Cheri's Erotic Ten - Vol. 1

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Cheri's Erotic Ten - Vol. 1 Page 4

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  And now, just back from college, he looked more like a man than ever, with his strong jaw, and muscular shoulders. But he still wore his hair long, and had that glint of mischief in his eyes. Eyes that took a quick walk down and up my body as he closed the lid on the trash can.

  “Any plans for the summer?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I might do the lifeguard thing like last summer.”

  “Sounds like fun. Spending your days hanging around girls in bikinis.” I grinned.

  He smiled and a slight blush crept onto his cheeks. “I guess.”

  My smile widened. “Oh please. Save your shy guy act for someone who doesn’t know you.”

  His grin spread over his face, and his eyes twinkled. “Yeah, I guess you do.”

  “Have you forgotten I’m the one who found you behind your shed with Beth Shipley when you were eleven?”

  He chuckled. “I remember. I’ve never thanked you for stunting my sexual education.”

  I laughed. “Something tells me you’ve made up for it over the years.”

  He grinned and shook his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Right. Hey, is your mother home? I need to ask her something.”

  “No, she’s visiting my Aunt Marcia in Chicago until Thursday.”

  “Ok. Well, I have to go take my shower and get my day started. Nice talking to you, Brandon.”

  “You too Mrs. Alden.”

  I turned and left, but not before noticing his eyes make another sweep down and up my body. I felt a shiver of excitement pass through me.

  Seriously? Was I that desperate I was getting turned on by horny glances from teenagers? As I walked up my sidewalk and felt a spreading warm wetness in my pussy, I realized that, yeah, I was.

  The shower felt good, and after I was done I thought once again about my broken vibrator in the drawer. But just as I pulled off the towel that was wrapped around me, and opened my underwear drawer to make a selection, our doorbell rang. I walked to the window and looked out to see a Postal Service truck parked in the driveway.

  My vibrator had arrived! I knew that if I didn’t answer the door, the driver would take the package back to the post office, and leave a note in the mailbox telling me to pick it up there. But I wanted it now.

  Throwing the towel back around me, I hurried out into the hallway, and down the stairs, as the doorbell continued to ring. When I got to the door and opened it, the driver was halfway down the sidewalk, walking away. I stepped out onto the porch.

  “I’m here,” I called to him.

  He stopped and turned around, and his eyes opened wide at the sight of me standing there in my towel. The upper edge was below the top swells of my full breasts, barely covering my areolas, and the bottom edge ended at my upper thighs, just inches below my crotch. And since I was standing up on the porch, he probably had an even better angle.

  “Sorry,” I said, “I was in the shower.” Thank you, Mrs. Obvious.

  He smiled and began walking back towards me. “Not a problem, Ma’am. I’ve been delivering mail for ten years, and seeing a beautiful woman in a towel is far from the strangest sight I’ve seen.”

  I laughed. “I’m glad to hear that, I guess.”

  He climbed the four steps onto the porch, and held out his clipboard and a pen. “If you could sign at the bottom, next to the X.”

  I did as he asked, and he exchanged his clipboard for the package. It was in a bubble-wrap envelope.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome. You have a nice day now.”

  “You too.”

  I examined the package as he made his way back to his truck. The only indication of its contents was the originating address, which was Leisure Products. I had found it on their website, and they had guaranteed discrete delivery. The truck pulled out into the street, and I turned back to the door, which had closed behind me.

  I gripped the knob and turned, but it didn’t budge. Confused at first, I twisted harder. It wasn’t until a few moments before I realized what I had done.

  Shit! I had locked myself out of my house! In my bath towel! Shit! Shit!

  I twisted the knob hard, knowing it was useless. My husband had all of our locks upgraded a year ago, when there was a string of burglaries in the neighborhood. My mind raced. There had to be another way in. The patio door in the back!

  I crept around the house, trying to stay low in case any of my neighbors were around. I climbed the few wooden stairs up onto the deck, and tried the door.

  Shit! It was locked too.

  What was I going to do? Then I remembered the fake rock. Yes! We had put an extra key in a fake rock in our garden. All I had to do was find it.

  It took me a few minutes, but I found the plastic rock, and opened it. But my heart fell as I pulled out the key hidden within. It was an older style key, which was for our old locks, not the new ones. Damn.

  My mind worked. Why hadn’t my husband changed this key when he changed the locks? I seemed to remember something he said. What was it?

  Then I remembered. He had told me he didn’t think the rock was safe, since everyone had them nowadays. He thought it would be better if we left a key with our neighbors.

  Yes! I was sure there was an extra key somewhere over in my neighbor’s house. All I had to do was go over and ask Brandon to find it.

  I winced. That would mean I would have to face Brandon dressed like this. Or, undressed like this would be more like it. I steeled myself, and started across the back yard.

  Deciding to stay out of sight of the front street, I went to their back patio, and knocked on the sliding glass door. I felt a small quiver of excitement, knowing his eyes would be on me. But I pushed those thoughts from my mind, and focused on the task at hand.

