Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories

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Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories Page 18

by Иван Тургенев

  a hovel. I saw a man wearing a blue patched coat and a ragged cap,

  well ... he looked like a working-man, he was standing with his back

  to me, digging among his cabbages. I went up to him. 'Are you so and

  so?' I said. He turned round and, I tell you the truth, I have never

  seen such piercing eyes in my life. Yet the whole face was shrunk up

  like a little fist with a little wedge-shaped beard and sunken lips.

  He was an old man. 'I am so and so,' he said. 'What are you

  needing?' 'Why, this is what I am needing,' I said, and

  put the writing in his hand. He looked at me intently and said: 'Come

  indoors, I can't read without spectacles.'

  "Well, I went with him into his hut--and a hut it certainly was: poor,

  bare, crooked; only just holding together. On the wall there was an

  ikon of old workmanship as black as a coal; only the whites of the

  eyes gleamed in the faces. He took some round spectacles in iron

  frames out of a little table, put them on his nose, read the writing

  and looked at me again through the spectacles. 'You have need of me?'

  'I certainly have,' I answered. 'Well,' said he, 'if you have, tell it

  and we will listen.' And, only fancy, he sat down and took a checked

  handkerchief out of his pocket, and spread it out on his knee, and the

  handkerchief was full of holes, and he looked at me with as much

  dignity as though he were a senator or a minister, and he did not

  ask me to sit down. And what was still stranger, I felt all at once

  awe-stricken, so awe-stricken ... my soul sank into my heels. He

  pierced me through with his eyes and that's the fact! I pulled myself

  together, however, and told him all my story. He was silent for a

  space, shrank into himself, chewed his lips and then questioned me

  just like a senator again, majestically, without haste. 'What is your

  name?' he asked. 'Your age? What were your parents? Are you single or

  married?' Then again he munched his lips, frowned, held up his finger

  and spoke: 'Bow down to the holy ikon, to the honourable Saints

  Zossima and Savvaty of Solovki.' I bowed down to the earth and did not

  get up in a hurry; I felt such awe for the man and such submission

  that I believe that whatever he had told me to do I should have done

  it on the spot! ... I see you are grinning, gentlemen, but I was in no

  laughing mood then, I assure you. 'Get up, sir,' said he at last. 'I

  can help you. This is not sent you as a chastisement, but as a

  warning; it is for your protection; someone is praying for your

  welfare. Go to the market now and buy a young dog and keep it by you

  day and night. Your visions will leave you and, moreover, that dog

  will be of use to you.'

  "I felt as though light dawned upon me, all at once; how those words

  delighted me. I bowed down to Prohoritch and would have gone away,

  when I bethought me that I could not go away without rewarding him. I

  got a three rouble note out of my pocket. But he thrust my hand away

  and said, 'Give it to our chapel, or to the poor; the service I have

  done you is not to be paid for.' I bowed down to him again almost to

  the ground, and set off straight for the market! And only fancy: as

  soon as I drew near the shops, lo and behold, a man in a frieze

  overcoat comes sauntering towards me carrying under his arm a two

  months' old setter puppy with a reddish brown coat, white lips and

  white forepaws. 'Stay,' I said to the man in the overcoat, 'what will

  you sell it for?' 'For two roubles.' Take three!' The man looked at me

  in amazement, thought the gentleman had gone out of his wits, but I

  flung the notes in his face, took the pup under my arm and made for my

  carriage! The coachman quickly had the horses harnessed and that

  evening I reached home. The puppy sat inside my coat all the way and

  did not stir; and I kept calling him, 'Little Trésor! Little Trésor!'

  I gave him food and drink at once. I had some straw brought in,

  settled him and whisked into bed! I blew out the candle: it was dark.

  'Well, now begin,' said I. There was silence. 'Begin,' said I, 'you so

  and so!'... Not a sound, as though to mock me. Well, I began to feel

  so set up that I fell to calling it all sorts of names. But still

  there was not a sound! I could only hear the puppy panting! Filka,' I

  cried, 'Filka! Come here, you stupid!' He came in. 'Do you hear the

  dog?' 'No, sir,' said he, 'I hear nothing,' and he laughed. 'And you

  won't hear it ever again,' said I. 'Here's half a rouble for vodka!'

