Forbidden Legacy

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Forbidden Legacy Page 9

by Mari Carr

  “Good girl.”

  The phrase tweaked her, pissed her off. It was why he’d used it. It was fun to push Alexis’s buttons. Too much fun. Harrison had warned him his mischievous side would probably catch up to him one day and cautioned him against going too far lest Alexis find some way to pay him back. Knowing his beauty, her revenge would include inflicting damage to parts of his body he’d just as soon keep intact and healthy.

  “Michael—” Her words faded when he narrowed his eyes.

  “Stand still, Alexis.”

  He ran his hand over her opening again, marveling at the drenching heat she’d produced.

  “When did you start getting wet?”

  She pursed her lips, not bothering to answer.

  “Was it when I took off your pants or when you walked into this office?”

  “Neither,” she whispered.

  He frowned.

  “It started when I was told you wanted to see me in your office.”

  His cock twitched at her confession. What would he give to say to hell with it, toss her onto the couch and bury himself inside her?

  He took a deep breath, fighting for calm, for control. There would be time for that later. For now, he was going to help her take the edge off because the next hour or so would be difficult for her. He was determined to steal this time from her, to ensure that for at least sixty damn minutes today, she would be thinking of him, not Harrison.

  He increased his strokes, sometimes adding pressure to her clit, other times pushing one or two fingers inside her pussy. Alexis gripped his shirt tightly, her forehead resting against his chest. Her hips moved in time with his touch, and every so often, she’d release the sexiest groan that told him he’d hit the right spot.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he murmured, placing his lips close to her ear.

  She shivered at his deep tone and more arousal soaked his fingers.

  “You’re going to come on my hand. If you feel the need to scream, I want you to bite my chest instead. Understand?”

  She nodded, her teeth clenching on his shirt.

  “Dig deeper, Alexis. Find my flesh. I want your mark on me.” He continued to rub her clit, using the tip of one finger to hit the place that made her squeal.

  The sound alarmed her so she opened her mouth and took another bite. He held her head to his chest as his other hand stroked her harder.

  “After you come, I’m going to put your pants back on you and you’re going to go downstairs to do your rounds. With my plug in your ass.”

  She started to shake her head, but he tightened his grip, his palm pressing her even firmer to his chest.

  “For one hour, Alexis, your ass is going to be filled with my toy. Once the time is up, you’ll return here and I’ll take it out. We’re going to play this game every day.”

  “No, I can’t,” she whispered, the words muted by his shirt.

  He slowed the pace of his stroking and then pulled his fingers away.

  Alexis’s hands left his arms, forming fists that she slammed into his chest. “Don’t stop.”

  “Don’t say no to me. If you’re afraid or in pain, tell me. Otherwise, don’t bother to deny yourself—or me—the pleasure we both know this little adventure will bring you. Does the plug hurt?”

  She shook her head.

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  She narrowed her gaze, her incredulous face revealing the insult she felt to her pride. It was a character trait they both possessed too much of. Michael suspected it would cause them more than a few hours, days—hell, months—of fighting after they pledged their lives to each other.

  “Then the plug stays. You can accept that without argument and I’ll let you come. Or you can continue to fight me and I’ll dress you now. Which will it be?”

  Her face was flushed. Michael wanted to pretend it was caused by her arousal, but he knew anger was mingled there as well. If he was a smarter man, he’d take it easy on the alpha-male posturing, but the fact remained this was who he was. He could either trick her into thinking he was someone he wasn’t in order to get her to join the Trinity Masters, or he could show her his true colors. Michael wasn’t willing to build his future on lies or deception. Either Alexis accepted him as he was or not.

  He just prayed she’d come to love him as much as she loved Harrison.

  “Make me come. Now.”

  He could have taken her to task for trying to top from the bottom, but he gave her the win. He pressed his finger against her clit and resumed his quick stroking, driving her to the brink within seconds.

