Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 17

by Faith V. Smith

  Her leap to the top of the White House roof went unnoticed by the few extra guards Malachi had assigned for the diplomatic and special guests who’d stayed over after the ceremony. The night breeze wrapped itself around her with comforting and familiar arms. This was what she was used to. What she excelled at and what she would be doing for the rest of her life. Making sure someone stayed safe.

  The lights of DC glowed with a zealous fervor, as if thumbing its nose at any who might try to do its citizens harm. Celebrations of the nuptials were being done up right at several hotels and bars. The people who made up the stability of Washington wanted to share in what they believed to be a fairy-tale romance. More power to them. Someone should bask in happiness.

  After a search of the perimeter, Kira refused the lure to spend the night on the roof. She needed to make rounds inside the private quarters. Hopefully, her new husband would be fast asleep. If she were Gareth, she’d deplete the brandy decanter and head straight to bed.

  She teleported into the PQ’s den area and looked around. There were no signs of the aftermath of Malachi’s bombshell. A part of her was irked Gareth wasn’t waiting to talk to her, but then she’d pretty much told him to go to hell with her expression earlier. Still…

  Kira moved to the balcony doors and looked out into the night. A pale half-moon shimmered in the sky. Stars beamed from the heavens, and one shot across the horizon in an arch of light, but she didn’t feel like wishing on a star. She’d learned the hard way dreams and wishes were for children.

  Although locked in her thoughts, she sensed Gareth before she felt his arms slide around her waist. He pulled her back against a rigid arousal pressing against her buttocks.

  “Kira, I’m only going to apologize once more. After that, I’m going to take you to my bed, where you belong.”

  She guessed she should be indignant at his certainty she would cave in to her desire, and his, but why pretend something she didn’t feel? She may not have a lifetime of tomorrows with Gareth, but she sure as hell wanted tonight.

  “So apologize.”

  “I’m sorry for being such an ass. I love you and want you as my wife for all time.”

  His words coated the ache she’d been carrying around for what seemed like forever. Even if he might regret his words when the sun rose, she would live tonight as if it were the first and last night of her life.

  “I’m sorry too.” She turned into his embrace and welcomed his hardness against her feminine center. Kira pulled Gareth’s face closer to hers and locked his lips to her own. She didn’t wait for him to make the first move—she caressed his lips with her tongue until he allowed her entry beyond. Her exploration netted a growing desire, causing her fangs to descend. She willed them back.

  Now was not the time to allow her true inner nature to reign. Only later, after she tasted all the textures of his body, would she suckle the sweet nectar of her soul mate’s blood.

  Gareth’s groan ignited the flames in her body. Without releasing his lips, she eased her arms around his waist, inching her fingers up his back to score it with nails grown longer with desire.


  She welcomed the husky sound of her name pushed past their locked lips. Taking point, she moved her palms downward and gripped his tight buttocks, squeezing the hard mounds of muscles.

  Gareth pushed his arousal harder against her center, inciting a core of volcanic warmth. She pushed back and groaned.

  “Bedroom. Now. Gareth.”


  * * * *

  Gareth bent slightly, slipped his arms beneath her thighs, and brought Kira flush against his hot, aching flesh. He didn’t enter her heated interior, but instead turned and walked with her to his bedroom. He wanted their first time together to be on his bed, he wanted to hold her through the night after making love, and he wanted to wake up to the dawn with her in his arms.

  He used the heel of his foot to kick the bedroom door shut, and continued forward until his knees hit the side of the bed. Only then did he release his precious armful. Gareth followed her down onto the bed, a bed in shambles from his earlier tossing and turning.

  Kira’s gaze reflected back the desire he felt, and he placed a hard kiss on her mouth before catching the hem of her tank top. He slowly dragged the material up to bare breasts covered in black lace. “Ah, Kira, my love, you’ve no idea what you do to me.”

  “I can feel what I do to you, and I want more—now.” She followed her words with a quick move, sending her top flying over the edge of the bed.

  Gareth nuzzled the lace edging of her bra aside to taste and devour first one hard peak and then the other. Kira wiggled her lower body, almost sending him into premature climax. “You’re killing me here. Give me time to ready your body.”

  “I’m ready now. I don’t need foreplay, Gareth. I’ve dreamed of this moment.”

  “So have I, and I don’t plan to rush through it.” He stripped off her boots and then with his hands on her waist, the leather from her lower body. In its wake, a matching scrap of black lace. Who would have thought his hard-boiled agent would succumb to such feminine and seductive apparel?

  He hooked his thumbs around the material and tugged them down her thighs and legs before they found their way to the floor. Gareth cupped her center and then eased his finger between twin lips dewed with desire to touch her hidden kernel.

  Kira’s hips bucked as he gently pinched and then suckled.

  * * * *

  She was fast losing control of her senses and mind. Never in her wildest dreams had she felt this way. Spirals of heat twisted upward from deep within her body. Each wave rose higher, causing a storm of desire that made her fear she would explode.

  Her hands grasped locks of Gareth’s hair. She couldn’t stand any more. She needed something, anything to ease the climactic ache. “Gareth, please…”

  In answer to her plea, Gareth crawled up her body, cupped her breasts, then nipped them lightly before capturing her mouth in a kiss that would have knocked her shoes off, if she had them on.