  'Let me kiss your hand,' said the foolish fellow, and he stooped down

  to me in the darkness.... It was a great relief, I must tell you."

  "And was that how it all ended?" asked Anton Stepanitch, this time

  without irony.

  "The apparitions ended certainly and I was not disturbed in any way,

  but wait a bit, the whole business was not over yet. My Trésor grew,

  he turned into a fine fellow. He was heavy, with flopping ears and

  overhanging lip and a thick tail; a regular sporting dog. And he was

  extremely attached to me, too. The shooting in our district is poor,

  however, as I had set up a dog, I got a gun, too. I took to sauntering

  round the neighbourhood with my Trésor: sometimes one would hit a hare

  (and didn't he go after that hare, upon my soul), sometimes a quail,

  or a duck. But the great thing was that Trésor was never a step away

  from me. Where I went, he went; I even took him to the bath with me, I

  did really! One lady actually tried to get me turned out of her

  drawing-room on account of Trésor, but I made such an uproar! The

  windows I broke! Well, one day ... it was in summer ... and I must

  tell you there was a drought at the time such as nobody remembered.

  The air was full of smoke or haze. There was a smell of burning, the

  sun was like a molten bullet, and as for the dust there was no getting

  it out of one's nose and throat. People walked with their mouths wide

  open like crows. I got weary of sitting at home in complete

  deshabille, with shutters closed; and luckily the heat was beginning

  to abate a little.... So I went off, gentlemen, to see a lady, a

  neighbour of mine. She lived about three-quarters of a mile away--and

  she certainly was a benevolent lady. She was still young and blooming

  and of most prepossessing appearance; but she was of rather uncertain

  temper. Though that is no harm in the fair sex; it even gives me

  pleasure.... Well, I reached her door, and I did feel that I had had a

  hot time of it getting there! Well, I thought, Nimfodora Semyonovna

  will regale me now with bilberry water and other cooling drinks--and I

  had already taken hold of the doorhandle when all at once there was

  the tramping of feet and shrieking, and shouting of boys from round

  the corner of a hut in the courtyard.... I looked round. Good heavens!

  A huge reddish beast was rushing straight towards me; at the first

  glance I did not recognise it as a dog: its jaws were open, its eyes

  were bloodshot, its coat was bristling.... I had not time to take

  breath before the monster bounded up the steps, stood upon its hind

  legs and made straight for my chest--it
was a position! I was numb

  with terror and could not lift my arms. I was completely stupefied....

  I could see nothing but the terrible white tusks just before my nose,

  the red tongue all covered with white foam. But at the same instant,

  another dark body was whisking before me like a ball--it was my

  darling Trésor defending me; and he hung like a leech on the brute's

  throat! The creature wheezed, grated its teeth and staggered back. I

  instantly flung open the door and got into the hall.... I stood hardly

  knowing what I was doing with my whole weight on the door, and heard a

  desperate battle going on outside. I began shouting and calling for

  help; everyone in the house was terribly upset. Nimfodora Semyonovna

  ran out with her hair down, the voices in the yard grew louder--and

  all at once I heard: 'Hold the gate, hold it, fasten it!' I opened the

  door--just a crack, and looked out: the monster was no longer on the

  steps, the servants were rushing about the yard in confusion waving

  their hands and picking up bits of wood from the ground; they were

  quite crazy. 'To the village, it has run off to the village,' shrieked

  a peasant woman in a cap of extraordinary size poking her head out of

  a dormer window. I went out of the house.

  "'Where is my Trésor?' I asked and at once I saw my saviour. He was

  coming from the gate limping, covered with wounds and with blood....

  'What's the meaning of it?' I asked the servants who were dashing

  about the yard as though possessed. 'A mad dog!' they answered, 'the

  count's; it's been hanging about here since yesterday.'

  "We had a neighbour, a count, who bred very fierce foreign dogs. My

  knees shook; I rushed to a looking-glass and looked to see whether I

  had been bitten. No, thank God, there was nothing to be seen; only my

  countenance naturally looked green; while Nimfodora Semyonovna was

  lying on the sofa and cackling like a hen. Well, that one could quite

  understand, in the first place nerves, in the second sensibility. She

  came to herself at last, though, and asked me whether I were alive. I

  answered that I was and that Trésor had saved me. 'Ah,' she said,

  'what a noble creature! and so the mad dog has strangled him?' 'No,' I

  said, 'it has not strangled him, but has wounded him seriously.' 'Oh,'

  she said, 'in that case he must be shot this minute!' 'Oh, no,' I

  said, 'I won't agree to that. I shall try to cure him....' At that

  moment Trésor began scratching at the door. I was about to go and open

  it for him. 'Oh,' she said, 'what are you doing, why, it will bite us

  all.' 'Upon my word,' I said, 'the poison does not act so quickly.'

