Burn to Ashes

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Burn to Ashes Page 11

by Brynn O'Connor

  “My plan…well my ultimate goal has never changed. You coming in and out of the picture doesn’t change a thing. I’m not doing this for you Kari; you should know that.”

  Ahh…the crushing blow! Not what I wanted to hear from my on again off again boyfriend. I was hoping I was the stimulus for the Plan; apparently not! I should be his motivation! How self-important am I feeling right about now? Hard not to feel that way given what just happened a few minutes ago.

  “I still want to take my club legit; what’s left of it anyway but like I have said before, I have to get my street cred back. Bikers do not follow weak leaders. Right now I’m viewed as a weak former leader. The whole reason you’re in danger and your sister is because they think I’m weak. If they still regarded me like they used to too no one would have the balls to openly seek you or your sister out. They’d be too afraid of starting a biker war, or at least afraid of violent retaliation.”

  “So what are you saying then?”

  “I have to gain control of the Sons of Ash! And I’m not talking about the few that still follow me Kari. I have to become president of the combined Sons of Ash and Cycle Demons.”

  “And if you don’t?”

  “You’ll never be safe and neither will Anna, for starters. If I don’t assume control I’ll be forever chased by some of the other sizeable clubs like the Harbingers, Hell’s Riders, and The Filthy Few! We’ve been rivals for as long as I can remember and they’ll…they already are gunning for me as we speak. I don’t expect you to follow me. Where I have to go Kari, it won’t be pretty. I know you took this…this healer’s oath and I can’t ask you to violate it. You go with me and I guarantee you’ll have to decide between your oath and the biker in front of you with a gun. I can’t ask that of you.”

  “Then don’t. I’ll choose for you.”

  “You can’t choose this life Kari. You don’t even know what you’re getting into.”

  “But I’ve already chosen it. I chose it a long time ago Adam. I’m just reaffirming that decision. My family is in danger. With Marco’s help I nearly killed my little sister and she’s still in danger. I’m sure Marco is staying under the radar right now but at some point he’s going to crawl back out from that rock he crawled under and he’ll be looking for me and my sister. She’s the easy target so I have to protect her and what kind of sister would I be if I wasn’t prepared to give my life for her? Adam you have to let me go with you. I won’t be left behind. But before we start, there’s something I have to do and you’re going to help me.”

  “I’m not sure I’m going to like this…I’m not am I?”

  “You’re not, but you’ll do it anyway.”

  “Super, what is it?”

  An hour later Adam is wearing a white lab coat, just like the ones at Providence Hospital where my sister is recovering. He is wheeling me into the hospital through the ER entrance because that is the one entrance where they don’t watch too closely here. I’m wearing a hospital gown and my head is bandaged as well as a good portion of my face. I could be in my own hospital and they wouldn’t recognize me. We hang out with other patients on the pretense of getting some fresh air. About half of them are smoking. Getting a wheelchair was easy. We waited until we found a gentleman who wheeled himself over to the benches and lit up. He was more than happy to give up his chair and take seat on the bench for a pack of smokes and a hundred dollar bill. Soon as Adam secured the chair I got out of the car which was in the drop off zone and got in the chair the moment the coast was clear. We waited another ten minutes for an ambulance with lights and sirens to pull up for us to make our entrance during the commotion. Then it was a short trip to a bank of elevators and then up to the fourth floor where my sister was recovering. She is still in ICU, but at the end of the unit the farthest from the nurse’s station. She is almost well enough to be moved down to the next floor. We chose Sunday night because they usually have a skeleton crew on duty and they won’t bat an eye when they see what they think is another doctor from another floor bringing in another patient to cheer their patient up. They won’t look in on her too much knowing she is being looked after. Instead they’ll focus on their other patients while we’re in with my sister.

  Anna looks completely confused when we come in. She doesn’t recognize Adam in his scrubs and lab coat and she has no idea who I am until I uncover my face. When the last bandage comes off her face is a mask of shock and surprise.

