Meet Me at Willow Hall

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Meet Me at Willow Hall Page 22

by Carla Burgess

  I groaned. ‘That’s emotional blackmail, you know. Are you even allowed to go up in that thing? You’ve not long since had an operation.’

  ‘Of course I’m allowed,’ he said, looking shifty. ‘I’ve been up before and it’s not like I’m going to get really excited.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Of course I’m sure. It’s really relaxing, floating along. Come on, we haven’t done anything fun for ages.’

  ‘You don’t have fun with me?’ My heart stuttered in alarm.

  ‘Of course I have fun with you!’ he said quickly. ‘You know I do. But you’ve been working so hard recently, and what with my operation and all, I thought it might be nice to get away from everything for a couple of hours. We can just go and watch if you’d rather. I promise I won’t make you go up if you don’t want to, but I said I’d go and see Mark.’

  ‘Mark? I’ve never heard you mention him.’ I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

  ‘That’s because I haven’t seen him for ages!’ He laughed, incredulously. ‘I went to school with him. Don’t you believe me?’

  ‘Of course I believe you,’ I said, backing down. ‘I was just surprised, that’s all. I’ve just never heard you mention anyone called Mark or hot air balloons.’

  He looked disappointed and a little bit sad.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I told him, squeezing his leg and shifting closer. I was still careful not to put any pressure on his chest or left arm. ‘I’ll come. I’m sure it will be lovely.’

  He smiled. ‘Good. And it will be lovely, I promise.’

  Sunday was a lovely sunny day. We were in September now but it was still warm. Part of me had been hoping for high winds so I wouldn’t have to go up in the balloon, but the conditions were perfect. The airfield wasn’t far away. We parked in the small car park and walked through the gate into the field. One hot air balloon was already rising up into the sky, and another was still on the ground, its basket lying sideways on the grass, with the red fabric of the balloon spread out beside it. A tall man with dark hair and a blue-checked shirt was standing next to it. He waved when he saw us and came over to shake Anthony by the hand.

  ‘You must be Rachel,’ he said, turning to me with a smile. ‘The lion tamer.’ He glanced at Anthony and winked.

  ‘Oh, I don’t know about that. Hello, Mark. Lovely to meet you.’

  ‘Anthony tells me you’re a bit nervous about going up. Please don’t be.’

  ‘Well, Anthony’s had me watching videos online so I feel a bit braver now.’ I grimaced slightly and looked up at the balloon that was already floating high in the air.

  ‘Great! Let’s inflate the balloon then. Come on.’ We followed him over to where the balloon was lying on the grass, and another man came over to help.

  ‘Is it just us going up today?’

  ‘Yes, just you two and me,’ Mark said cheerfully. The blowers started up with a deafening roar and the balloon started to billow and rise as it filled with hot air. I stood nervously by, listening to Anthony and Mark chat about old times and how their friends and families were. When the balloon was sufficiently inflated, Mark climbed on to the basket and used his weight to tip it upwards as the balloon rose up into the sky. I stared up at the rainbow-coloured silk, thinking how beautiful it looked.

  ‘Come on, jump in,’ Mark called. ‘I promise you, we’ll bring her back down if you don’t like it. No worries.’

  Anthony took my hand and helped me climb into the basket. The heat from the burners warmed my skin and I looked up into the vast chamber of the inside of the balloon, fascinated by the way the air shimmered and rippled in the heat. The man on the ground released the ropes, and before I knew it we were rising into the air, slowly and gracefully. My knees felt a little wobbly and I gripped the basket for support, but the feeling of floating up, up, up above the treetops was also exhilarating. The basket felt so sturdy beneath my feet that I began to forget there was nothing but air beneath us. I didn’t dare look over the side of the basket. It felt safer to keep my eyes on the horizon and admire the patchwork quilt of fields all around us.

  Anthony put his arms around my waist and kissed my head.

  ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘Yes. Yes, I think so.’

  ‘You’re shaking.’

  ‘I know, but I’m getting used to it.’

  ‘We can go back down at any time. Just say the word.’

  ‘No. I’m enjoying the view. Isn’t it beautiful?’

  ‘It is. We should be able to see Willow Hall soon, too.’

