Lucky Star

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Lucky Star Page 3

by K. L. Shandwick

  With our session quickly forgotten, the following two hours were hectic until Frances eventually turned up, having been to the dentist for an emergency filling.

  “You could have called us at least,” Daisy scolded, as Frances looked sheepishly toward me. I wondered if she had actually been to the dentist or she had been trying to avoid seeing me. There was no telling with that one since she had lost my trust completely.

  With two hands full of flatware, I felt a pair of arms slide around my ass from behind and disappear under my apron until they rested, one over my cock and the other tucked under my balls.

  “Ah-ha, Ms. O’Donnell, I presume.” I guessed, wriggling my thickening dick against her small hands placed outside of my jeans.

  “From the feel of this,” she replied, squeezing my cock through the rough material, “you must be that Canadian glass washer, Barney.”

  Pushing my way through to the kitchen, I placed the pile of crockery down and swivelled around to face her. Taking her in my arms, her hands came to rest on the globes of my ass.

  “Jeez, I’ve missed you, baby,” I said, sounding a tad emotional.

  “I’ve missed you too, Barney,” she teased using the pseudonym I’d learned to live with. “Let me tell you, there’s no bigger turn on for a girl than a smoking hot man in a slightly damp apron.” My chuckle was cut short when she stretched up on her tiptoes and moved in to meet my lips.

  “In front of the staff?” I enquired.

  “Feck them, I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  Without another word she ran her tongue along my lips, before plunging it deep into my waiting mouth. After a few moments I felt we were being watched and the previously noisy kitchen had come to a standstill. Glancing up I saw Terry, Maria, the chef and the pot wash guy as they all stood staring at us. Terry began clapping and the others joined in.

  Daisy shook her head, mortified for the second time in as many hours and Terry grinned as he announced, “Barney's back in the house, normal service will resume next year.”

  “Right, the show must go on,” Daisy said, pushing away from me, ignoring how embarrassed she was.

  Terry chuckled. “Ah, I see you’ve been taking more than lessons in love from your man.”

  “What does that mean?” Daisy asked, her eyes darkening in threat.

  “Nothing, just with him doing what he does… I can imagine there must be times when he’s had to say that line,” he muttered, turning away and sloping back out the kitchen door that led back to the bar.

  “He forgets who’s the boss around here sometimes,” she said, a little miffed that he’d called her out.

  “Or he’s jealous he’s not got someone like you in his bed,” I mumbled, pulling her back to my chest and kissing the top of her head.

  “Oh, he has plenty of women. Terry’s the barman rock star, eye candy around here in that sense. He’d give you a run for your money.”

  “Baby, I’m not running anywhere. He’s welcome, to that title. I just hope he finds someone like you… that isn’t you, someday.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” she turned and looked over her shoulder, flashing a glare at me.

  “Just a feeling, he knows he missed the boat with you,” I replied.

  “Nah, that’s nonsense,” she replied, nonchalantly, looking ahead again and resting her head on my chest. “He’s been working here since I took over and there’s never been the slightest hint of romance between us.”

  “That’s reassuring, but I’ve seen him watching you. He gets pleasure out of being around you.”

  “Well, I don’t think you’re right on that score, Jamie, but if that’s the case its all he’ll be getting out of me.”

  “Music to my ears, baby,” I replied, clearing up a little niggle of doubt that they’d had history in the past. Still, I knew what I’d read in Terry’s eyes was the look of a man who had carried a torch for Daisy at one time or another.

  Chapter 6

  By 3:00 p.m, I’d felt exhausted. The flight, the excited quickie and the lunchtime rush in the bar, had accumulatively, worn me thin. After some persuasion from Daisy, I went upstairs and hit the hay, waking with a start at 5:45pm with my sister calling my cell.

  “Do we have plans for dinner or are we eating here?” she asked. Guilt flooded through me that I’d dumped them at the hotel and hadn’t caught up with her again to let her and the boys know what was happening.

