Single Dad’s Spring Break

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Single Dad’s Spring Break Page 6

by Rye Hart

  “Hey kids, could I talk to you about something?”

  “Okay,” Sydney said.

  “Sure,” Daniel said.

  “I know that Daddy promised that I wouldn’t do any work while we are on vacation, and I don’t like going back on my promises. But something has come up that would really help Daddy’s company and I need to do just a little bit of work while we’re here. Do you think you guys could help me?”

  “You need help?” Sydney asked.

  “We can help,” Daniel said.

  I shook my head as a grin spread across my face. My kids were simply amazing.

  “I’m on vacation with two very special people and I don’t want to ruin it. But if I turn down this person who wants to buy a lot of my stuff, I might not get another chance,” I said.

  “Do we have to go home?” Daniel asked, his lower lip starting to tremble.

  “That depends. If my two very special people don’t want me to work, then we go home at the end of the week. But, if it’s okay for Daddy to work some, then we won’t go home until the end of next week.”

  “We stay longer?” Sydney asked.

  “More water sliding?” Daniel asked.

  “And I might be able to convince Miss Brooke to come over and play more,” I said.

  “Yeah! Daddy, you can work,” Daniel said.

  “We wanna play with Miss Brooke,” Sydney agreed.

  I smiled as I kissed the tops of their hands.

  “Then I’ll call her and see what she’s up to,” I said.

  My heart felt so much lighter after talking with my kids. They were amazingly understanding for four-year-olds. I got up from the table so they could eat their eggs and I went into my bedroom. I picked up my phone and dialed Brooke’s number, hoping I wasn’t calling her too early.


  “Hello there,” I said with a grin.

  “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep well last night?”

  “After writing, yes, I did. Very well.”

  “I’m glad you got some done. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay,” she sounded hesitant.

  “Can we go to the water park in Atlantis Resort?”

  Daniel and Sydney came running into my room with egg all over their faces.

  “Please?” Sydney asked.

  “There’s a water park on the island?” Brooke asked.

  “In one of the hotel resorts, there is. Atlantis is open to the public during certain hours. Apparently, the kids want to go,” I said.

  “Sounds like fun. You should take them.”

  “Would you and Morgan like to join us?” I asked.

  “Please, Miss Brooke?” Daniel asked.

  “Yeah! Pullleeeeeeeeeeeze!” Sydney asked.

  “Well, how could I say no to them?” Brooke asked.

  “Perfect. Want to meet us at the entrance in an hour?” I asked.

  “I’ll roll Morgan out of bed and we’ll meet you there.”

  I hung up and scooped my twins into my arms. I carried them both into their bedrooms and helped them get ready for the water park. I called a cab for us to get there and piled us all in, and the kids chattered excitedly the whole way to the park.

  When we pulled up out front, Brooke and Morgan were already waiting. Brooke avoided my gaze but opened her arms wide and smiled big for my kids. Something felt a little off, but I figured she just didn’t want to give anything away about what had happened between us the night before.

  Despite some early awkwardness, it ended up being a great day. We all went down water slides and ate overpriced food. Morgan and Brooke kept going down the massive pyramid water slide to try and convince the twins to go down it with them. I knew they would never tackle something that big. The smile on Brooke’s face throughout the day was priceless, and it filled my heart with so much joy to see her happy.

  This was the type of happiness a woman like her deserved.

  We had so much fun with the water slides and the rides that the reason I had invited her there in the first place completely fled my mind. But on top of that, I had no idea how to even bring the idea up. Asking her to babysit meant stretching out her vacation as well. I wasn’t sure she’d go for it, especially if it meant staying alone, or even with us, after Morgan went home.

  “Daddy! Watch this!”

  I watched my daughter take Brooke’s hand as the two of them jumped into the water. Daniel jumped in after them, swimming underneath to try and get all the way to the bottom. I was poised, ready to jump in if they didn’t come up for air within the next couple of seconds.

  And just before I took off, Brooke emerged with Sydney wiping at her eyes.

  “I went down far! Did you see, Daddy?”

  “Yes I did, sweetheart,” I said, as I took long deep breaths trying to slow down my racing heart. “I saw it all right.”

  They did it over and over again, putting me on the edge of a damn heart attack every time they sank to the bottom. I had paid a lot of money in private swimming lessons beginning when they were only two. I knew that they knew how to swim fairly well for their ages, but the pool at the park was much bigger than any they’d ever been in. And filled with way more people.

  We stayed the entire day until the kids were practically falling over with exhaustion. I gathered everyone up and loaded us into the car, then I dropped the girls off back at the pier. I wanted Brooke to come back with us so we could sit down and talk, but I also didn’t want to ruin the day. The kids had a blast and I had fun watching Brooke play with them. The water slides were great and sharing lunch together had been full of laughter and good times.

  I didn’t want to ruin that with a conversation that could possibly go south.