  'Oh, how can you?' she said. 'Why, you have taken leave of your

  senses!' 'Nimfotchka,' I said, 'calm yourself, be reasonable....' But

  she suddenly cried, 'Go away at once with your horrid dog.' 'I will

  go away,' said I. 'At once,' she said, 'this second! Get along with

  you,' she said, 'you villain, and never dare to let me set eyes on you

  again. You may go mad yourself!' 'Very good,' said I, 'only let me

  have a carriage for I am afraid to go home on foot now.' 'Give him the

  carriage, the coach, the chaise, what he likes, only let him be gone

  quickly. Oh, what eyes! Oh, what eyes he has!' and with those words

  she whisked out of the room and gave a maid who met her a slap in the

  face--and I heard her in hysterics again.

  "And you may not believe me, gentlemen, but that very day I broke off

  all acquaintance with Nimfodora Semyonovna; on mature consideration of

  everything, I am bound to add that for that circumstance, too, I shall

  owe a debt of gratitude to my friend Trésor to the hour of my death.

  "Well, I had the carriage brought round, put my Trésor in and drove

  home. When I got home I looked him over and washed his wounds, and

  thought I would take him next day as soon as it was light to the wise

  man in the Yefremovsky district. And this wise man was an old peasant,

  a wonderful man: he would whisper over some water--and some people

  made out that he dropped some snake spittle into it--would give it as

  a draught, and the trouble would be gone completely. I thought, by the

  way, I would be bled myself at Yefremovo: it's a good thing as a

  precaution against fright, only not from the arm, of course, but from

  the falcon."

  "What place is that, the falcon?" Mr. Finoplentov asked with demure


  "Why, don't you know? It is here on the fist near the thumb, the spot

  on which one shakes the snuff from one's horn, just here. It's the

  best place for letting blood. For only consider, the blood from the

  arm comes from the vein, but here it is of no consequence. The doctors

  don't know that and don't understand it, how should they, the idle

  drones, the wretched Germans? It's the blacksmiths who go in for it.

  And aren't they skilful! They get a chisel, give it a tap with a

  hammer and it's done! ... Well, while I was thinking it over, it got

  quite dark, it was time for bed. I went to bed and Trésor, of course,

  was close by me. But whether it was from the fight, from the

  stuffiness, from the fleas or from my thoughts, I could not get to

  sleep, do what I would! I can't describe the depression that came over

  me; I sipped water, opened the window and played the 'Kamarinsky' with

  Italian variations on the guitar.... No good! I felt I must get out of

  the room--and that was all about it! I made up my mind at last: I took

  my pillow, my quilt and my sheet and made my way across the garden to

  the hayloft; and settled myself there. And how pleasant I felt in

  there, gentlemen: it was a still, still night, only from time to time

  a breath of air like a woman's hand caressed one's cheek; it was so

  fresh; the hay smelt as sweet as tea; among the apple trees' the

  grasshoppers were chirping; then all at once came the cry of the

  quail--and one felt that he, too, the rogue, was happy, sitting in the

  dew with his little lady.... And the sky was magnificent.... The stars

  were glowing, or a cloud would float by, white as cotton wool,

  scarcely moving...."

  At this point in the story Skvorevitch sneezed; Kinarevitch sneezed,

  too--he never failed in anything to follow his colleague's example.

  Anton Stepanitch looked approvingly at both of them.

  "Well," Porfiry Kapitonitch went on, "well, so I lay there and again

  could not go to sleep. I fell to musing, and what I thought of most

  was the strangeness of it all: how correctly Prohoritch had explained

  it as a warning and I wondered why it was to me such marvels had

  happened.... I marvelled--particularly because I could make nothing of

  it--and Trésor kept whining, as he twisted round in the hay; his

  wounds hurt him. And I will tell you what else prevented me from

  sleeping--you won't believe it--the moon. It was just facing me, so


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