  Michael pushed three fingers into her pussy, gritting his teeth as his hard cock throbbed. The next hour wasn’t only going to be tough on her. Her inner muscles spasmed, clenched.

  She opened her mouth to yell, but he was ready for her. Pressing her head against his chest, she remembered his command. As her orgasm trembled through her, she bit him, her teeth going so deep he feared she’d drawn blood.

  Neither of them moved as Alexis struggled to find her bearings again and Michael tried to will his cock to relax. It was rock hard and aching.

  Finally, Alexis took a step back. Her quick downward gaze let him know she wasn’t unaware of his dilemma.

  She gave him a sexy smile. “I could take care of that for you.”

  He closed his eyes and prayed for the strength to refuse. “Later. For now, I have a meeting and you have to go back to work.” He glanced at his watch. “Meet you here at noon.”

  She looked like she wanted to argue, but something in his face must have told her it would be futile. Instead, she reached for her jeans and tugged them on slowly as she struggled to move naturally despite the plug in her ass. “There’s no way I can walk around with this thing inside me.”

  He placed his fingers beneath her jaw, tilting her face up so he could kiss her. He kept the touch short, sweet. “Of course you can.”

  “What if your meeting runs long?”

  He stroked his fingers along her cheek, her neck, enjoying the way her eyelids went heavy and her body softened. “I’ll be here at noon. Don’t even think of taking that plug out without me. Understand?”

  “Fine.” Alexis slipped her shoes back on and then walked toward the door gingerly. As she reached for the knob, she turned around and pointed at his still-obvious erection. “That’s mine.”


  “If I’m going to spend the next hour suffering from embarrassment and arousal and God only knows what else, so are you.”

  He smiled, not bothering to tell her he’d had no intention of finding his release without her. Regardless, he said, “You’re a heartless witch.”

  Her face beamed as if he’d paid her the world’s greatest compliment.

  He laughed. “See you in an hour, Dr. Jenner.”

  Chapter Six

  Alexis walked back to her floor slowly, working hard to keep her stride even and natural. She felt absolutely ridiculous. And so fucking hot, she worried about spontaneous combustion.

  Michael provoked so many conflicting emotions inside her she was struggling to keep up. One minute, he’d say something so completely condescending it took all the strength in her body not to knee him in the balls. Then he’d follow it up with a sweet compliment and her heart began to race like some doe-eyed schoolgirl. It was frustrating, infuriating. Fabulous.

  She’d had no idea how dull her life was until Harrison asked her for this month. Now, she woke excitedly anticipating what the day would bring.

  Alexis had just reached the nurse’s station on her floor when her cell phone rang. She smiled when she spied Harrison’s number.


  “Hey, Lex. Listen, I owe you an apology.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. It’s Thursday and I forgot all about our lunch date. I’ve got back-to-back meetings scheduled this afternoon and another one later tonight, so it looks like I’m not going to make it. How would you feel if we met for dinner tomorrow nigh
t instead? With Michael, of course.”

  “That sounds great. I have plans to see Michael in an hour, so I’ll mention it to him then. How about eight o’clock? Deuxave? I can call and make a reservation if you’d like.”

  “Perfect. Thanks. So…what are these plans with Michael?”

  She didn’t respond immediately because she still couldn’t truly believe that Harrison was okay with her dalliances with Michael. “Um…”

  Harrison laughed. “Oh. I see.”

  She blew out an exasperated breath. “It’s going to take me a while to get used to this.”

  “I understand. I’m glad you and Michael are getting closer. Have you spoken to him since this morning?” Harrison paused and suddenly Alexis understood what the problem was.

  “Yeah. I actually just left him.”

  “Oh. Was he…” Harrison stopped speaking. “Never mind.”

  “You want to know if he was upset?” she asked. “Yeah. He was.”

  Harrison sighed. “I was afraid things hadn’t ended well between us. I wish I could make him understand.”

