filled her pussy. They would move together. It was too much for her to stand. She kissed Notla and he pushed her down onto the bed. Sarti took his clothes off before climbing onto the bed and Notla undressed as he kissed her down the shoulder and back up to her lips. She moaned as he freed his cock and she saw how ready he was.

  “Get up,” Sarti said and she scooted up on the bed towards the center. Notla reached into the drawer in the bed’s headboard for a vial of something she’d never seen before.

  “Oil,” He murmured and Sarti resumed massaging her breasts playing with them until they ached and felt heavy.

  “Come here,” Sarti said rolling to his back. Gone was the shy virgin she’d been with. He was so demanding and technical. Everything about his style had changed. He tugged her over to straddle him. She shifted off of the bed until one knee moved over him and her center rested against his thick rigid cock. His hands guided her hips to rock over him back and forth. The pressure hit her clit and she ground down on him in slow strokes until she was all the way impaled.

  “Is she wet?” Nolta asked excitedly as he reached between them to feel for herself. She felt many sensations with the addition of his fingers while she rode Sarti.

  “She is,” he grunted as he grasped her hips and moved her up and down.

  “Lift up for me Sarah,” Notla said smacking one of her ass cheeks than the other. The smack smarted until he poured oil onto her and let it move down into her crack and over the cheeks. It cooled and tingled as it ran down.

  Sarti gripped her arms and she stared into his eyes. He stared back at her his cheeks purple with the exertion of screwing her. She cared so much for him and hoped he could forgive her one day.

  “I need more,” Sarah said surprising herself. Her throat was dry from moaning and she tried to clear her throat. Sarti complied with her and pulled her all the way up slamming back into her. Notla came up behind her and pressed against her back. She felt claustrophobic for a minute riding Sarti and sandwiched between the two of them. It passes as Notla kneaded her breasts softly.

  “Push back against me,” Notla says and his finger circles her rosebud causing her to jump and gasp. It was a strange sensation but one she wanted to feel again. He pushed a finger inside of her and she gasped again. The oil moved inside of her and he used it to open her up. The sensation burned and felt good. His finger was gentle.

  “Get ready,” he said and she felt something larger than his finger pressing into her backdoor. She gasped again as he pushed inside just slightly and she clenched to keep him out.

  “Relax, you’ll have to relax,” he said soothingly. Sarti brought his lips to mine and the distraction helped me relax a bit. She wanted to come and felt Notla pull back and place his fingers back inside stretching her, preparing her. There was no way his cock was going to fit in there, she thought.

  The sensation kept her just on the verge of orgasm and she let out a frustrated moan pushing against Sarti and feeling Notla continue to stretch her. She waited as his finger moved and his cock pushed there again. He pressed inside of her and the burn of the initial insertion was unexpected. Sarah stopped moving and so did Sarti they let Notla work his way inside. Both men started to rock into her and her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “Slowly,” Notla said.

  “No, I, please.” Sarah’s mind couldn’t help her form the words. She needed them faster. It hurt but it also felt so good.

  “Let us fuck you, give you pleasure,” Notla said as the continued to rock.

  “Shhh, let us fill you, pleasure you, fuck you.” Notla groaned. It was exciting and strange to hear Notla say the word fuck. He’d heard Sarah say it but it wasn’t a Klaskian word.

  “Oh, god, both of you, yes!” Sarah screamed overcome with sensations coming at her from all sides. She felt a mix of pleasure and pain unlike anything she’d experienced and she just wanted more. Sarah felt like she needed them both like she needed her next breath. She felt like they had all become one. There was no Sarti. No Nolta. No Sarah. It was a heady feeling she felt she could get lost in.

  Sarah’s quickening was slow and powerful robbing her of conscious thought. She shuddered as she rolled her hips and tried to get up. Sarti held her down and Notla moved a hand to the back of her neck holding her prone as he filled her ass moving in and out. Sarah felt their releases and felt as they shot their alien seed deep within her. Her womb contracted taking it all and she knew this was the first time she could get pregnant. It was a strange revolution. She felt strangely content while buzzing with want to do it all over again at the same time.

  Notla pulled out first and then Sarti. She was warm from sweat and sex and lay still listening to the sounds of the two men’s rapid heartbeats. She felt content. This was where she should be. Sarti left the bed and she felt sad but didn’t stop him. Notla curled up behind her and fell asleep. She drifted off listening to him snore and speak softly of his mate Sahmi. He always did when he fell asleep and she didn’t mind.

  Chapter Eleven


  The days went by faster after that. Before she knew it shed been on the planet for six months. She woke one day with a horrible pain in her stomach. It had her seeing spots as she climbed from the bed and fell to the floor. What's wrong? Notla knelt down beside her alarm on his face.

