Wraiths of Winter (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 3)

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Wraiths of Winter (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 3) Page 23

by Joy Elbel

  Jonas mistook my hesitance for fear. “Don’t worry, Ruby. It’s just a water pistol. See?” He reached over and gave the trigger a squeeze sending a spray of water into the air. “And I’m sorry if I was a bit abrasive earlier. It’s just that this theater is old—the floorboards would be nothing but kindling if fire so much as touched them. I don’t want to tempt fate, do you?”

  Hell, no! Fate pushed people down stairs and brought dead boyfriends back to life. I was afraid to see what it would do with fire. “That’s okay,” I replied. “I understand.”

  Gripping the gun tightly, I handed it to Lucas. As he reached for it, his fingers lingered over mine slightly longer than was necessary. Then he took it and tucked it into the back of his jeans. “Thanks, Ru.”

  Was he thanking me for the prop or for letting him caress my hand without pulling away? I just couldn’t tell which. He was so hard to read sometimes. It was like trying to decipher some semblance of meaning out of words spoken in a language you’d never heard before.

  I took a seat in the front row and watched as Lucas, Rachel, and Brian enacted the final scene. They were to the part where Erik and Roarke struggled for possession of the weapon. Jonas directed them to let it fall to the floor so that Kira could retrieve it and take aim at Roarke.

  BANG! The sound of the pistol hitting the stage floor was infinitely louder than it should have been. It echoed through the theater with the force of an actual gunshot and was followed by a loud shout emanating from the back of the auditorium. My eyes searched the shadows for its source until I saw a lone figure in the darkness. Zach!

  Stark white and eyes wide, he stood still without even seeming to breathe. “ZACH!” I screamed and leapt from the stage. The fear I’d felt when I was only seconds from death was nothing compared to what was I was feeling now. My flight down the aisle took seconds yet felt like a million years. That gun was fake—I saw it with my own eyes. Yet somehow, it went off like an authentic firearm. If it could sound real, could it shoot that way, as well? He’d said before that he would take a bullet for me…. Zach had to be okay, he just had to be.

  Relief only came when I finally reached him, startled but unharmed. I threw myself in his arms and he caught me with the same sense of urgency. Zach lifted me off the ground in a passionate embrace, our hearts beating madly in an effort to escape our chests and become one. In that moment, there was no one else in the world—just the two of us enthralled to still be in each other’s arms.

  “Zach!” Rachel exclaimed as she ran up to us. “What happened? Are you okay? What are you doing here?” She rattled off her questions at hyper speed, nonstop and impossible for him to answer. The rest of the group gathered around us, anxious to hear his story.

  At the front of the group stood Jonas whose face was almost as white as Zach’s. “Yes, tell us what happened.” I refused to let go of him completely so I slid my arms from around his neck and wrapped them around his waist instead. He didn’t seem to mind my clinginess—he put his arm around me and held me tight. There was an exchange of hostile glances between he and Lucas before Zach told his side of the peculiar incident.

  “I stopped by to give you this, Ruby,” he said handing me my phone. “You left it in my car earlier—I thought you might want it. So I walked in through the lobby and as soon as I got to the back row of seats, something whizzed past my ear. When I looked to see what it was, I found this.” Zach led us to the back wall of the theater and pointed to a small round hole in the wallpaper.

  It was exactly what I always assumed a bullet hole would look like but with one exception—there was no bullet. The wall was scooped out in a perfectly round indentation that plainly showed that there was nothing wedged inside. There was nothing on the floor beneath it either. It was like a phantom bullet had fired itself from a non-functional weapon and almost killed my boyfriend. Well, maybe phantom wasn’t the right word for it. Wraith-like, perhaps?

  “This just isn’t possible!” Jonas cried as he wiggled his finger around in the hollow spot. “That gun isn’t real! You saw me fire it, Ruby, only seconds before this happened! It was filled with water not bullets!” Jonas’s face blanched even whiter. “Unless someone swapped the water pistol for something more deadly.” All eyes turned to Lucas, the last one in possession of the weapon before it fired.

