Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 1

by Faith V. Smith

  Vampire Government Protectors

  Presidential Heat

  Kira Jackson, former Marine and vampire, is close to achieving her goal of becoming a Government Vampire Protector—or she will be if President Gareth Hayes drops his attitude toward women agents. It's a good thing he has no clue what he does to her body. Her physical attraction to the sexy widower is just the enamel off her fangs when Kira discovers Gareth could be her soul mate for eternity.

  Gareth is forced to have a protective agent after terrorists target him. But no way will he allow the sexy Agent Jackson to fill that position. However, he changes his mind when White House security is breached. Now Kira is ordering him around, and when Air Force One goes down, she proves she's more than capable of doing her job. But what is he going to do about his growing fascination with her?

  Circumstances and the media toss Kira and Gareth into a shady limelight and into matrimony to save their reputations. Kira's secret comes out and both he and Kira must decide if love will be enough to overcome “death do us part” with a vampire.

  Genre: Paranormal, Romantic Suspense, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 81,168 words


  Vampire Government Protectors

  Faith V. Smith


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  IMPRINT: Romance


  Copyright © 2011 by Faith V. Smith

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-296-8

  First E-book Publication: May 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.



  To my darling angel husband Rick! Another one for you, my dear! And to my beloved daughter, Amanda, who is my publicist and assistant, you are my heart!

  To all my critique partners, thank you! And to God be the glory!


  Vampire Government Protectors


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  Somewhere in the Middle East

  The hot sun caused Kira’s eyes to bleed blood-red tears, the liquid dripping onto her uniform. It was a total shame Grandpa Jackson’s serum, the one that helped vampires walk in sunlight, couldn’t stop the other side effects. She found this one particularly annoying. As she waited for the sun to crawl over the horizon, she swiped a camouflaged sleeve across her forehead. No matter what she did, she couldn’t get the gritty sand to come unglued from her skin.

  Time seemed to inch by before the blazing Middle Eastern sun was just a memory.

  Patience, Kira, just a bit longer and your target will be in range.

  Still she waited.

  A shadow suddenly broke off from the sand dune a hundred yards straight ahead. The dune was slightly smaller than the one she hid behind. A few furtive steps and her target, a terrorist with orders to light a signal fire for his cohorts, would be in range. Kira was assigned to take him out by any means to prevent him from achieving his goal. The signal was key to launching an attack against visiting dignitaries from the United States, an act of war within a war, one that could wield horrific repercussions.

  Kira allowed her body to dissolve into molecules of mist. She floated closer to her target and then attacked. The knife at the man’s throat seemed to appear out of thin air when she regenerated her body back into physical form.

  A quick slash. and he sagged against her. She allowed his body to drop slowly to the sand.

  The sweet scent of fresh blood tempted her. The hunger caused her fangs to descend, but just as quickly, she resisted the thought of drinking her fill. Her injection, a mixture of blood and meds, was long overdue. She usually took it once a month to help keep her need for blood at bay. However, her hunger was always harder to control while on a mission. So many scents—blood, human pheromones. They all made her antsy to unleash her vampire nature. She would be thankful for the vaccine when she returned to base. She was tired, and relieved this was her last assignment.

  This Special Ops Marine was going home to finally fulfill her life’s mission. She’d earned her place as a Vampire Government Protector.

  * * * *

  Washington, DC

  Kira Jackson folded her body into one of the chairs lining the hallway outside the Oval Office, her fingers drumming a rhythm against the armrests. She quickly retracted the claws she’d subconsciously released. Sheesh! She wanted this job. Somehow she had to convince the president she was more than capable of serving as his Secret Service agent without divulging what she was.

  Nerves rode her butt, so she stood and started to pace the hallway.


  Malachi King stepped into the hallway and closed the Oval Office’s door behind him.

  “Any luck?” She stopped and waited.

  “Don’t hold your breath. That man is as stubborn as a goat, but for the moment, he’s agreed to talk with you.”

  “Well, that’s something, I guess. Does he know about the VGP?” The organization called the Vampire Government Protectors had been protecting high-profile government officials and their families for decades.

  The man opposite her leaned his impressive way-over-six-foot height closer to Kira. “No. And I don’t want you to tell him either. The VGP is known to only a few. We can’t do our jobs if the populace knows some of the elite offices in the world are being guarded by vampires.”