  “My stomach. It hurts like a tiny man is chiseling away at my ovaries.”

  When she looked up at Notla he was smiling.

  “Come here and lie down love. It's what happens when you conceive.”

  She looked at him with wide eyes. The pain was terrible and she couldn't imagine the miracle of life would cause so much pain.

  “Are you sure I'm not dying? “

  “No, you are not dying. Lie back I'll get you something to help with the pain.” He was gone and she slammed a hand over her eyes. This hurt.

  Sarah writhed in the bed struggling to get comfortable. No position she put herself in gave her any relief. Notla came back with a black root that smelled terrible.

  That smells horrendous she said the pain causing her to feel nauseous.

  “Yes, but it will help right away. Open your mouth.”

  Sarah did reluctantly and he dropped some liquid from the root onto her tongue. Handing her a glass of water he sat beside her and encouraged her to drink. It tasted worse than it smelled
. She closed her eyes and waited. The pain came down to a dull ache and she stretched her legs out in relief.

  “How long does the pain last?”

  “Just until the embryo is implanted. A day or two. I have more roots.” Notla was still smiling wide and she wanted to be happy but the pain wouldn’t let her.

  “I need to tell Sarti. Do you think he'll be happy?”

  Sarti had become completely distant. He would only sleep with her when Notla was also present to avoid intimacy. He still wanted a young but he was angry for her betrayal and didn't forgive easily. It had hurt her because she loved him the same as she loved Notla. Notla seemed to think he just needed time.

  “Wait until you aren't in pain and then we'll go together.”

  “No, I want to go alone. I need to try and mend the rift between us.”

  “Okay ,I'm here if you need me. Go to sleep and call if you need more Menga root.”

  She slept and when she woke up the pain had her bringing her knees into her stomach and calling for Notla.

  This cycle continued for two days and she slept as much as possible. She tried not to picture how painful it would be to have ty e young if implantation was this bad.

  On the third day, the pain was gone and her stomach already showed the swell of young. She was astonished and excited.

  She went to Sarti to tell him the news. There would be no way to know until the birth if it was his or Notla’s baby. She hoped it was one of each for the pain she’d caused them.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked into his cave and looked around. The place was messy, it was covered in bottles of their equivalent of alcohol. She had only been away from his place for what, a month. This was a lot of bottles for the short time. He was drinking away his feelings of betrayal. She felt guilty and went into the bedroom to find him passed out on the bed.

  She wanted to go to him and make him feel better with her body. She wanted to kiss him and have him tell her she was forgiven. It was his young inside her belly and he was overjoyed. Instead, she just stood in the doorway and called his name.

  “Come again later I’m sleeping,” he was still drunk, his voice slurring.

  “Sarti, I would but I really need to talk to you,” Sarah said stepping into the room.

  He sat up and gave her a look. She couldn’t quite decipher the way he was looking at her, it wasn’t serious loathing, but it wasn’t anywhere close to loving. He was giving off a different vibe, a different scent. For a moment she wondered if the drunk Sarti could be dangerous.

  “I’m pregnant,” There was no other way to tell him. No other way to announce it but just to come out with it.

  His face changed with each emotion surprise, shock, anger, sadness, and then finally a poker face.

  “Hopefully it will be Notla’s,” he said in a cold voice.

  “You don’t mean that,” Sarah said tears pouring from her eyes she moved to him.

  “Sarti feel me.” She took his hand and put it on her belly. He didn’t want to but left it there when she moved her own hands. “This could be yours. I’m sorry for betraying you, but I’m doing what I was supposed to. I’m having your young.”

  “Of course, I don’t mean it,” he said quietly still cold, “I want young, I want a son or daughter. I just don’t know if I want you to be their mother.”

  “Fair enough. I’m what you have though Sarti so you can either take it or leave it.”

  She left then. She decided she’d atoned for her ways and if he was going to continue to be this way towards her, it would be his problem. She was going to be happy about the baby or babies and enjoy growing them as much as she could.

  Chapter Twelve


  The day she gave birth to her Klaskian heirs Sarah was in the garden of all places. She was tending to some tomatoes she was extremely proud she’d been able to grow after finding the seeds in one of the magazines Notla had in his home.

  She had a little garden that helped her eat some of the things she missed. Pregnant and hungry she would have killed for some cheese fries. There just weren’t any potatoes, or cheese, or ranch dressing.

  The pain was so much worse than when she’d conceived. Her legs went completely numb and she cried out as she fell backwards in her garden. Notla was inside and she was worried he wouldn’t hear her but by some miracle he raced into the yard.