  “He’s your friend, Harry. You can trust him.” She wasn’t sure why she was suddenly defending Michael. After all, the inner workings of the Trinity Masters was none of her business—yet. Maybe not ever. But there was something about Michael’s face earlier that had worried her. He’d never displayed a chink in his armor, never let her see anything beyond his Mr. Calm, Cool and Collected façade. Knowing he’d been hurt had opened her up to emotions she’d never experienced in relation to her arrogant boss. She’d felt sad for him and wanted to comfort him, to find a way to help him.

  Unfortunately, things were too new, too tenuous between them. So she’d offered a few consoling words and then fallen back on the tried and true. Sex.

  “I know he’s my friend, Lex, but there are some things I can’t share with him. Or with you, for that matter. Is that going to be a sticking point?”

  She considered his question. Would it be? She sort of thought it would. She wasn’t fond of secrets, especially not between friends…and lovers. Michael clearly felt the same way. “We’re going to have to sit down and discuss this, Harry. All of us.”

  Harrison didn’t respond immediately, but this time she didn’t fill the silence with words, didn’t give him an out.


  “Okay. Now I really do need to get back to work. Between the two of you, I’m way behind today.”

  She could almost hear the smile in Harrison’s voice. “I look forward to distracting you even more in the future. Enjoy your lunch date with Michael.” The way Harrison stressed the words let her know he wasn’t referring to food.

  “Goodbye, Harry.”

  Alexis wasn’t sure how long she stood by the counter grinning like a fool before one of the nurses asked her if she needed anything. Alexis forced herself out of her reverie and reached for her clipboard. “No. Thanks.”

  She turned to begin her rounds, but the too-quick movement jarred the plug in her ass and she gasped.

  “Dr. Jenner? Are you okay?”

  Alexis glanced over her shoulder. “I’m fine. Just a small twinge in my…err…back. Must’ve slept funny last night.”

  The nurse accepted her excuse—thank God—and Alexis started off again, slower this time. The hour passed, alternating between an eternity and the blink of an eye as she struggled to contain her arousal while concentrating on her work.

  When the clock struck twelve, Alexis punched the up button on the elevator, eagerly anticipating seeing Michael again. She smiled and shook her head, despite the odd look she received from an orderly, when she considered how excited she was to see her annoying boss. If anyone had told her she’d feel this way a month ago, she would have suggested having the person committed.

  Michael was standing at his office door speaking to his secretary when Alexis arrived.

  “Why don’t we treat ourselves to a long lunch today, Sarah? I’m going to touch base with Dr. Jenner before heading out myself.”

  Alexis couldn’t resist teasing him as he tried to set things up for them to have some privacy. “Oh, long lunch, huh? Must be nice to be the boss. You have a hot date?”

  Michael pretended to be annoyed by her question while Sarah tried to repress a grin. Michael’s secretary was accustomed to their teasing banter. It was smart to keep up appearances. If she and Michael suddenly started being nice to one another, the whole hospital would realize something was up.

  “Actually, I do. So if you’ll step inside, we can settle a few things between us. I’m quite anxious to be on my way.”

  Sarah grabbed her purse before saying goodbye, and then Michael gestured for Alexis to enter.

  “Settle things between us, huh?” she joked when he shut and locked the door behind him.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and propelled her toward his desk as he unfastened her pants. Placing her hands on the cool surface, he directed her to bend over the desk without words as he pushed her pants down.

  “Actually, there’s just one thing between us, and I intend to take care of that now.”

  His fingers grazed her ass, the tip of one circling the plug. She shivered. He was just about to grip it when she spun around.

  “Do you have to take it out?”

  He frowned. “It’s not good to leave a plug in so long. You’re still new to this.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged until his lips were a mere inch from hers. “I want you to leave it in while you fuck me.”

  Michael pressed his forehead to hers, his expression telling her he wanted the same thing. She also knew he wasn’t going to give it to her. “Not this time, Alexis.”