  After an eternity, he released her mouth. “Are you sure, Kira? Is this what you want? Am I what you want?”

  “Yes and yes. I’ve never been sure of anything more than I am about tonight.”

  “Good, for I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

  “Then don’t.”

  Gareth slid his hard length to the V of Kira’s thighs. He pressed against her swollen nub, rocking back and forth.

  Kira growled, her fangs descended, and she wrapped her legs around Gareth’s hips. “Don’t toy with me, Gareth. I need you now!”

  His arousal touched the opening to her center. She held her breath as he stared down at her—desire softened the green of his eyes, but the determined look in his gaze more than convinced her he was not playing.

  “Then I’m all yours.”

  Inch by incredibly sensual inch, he slid his length forward. Kira felt every nuance, every tingle as the twisting loops of craving shifted higher and higher, and then stopped when Gareth slowed his motions.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Kira.”

  Blast her virginity. She was more than ready to rid herself of it once and for all.

  With an upward lift of her hips, Gareth was seated to the hilt inside her core. Instinct older than time caused Kira to lift her hips again, meeting each of his downward thrusts. The rhythm of his sexual dance meshed with hers.

  The volcano lava dewing the inside of her passage allowed his thrusts to glide in and out with an intensity that threatened to send her over the edge of reason. She welcomed the loss of control. She wanted this night to be one she would always remember.

  Kira more than met his movements. She wiggled her hips, brushing her nub against his hard length. The additional friction tightened until she wanted to yell. She moaned deep in her throat and pulled him even closer.

  Together they rode out the storm of lust forging them together until Kira’s entire body stiffened, her
eyes closed with passion, and then she erupted into molecules of energy. An energy that went on, and on, and on, until she trembled from her orgasm.

  Panting softly, she barely heard Gareth’s groan as he reached his pinnacle of climax before his body collapsed slowly on top of hers.

  A moment later, he lifted his head from her chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to crush you.”

  Kira giggled. “You didn’t. You married a vampire, remember?” She prayed he’d accepted her creature traits.

  “Yes, I do remember. Your strength almost unseated me, my love. It’s something I think I can get used to quite easily.”

  Kira touched Gareth’s cheek with trembling fingers. “Are you sure? I don’t think I could stand knowing you’ll eventually come to hate me, Gareth.”

  “Hate you? I’ve never hated you, and that won’t change no matter how long you live.”

  “Even when I’m younger-looking and you’re a bit older?”

  Gareth chuckled. “If you can love me with gray hair, arthritic limbs, and possible a potbelly, then I’ll have no trouble loving you forever!”

  Kira’s heart exploded with gladness. She didn’t know why she deserved this man, but was thankful God had given her this gift.

  “Well, I guess, we’ll have to buy a lot of hair dye and make you exercise on a regular basis, Mr. President.”

  “Works for me. Now, I think we should work on exercising together.”

  Kira’s breath caught and then flowed out in a gasp as Gareth caught both nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and gave them a hard tweak. Liquid flowed once again to her center. She felt his shaft rise to the occasion, and then she allowed her creature free reign.

  One moment, Gareth was on top, the next Kira sat in the driving seat. She lifted her hips in a twirling dance as she twisted around and back and forth. The tremors of desire grew again, this time harder and faster than before.

  Gareth’s eyes closed as she watched through slitted lids, and when they opened with the culmination of his desire, she leaned forward and swiped the side of his neck with her tongue.

  “Gareth, I need to bond with you in all ways. Do you trust me not to hurt you?”


  That one word, although whispered, sent her heart flying toward heaven. His trust meant almost as much to her as his love.

  “I’ll not betray your trust.”

  She nipped the skin halfway between his earlobe and jugular. Her small nips caused him to roll his hips up and forward, sending her almost into instant climax. She fought the beckoning grip. This time when she fell into the bliss of desire, she wanted to take Gareth with her.

  With another swipe of her tongue, she allowed her fangs to descend. She bit into his slightly calloused skin and tasted the powerful aphrodisiac of his blood. The orgasm hit her hard and fast. The lightning bolts of completion rocked her to her very core. As she drank, she could see into Gareth’s soul. His shock at experiencing what she felt seemed minute compared to the vortex of desire both their climaxes gave him. It was all she could do to keep their bodies sealed together, but well worth the effort when they both tumbled over the edge into ecstasy. She suckled for a minute more before swiping her tongue over the pinpricks in his neck, closing the tiny holes.

  * * * *

  Soon, all his plans would be in place. Hayes would die—along with his agent wife. After he watched them meet their Maker, he would tie up some loose ends before putting feelers out about running for Congress. From there he would lift his eyes toward the coveted prize , and make a bid for the White House.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Gareth reached out and pulled Kira’s body even closer. After making love to her several times over, she’d fallen asleep on top of him. Only after making sure he wouldn’t wake her did he ease her body down on the mattress. While she continued to slumber, making adorable little snorts every so often, he’d lain awake.

