The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

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The Klaskians Series: Boxset Bks 1-3 Page 14

by Amelia Wilson

  “There's a little more to it, I'm afraid,” Sarti continued.

  “I don't know that I want to know anymore, my friend,” Gianva said standing up from the chair he’d been sitting in. He paced the room now.

  “There are more human women living there with them and our comrades - the ones who disappeared after surrogacy.”

  “What is the point of this?” Gianva felt confused and didn't want to misunderstand his friend, “Are they getting together to form some sort of resistance against the government?”

  “It’s nothing like that. They care for one another; they want to be a family. At first, I didn't like it, but now I understand that they're just living their lives. They’re not hurting anyone.”

  Gianva thought this over for a few minutes, “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because you are a good friend, and I’m bursting with the secret,” he said. “I can trust you right?”

  “You can trust me my friend,” Gianva said, “but what do the humans down there think of this?”

  “They know some of their women are missing. I'm sure they know Sarah's missing, because she was the one you heard was supposed to destroy us.”

  This was another blow to Gianva. He’d heard lots of his people talk about the woman who’d almost destroyed everything, but no one knew who she was or why she did it. The rumor was their government had gained this knowledge from the human organization that had lost her. Some conspiracy theorists thought they had leaked the information to keep the Klaskian people on their toes and in support of the regulations they kept in place. Now that Gianva knew she remained on the planet, their government’s fear seemed plausible.

  “I just want you to be careful. That’s another reason I told you,” Sarti said, “I don't want you to end up with a mate who's here to do us harm.” He stepped forward and gripped Gianva’s arm looking into his eyes to convey how serious he was.

  “You don’t think the humans will just consider those women gone?” Gianva couldn’t imagine a planet with that many people would worry about a few.

  “No, because they consider them deserters and that angers them. From what Sarah and some of the other women have told me they'll keep on sending women until they get them back or they are all dead.”

  Gianva shuddered at the thought of people wanting to kill each other. This was such a morbid thought, especially while they were trying to save their race. Earth seemed happy to obliterate anybody who didn't play by its rules.

  “I wouldn’t share this with Rava, if I were you,” Sarti said he’d made his way into the kitchen and began peeling the fruit he’d picked for Gianva to present to his female. Gianva thought of the man he would be partnered with, for the woman. They’d never gotten along even though they were always in each other’s lives.

  It would be an uphill battle, but now that the time had come for him to go to meet his mate, he couldn't help but be excited. Sarti had packed the fruit for him in a satchel, along with some bread, and he now rushed home to set everything up before going to meet the mother of his future children.

  Chapter Three


  Rava put both hands on the tree in front of him carefully avoiding the black syrup dripping on either side. The life force of the plant flowed through him, and he matched his breathing to the pulse of it, instantly feeling more relaxed. He had an affinity for plants and so he used them to help calm his nerves when he had an off day. Today, he needed a little peace. He tapped into the tree and waited for the peace to wash over him.

  He'd avoided it for a long time, ever since the surrogacy program started, but it was time. The people on his planet wanted every able-bodied male to participate, and he was certainly able-bodied. There would be no way to put it off any longer.

  He'd have to mate with a human.

  What made his situation even worse was that every surrogate had to be paired up with two males. This gave them a better chance of conceiving and often the woman would have twins. They would share a surrogate and continuously try to get her pregnant.

  His partner was Gianva, who was someone with whom he'd never gotten along. They'd been schoolmates and for some reason had an ongoing feud. They'd liked the same females, coveted the same places on the sports teams, and had argued about every fact on the planet. It was some cruel fate that had paired him up with a man he couldn't stand being around. Sharing a female with him made his skin crawl.

  It couldn't be helped however. The government was determined about what had to be done and who it had to be done by. He could not ask for a different partner for the process. It was up to him to make the best of a terrible situation. He didn't want to mate. He wanted to help expand his race, but he didn't want to do it with a human. He wanted a normal Klaskian mate, who would provide good pure-blood children. Unfortunately, there were hardly any females left, and his fate was sealed.

  Begrudgingly he headed to the assembly where the women would come out. It used to be an open field, and the women had to cross through a body of water. It was a symbol for them that they were making an effort to get to their males.

  Now, they all were in a sterile building built especially for the ceremony. There was still a lot of fanfare, but security was tight. Ever since word had spread one human was there to harm them and that there might be more, they took extra precautions. The government had assured him and his people that the woman had gone back to Earth and had been punished by the people who had sent her, but he wasn't sure he believed that.

  Entering the large main hall, he saw dozens of his brothers waiting. He found Gianva quickly and nodded towards him. Gianva looked troubled, and Rava didn't want to know, but was compelled to ask.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  Gianva looked at him, startled by the question.

  "Just nervous about meeting our female," he said and smiled, looking back towards where the females would be exciting. Somehow Rava didn’t think he was being truthful, but he let it go. Rava stopped talking as their names were called and the large white curtains drew back.