  I waved the girls off then took my sleeping kids back to the house. I lugged them inside and came out to pay the cab driver, making sure to tip him well for his time. I watched the cab drive off as my toes dug into the sand, and I found myself looking over at the pier in the distance.

  I wondered if she was writing. If she was inspired by the events of the day. I hoped she was. I turned around and walked back inside as the snores of my children hit my ears.

  I’d bring it up to her soon. But for the moment, I wanted to snuggle on the couch with my kids and enjoy the sound of the ocean crashing against the shoreline outside.



  I rushed around my bedroom, jamming my things into my suitcase. It was our last day on the island and Morgan and I were furiously trying to pack. We had slept right through dinner and were going to be late for our flight out if we didn’t get going. But I couldn’t help but feel a little sad that it was all coming to an end.

  It had been a beautiful few days on the island. The inspiration I drew from the relaxation allowed me to get a quarter of my book written. My heart felt a little lighter and I felt as though I was finally making progress Maybe it was the fact that I had woken up to the horizon every morning or maybe it was the beauty of the island. Whatever my inspiration had been, I hoped I could still draw from it once I got back home.

  “Girl, have you seen my thong?”

  “Can’t you buy another one?” I asked. “We’re already late as it is.”

  “That’s my lucky thong, though.”

  “Don’t tell me you have one of those superstitions like men with their lucky sports socks,” I said.

  “That’s gross. I wash the damn thing. But when I want to get laid, I wear it. And every time I wear it, I get laid,” Morgan said.

  “You are the weirdest person I know.”

  “And I need to find that damn thing before we leave this island.”

  “Is there a chance you left it back in the hut of whatever island boy you hopped on the other night?” I asked.

  I watched her rear up as her eyes grew wide.

  “Shit. There’s a chance.”

  “Do you remember where he was?” I asked.

  “No,” she sa
id as her eyes wandered around the room.

  “Then buy another one.”

  “It’s my lucky thong, Brooke.”

  “Morgan, your thong doesn’t get you laid. Shoving your tits up to your chin does.”

  “I knew you wouldn't understand,” she said. “I gotta find that damn thing before we leave here.”

  “It’s gone forever. He’s probably keeping it as a memento of the greatest night of his life. Now it’s his lucky thong,” I giggled.

  “I see that sassy ass attitude is back,” she said. “I take it you got some writing done finally?”

  “Yep. Not as much as I wanted to, but a quarter of my book is nothing to shake a stick at.”

  “A little fucking jogs the creativity, I’ll make a note of that.”

  I choked on my own spit as Morgan grinned at me.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, come on. You didn’t even look in the mirror before you met me for breakfast that day,” she said. “You had a hickey the size of a damn golf ball on your neck.”

  I slapped my neck as I went running to the bathroom.

  “Damn girl. It’s not there anymore,” Morgan said, laughing. “But your face! You should’ve seen your face.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Because, good for you! Sometimes, the best way to get over someone is to get underneath someone else. Kevin’s hot. I’m glad you got yourself a little while we were here.”

  “That wasn’t the source of my inspiration.”

  “Uh huh. Did you drink beforehand?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Before he fucked you stupid. Did you drink?”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Because we both know that’s how you really get rid of your writer’s block. You’ve always been that way. Drinking and some good sex. And with a quarter of your book written in a few days, I’m waiting for the nasty details.”

  “Kevin wasn’t my inspiration. I’ve grown up.”

  “Uh huh. Right up on his dick,” she said, as she bit down onto her tongue.

  “I hate you.”

  “What are you going to do once we get back?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “About Kevin! It’s not like the man lives here,” she said.

  “It was a fling, Morgan. Nothing else. I’ll add it to the wank bank and draw from it on a rainy day.”

  “To have a wank bank, you have to wank. Often. And you don’t. If you did have one, I’m pretty sure the only thing it’s filled with is Kevin.”

  I kept my mouth shut. Partially, because she was right.

  The phone on my bedside table rang and Morgan sauntered out of my room. I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I reached for my phone. I swiped at it to take the call and held it to my ear.

  “Hey there, Brooke.”

  “Hey,” I said.

  Hearing his voice made my heart skip a beat.

  “I was wondering if we could get together on the beach and talk for a second.”

  “I can’t. I’ve still got a lot to pack,” I said.


  “Yeah. Morgan and I are leaving today,” I said.

  “All the more reason for me to talk with you. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

  “Kevin, is everything all right?”

  “Just meet me on the beach by my house. It won’t take long.”

  I sighed as I looked around the room. I really didn't have a lot to pack. I didn’t bring much with me in the first place. I was hoping to write a little more, to draw from the inspiration of the clear ocean waters one last time. But part of me did want to see Kevin again.

  “Sure,” I said. “I’ll head out in a few minutes.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be on the beach waiting.”