  “What the hell?”

  “Sorry for the subterfuge,” I begin.

  “Wait…that’s a disguise? You’re not a patient here?”

  “Well I couldn’t just waltz in here past the nurse’s station. They probably would have recognized me.”

  “So why are you here?” She asks, then points to Adam. “Is that your ex-boyfriend, the biker?”

  “Yeah, but he’s not really my ex anymore.” I reply.

  “You’re back together then.” It was a statement not a question.

  “Pretty much…yes.”

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just call the nurse in here; or the cops.”

  “I’m your sister!”

  “By blood…but your actions speak volumes.”

  Time for some privacy here. I turn to Adam. “You think we—”

  “No problem I’ll just go down to the cafeteria and get a coffee or something.”

  The second the door shuts my sister opens up with both barrels!

  “Ever sense you dumped the ER doctor for your biker I’ve been kidnapped, stabbed, and shot; by you! Last time I spent ten days in the hospital and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be here longer. And you’re not just fucking up my life either. Look at yours. You’ve got a contract out on your life, you’re shooting at people, getting shot at, on the run from the cops as well as bikers and you shot your sister. How fucked up is that? You basically don’t have a job slash career anymore and when’s the last time you spoke to your best friend? You’re out of control. Your life is out of control and to tell you the truth…I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

  “Yeah…I’m not sure I do either; to tell you the truth…”

  “So what are you going to do about it then?” She asks.

  “There’s something I have to do first Anna, before I can leave all this behind me, and before you can be totally safe.”

  “Oh I’m safe here,” my little sister declares. “I’m guarded 24/7. No one’s getting in here that shouldn’t.”

  “Yet I walk right in.” I reply. “Me with my fake head injury and my fake doctor. And by the way…your 24/7 guard at your door, he must have been on a doughnut break or something because he was nowhere to be seen.”


  “Look Anna, if I can get in despite my face being blasted all over the news along with an outlaw biker, who else can get in. You’re not safe here either.”

  “You’re partially right Kari. But as long as you’re out there kicking the hornet’s nest I’ll never be truly safe. You are the one who makes it not safe for me.”

  “That’s not entirely true. You-”

  “I’m sorry Kari.”

  “I’m sorry too. Wait…sorry for what Anna?”

  “For doing what I have to do. It’s the only way I can be safe and ultimately this is going to save your life.”

  A cold chill is creeping over my body. I don’t like where this conversation seems to be heading. An odd expression settles over my little sister’s face, and if I didn’t know better I’d say it’s pity. But why would she be pitying me or feeling sorry for me? Slowly she reaches out and presses a blue button on her bed controls.

  “I’m sorry Kari, but I can’t let you just walk out of here and back to Adam. He’s ruining your life.”

  “Anna, what did you just do?”

  Panic is charging my way like a freight train and there’s no time to get out of the tracks.

  “I summoned hospital security. I’m really sorry but you’re my sister and you have to take responsibi
lity for what you have done and are going to do if I don’t stop you.”

  Finally my muscles that were frozen with fear unlock. I launch myself out of the chair, grabbing my purse as it falls from my lap. On instinct I grab my cell phone and take three steps for the door when the guard pops the door open. I have two choices here. I can just give up and let him detain me for the police, which means it’s all over for me, or I can run and hope to make it out of the hospital. It’s an easy choice.

  “Stop her!” My sister shouts, pointing at me.

  Fortunately the guard is not a cop and not used to having to react to rapidly changing situations. I charge towards him not quite knowing what I’m going to do. Then in that split second that we are about to collide I reach out and strike him with the edge of my hand along the top of my thumb. It’s not a powerful strike, but given that I hit him in the balls; it’s sufficient. He drops to his knees and I easily clamber over him and out the door.

  The floor nurses are even more stunned by the sudden turn of events from a patient who moments ago had a serious head injury and needed a doctor’s escort to see the patient in room 4225. I run down the hall till I get to the stairs and hit the door without slowing. I just about do a header down the stairs before I can stop myself and regain my balance. I still have my phone in my hand so I decide to stop and call for help. First I call Doctor Mike. He’s not wanted by anyone and can…maybe he can protect me.