  Talia stepped through, and Rava had never seen such beauty. Not in all the flowers and all the faces of women on Klaskar. He felt a stab of anger at himself for having such a reaction to her. The women had adorned her in a bright white robe with intricate pink designs. The white set off the brown tone of her skin, and she practically glowed. Her dark hair had been braided, and metallic beads caught the light with each step she took.

  He couldn't tell if Gianva was having the same reaction to their chosen mate. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her. She moved so gracefully, as she walked towards them. A nervous smile spread across her face and she extended her hand.

  Rava realized he'd been staring at her for too long when she cleared her throat. He took her hand.

  "Rava, Talia," he said and shook her hand up and down as he stared into her eyes.

  "Nice to meet you," she said. Her voice was perfect. It wasn't raspy and hoarse like some of the humans he'd met, and it wasn't high and squeaky. It flowed from her mouth smoothly and sounded like music to him.

  "Hi Talia," Gianva found his voice. He stepped forward and put his arms around her. Her eyes widened at first, but then she put her arms around him.

  "Gianva?" she said since he’d been so stricken he’d had failed to give her a name. Of course, she knew it. They called their names when she was presented.

  “Yes, I'm so sorry. Please come with us. We have food for you.”

  Talia followed the two of them as Gianva took her hand and led her from the main hall. His place was closest he explained so that was where they would go first.

  It was tradition, though unspoken, for both males to take the human woman on her first night on Klaskar. He wondered who would have her first. His cock stirred at the thought of touching her perfect skin and sinking deep into her. Curse this human woman. How had she entranced him so?

  They walked over a large hill and down towards Gianva's place. Rava had never been in it before. The tw
o were not friends, so he found no reason to do so.

  In addition to Sarti’s contribution of bread and fruit, they’d had one of their friend's mates fix a lovely meal for Talia. Stillia was one of the females who had survived when they moved the planet, and she and her mate had several full-blooded offspring. Until this moment, Rava had been very jealous of her mate. Now, he wondered if it might not be pleasant to be with a human and have her carry his young.

  His sudden change in attitude to the whole thing unnerved him. He almost wondered if she'd somehow bewitched him into changing his mind. Even though that seemed ridiculous, his draw to her was completely unavoidable.

  They walked into Gianva's place, and she sat down on the couch in the living room. There were various fruits, breads and dips spread out on a table in front of the couch. They’d asked others how they'd welcomed their female surrogates and was told that this was the same way should greet their women.

  "It looks delicious," she said even though she sounded unsure. The men each sat on either side of her eager to watch her take a bite.

  She smiled and told them, "I can't eat with you guys staring at me. Please, dig in." Gianva didn't waste any time and loaded up a piece of bread with dip. Rava felt he was rude and glared at him. He tried to convey, through his expression, that they were to treat her like a princess.

  Gianva didn't catch Rava’s look, so he focused his attention on watching Talia place a piece of fruit into her mouth. He watched as she chewed and had a physical reaction to the moan that escaped her as she swallowed.

  "That was delicious," she said smiling at him.

  He wanted to be the one to make her moan. He felt it in every fiber of his being. He wanted to take her on the couch while Gianva watched. He knew that he had to be patient. You couldn't just do what you wanted with human women. There were protocols. Instead, he started to eat with her. He needed the energy to mate with her whether he went first or second and he found he was hungry.

  "So, tell me," Talia said, "what do you do?"

  She directed the question to Rava, so he answered, “I'm a planter. I have an affinity for all the foliage on the planet. It speaks to me, so I help it grow.”

  He'd learned from talking to others that the humans didn't have skills as they did. It had been the reason they'd made the agreement with them to start the surrogacy program because the Klaskians could heal their planet. They could heal it in a lot of ways, and the aliens had been happy to do so when they'd been allowed to remain in their solar system.

  Rava had noticed some of his friends had gone missing and that they were the ones who'd been with human women. The Klaskian government often said these men were in mourning for their lost mates and bonding with their new offspring. Their government made announcements often about things happening between humans and Klaskians. Some of the men had been missing since the start of the program, and it caused Rava to be suspicious of this explanation.

  He didn't think they'd left the planet. There was a very strict law on traveling. Only those who went to heal the Earth were allowed to travel, and they checked in and out. Every minute of their trip was documented so the Klaskar movement could keep track of their comings and goings.

  On Klaskar, however, they didn't seem to be tracking those who'd just gone missing. He realized he'd zoned out when he heard Gianva telling her what he did.

  “For lack of a word you'd understand, I’m a zoologist. I can talk to and connect with the native animals of Klaskar. I can help them if they are ill or need help.”

  “That’s actually really cool, like Dr. Doolittle,” Talia said.

  Rava looked confused, and Gianva agreed with him, “Who is that? Is that someone famous on Earth?”

  “No, never mind,” Talia said. “So, how many women have come to your planet to have babies, do you know?”

  “I don’t,” Gianva admitted. “It’s been a lot. There are tons of babies running around and getting bigger every day.”

  “That’s amazing,” she said putting a hand on his leg. He felt a tingle where her delicate hand touched him through his pants. It was an awareness he’d never felt before. He wanted to run his hands over her legs and over her body. The compulsion was hard to fight, but he would need to until she chose who would go first.