  ‘Really? Will we fly over it?’

  ‘I don’t know. Mark? Will we fly over Willow Hall?’

  Mark turned and grinned over his shoulder.

  ‘Just so happens the wind is blowing us that way. Who knows, maybe we can land in your field.’

  Anthony laughed. ‘Well, that would be nice. My mother would love to see you again. We could drop in on her, literally.’

  ‘Do we not land where we took off?’

  ‘No, the steering’s not that good on these things.’ Mark grinned. ‘We go where the wind takes us. Well, within reason, anyway. Don’t worry, we have a team that comes out and picks us all up to take us back to the launch spot.’

  ‘Oh, good.’

  He laughed. ‘It’s a beautiful evening for it. Great conditions.’ He stared around him contentedly. ‘Shall we keep going higher?’


  ‘Are you starting to relax now?’


  Mark laughed and Anthony rubbed my shoulders. The burners blasted more hot air into the balloon and Mark and Anthony chatted about what they had been up to recently. I watched the fields stretch out around us as the view got bigger and bigger. It really was breathtaking. I marvelled at the tiny cars moving along a winding road, and the miniature village that looked like something out of a toyshop. Feeling braver, I peeked over the edge of the basket, then wished I hadn’t when my stomach flipped.

  ‘Hey, don’t look down!’ Mark laughed at the expression on my face and cut the burners. The sudden silence after the steady roar was almost a shock and we drifted peacefully through the air, with the English countryside stretched out below us. I felt humbled by the vastness of the landscape, moved by its beauty. I stared around me, as wide-eyed and awestruck as a child.

  Anthony was leaning on the side of the basket, watching me with a smile on his face. I looked over at him and smiled.

  ‘This is amazing. Thank you so much.’

  His smile widened and he moved closer and took my hands, staring down into my eyes. I felt my heart shift as it always did when he looked at me like that.

  ‘Rachel.’ He said my name softly and chills ran down my spine. Smiling, I moved closer and he smoothed a strand of hair behind my ear. ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you,’ he continued. ‘I want to wake up with you every morning and fall asleep in your arms every night. I want to grow old with you, and be there for you through the good times and the bad.’ I blinked up at him, smiling. I felt the same way, but why was he telling me this now? ‘Rachel…’ He sank down on one knee and my heart began to beat wildly as he opened a small black box to reveal a sparkling diamond ring. ‘I love you. Please, will you marry me?’

  I gasped, completely and utterly shocked. This couldn’t be true. It was too good to be true. This must be a dream.

  But in dreams, you can’t feel the wind in your hair. Or the heat of the blowers on your arms.

  ‘Yes!’ I shook myself and squealed before throwing myself at him and covering his face with kisses. ‘Yes! Yes! Yesyesyesy‌esyesyesye‌syesyesyes‌yesyesyesyes!’ I was so overwhelmed by emotion that I started to cry. ‘Of course I will! Of course I will! Oh, my God, I’m so happy!’

  Tears studded Anthony’s eyes and he laughed with relief. I let go of him and fanned my face, trying to stop the tears. Taking my left hand, he slid the ring on to my third finger. It was beautiful. A rose gold band with a large round diamond, surro
unded by smaller diamonds to form a flower.

  ‘It’s perfect!’ I stared at it on my finger. I was in love with it already. ‘Thank you so much.’

  Anthony rose from his knees and kissed me. The pop of a champagne cork reminded us we weren’t alone, and we looked round to see a beaming Mark pouring out three glasses of champagne. ‘Congratulations!’ he said, passing them out to us. ‘That’s wonderful. I’m so pleased someone’s going to make an honest man of you at last!’ He winked at Anthony and laughed.

  The sun was sinking lower in the sky and streaks of pink and orange were seeping across the horizon. This was such a perfect moment. I had never been so happy or surprised. I kept looking at the ring, twinkling on my finger.

  ‘You couldn’t have picked a more beautiful ring,’ I said.

  ‘And I couldn’t have picked a more beautiful girl.’ He smiled down at me.

  ‘Hey, look, there’s Willow Hall. Just coming into view down there.’