  Malachi dropped an arm over her shoulders. “I really want you to have this job.”


  Malachi sucked in a breath and let it out. “So now it’s up to him. You ready to beard the lion in his lair?”

  A knot of apprehension formed in Kira’s stomach. Ready or not, she had no choice if she wanted to further serve her country.

  “Sure, it should be a piece of cake compare
d to Marine boot camp.”

  * * * *

  Soft light from the desk’s lamp turned Gareth Hayes’s hair into spun gold, but the man sitting behind the desk didn’t look up as Kira eased the door shut. Shoulders, broader than his photographs depicted, stretched the white dress shirt he wore. His tie, shoved to the side of the desk closest to Kira, looked like it had lost a fight. Rolled-up shirtsleeves revealed a plain silver watchband on one wrist, and a jagged but faded scar on the other tanned forearm.

  No doubt about it, Hayes—one of the youngest presidents in history—not only signified dignity and strength, but to Kira’s sharpened senses, he exuded an underlying essence of sensuality. Knowing she shouldn’t, but unable to resist, she inhaled slightly, taking in his scent.

  A rich, spicy blend of sandalwood, amber, and citrus blended with the aroma of hot blood. Kira shook her head and prayed her eyes were not glowing red. She mentally checked the date. She had a few more days to go before she was due for another injection. The last one had been less than a month ago, right before she shipped stateside. The serum must be wearing off faster because of her anxiety.

  “Have a seat, Agent Jackson. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

  His almost bland tone set off Kira’s inner alarm. The president had never been shy on speaking his mind on all types of world topics. She had no doubt he would soon vent his spleen about having an agent.

  She eased away from the door, moved into the room, and then seated herself on the edge of one of the chairs in front of the impressive mahogany desk. Looking around, she canvassed the numerous windows on the back wall. Several settees and lamps decorated the Oval Office. The presidential seal, as well as the American flag, added to the official capacity of the room. A room, in her opinion, that was way too accessible to an assassin.

  The president continued to read the document in front of him. It was as if he had forgotten she was even there. She’d love to be a cell inside Gareth’s brain, but most myths about vampires, spouting her kind could read minds, were untrue, except in certain intimate circumstances—an exchange of blood, or if she encountered her chosen mate. Of course, she’d heard older vampires, like Malachi, could also pick up on mortal thoughts.

  Kira tapped down her nerves, angst and resigned herself to be patient.

  So intent on wondering what he would do, Kira almost missed what he did do. The pen hit the desk with a slight slap. Gareth raised his head, and she was struck by the stormy green of his eyes, among other things. Brows that were dark compared to his hair rose above his hawk-like gaze. A slightly crooked nose rested above sensual lips pulled together into a straight line. All the photos in the world could not recreate the sexy and edgy look of Gareth Hayes up close and personal.

  “Who are you?”

  Chapter Two

  “I’m Agent Jackson, Mr. President, sir.”

  “That’s impossible. Jackson is a man.” Gareth schooled his features to keep from portraying the punch he’d just received in his gut. The woman seated across from him was stunning. Shoulder-length chestnut hair accentuated the porcelain shade of her neck and face. Finely arched brows, a shade lighter than her hair, drew attention to blue eyes that changed to the shade of a sunlit ocean. Lips that were small but more than adequate, he’d hazard a guess, to provide kisses that would probably bring a man of any size to his knees. Devoid of all but a pale peach tint, they were pulled together in a moue. Although she’d never do as an agent, he certainly appreciated the view of the woman’s front. The face and body he’d love to explore more, but in another time or place.

  For the moment, he had business to take care of—a mess his old friend Malachi would answer for as soon as this interview was over. The head of the agency must be out of his mind to send a tiny thing like Kira Jackson to guard him. On his worst day, he could take her down. What good would she be in a fight? He wasn’t worried about her protecting him, he could do that himself, but the woman could get hurt.

  Malachi knew his stand on women agents. He would not risk their lives—end of story. Judith’s death, as well as Agent Emily McCord’s had done a number on him, and he could not live with that guilt again.

  As he watched, Malachi’s latest offering stared him straight in the eyes, as if she wanted to throttle him or someone else.