  Life was exceptionally good, considering a killer still roamed free. Although they could not prove it yet, he was sure whoever beheaded the vampire was also behind the attacks aimed at him and Kira.

  Kira wiggled in her sleep, and her soft bottom stirred a new spiral of arousal. He tamped it down. His new bride was exhausted, even with her immortal strength. Lord knew he could use some rest also, but the experience of just having her lie beneath his heart was a new one for him—one he wanted to last for as long as possible.

  Using a technique he’d learned in the military, he slowed his breathing and relaxed each muscle in his body, even the one between his legs. Soon, his eyelids drifted close, and he slid into sleep.

  * * * *

  Gareth awoke when Kira pulled her body away from his. He caught her before she could slide off the bed. “Where are you going? It’s early, and we’re officially on our honeymoon.”

  He allowed his hand to caress her naked breast, and grinned at the adorable pink staining her cheeks.

  “Gareth, stop it. It’s daylight outside, and it’s so not early.”

  “Kira, my love, I can’t believe you want to leave me so soon. I thought we meshed rather well together the many times we made love last night.” Gareth enjoyed the look of incredulity on her face, and the almost dazed look as she remembered what those night hours contained.

  “Well, don’t you think we ought to at least get up and see what’s going on? I mean, we do have an active investigation about a killer on the books.”

  “Yes, and Malachi is handling that for the moment. Come back to bed.” Gareth caressed the soft flesh of her belly and hid a grin when Kira sucked in air.

  “You might want to let that air out, baby, before you pass out. Now, seriously, you don’t really want to talk, do you?”

  * * * *

  Kira wanted to gnash her fangs. She should have been more careful. Her stealth techniques needed to be practiced or at least refined once again. No way should Gareth have been able to sense her leaving the bed, former Ranger or not.


  Her courage was at an all-time low, and she needed to talk to him about the ritual blood exchange, something she should have done last night. The den would be a better choice. She didn’t need to be sidetracked. And being on a bed with Gareth was more than a distraction. It was mind-blowing.

  “Let’s stay in bed. I want to take you every way I didn’t get to last—”

  Kira slid an elbow in under Gareth’s ribs, just enough to take his breath for a moment.

  “What the hell?”

  She scrambled off the bed and grabbed her clothes. She was so not having this talk naked as a jaybird. “We have to talk. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t hurt me. What I’d like to know is why you hit me, and why do you look like you want to run?”


  Gareth moved his oh-so-naked and hot body off the bed. Kira backed up. Instead of moving toward her, he pulled on a pair of jeans, commando style. After zipping them over the enticing bulge he sported, he spoke again.

  “Look, Kira, we’re married, I thought we worked all this out last night. You have to trust me, no matter what. We can’t survive any other way.” He crossed his arms across the impressive pecs of his chest. “Now, tell me.”

  “Okay, okay…let me get dressed and grab something to drink. We’ll talk in the den. I promise, I’ll tell you everything.”

  Kira’s hands shook as she pulled on last night’s clothes, but instead of going naked under them, she pulled on a pair of panties and a bra. She needed all the covering she could get when she spilled the rest of her heritage and customs to Gareth.

  He didn’t say a word, just watched as she dressed and then followed her when she left the bedroom.

  A few moments later, with a can of diet cola in her hands, she paced back and forth in front of the sofa where Gareth sat.

  “Look, this is hard for me. I…uh…I’m not sure you’ll understand.”

  “Are you planning on telling me you want a d
ivorce? You’re going to drain all my blood while I’m asleep? What? If it’s not one of those two things, then it’s okay.”

  Kira wasn’t sure if the concerned but complacent look Gareth wore was a good thing or bad.

  “No to both of those. I want to stay married to you, but you may not feel the same way when I—”

  “Kira, for the love of heaven, spit it out!”

  “All right! As vampires, you know we have soul mates. You, as mine, are entitled to experience some of the perks of being a vamp without being one. If that makes sense.”

  “Go on. I’m listening.”

  “Well, you know I took some of your blood last night—”

  “Was it good?”


  “Sorry, trying to lighten the conversation.”

  Kira grinned. “Yes, it tasted just fine, now back to the perks. I took your blood so I could know where you were at all times. It’s a vamp thing. I can sense your presence even from miles away. You, however, can’t sense me. If you actually participated in the bonding ritual, you would be able to hear my thoughts, like I can yours.”

  “How long have you been able to do that?”

  “Only once, and we were kissing at the time. Now, I can read your mind whenever I want to.”

  Gareth looked confused.

  “Sorry, I know it’s strange. Malachi could read your mind anytime he wanted to, but he’s older than I am. I have not actually experienced all the perks of being a vampire.”

  “So you were saying something about a ritual?”

  Kira drew in air. This was the moment of truth. “Yeah, it’s where mates suckle blood from one another. It allows them more of a physical bonding when they make love and just being together.”

  “I don’t think I could take much more than what we had last night.”

  Her cheeks heated at his words. Lord, last night had been mesmerizing. An experience she wanted to repeat over and over, but first things first.

  “Well, actually, it can get better. You were able to feel what I felt while I tasted your blood, but when you, or if you, take my blood also, then it would be magnified.”


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