  “Sorry, Cat, when I got here it was all hands to the pumps. Daisy had a lunch party for forty and the bar was packed to the rafters. I had to muck in, and by the time there was a lull, I crashed out. You woke me up. I’m not sure what the deal is but the bar is closing at 8:00 p.m. I figure by the time she cashes out and closes up it’ll be nearer 9:00 p.m. by the time we get over to you.”

  “Okay, I’ll take the boys down to the restaurant,” she replied.

  “They know you’re coming, just not when. Perhaps give them a ten-minute warning that you’re headed their way. They have a private area set aside for us.”

  “I’ll be glad when you get here, I can barely contain the boys, they’re half canned already. They’ve drained the liquor from the wet bar in their room.”

  I chuckled but made a mental note of this. It being legal to drink in Ireland, I figured the novelty of buying booze in bars and grocery stores could likely get out of hand.

  “All right, I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” I said, concluding the call and climbing off the bed. After grabbing the quickest shower in history, I made it downstairs to the bar and was delighted to see that most of the rush had gone. At just after 6:00 p.m. only the regular drinkers remained and were having quiet, pre-Christmas Day drinks.

  Daisy grabbed me and led me over to the entrance to the cellar.

  “Listen, I need to go upstairs for an hour or two, to sort out things for tomorrow. I need to tidy the apartment and prep some more of the food for our Christmas Day dinner.”

  “Whoa. Relax, you're working hard enough. You’re not cooking dinner for all of us. Lunch has been arranged at the Hotel where Catrina and the boys are staying.”

  “What?” she asked, her voice almost shrieking in alarm. “Jamie, my parents and sisters are expecting to come here to meet you tomorrow.”

  I smiled. “That’s no problem. Let me ring the Hotel and ask for four extra seats at the table, issue solved.”

  “That's incredibly generous of you, but I'm not sure how comfortable they’d be in a top end Hotel. My parents are very laid-back people.”

  “Daisy, we’ll be in a private dining room. It’ll be just us and Catrina’s the same, she doesn’t like fuss. It’ll be fine, and you’ll be able to relax better if you’re not trying to keep everyone happy.”

  The look of adoration she gave me made my heart squeeze tight in my chest.

  “Okay, if you’re sure,” she replied, hesitantly. “I’ll go and talk to my mam and she can tell my da that he’s coming, like it or not. I have to say it does take the pressure off me a bit. I feel so bad we’ve been so busy, I haven’t even had time to get you a proper gift.”

  “You’re gift enough to make any man happy. I don’t need material things.”

  Daisy’s eyes brimmed with tears. “Don't go all mushy on me, I’m a mess with you being here as it is,” she warned.

  I shrugged, it was how I felt, and I had only spoken the truth. “Right, I get it, I felt emotional when I was dropped off earlier outside the pub. Gifts don’t mean a lot to me these days, baby. Being with you is the best gift I could have received this Christmas.”

  Daisy pulled away from me, turned her back and walked back toward the bar and I knew she was fighting her emotions and hadn’t wanted me to see that in her. I gave her a moment to collect her thoughts and straighten her feelings out before I headed back to the bar to be with her.

  By 8:15 p.m. we were in Connor’s car and on our way to the hotel, and twenty minutes later we had joined Cat and the boys at the reserved, round booth in t
he plush looking cocktail bar.

  “There she is,” Ryan cooed, and I smacked him upside the head for leering.

  “What have I told you? It takes a man to catch a girl like Daisy, she’s so far beyond your league I kind of feel sorry for you—not.”

  Nick chuckled. “Where’s your sisters, Daisy?”

  Daisy’s eyes flared both with fright and worry in them, but didn’t reply.

  “They’re out of bounds,” I snapped, knowing full well that order would have likely sparked a challenge within the boys, not that I’d ever have admitted this to Daisy.

  “Your Uncle Jamie has spoken. You’ve both been warned off,” Cat stated.

  “Why? Daisy, you’re holding out on us.” Ryan stated, his eyes narrowing as he focused on my girl.

  “I haven’t been holding anything and neither will either of you, when it comes to my sisters,” Daisy warned.