  “Why not?”

  He didn’t reply. Instead, he turned her away from him once more, losing no time in gripping the plug and pulling it out. Alexis gasped with arousal and the sweetest twinge of pain as it was removed.

  Then Michael tugged her shirt over her head. Within seconds, her bra followed. She flushed slightly, the temperature in the office suddenly warmer than it had been only a few minutes earlier. A slight sheen of sweat appeared at Michael’s hairline.

  “You have too many clothes on,” she admonished.

  “You’re right. I do.” Michael hastened to solve that problem and Alexis helped. Once they were both naked, Michael grabbed her hand and led her to the couch in the corner.

  “Lay down, Alexis.”

  She’d spent the past sixty minutes driving herself insane with lust as she considered what Michael would do when she returned. She’d played out every kinky, dirty fantasy her horny mind could produce.

  All except this one.

  He joined her on the couch, covering her body with his. The difference in their sizes was never quite so apparent when they were standing up…and dressed. Having Michael on top of her this way made her feel completely safe, warm. It was an odd sensation. Sex wasn’t supposed to make her think of home and cozy blankets and a kitten curled up at her feet. Was it?

  Michael placed his hands on each side of her head, his fingers lightly caressing her hair as he kissed her. He supported his weight on his elbows, but their lower bodies were tangled together—her legs resting alongside his. His erect cock was cradled by her wet slit, but he made no move to enter her. Instead, he kissed her as if they had a lifetime to perfect the act.

  Alexis pressed her tongue against his and then used it to explore his teeth, his mouth. His breath was fresh, minty, almost sweet. Time passed like a meandering river as they simply gave themselves over to the kisses.

  Finally, her patience ran out. “Michael,” she whispered.

  He must have heard the plea in her voice, because he lifted his hips. Alexis opened her legs and wrapped them around his waist. Michael reached down with one hand and positioned his cock at her opening. She felt him swirl his finger in her juices and she smiled. He was a considerate lover—always making sure she was ready.

  Then he slowly pre
ssed inside her as his hand came back up to her head. He continued kissing her, his tongue mimicking the tantalizing rhythm of his cock.

  She’d only had sex like this once before. With Harrison on the chair in his office. She’d never realized there was a beauty in taking it slowly, a passion in simply melding two bodies into one until Harrison and Michael had shown her.

  Alexis had always thought she preferred the down and dirty method of fucking—fast, hard, rough.

  Now…she was torn.

  Neither of them sought to increase the speed, to push limits.

  Michael continued to kiss her, murmuring sweet words that touched a part of her that had nothing to do with sex. He was working his way into her head—and God help her—her heart.

  She pushed that thought away. There was plenty of time to lose sleep over that detail. For now, she wanted to live in this moment. Forever.

  After hours—maybe days—Michael reached down and gently stroked her clit. The touch triggered impulses, shot sparks along her spine as she closed her eyes and arched her back.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  Michael kept the touch slow, easy, but it was enough. Hell, it was more than enough. She tightened her legs around his waist, using that grip as leverage to push herself up while drawing him deeper.

  She gasped as her climax rained down on her. Michael didn’t practice restraint this time. Instead, he joined her, his body stiffening as he grunted.

  “God. Fuck. Yeah. Jesus, Alexis.” Every word he spoke resonated with her. They clung to each other long after the orgasms had subsided, neither of them willing to break the connection.

  Then Michael lifted his head and looked at her. She expected him to give her his usual cocky grin, to make some dirty comment. She was ready for that. In some ways, she needed it. Because it would soften the intensity of what had just happened.

  Unfortunately, he did neither. His expression reflected what she was feeling—shock and wonder danced in his eyes.


  He didn’t say anything more. He didn’t need to. His tone said it all. He’d felt it.

  Carole King had once referred to the earth moving under her feet. Alexis felt that shifting, powerful quake right now.


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