  “Kari?” He finally answers.

  “I’m in trouble Mike. My sister turned me in and I assaulted a security guard and now everybody’s chasing me! I need you to get me out of this place.”

  “What did you do to her? What’s going on Kari?”

  “Just get me out of here! I’m in the…the west stair case between the fourth and fifth floors. I’m on my way to the fifth floor.”

  “Why are you going up? And what the hell am I supposed to do for you?” He asks.

  Suddenly I hear another voice with him and it kinda sounds like Adam.

  “Is Adam with you?” I ask. I can’t see any reason they would be in the same place together but stranger things have happened. I hear shouting then a crack like someone dropped the phone on the floor. A few seconds later Adam comes on the phone.

  “Kari? You okay?”

  “What do you think; of course I’m not okay! You think I’d call Mike if I was?”

  “I don’t know…just tell me where you are.”

  “I said I’m between the fourth and fifth floor and I’m going up to the roof!”

  “What? Why’re you doing that?” He asks.

  “Because that’s the last thing they’ll expect. They’ll think I’m doing the logical thing and going downstairs. They won’t think to look for me above the fourth floor. Geez, do I really have to explain this to you?”

  “Yes because you’re not thinking straight. Of course they’ll look for you to go upstairs! They’ll send people downstairs too. What you’re thinking; it only works in movies, now go up to the fifth floor and try to get to another staircase; like the south one. Try to get to the third floor, south staircase. You-”

  Suddenly he goes quiet and I hear muffled arguing. Pretty soon Dr. Mike is back on the phone.

  “Forget what idiot superspy just told you! Go to the fifth floor. That’s where the maternity ward is. Go to the East Wing; grab a maternity gown and a pillow. The East Wing is the overflow wing and is not usually in use. In fact it’s the only part of the hospital that’s not going to be crawling with nurses, doctors, and patients. There’s a doctors lounge there. Snag a pink lab coat that the nurses and doctors use on that wing and go lie down on one of the cots there. No one will think it weird to see a maternity doc crashed out catching a few Z’s. No one will bother you for at least a half hour or more. Eventually the place will be put on lockdown while they do a floor by floor search and eventually that room will be checked thoroughly. So…we have thirty minutes to hatch a plan and get you out of the hospital before they get organized. Got it?”

  Holy crap! Doctor Mike comes to the rescue. This must really piss off Adam!

  “Got it!” I shout into the phone as I near the door to the fifth floor.

  “Aright, I’ll see you-”

  “We’ll see you soon!” Chimes in Adam’s voice.

  I cannot believe my little sister turned me in! It’s mind boggling really. We were so close and now she’s going to be responsible for me going to prison. Well, prison sooner than I would normally go given the fucked up mess I’m in right now. At least I have help. This is going to be really weird though with them fighting tooth and nail over me. It’s nice to be wanted, but this… not like this, and at time. I stop at the fifth floor stairwell, in front of the door. I try to listen through it but can’t hear anything that means anything to me so I crack it open.

  The maternity wing is quiet tonight except for the occasional baby crying. Not much going on here at all. The nurse’s station is empty at the moment so I casually walk over; desperately hoping no one will suddenly return to the nurse’s station. Draped over a chair is a pink doctor’s lab coat. With my heart pounding in my ears I inch over to the chair with the lab coat. I stand at the counter resting my elbows in front of me casually. I look to my right, to my left, and behind me. No one is around. I reach out, grab the coat and pull it from the chair. The pocket gets hung up on the arm of the chair and only comes free when I give it a violent jerk. Of course the chair crashes to the floor, striking a clipboard on the desk next to it. A half dozen clipboards and charts go crashing to the tile floor as well. Great…just freaking great!