  “Is that so?” Nick asked, lifting his leg and crossing it at his knee. He grabbed his ankle and leaned over the table toward Daisy. “So, when are we meeting these sisters of yours?” he asked, his eyes glittering with mischief as he looked from Daisy to me, intentionally goading us both.

  “They’ll be here for lunch tomorrow and you’ll both be sober and on your best behavior, you got me?” I ordered, flashing them both an evil eye, even though inside I found it funny they had been trying their best to wind us all up.

  “Then it’s even more urgent, you tell us a bit about them both. It would look bad for you, if your siblings figured they were that unimportant to you that you’d failed to mention them to us,” Ryan chipped in.

  “Poppy is twenty and is studying business at Kings College, London and Bluebell is studying geology at Imperial College, London.”

  Immediately Ryan’s eyes lit up like a bulb had switched on in his head. “You’re shitting me; Daisy, Poppy and Bluebell? Don’t tell me, your dad is a botanist?” he asked, snickering.

  “No, he’s a farmer actually, but his mom was called Daisy, so I’m her namesake. Poppy was born on Remembrance Day so naturally Poppy was perfect for her, and I was calling Belle, Bluebell before she was born. When she arrived and she was a girl, my parents ran with the name.”

  “Bet she hates you for that,” Nick stated pointedly toward Daisy, but Daisy just shrugged.

  “Actually, she loves her name, its unusual. It’s a great talking point among hot looking guys. You won’t find many Bluebell O’Donnells on Google. I don’t need to point out to you that it’s just caught your attention, right?”

  “I think somewhere in there, Daisy just said I was hot,” Nick said, picking up on the one positive in my girl’s explanation about her sister.

  “Hot or not, Poppy and Belle aren’t to be messed with,” I reiterated again.

  It was an odd Christmas Eve, but wonderful as well. We sat drinking cocktails until almost midnight when Daisy began to yawn.

  “Okay, guys, I think my girl has had a long and busy day. I’m going to get her to bed so that she can rest and enjoy the celebrations tomorrow. The management here have set up a private sitting room for us to relax together and put a private bar and buffet service together for us.”

  Standing, we said our goodnights and I had the driver take us back to Daisy’s place. She’d fallen asleep on the way back, and as we drew up to the pub, it felt as if we were home. Nothing felt better than the prospect of waking up there in Daisy’s comfortable bed, knowing no one could disturb us for a few hours that following morning at least.

  Chapter 7

  My eyes fluttered open and a smile curved my lips when I saw my sweet Daisy’s head tucked neatly under my chin. It felt strange waking up to a completely quiet street outside, but I’d felt completely at peace with my girl’s warm curvy body spooned tight in front of me.

  Breathing deeply, she lay perfectly still, deep in sleep and my heart swelled with the love that we shared. Sneaking a hand carefully over her head I plucked my cell off her nightstand and glanced at the time. It had already gone 11:00am. I had slept like the dead after my flight, the initial excitement of seeing Daisy, and being hurled straight into my glass collecting duties.

  Daisy stirred, wiggling her ass closer to my body and a soft sigh left her mouth.

  “Are you awake, baby?” I asked, even though I’d sensed the changes within her.

  “Mm, can’t we just stay here like this all day?” she mumbled, before she turned in my arms, nuzzled her head back under my chin and pressed a soft kiss on my chest.

  “Don’t tempt me, baby. I’m a rock star remember? We have a habit of bucking conventional behaviors.”

  “Our first Christmas together,” she stated, quietly. “It feels kind of perfect just lying here.”

  My heart swelled with those words and my arms tightened around her. I allowed my hands to slide down to her ass, straightened my legs and pressed her body flush against me. “It is. First of many, baby,” I whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her hair and meant every word.

  “What time did you tell your parents to come to the hotel?” I asked.

  “Not until 12:30pm,” she replied, like we had all the time in the world.

  “What?” I asked, my arms stiffening a little. Daisy pulled her head away from my chest and stared up at me.

  “What?” she mimicked, looking alarmed when she fed into my anxious tone.

  “Well, when I woke up it was already eleven, so I’m guessing its around ten past by now.”