  Chapter Four


  She didn't want to jump in with the questions right away, because she knew it would look suspicious. As she studied both of her mates, she tried to pick up on their personalities. Rava seemed more closed off, although she could tell he was attracted to her. Gianva would be her best bet for information. He was more open to her, while still nervous.

  It was easy to see why women were attracted to having these alien's babies. She already wanted them both and hadn't even taken a few minutes to get to know them. It was looking at their muscles rippling under their shirts and watching their purple eyes flash when they talked to her. It was the way the wanted to take care of her by feeding her.

  "So, have you known many of the other surrogates," Talia asked eating another bite of the delicious fruit. She felt like that was a safe question. Her plan, to begin with, was just to figure out how they felt about humans in general and if they'd had any types of interaction with those that had gone missing.

  Rava said, "I've only been introduced to them briefly while they stayed on the planet. I can't say I knew any of them. They mostly stayed with their mates doing what they were supposed to."

  Talia couldn’t' tell if that was directed at her to keep her in line or if he was just stating facts.

  "I met my friend Sarti's mate, Sarah. I really liked her. I was able to spend some time with them. They weren't always in the bedroom." After he said this, he looked sheepish, and Talia thought if he could blush, he probably would.

  Her heart rate spiked a bit at the mention of Sarah. Sarah Overstreet had been the one who had been tasked with getting the aliens to leave Earth’s solar system. She had the poison. She’d gotten it on to the planet and then she just didn’t do it. Sarah had been dedicated to her mission from the moment it was planned. If she could be turned, Talia felt certain anyone could.

  "Did Sarah have babies," she asked loaded up a piece of bread with cheese. She had become quite full but wanted to appear casual as she continued to inquire about the scientist.

  "Oh yes," Gianva said, "with Sarti and Notla. Twins. Now she’s…" he trailed off.

  "Yes?" she said leaning towards him.

  "Well, I guess now she's happy back at home. The twins are growing," he recovered quickly. He wouldn't meet her gaze, and she found herself wondering what he wasn't saying.

  "I'm sure she is," Rava said. "We want to hear about you. Tell us about your childhood, Talia. Here on our planet, our childhood shapes us and we develop our affinity. Like mine for plants and Gianva's for animals."

  "Not much to tell," Talia said thankful she could be completely honest about this part of her life, "My mother drank too much and was in and out of rehab most of my life. She couldn't get clean and eventually moved on to hard drugs leaving me with my father."

  The memory of that day still stung even as it had been over twelve years ago. She shook it off and smiled at the two aliens.

  "And your father?" Gianva asked.

  “He tried, but he worked as a truck driver. He couldn't be home - hardly at all. I was looked after by my aunt when she could swing by, but I mostly lived on my own.”

  She tried to be more flirtatious, but it wasn’t her personality. It had never been in her nature to throw herself at a man. Now she had to do it to two.

  “So, the human women who have come here - they haven’t tried to stay with their men? I’ve heard quite a few women fall in love,” she smiled hoping it came off adorable.

  “I don’t know about that,” Gianva said. The question hung in the air. She made the decision to be with Gianva first, but she wasn’t sure how to voice that.

  “You have to choose,” Rava said suddenly making the decision for her
. “You have to choose who you’d like to lie with first.” The way he said it made it sound so formal. It didn’t seem as dirty as going to space to screw two aliens in the same night and had their babies.

  “Okay, this decision doesn’t reflect poorly on the second person. I just wanted to make a choice, so I didn’t have to agonize over it. I choose Gianva.”

  She looked into his eyes and thought he looked pleased. Turning around to look at Rava she couldn’t read any emotion on his face. Standing from the couch before she lost her nerve she held out her hand for him.

  Talia wasn’t sure what to expect as she entered the bedroom with Gianva. He didn’t say anything as he sat down on his bed. It was a wide round piece of furniture with what looked like a bunch of feathers in it. When she sat on it though, she was surprised to find they didn’t tickle her. It was like sitting on a mattress.

  “I’ll admit,” he whispered, “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “That’s okay,” she said completely turned on just from the closeness, “I’ll show you.”

  She brought her lips to his and licked along the bottom one. He made a low growl in his throat, and she pushed her tongue inside standing on her tiptoes and pressing her body into his. Already she felt his hardness against her belly and her insides heated up instantly.

  She stepped back and pulled the robe down exposing her breasts. The Klaskians didn’t believe in underwear it seemed and she was completely naked beneath. Gianva removed the cloth that covered his torso, and she saw his abs were perfectly stacked. These aliens were in phenomenal shape. She bit her lip.

  He moved towards her, and she pushed the robe the rest of the way off revealing herself to him. He removed the pants that encased his member, and it sprang forward large and thick. She gasped at the size of it, and he smiled.

  He reached out and ran his hands down her shoulders and to her waist. Pulling her to him, he mimicked the kiss she’d given him, his tongue rolling in her mouth and causing wetness to spring up between her legs. She moaned, and he gripped her tightly. Fire licked at her pooling in a liquid heat in her abdomen begging for it to be stoked and coaxed.


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