  There was something nice about Kevin waiting for me. Especially after all of the waiting I had done for him. I slipped my phone into my pocket and told Morgan I’d be right back, then I made my way through the sand toward Kevin’s home.

  I could see the kids building a sandcastle, but they abandoned it the moment they saw me. Daniel ran up and I opened my arms to him, scooping him up as Sydney crashed into my leg. They were clinging to me and asking me if I wanted to build a castle with them, but I couldn't take my eyes off Kevin.

  There was an urgency in his stare that made me uneasy.

  I hugged the kids before I put them down, telling them I would be there in a second. They took off toward their sandcastle before the ocean washed it away and I walked up to Kevin. His eyes connected with mine and he had a stoic look on his face.

  He was beginning to worry me.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked. “You look—”

  I wasn’t sure what the word was, but something was definitely amiss.

  “I want to ask you something,” he said.

  “Seriously, you’re freaking me out a bit. Is everything okay?” I asked again.

  “I’ve lengthened my trip due to some business that has come up. Another week, at least. But I don’t have anyone to watch the kids.”

  I furrowed my brow as I looked past him at his children digging in the sand.

  “I thought you said that this was going to be a work-free vacation. Both you and the kids deserve that,” I said.

  “That’s why I’ve decided to stay longer. I’ve got some things I need to accomplish, then it’s back to vacationing with them. I’ve already talked to them about it, but I don’t have anyone I can trust to watch them.”

  “Okay, so what exactly is it that you are asking me?” I asked.

  “I want you to stay and watch my kids.”

  My eyes grew wide as I took a step back from him.

  “I’m leaving today, Kevin. I can’t stay.”

  “I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”

  “Your promises don’t mean much with our history,” I said. It was a truthful statement, but the look of hurt that flashed in his eyes made me feel a little bad for saying it.

  “Then give me a chance to make up for that.”

  “I don’t have anywhere to stay.”

  “You can stay in the guest room in my house. It’s on the other side. It’s got its own bathroom. You can close the entire thing off from the rest of the house at night.”

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Kevin,” I said, excitement and panic warring in my stomach. The idea of staying in the house with Kevin both thrilled and terrified me. On one hand, it meant I’d get to see more of him, and on the other hand, it meant I might get my heart broken again. He had a pull on me that I couldn’t seem to shake, no matter how much he had disappointed me in our past. “I’ll pay you. Well. And give you a credit card you can use around the island for yourself and the kids. Personal or for babysitting. It doesn’t matter. What does matter to me is having someone I can trust, that the kids enjoy. And the only person on this island that fits the bill is you.”

  It was hard to take in everything he was throwing at me, and I turned toward the water to try and digest it all.

  “I have to talk to Morgan,” I said.

  “My kids adore you. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy having you around. But this contract could be a massive thing for my company, Brooke. And I need your help.”

  Small flashbacks were coming back in chunks. I’d heard those words before. Years ago, in justification of why he had missed yet another dinner date. It was always something with his company. Always something to make things bigger or better. It was like no amount of money or success was ever enough for him, and I started worrying about his kids. Did he do this to them all the time? Did he set them on the backburner in favor of work? He clearly adored them and they him, but how much time did he really spend with them?

  I turned it over in my head for a minute. I didn’t want the kids to suffer for him having to work. “It doesn't sound like a terrible idea.”

  “You’d have a beaut
iful view of the island still from your room. You could draw more inspiration from the island to write your book.”

  I heard him draw in a deep breath as my eyes settled on his kids. He was clearly struggling with his decision. It was written all over his face. I could almost see the inner turmoil boiling just below the surface and it warmed me to him a little bit more. Maybe he had changed. Maybe it wasn’t always all about business anymore. “Give me some time,” I said. “I’ll call you in a little while.”

  “Okay,” he said. “I’ll be here.”

  I walked back toward the pier in a daze. I couldn't wait to get back to my room. I pulled out my phone and called Morgan, hoping to fuck she would pick up.

  “You good?” she asked. “What did Kevin want?”

  “He wants me to stay behind and watch his kids.”


  “Exactly,” I said. “He says he’s extended his trip here because of work shit.”

  “And he wants you to be his nanny,” she said.

  “He says he wants someone he can trust to watch his kids. I feel bad for them. And for him really, I could tell it was actually hard for him to make the decision to work while they are here.”

  “Did he say anything else? Is he gonna pay you? Put you up somewhere? Reimburse you for the plane ticket you’ll have to cancel?”

  “He said he’d pay me well and that I could stay in the guest suite over there. Apparently, it closes off from the house or something like that. And I’d get a credit card to use on the island however I wanted.”

  “Oh shit, girl. Shopping time! Maybe I should stay behind and help.”

  “No, Morgan. You have a job to get back to.”

  “And you don’t,” she pointed out.

  “Ugh. I just don’t know if this is a good idea,” I said.

  “What? You like his kids, right?”


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