  He raised his arms in the air as a sign of surrender. “Hey, don’t look at me! I’ve never even held a real pistol!” Jonas strode back to the stage and retrieved the gun from where it lay. With an unsteady grip, he aimed it at the first row of seats. “Everyone stay right where you are!”

  Besides covering our ears, none of us moved as we watched him slowly squeeze the trigger. A stream of water shot from the barrel, soaking the velvet upon impact. Jonas lowered the gun to his side, his face wrought with confusion.

  “You can all go home now—I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he said and disappeared offstage. Once he was gone, the gossip started. ‘It’s the Phantom!’ The Phantom’s back! I’ve heard that he’s killed someone before!’

  I’d forgotten to ask Dad about the legend and apparently Rachel hadn’t asked her parents either so I snagged Brian’s arm as he walked past. “Hey, who’s this Phantom everyone keeps talking about?” He was all too happy to tell me what he knew.

  “You’ve never heard of the Phantom? I thought everyone in Charlotte’s Grove had! There have been rumors about this place being haunted for decades. No one knows who he is but he’s wreaked havoc in this theater—why do you think it’s been abandoned for so long?”

  Because it was a total dump? I guess that wasn’t the answer he was looking for. The only real piece of information I’d gotten from him was the fact that the legend originated more than five years ago—long before Allison even moved to Charlotte’s Grove. I knew she was the only ghost doing any haunting here but something must have happened along the way to spawn the myth. But what were the chances that it had any connection to Allison’s death? Slim to none. Even if it did, I didn’t care—at least not right now. Right now, all I cared about was Zach.

  As we all filtered out of the building, talk of the Phantom gave way to talk of hunger. Someone suggested meeting at the All American Diner and the general consensus was that it was a great idea. Lucas especially seemed interested in going.

  “So, Ru, are you joining us?” he asked as Zach and I were about to get into the Neon. The fact that he didn’t invite Zach didn’t escape me so I knew Zach picked up on it, too.

  “All I want to do right now is be alone with Zach. I don’t know what happened in there tonight but I could have lost him. He’s all that matters to me now.”

  Two things happened simultaneously. Zach smiled like he’d just won the lottery and Lucas sulked away without a word. I wasn’t happy about hurting Lucas’s feelings but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t do it if it was necessary. And right now, it was necessary. I wanted to be alone with Zach and it couldn’t happen fast enough.

  “Where do you want to go?” Zach asked as we pulled away from the theater. I watched as Lucas got into his car and headed in the opposite direction of the diner. He wasn’t heading toward home either and for a brief moment I wondered where he was going. But I didn’t really care—I was where I needed and wanted to be.

  “Why don’t we just go to my house? Dad and Shelly are at some hospital benefit party tonight so the place is ours at least for a little while.”

  “As long as we’re together, I’m happy,” Zach responded. He pushed the gas pedal down a bit harder but I didn’t complain. In fact, if I’d been driving, we would have been going faster.

  Zach and I headed upstairs to my room and immediately began the hottest make out session we’d had in months. So hot, in fact, that we ended up in my bed just minutes later.

  “I love you, Ruby,” he whispered in my ear as he lifted my sweater up over my stomach. Dammit! What rotten timing was this? This was the perfect opportunity for us to finally lose our virginity together! The problem? My period! On
ce more, Fate stepped in and shook its finger sarcastically in my face. “You didn’t think it would be that easy, now did you?’ it mocked.

  “Zach, I can’t!” I said floundering for a way to explain my situation to him. We’d discussed a lot of things since we’d started dating but my period was never one of them. I’d been dreading the day when it became the topic of conversation and now here it was. He looked hurt, like my refusal had something to do with misgivings about our relationship. I tried to hint at the real reason by nodding at my crotch.

  Zach stared at me like I was crazy so I finally had to pluck up the courage to say the words. I may have to say them but I didn’t have to shout them. So I whispered softly, “I have my period.” Please let that be sufficient!

  And it was, thank goodness. His turned to sudden recognition and hurt expression eventually to embarrassment. “Ohh! Okay, I didn’t know—I’m sorry!” “Don’t apologize—I’m pretty bummed about it myself. I know it’s not what we really wanted but would you mind just laying here with me for a little while? After what happened tonight, I just want to be close to you.”