  He didn’t appear. I knocked again, harder this time. He still didn’t show. I pounded on the glass, and yelled, “Brandon, you in there?”

  Nothing. The house remained quiet. Shit! Maybe he had gone out? No, I remembered seeing his car in the driveway when I was talking to the postman. He was home. I pounded again.

  He didn’t appear, I pulled on the handle. The door slid open.

  I hated to just walk into someone’s house, but I was desperate. I entered the kitchen and closed the door behind me.

  “Brandon?!” I called.



  Still nothing.

  Thinking I might get lucky, I searched the kitchen for a keyboard, or some other place our key might be stored, but came up empty.


  The house seemed empty. Then an idea occurred to me. My son had reached the age where he liked to sit in his room and listen to music on his headphones. That’s probably what Brandon was doing. All I had to do was go up there and ask him to help me look for the key.

  I made my way up the carpeted stairs and down the hallway. I had been in their house many times, and knew which room was his. I stopped in front of the closed door, and knocked.

  No answer.

  I knocked again.


  Damn. Maybe I’d been wrong, and he did go out. Maybe one of his friends picked him up in their car. Shit. I guess I was going to have to call my husband at work, so he could come home and let me in. Deciding to just check to make sure Brandon wasn’t in his room, I twisted the knob and pushed the door open.

  The sight in front of me made me freeze in shock. I had been right. He was in there, and he was listening to his headphones – large ones that covered his entire ears.

  But that’s where my correct guesses ended. He was naked, and sitting back on some propped up pillows. His legs were spread, and his laptop computer sat between them, playing a video. On the video was a woman sucking a very large cock.

  But it wasn’t the only large cock in sight. Brandon’s was arching up solidly from between his legs, and his hand was wrapped around it, sliding slowly up and down. His other hand cupped his balls.

/>   I stood there, wanting to run away but unable to move. It was like seeing an accident on the side of the road, and not being able to look away. Only instead of blood and guts, it was a beautifully hard cock capturing my attention.

  He must have caught a movement out of the corner of his eye, because he turned his head towards me. It took a brief moment, and then shock transformed his face, as his eyes bugged wide and his mouth gaped open.

  Another pause as our eyes locked, and then he was scrambling, pulling up the bedsheets to cover himself. I took a step backwards.

  Once he had the important parts covered, he yanked off his headphones. “What are you doing here?” he yelled.

  “I... I... I’m sorry.”

  The woman in the video continued to enjoy the cock in her mouth, oblivious to our dilemma.

  “Have you ever heard of knocking?” he demanded.

  “I’m sorry,” I repeated, too stunned to tell him I had knocked.

  He rubbed his face in his hands. “Oh god.”

  “I didn’t mean to...”

  He looked at me again, and finally realized what I had on. He gave me a quizzical look. “Why are you wearing a towel?”

  The woman in the video took the cock in her hand, and jacked it hard as it sprayed cum all over her face.

  My eyes darted between it and him. “I, um, accidentally locked myself out of my house. And I was hoping your dad had an extra key.” I found my voice. “And then, I knocked on your back door. Pounded really loud. And when no one came, I let myself in. And then I thought I’d check your room, and I did knock. Really hard, and I called out your name. But you didn’t answer, so I opened the door. I’m sorry.”

  His face softened slightly. “Oh. I’m sorry I yelled at you. It’s just, you surprised me.”

  The credits began to roll on the video, and a large title appeared: “Horny Housewives.” I stared at it with wide eyes.

  He saw where I was looking, and hurriedly reached out and shut the laptop’s screen. My mind worked. Why was he watching that? Isn’t he getting all the pretty young college girl ass he wants? Why was he fantasizing about housewives?

  Then I remembered the way his eyes wandered over my body earlier, and a small shudder of pleasure went through me. Was it possible I had turned him on enough that he had to come in here and jerk his cock to a video of an older woman? His incredibly beautiful cock?

  A bubble of wetness popped softly in my pussy, as I considered the possibility that this was all because of me. A horny housewife could dream, couldn’t she?

  “How did you get locked out?” he asked.

  “I was signing for this package, and the door closed behind me.” I held up the package to show him. Then I realized what I was doing. To my surprise, I still had the package with me. Why didn’t I just leave it on my patio? I hurriedly pulled my hand down, and hid it behind my back.

  He gave me a curious look. “What’s in it?”

  My mind raced to think up a lie, but came up blank. “Um, nothing.”

  His curiosity grew. “Let me see it.”


  “Why not?”

  “It’s personal.”

  He gave a slight smile. “This from the woman who barged into my bedroom?”

  I decided to go on the offensive. “What were you watching there?”

  He frowned. “Nothing.”

  “Horny Housewives?”

  The blush rose in his cheeks, but he didn’t reply.

  “I would’ve expected something like, horny college coeds.”

  He looked down. “Could you leave now? I want to get dressed.”

  I realized I had pushed too far. I took a step towards him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Just go.”

  I took another step forward, and I was now standing beside the bed. “Brandon, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  He moved quickly, leaning towards me and snatching the package from my hand. He grinned wide and held it up triumphantly. “Hah! Fooled you!”