  “It’s time!” He yelled excitedly. She rolled on the ground unable to get up because of her sizable belly. In three months it had grown three times its size. If she didn’t have twins inside of her she had one really big baby.

  Another pain rocketed through her and he went to fetch Dr. Sossha. The man took forever to get there and the first thing he did was reach inside her and feel the hard sack.

  “It’s cracking open, they are pecking their way out.”

  “They?” Sarah asked wide-eyed. She felt like she had chicks inside of her pecking out of a giant egg.

  “Oh yes I feel two distinct little fighters.” The doctor was awful chipper while she writhed in pain.

  “Can you give me something for the pain?” She didn’t know if they had epidurals on Klaskar but it would be nice.

  “What. You don’t want a natural childbirth?” The doctor asked as another pain ripped through her. She grabbed his arm digging her nails in and said something so mean she couldn’t remember what it was.

  He laughed and went to get her something for the pain. At least, that’s what she hoped he was doing. She was very disappointed to find him dripping more of the disgusting root Notla had used in her mouth. It didn’t even touch the pain and now she could feel the babies fighting their way down the birth canal. She felt like she was being split in half from the inside. Was having a human baby this horrible?

  She yelled, and another pain had her seeing stars. The doctor reached inside her again.

  “They are making their way down, Sarah. Not much longer now.”

  “Where is Notla?” She could barely get the words out.

  “He went to get the other proud papa. Since they are twins he has one in the mix too.”

  The way he said it sounded like she was tossing different flavored spices into a mixing bowl not trying to push two giant fighting creatures from her body. The kids were seriously going to break through her stomach if someone didn’t get them out of her.

  “Sarah I’m here,” she heard Notla’s voice and he took her hand. “Sarti is here too.”

  The pain had her going in and out of consciousness and the root wasn’t helping one bit. She could feel them moving down and the sac coming with them.

  “You’re doing great Sarah,” she heard someone say and the first bit of pressure had her pushing. Her body had a mind of its own as she pushed and pushed. The first baby came out crying and she heard Notla say, “a boy. Sarti, it’s your boy!”

  She wasn’t sure how he could tell. Maybe aliens could sense their own young? It didn’t matter because another one was coming and was moving more than the other.

  “This one is facing the wrong way,” the doctor said. By some strange miracle he reached inside of her and turned the baby around. She had been wrong when she thought she was gong to break in half before. This was the moment she was going to actually break in half. The doctor had no compassion for her pain.

  The other baby finally came out of her along with a lot of blood and she felt certain she was going to die on the table.

  She could hear it crying as the doctor worked to remove the sack and stich her up. There was no way her lady parts would ever be the same after this.

  “It’s a girl!” She heard Notla say and then she passed out.

  It wasn’t until later when she was feeding the children and they all sat in silence they started to talk about a plan.

  “I’m going to have to stay in the cavern. I think it’s a good idea to keep the fact that some of the women have stayed a secret. The doctor says there is a very good reason and it has to do with your leaders.”

Both aliens looked puzzled at this and she felt they all needed to learn more about the planet they were on.

  “I will stay with you in the caves with our daughter,” Notla said. “We’ll need to build up a resistance of our own now that we’re aware SAAB exists. Also, I love you.” He said it quickly and bent down to kiss her. Her heart filled with joy and her little girl cooed so she handed her to Notla.

  “Yes. They will send more when it becomes clear I’m not coming back. Also, I love you too,” She turned the little boy over to burp him. Sarti hadn’t left her side but she knew it was because of the baby. She handed him to his father and watched Sarti smile down at the little guy. If he didn’t love her at least he could love their son.

  “That makes sense, but they won’t send more than one woman at a time. It would be too suspicious if several surrogates didn’t fall pregnant,” Notla said.

  “I’m not so sure there aren’t others like me already here,” Sarah knew it was possible SAAB had suspected she would turn against them somehow. They would have had a back up plan just in case. The women in the cave were nice but if they were spying on Renee and now her they would have to go back to earth or communicate with them somehow. Living in the cave would protect her but it would also allow her to keep an eye on the other humans. If one of them was SAAB she’d figure it out.

  “So, we will stay in the cave. Sarti, what will you do?” Notla looked towards his friend.

  “I will stay in my house with my son.” Sarti said without thinking. He’d made up his mind for sure. His tone had softened a little since the birth of the babies, but she still felt like he was angry with her and had no way of knowing how long he would be.

  Sarah had thought he might leave them as soon as he could. She knew he was still unable to really trust her and that was okay with her. He stood with his son and they walked out. She felt like she should hold onto him, they hadn’t named him yet. It wasn’t like the mother and child bonding she imagined humans had but she did feel love for the two babes she’d carried in her body.


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