  We turned to see where Mark was pointing. Willow Hall lay surrounded by fields and trees, its tall chimneys reaching up to the sky. To the side, we could just make out the walled garden and Julian and Liz’s house. And if I squinted, I could see the white walls of the gatehouse peaking above the trees.

  ‘Shall I bring her down?’

  ‘Yes, please.’ Anthony took my hand and smiled down at me. ‘Let’s go home.’

  I’d expected the landing to be the scary part, but it was actually quite smooth. With the burners blasting intermittently to control our landing, we settled gently on the grass at the back of Willow Hall.

  Cath was sitting on the patio, enjoying the last of the evening sunshine. She got to her feet as we landed and came towards us, shielding her eyes, her white hair glowing pink in the reflected rays of the setting sun.

  ‘Hello! Did you have a nice time?’

  ‘Yes! It was fabulous!’ I climbed out of the basket and ran to her. ‘Look! Look!’ I said, showing her my ring.

  She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, before throwing her arms around us both. ‘That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you both. Congratulations.’

  ‘Did you know he was going to ask me?’

  ‘He said he might, but he wasn’t sure if you were going to like the balloon ride.’

  ‘Yes, there’d have been no point asking if you were cowering in fear at the bottom of the basket.’

  ‘Oh, so this ring is a test of my bravery skills, is it?’

  ‘Not at all. I’d have had to think of another way of asking you, that’s all.’ He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed me.

  ‘Will you get married here?’

  ‘Ooh, well, I don’t know about that!’ I put my finger to my lips, pretending to think hard. Everyone laughed. ‘Of course we’ll get married here. There’s no place better!’

  Cath beamed with pleasure. ‘Wonderful! I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. You’re perfect for each other.’ Cath kissed me on both cheeks and squeezed my hands. ‘Thank you, Rachel. You have brought sunshine back into our lives.’

  ‘Oh!’ I laughed in surprise and glanced up at Anthony. He grinned.

  ‘Here, here,’ he said.

  ‘I’d better go and say hello to Mark,’ she said. ‘Goodness, he’s changed since I last saw him.’

  ‘That was about ten years ago, Mother.’

  ‘What’s going on here then?’ Julian and Liz appeared with Charlie and Grace trotting behind them. Charlie was staring up at the balloon with an awestruck expression on his little face. In answer, I held out my left hand and Liz squealed and reached out to hug me. Her pregnant tummy was huge now, like a big, hard cushion between us.

  ‘Aaargh! I’m so happy for you both! That’s amazing news!’ She grabbed my hand and examined the ring closely. ‘Wow! That’s a beautiful ring. Did you choose that yourself, Anthony?’

  ‘Of course I did.’

  ‘Well, I’m very impressed.’ She stretched up to kiss him on the cheek. ‘Congratulations. You’re a lucky, lucky man!’

  He laughed. ‘I know I am.’

  Julian had just about managed to shake Anthony’s hand before being dragged away by Charlie to get closer to the hot air balloon. He looked back over his shoulder at me. ‘Congratulations, Rachel!’

  ‘Thanks, Julian.’

  Grace patted me on my leg. ‘Congratulations, Auntie Rachel.’

  ‘Aww, thank you, sweetie. Shall we go and look at the balloon?’

  She nodded and I took her hand and led her over to it. Mark had got back into the basket and Julian was climbing in with Charlie in his arms.

  ‘We can just go up a few feet,’ Mark was saying.

  ‘Are you sure you don’t mind?’

  ‘Not at all.’

  ‘Can I come, Daddy?’ Grace piped up.

  ‘Okay, come on then.’

  I helped Grace into the basket and she gripped the top with her little hands, peering out over the sides.

  ‘Are you coming in, Mummy?’

  Liz shook her head and grimaced. ‘No, thank you.’

  ‘Go on, it’s amazing.’

  Liz laughed and shook her head.

  ‘Some other time, maybe?’ Mark laughed and fired up the burner. Grace jumped, her eyes opening wide as she stared at her mother.

  ‘Hold on tight, sweetie.’ The colour drained from Liz’s face as she watched the basket containing her husband and children rise up into the air. Mark only went up a few feet, before slowly coming back down again and settling on the grass.

  ‘Again! Again!’ Charlie cried.