  Daisy quickly drew away from me, sat up with a start and grabbed my cell.

  “Nearly twenty past right now. Get up,” she shrieked. “We need to shower, and get over there,” she ordered, already opening her drawers and sorting through her lingerie.

  “Just shower and get over there, eh? No clothing you want to put on?”

  “Smart arse,” she threw back as I climbed out of bed. I stood beside her and reached past her, into her underwear drawer. I grabbed my favorite set of white lingerie I’d bought her in Macy’s. At the time I was sure she’d thought I’d acted like a pervert in an adult store when I chose it on a trip to New York just after Thanksgiving.

  “Show me what you’re wearing,” I told her, and she shook her head, her face looking slightly annoyed, like she felt she didn’t have time to indulge me.

  “Black dress pants and a Christmas sweater,” she replied.

  Without looking back, she headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  I strode in after her and caught her by her wrist. “Nah, that won’t cut it, not today, baby, we’ll be mismatched,” I told her as I turned her by her shoulders and steered her back into the bedroom. Sliding past her, I opened her closet doors. My curious eyes fell on a ruby red dress still wrapped in cellophane with the tags still attached. I knew it was perfect for what I’d had in mind and I’d figured she’d look sensational in it.

  “This… for me?” I asked, adding a begging, whiney voice I knew she wouldn’t resist. “Go on, would you rather feel comfortable or sexy?”

  “Are you implying I can’t be both?” She pouted.

  “No of course not, but baby, I’m thinking of tonight when we finally go to bed. Would I rather have spent the day hard and wanton, thinking about you in this,” I told her, wandering back and grabbing the white lingerie complete with suspender belt and a new packet of sheer silk stockings.

  When I saw her staring back at me, grinning. “Oh, it’s like that is it?”

  “Liiiike?” I asked, dragging the word out.

  “I take it I’m the gift I didn’t have time to think of?”

  A broad smile spread on my face when I heard her playful question.

  “I hadn’t thought of this dress quite like that, but now that you mention it, that could work, perfectly.” My dick pulsed at the thought of peeling her out of it and removing those garments later, of unwrapping my girl like a gift, for my pleasure. Daisy gave me a shy smile and dipped her head like she hadn’t wanted me to see how pleased she looked at my respons

  “Alright, since it’s you, I’ll indulge you,” she replied, pretending it was a chore to dress up for me.

  With no time left to lose, she insisted we took turns to shower, much to my disappointment. But it was obvious my girl knew me better than to let me near her soapy, wet body. Christmas lunch would have been postponed otherwise.

  Once I’d showered and shaved, I went back into the bedroom naked and stopped dead in my tracks. Daisy stood dressed only in stockings, a suspender belt and wearing the tiny white thong and bra. She was bending over, her sweet ass on display as she dried her hair at the base of her neck.

  “Wow,” I breathed raggedly as I sidled up behind her and placed my hands on her hips. She yelped, startled by my sudden touch and straightened up, her short hair falling immaculately into place.

  “Stop,” she said, lowering the hair drier to the floor and snaking her body out of my grasp. “Dress now, we need to leave, I want to get there before my parents do.”

  “Aw, I know what this is, you don’t want to do the walk of shame?” Seeing her cheeks pink, I knew I’d called it correctly and chuckled. “That’s it, gotcha.”

  “You don’t know my da, Jamie … you’ll learn,” she replied, ripping the cellophane away from the dress and slipping it off the hanger. “You have five minutes,” she warned as she ripped off the tags and slid the dress over her hair. I savored every last moment, taking in her scantily clad body until it disappeared under the dress. She pulled the hem down and smoothed her hands over her hips.

  I’d brought a black designer suit, with a ruby red vest and matching silk tie to wear for the Christmas day lunch. Most of the time, red carpet events apart, I took no notice of the requested attire in restaurants. I wasn’t usually one who conformed to dress codes; however, I had been due to meet Daisy’s parents for the first time, and I wanted them to know I respected the sense of occasion.

  Once dressed, we stood side by side looking into her long closet door mirror. She sighed.


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