  “That’s all I really wanted in the first place, Ruby. Of course I’ll stay here with you.” He was always so understanding—would Lucas have reacted the same way? Or even Lee, for that matter? Lee basically died because he was anxious to get into my pants. I couldn’t imagine Zach ever reacting that way.

  It was still early but I dug out my prettiest pajamas— the red satin ones I never got to wear for him because Lucas showed up. They’d remained crammed in the back of my dresser drawer since that day. They were ultra-wrinkled but what boy would be looking at the wrinkles, right?

  I changed in the bathroom and inspected myself in the mirror. Not usually being one to compliment myself, I was surprised to realize that I looked incredibly hot. Then suddenly, I was self-conscious. If I was too shy to let him see me like this, how was I ever going to let him see me naked? Grr! In frustration, I almost changed back into my jeans and sweater but stopped myself. Zach wouldn’t just be drooling over some exposed skin—I had nothing to worry about. And I couldn’t have been more right.

  “You look beautiful, Ruby,” he said as I snuck out of the bathroom, his eyes concentrating on my face instead of anything else. “As always.”

  My bedroom was a bit chilly so I ducked under the covers quickly. Holding up the edge of my comforter, I invited him to join me. “Get in here,” I demanded.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice!” Zach said as he slid in beside me. The once cold sheets heated up quickly, hot enough that he started to sweat. He was uncomfortable—that much I could see. But he never once complained. So I offered him a suggestion. “You can take your hoodie off. I don’t bite.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You know, what if your parents come home early? At least if they found us like this, me being fully dressed would go in our favor.”

  “They won’t be home for hours—trust me.” Once Dad got going at functions like that, Shelly wouldn’t get him out of there until at least midnight.

  “Okay, but the jeans stay on! I’ll need a little bit of protection if your dad decides he wants to castrate me.” Zach hesitated but then removed his shirt.

  No matter how many times I saw his perfect chest and rippled stomach, it still took my breath away. He settled back in beside me and I rested my head against him. And then we talked. About everything—college, our future, and even about Lucas. Almost losing him tonight put everything into perspective for both of us. We simply didn’t want to live without each other.

  The last thing I remembered about our conversation was Zach pleading with me not to go back to the Bantam and me sleepily agreeing. Then, I drifted off into the most luscious dream I’d ever had.

  Details aside, I dreamed that Mother Nature hadn’t come between us tonight. Suffice it to say, it definitely wasn’t a nightmare. If the real thing was even a tenth as amazing as what we did in that dream, I would never leave that bed again and neither would he. The most memorable part, though, was how he kept calling my name. Over and over again.

  “Ruby Rose Matthews! Wake up, young lady!” I was still half asleep but I was awake enough to know that it wasn’t Zach’s voice calling my name anymore—it was my dad’s.

  When I opened my eyes and saw him and Shelly standing over us, I panicked. Zach had to be an insanely heavy sleeper because he didn’t even seem close to waking up. “Zach!” I shouted, giving him an elbow to the ribs. “Wake up!”

  Shelly looked mortified—not because of what it looked like we’d done but because of my father’s reaction to it. His face was an unnatural shade of purplish red and he wouldn’t stop screaming. She tugged at his arm furiously. “Jason! Stop screaming at them! Let’s give them a few minutes to get dressed. And for you to calm down.”

  As Zach slowly began to wake, I took stock of the situation. The way the comforter was laying, they couldn’t see that Zach’s jeans were still on. The thin straps of my pajama top had slid down over my shoulders in such a way that I looked naked, too. We hadn’t done anything but the evidence said that we had.

  “Oh, no!” I shouted back. “It’s not what it looks like! We’re not…we didn’t!” Never in my entire life had I been more embarrassed! Even Misty’s locker room cam hadn’t been this bad! At least my dad never got to see it and Zach was nowhere near me at the time. I was in so much trouble!