  ‘That’s all for today, little man,’ Mark said, while everyone else laughed. ‘The van will be here in a minute to pick me and the balloon up so I can go home for my tea.’

  ‘Say thank you to Mr Mark, Charlie.’

  ‘Thank you, Mr Mark,’ Charlie said solemnly as his father passed him to Liz. My heart squeezed with love. He was such an adorable little boy. The whole family was lovely, and I felt so blessed I was going to be a part of it.

  The back door opened and Arthur appeared, closely followed by my mum and dad.

  ‘Hello! What are you doing here?’ I said in amazement, going over to kiss them both. They both looked flushed and excited.

  ‘Oh, well, that’s charming, that is!’ Mum rolled her eyes in mock indignation. ‘I heard a rumour that there might be something to celebrate, so we thought we’d call in.’

  ‘Did you now?’ I said, turning to look at Anthony. ‘Did everyone know he was going to propose except me?’

  ‘Yes,’ everybody chorused amid much laughter.

  ‘Well, it’s a good job I said yes then, isn’t it?’

  Mum laughed. ‘We never doubted you for a second, my darling. Now, have you got some glasses? I’ve brought champagne.’ She produced a bottle from her handbag and placed it on the table.

  ‘Ooh, lovely! Thanks, Birdie. I’ll just get some now.’ Cath went into the kitchen and came out with a tray of champagne flutes. Anthony slipped his arm around my waist, drawing me against his side.

  ‘You don’t mind all this, do you?’ he murmured into my hair. ‘I hope you don’t think I’ve been too presumptuous or pushy.’

  ‘Of course not!’ I tipped my head back to look at him. ‘You’ve made me so happy, Anthony. Thank you.’

  He smiled, staring deep into my eyes. ‘And I hope I make you happy every day, for the rest of our lives together.’

  We kissed, with the clink of champagne glasses and the cheers and laughter of our family ringing in our ears.

  ‘Hey, you two. You’ve got the rest of your lives to do that. Come on, let’s have a toast. To Rachel and Anthony. May you find many years of happiness in each other’s arms.’

  ‘Aww!’ Anthony squeezed me and I nestled into his side as everyone raised their glasses to us.

  ‘To us,’ Anthony murmured, clinking his glass against mine. ‘I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.’

  The sun had dipped below th
e trees and Cath switched on her patio lights so that we could see better. Music was playing from the kitchen and Anthony took my glass out of my hand and placed it on the table before pulling me into a dance hold. He danced me round and round on the grass, and we laughed and kissed as the world spun around us. There had never been a more perfect moment in my life. Like Anthony had said before, I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I felt like the luckiest woman alive.

  Turn the page for an exclusive extract from Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, another heartwarming romance from Carla Burgess…

  Chapter One

  Anthony Bascombe walked into my life one Thursday afternoon in the middle of November. The bell above the door tinkled violently and a gust of wind accompanied him into the shop, making the flowers quiver in their buckets and the fairy lights shiver on the shelves. The shifting air carried the scent of his aftershave as it lifted my hair from my shoulders, and I had to place a hand on the sheets of wrapping paper on the counter to stop them flying away.

  ‘Sorry!’ he said, shutting the door behind him quickly. ‘It’s a bit blustery out there.’

  ‘It’s okay.’ I laughed and tried to ignore the fizz of attraction that surged through my veins as he smiled across at me. All kinds of customers came into my flower shop, including plenty of attractive men buying gifts for their loved ones, but it wasn’t often that they were dressed so well or had such lovely, twinkly blue eyes. He wore a beautifully cut navy suit and his short, dark-blond hair was styled into a neat little quiff at the front. Self-consciously, I smoothed down my flowery tea dress and tried to remember if I’d applied my winged eyeliner straight this morning. ‘How can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular?’

  ‘I’m looking for you, actually,’ he said, still smiling as he walked towards me. ‘If you’re Rachel Jones, that is?’

  ‘Oh! Yes, that’s me. What can I do for you?’ I cleared my throat, mortified that my voice had gone all squeaky when his was so pleasantly deep.

  ‘I just came in to introduce myself. My name’s Anthony Bascombe.’ He extended a hand to shake. ‘I’m the new tenant in the apartment upstairs. I believe your parents are my new landlords.’


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