  “Give me that back!” I reached for the box, but he held it away, chuckling.

  “I just want to see what it is.” The sheets had slipped down and I got another glimpse of his now half-hard cock. He quickly covered himself again.

  In my best motherly tone, I said, “Brandon, give it to me right now.” I held out my hand.

  Giving another small laugh, he held the package up and read the front of it. “Leisure Products? Why does that sound familiar?”

  “Give it to me,” I repeated, my panic rising.

  He thought for moment, and then a smile spread across his face. “I know that company. I’ve seen their website. What did you order from them?”

  It was my turn to blush. “Nothing. Give it to me.”

  His fingers gripped the pull-tab at the top of the envelope. “I’m going to open it.”

  I lunged forward, trying to grab it from him, but he was too quick, and he held it out of the way as he blocked me with his other hand. The hand pressed against the towel between my breasts, causing it to loosen. Suddenly, it opened, sliding down over my hips to puddle at my feet, exposing me to him.

  He gaped in shock as he stared at my naked body. His eyes lingered over my breasts for a split second, and dropped to my crotch, where he took in the sight of my shaved pussy. I was too startled to move for a moment, but then I quickly reached down to the towel and pulled it up around myself, covering my nakedness once again.

  He was still staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. It felt like my cheeks were on fire.

  Finally, he spoke. “Wow. You have an amazing body.”

  I held out my hand. “Thank you, Brandon, but give me my package back.”

  He grinned and pulled the tab. The plastic tore across in an even line. In the same motion, he reached in and pulled the box out.

  It was bright and colorful, and had a picture of my new vibrator on the front. It was named ‘Evolved Seduction’, and was lilac colored, with a purple base and a thick shaft that tapered smoothly up to an even thicker, rounded head.

  He grinned. “Well, it looks like we’re both guilty of self-abuse.”

  I kept my hand out. “Just give it to me.”

  He thought for a moment. “So, this is what you had to run outside in your towel to get?”

  I glared at him, but didn’t answer.

  “What?” he said, “You can walk in on me with my dick in my fist, but I’m not allowed to tease you about this?” He waved the box with a grin.

  “Oh, so we’re teasing each other now? Then I guess I can mention the video you were watching. Horny Housewives? Aren’t those women a little old for you? Shouldn’t you be watching horny teenagers?”

  His smile disappeared, but his eyes stayed on mine. “I’ve been with a lot of horny teenagers.”

  “I would hope so. You’re a handsome young man.”

  “And I’ve been with one older woman.”

  I stared at him curiously. “An older woman?”

  “Yes. She was thirty-four. My college Math professor.”

  I looked at him in surprise. “You had sex for grades?”

  He laughed. “No. I was getting straight A’s before our affair started.”

  “Then why?”

  He stared at me. “Because she was beautiful.”

  “What about all those cute college girls?”

  He shrugged. “I like them too. But mature women know what they’re doing in bed.” He paused, then continued. “How about you? Why are you, you know?”

  “Why am I what?”

  He waved the box again. “Using this, when you have a husband?”

  I felt my cheeks redden again. “That’s none of your business.”

  “And it’s none of your business who I’m sleeping with, but that didn’t stop you from asking about it.”

  He had a point. “Ok, fair enough. My husband and I, we’re going through a dry spell. It’s just that we’re so busy and everythin

  “How long has it been?”

  “He hasn’t wanted to be with me in three months.”

  He stared at me. “Three months? How is that possible?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, look at you. You’re incredible. How could someone turn you down for three months?”

  I felt a warmth begin inside from his words, and I had to force myself not to smile. “That’s nice of you to say.”

  He stared at the box in his hand. “It’s ironic, isn’t it?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Here the two of us are, right next door to each other, probably less than a hundred feet apart, both doing the same thing, both wanting something they can’t have.

  I looked at him curiously. “What do you want that you can’t have?”

  His eyes met mine. “You.”

  I stared at him in shock. “Me?”

  “Yes. I’ve always thought you were pretty, but after I saw you outside earlier, you were all I could think about. That’s why I came up here to do this. I was thinking about you when I was watching that video.”

  I stared at him, unable to speak.

  “I was watching that woman,” he continued, “and imagined it was your mouth on my cock. And I thought about what it would be like to lie between your legs, and be inside of you.”

  “Brandon, that isn’t right.”

  “I don’t care. And now that I know your husband is denying you, I think you should get in bed with me so we can both find out what that feels like.”


  He opened the box, pulled out my vibrator, and held it up with a smile. A sealed set of batteries slid out of the box, and he made quick work of loading them. When he flicked the switch at the bottom, the vibrator came to life, emitting a low hum.

  My pussy twitched. Was I really considering doing this?

  After moving his laptop to his bedside table, he pulled the covers down, and then moved over to lie on his side, giving me room.

  I stared at his re-hardened cock. It stood straight up, proud and solid, and my pussy twisted in desire as I thought about it sliding inside of me.

  He patted the bed beside him. “Join me, Mrs. Alden, and let’s try out your new toy together.”


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