  My denials fell on deaf ears. My father continued to scream as Shelly attempted to drag him out of the room by force. Now that he was fully awake, Zach jumped out of my bed and threw his sweatshirt back on. It was inside out, but still on. Then he made the mistake of trying to apologize to my dad.

  “I’m so sorry, Dr. Matthews, but you have to believe me! Nothing happened—we were just talking and then we both must have fallen asleep!” Zach uttered a sincere apology, minus the fact that something would have happened had it not been the wrong week of the month.

  Dad broke away from Shelly’s grasp and got right up in Zach’s face. “I don’t have to believe a word you say! Get out of this house now and don’t ever come back. And if I catch you anywhere near my daughter again, next time you won’t be so lucky.” The words shot out of his mouth with force and anger far worse than I’d ever seen from my father before.

  Zach looked to me for help so I jumped out of bed to defend him. “Dad, no! We love each other! You can’t do this to us!” I pleaded.

  “I can and I will!” he spat. “And love isn’t just about crawling into bed together, by the way. You’re too young to know what love really is.”

  No we weren’t! If he knew even half of what Zach and I had tackled together, he would understand! “No, we’re not!” I said in a dramatic outburst of tears. “If we can’t be together, I’ll die of a broken heart and so will Zach! Is that what you want?!”

  “I can assure you, Ruby—no one on my operating table has ever died of a broken heart! Trust me, you’ll be fine without each other.”

  “Is that what you said to Lee when he was sprawled out on your table?” I knew those words would make a deep cut but in the heat of the moment I didn’t care.

  “Ruby, Jason! That’s enough!” Shelly shouted at us. She took a deep breath and calmly gripped Zach by the shoulder. “I think it’s best if you go home now Zach. It’s late—I’m sure your parents are wondering where you are right now. Ruby, will call you tomorrow.”

  Unsure of whether or not to obey her, Zach looked at me helplessly. I gave him a nod to let him know that it was okay to go so he did. But not without one last threat from my father.

  “And don’t think you’re off the hook either! First thing in the morning, I’m calling your parents. You can’t just sleep with my daughter and walk away with no consequences! If you got her pregnant, you can kiss your dreams of being a veterinarian goodbye!” he hollered after him.

  That’s when I lost it. I sank down into my bed and began to cry hysterically. What was I going to do without him? Dad was being s
o unfair! There had to be a way to change his mind!

  Despite wanting to ream me out some more for being so irresponsible, Shelly finally convinced him to go downstairs so that she and I could talk.

  “He’s being so unfair, Shelly! Zach and I are in love— you know we are! And we didn’t do anything no matter how bad it looks!” I said through my tears. “There was an accident at the theater tonight and Zach almost got killed! All we wanted was to be together! We were just cuddling and talking and I guess we both must have fallen asleep.”

  “I believe you, Ruby,” she said with a hug. “But you can imagine how this looked from our perspective. I know you’re almost eighteen but to your father, you’ll always be his little girl. Give him some time—I’m sure once he calms down he’ll be more rational about this whole thing.”

  “But what if he doesn’t?” I sniffed back the tears and wiped at my nose with a tissue. “What then?” “Like I said—you’re almost eighteen. Come June, he won’t be able to keep you apart.” She said it cheerily like it was good news or something.

  “June!? My birthday is over four months away! What if Zach won’t wait that long?” Four whole months without him seemed like a life sentence. Shelly gave a little laugh. “I think that boy would wait forty years if you asked him to—four months will be nothing. But you’re only looking at the worst case scenario. I know Jason. He’ll come around. Try to get yourself some sleep now—I’m going downstairs to try to tame the beast.”

  I lay down in bed but sleep was a luxury just out of my reach. Add one more thing to the list of what was keeping Zach and me apart. What if Shelly was wrong? What if my Dad held his ground and chose to forbid me to see Zach? I hadn’t even broken the news about not getting into Pendleton yet. He would blow an even bigger gasket if he found out I wanted to take the fall semester off. How did things get to be such a mess?

  Was this just another hand dealt by fate to push me closer to Lucas? As I pondered the possibility, my phone buzzed with a text from Rachel.


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