  * * * *

  Kira resisted the urge to clench her fists. Neither would she follow through on her first thought to kill Malachi, although, he did deserve to have his fangs pulled out with a pair of pliers. No wonder he hadn’t bothered to come in and introduce her.

  “I assure you, sir, I am Agent Kira Jackson.”

  The president shook his head, sending the hair resting on his collar into disarray.

  “You won’t do—not at all.”

  “Sir, if you would just—”

  “I’m sorry, but the decision I made to talk to you was based on my belief you were a man. Since you’re not, there is nothing further to discuss.”

  Gareth’s gaze went from stormy to icy. The chilly, resolute stare made Kira want to scream. She would bet her last incisor this man was not a sexist. Then again, a lot of men were closet chauvinist piglets.

  Malachi might rant and rave, but she wasn’t giving up this position without a fight.

  “I disagree, Mr. President. Your life could be in danger. I’m trained to save it even if you don’t think I’m capable of doing more than sitting around filing my nails.”

  “I never said that.” Hayes’s brows arched higher, and his mouth dropped open slightly. “I am not a chauvinist, Agent Jackson. What I am is a man who has no time to waste. You are wasting it.”

  Of all the things he could say, this one made Kira livid.

  “No, what you are doing is allowing the past to dictate the future.”

  Kira stood to her feet.

  The president did the same.

  Bully for him. He had manners, but he also had an attitude she’d like to rearrange. If only she could tell him what she was. Maybe show him a thing or two about how a VGP could make him change his mind. Still, his impressive height made her feel fragile. Not something she was used to.

  “Ms. Jackson—”

  “That’s Agent Jackson, Mr. President.” Kira’s words sounded as if she’d spit them out.

  “All right, Agent Jackson. Tell me why you should be the one to guard me.”

  The iciness in his gaze turned into what looked like curiosity. Did he really care about her credentials? Surely he had already looked them over.

  “I would have thought my résumé and military record would be sufficient.”

  “Nevertheless, as a former military person myself, I know you have skills that were formulated into your training, but so do a lot of aspiring agents. Why do you really want this job?”

  Before Kira could enlighten Gareth Hayes, her cell phone went off. She snatched it from the waistband of her pants, glanced at the incoming number, and then flipped the phone open. “Yes, sir.”

  “Get Gareth out of there now. There’s been a death threat.” Malachi’s usually calm tone sounded almost frantic. Not good.

  “Where would you suggest?”

  “Somewhere off the immediate grounds. Kira, hurry!”

  She slammed the phone shut and slid it back in place.

  “Mr. President, we need to table this conversation until later.”

  Kira gave him no time to respond. She walked around the desk, snagged his arm, and tugged.

  “What’s going on?”

  “That was Malachi. There’s been a threat against your life. We need to get you out of the White House and off the grounds.”

  Instead of arguing, Gareth responded to her repeated tug. “I’ll take you to one of the tunnels, you’ll be safe there, but first I want to check on the agents and staff on duty.”

  Kira couldn’t believe he was trying to protect her. And although it was kinda sweet, it was ludicrous.

  “I’m sure Malachi will take care of the threat and the staff. Right now, it
’s my job to take care of you.”

  Gareth stopped Kira’s forward stride by pulling back on her arm. For a mortal, his strength was surprising.

  “I don’t think you understand. I’m not leaving until I check on my people.”

  Kira rolled her eyes. Although she applauded his devotion to those who worked for him, now was not the time. She closed her eyes for a moment, concentrated, and came up blank. She tried again. Nothing. For some reason, she couldn’t get the stubborn man to do as she wanted. It was as if he didn’t even hear her thought commands.

  “Sorry, that’s not an option, sir. Now, I suggest you move your butt, or I’ll have to move it for you.”

  Chapter Three

  Whether he believed Kira or not, or if he was just astonished at her threat, Gareth did as she asked. His bodyguard stopped in the hallway outside the Oval Office. She looked up and down the corridor, her hair swinging with her every movement. Gareth watched her blue eyes widen for a second before she started forward in the wrong direction.

  The view of her backside, encased in leather pants, sparked the first ember of sexual desire he’d felt in more time than he cared to count. And now was not the time for it to be resurrected.

  “Mr. President, we have to get to that tunnel.”

  Gareth bit back a smug grin. “I agree, but there’s a problem.”


  Gareth remained silent for a moment, enjoying how her eyes sparkled with her frustration.


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