  Panic seizes me and I run blindly for the corner of the floor towards the East Wing; I hope. I don’t even bother to look back as I run like a bat out of hell; no point in it. Fortunately I do go in the right direction and soon find myself in a deserted East Wing. A quick search turns up the doctor’s lounge. I pause at the door and slip on my lab coat. I take a deep breath and push open the door. The place is deserted. I go to the cot farthest from the door and sit down. It takes a few minutes but I am finally able to slow down my breathing and my heart rate. I’m just about to call Mike when he calls me.

  “Hi Mike.”

  “Are you there Kari? In the East Wing lounge?”

  “Relax, I made it. No one saw me; I’m safe for now.”

  “Great. We’ll be there in a few minutes with a gurney in tow. You’ll have to play a maternity patient going down to the radiology department for a CT scan. They can’t do that on the maternity ward so no one will think it weird. Grab a pillow and a gown. You have to transform yourself into a 9 months pregnant mother.”

  “Got it.”

  I can’t believe my own sister…my flesh and blood just ratted me out. I risked everything to see her and see how she’s doing and she alerts the authorities. Since I have nothing else to do after getting my costume together I decide to throw myself a grand pity party. Why not? Nothing else I can do right now. I’m just about to get my party on when I hear the door to the lounge opening. I dive for my cot and pull the blanket over my shoulders and up around my face. It’s not until I hear footsteps stop at my cot that it occurs to me that I have my pregnant mommy costume on right now and not my doctor one. This is gonna be weird.

  “It’s us Kari,” says a familiar voice.

  I roll over and sit up and find myself face to face with Doctor Mike.

  “Thanks for coming.” I say.

  Saying thanks feels so totally inadequate but what else can I say at this point? Doctor Mike does not look all that happy to see me and it doesn’t surprise me at all considering I up and dumped him after he paid a chunk of money for my medical school and let me stay with him for 6 months even when we weren’t technically together. I feel terrible. I’ve treated Mike like shit and here he is risking his license and maybe more by helping me. Yeah…I feel like shit. Then Adam walks in wearing a ‘what the fuck is he doing here’ expression on his face. I have treated these two men worse than I have ever treated anyone
yet they’re here risking it all to help me out. That says a lot. I’m not sure exactly what, but it must say something.

  “So sis rolled over on ya…” Adam says.

  “I know,” I reply. “I can’t believe it. I mean what did I ever…”

  “You’re right,” Adam replies interrupting me. “It’s not like you got her kidnapped, or stabbed or shot or anything right? I mean, ‘cause that would really piss someone off.”

  “Shut up!” I snap at him then smile to take the sting out of my words.

  “Alright kids,” Doctor Mike says, coming back into the room. “We need to get out of here. I figure we only have maybe fifteen minutes before lockdown and we may have to resort to plan B, C, and D before we get out of here.”

  “C and D?” I ask. “Do we have a plan C and D?”

  “We don’t even have a plan B.” Adam says.

  “Well hadn’t we better make up one then?” I ask.

  “That’d be great if we had time for it.”

  “Why don’t you find us our gurney,” Doctor Mike says to Adam. “In the mean- time I’ll help Kari work on her costume.”

  He holds up this blue case and pulls out a pregnancy belly. One of those artificial bellies people can wear to increase their awareness of what women go through when they’re pregnant.

  “Unless of course you know how this thing goes on.” Doctor Mike says to Adam.

  “I’ll just get us that gurney we passed down the hall.”

  Without another word Adam walks out leaving me with Doctor Mike.

  “Well welI,” Dr. Mike begins. I bet this special little moment is one you were hoping to avoid.”

  “Yeah on the awkwardness scale of one to a thousand, I’d rank this at about ten thousand.”

  “So is this how it’s going to be now Kari. Things get a little dicey and you run to the other man?”

  “If that’s the case,” I begin, “I should be running back to you right about now seeing how I most recently ran directly to Adam’s arms.”

  Doctor Mike holds out his arms, but in his face he lacks the conviction. He knows I am staying with Adam despite his coming to the rescue tonight.


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