Carter: Denver Royalty (Book 2)

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Carter: Denver Royalty (Book 2) Page 14

by Sheridan Anne

  Wow, I owe that woman a bouquet of flowers or something to thank her for all the help she gave me today, not to mention, also to apologize for stealing her delivery drivers for the day.

  With a smile, I gently close the door to the nursery and head into my room and start hanging up all Bri’s clothes in my wardrobe, truly moving her in. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all her other stuff, like the couch and bedroom suite, but I don’t really care.

  Fuck, she’s going to hate this, but it’s too late to go back now. She’ll eventually get over it and see it’s the best thing for us. We’ll be a family.

  I can’t wait to see that angry little line appear between her eyebrows as she screams at me for being the biggest jerk she knows. It’s going to be great. She’s so fucking sexy when she’s mad.

  With an excited sigh, I finish up with the wardrobe and head for the bathroom. After all the shit I’ve been doing today, I could really use a shower.

  I get straight in and let the hot water wash over my sore muscles. I mean, why the hell did I insist on having such a big fucking house? My legs and arms are aching, but it’s worth it.

  I can’t help but imagine the feisty thing that’s no doubt, going to break down my door later tonight. Thinking of that sexy little vixen has my dick growing hard. I take in my hand and get straight to work.

  After not having sex for seven months, and another five before that, this has become quite a normal occurrence in this bathroom and my bed, and the living room… really anywhere within the walls of this house.

  I can’t wait to earn that woman’s trust, it’ll just make it that much better. When I finally get her back into my arms, I’m going to show her things she could only imagine in her wildest dreams. It’s going to be fucking magical.

  Chapter 20


  “How was your day?” Cassie asks as I climb out of my car and struggle to lock the car door with my handbag in one hand and the phone in the other.

  “Hold on a sec,” I tell her before bringing the phone down and locking the door properly. I turn around and start heading up the driveway to my apartment. I bring the phone back to my ear. “Sorry,” I say. “Today’s been huge, we had the science fair at school and my kids were so excited.”

  “Oh really?” she coos. “I always loved the science fair. Did they enter any projects?”

  “Not really,” I tell her as I enter my building. “They’re a bit young to be creating such elaborate things and actually understand what they’re doing, so we built a massive volcano as a group. They loved it, especially when we made it explode,” I tell her as I get to my door. I riffle around in my handbag and search for my apartment keys. I finally find them in the bottom of my bag and jam the key into the lock. “You should have seen their tiny faces, they fucking loved it.”

  “I bet,” she laughs.

  I struggle with my stupid door and give the key a wiggle. This damn door has been a nightmare since the day I moved in. I drop my handbag, on the floor and squish my phone between my shoulder and ear. This is a two hand job. “Fuck you, you stupid fucking door,” I groan at the bastard.

  “What’s going on?” Cassie laughs.

  “My stupid door is jammed again,” I explain.

  “Give it a kick,” she offers.

  I do just that and get an odd satisfaction out of it. I wiggle the key again and sure enough, the bastard opens right up. I step through the threshold and take a quick look around. “Shit,” I screech through the phone. “I’ve been robbed.”

  “What?” Cassie gasps.

  “Shit,” I cry. “What do I do? What do I do?” I ask her as I stand in the doorway and promptly freak out.

  “Fuck. Fuck… um. I don’t know,” she panics. “Is anything gone?”

  “I… I,” I can hardly talk as I look around. Everything is gone. My whole life completely gone. My hand cradles my stomach as the tears take over. Fuck these stupid pregnancy hormones.

  “Jax,” Cassie yells. “We need to go.”

  “Huh? What’s wrong?” I hear him ask in the background.

  “Bri’s place was broken into.”

  “Fuck,” he curses before a shitload of rustling. “Bri?” Jax asks and I realize Cass has put me on speaker. “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah,” I cry as I finally take a step into my apartment.

  “Was anything taken?” he questions.

  “Yeah,” I scoff as I look around the bare apartment. “Everything’s gone. My couch, my TV, even my fucking coffee table and wall art. It looks like the day I moved in.”

  “Shit,” he grunts. “You need to call the police,” he says as I continue looking around.

  “Don’t hang up on me,” I rush out, terrified of being alone right now. I mean, I know I’m technically alone, but once they hang up, I’ll really feel alone.

  “We won’t,” Cassie says, softly, trying to soothe my nerves.

  I make my way down the hallway, making sure to give them a step by step, extremely detailed rundown of every little thing that’s happening. “The bathroom’s been used,” I whisper.

  “Ewww,” Cassie says as Jax cuts her off. “Why are you whispering?”

  “What if they’re still here?”

  “If you think they’re still there, then you need to leave.”

  Fuck. Duh. I stand as still as I can and hold my breath while I listen out for any noises being made within the apartment. After a good minute of listening, I decide they must be gone and I’m most likely safe.

  I head down to the bedroom and look into my wardrobe while still cautiously looking around for anyone who might jump out at me and threaten to take me as well. “Shit, Cass. All my fucking clothes are gone.”

  “Are you serious? Who the fuck steals clothes?” she grunts.

  “Fucked if I know,” I tell her as I hear Jax cursing and offering to call the police for me.

  The need to sit on my bed and cry comes over me but I can’t because I have no fucking bed.

  I hear Jax on the phone as he calls the police and I go back out to the living room, knowing they’ll probably be here in a few minutes. I go into the kitchen to check through the drawers when I distantly notice the carpets have been vacuumed. What the fuck? Am I in the wrong apartment?

  I’m about to tell Cassie all about it when my eyes narrow in on a note on the counter. I rush over and hastily pick it up, hoping it offers some kind of explanation as to why my fucking apartment has been opened for the public to take whatever the fuck they want.

  My eyes scan over it.


  Don’t be mad but… I sort of moved you into my place.

  Dinner at 7?


  My stomach drops. That fucking bastard.

  “What the fuck?” I grunt as anger flies right through me, making me want to punch a hole in the wall or better yet, just go over there and strangle the dickhead. How dare he do this?

  “What is it?” Cass asks, taking in my tone.

  “Tell Jax to tell the police it was a mistake,” I tell her, though, maybe Jax should just tell them it was all Carter and have him arrested.

  “What?” she questions.

  “Just do it,” I instruct as I try to calm my nerves by taking slow deep breathes.

  After hearing Jax telling the police that it was a mistake, I get straight into my explanation, knowing both of them are crowding around Cassie’s phone. “There’s a note on the counter,” I start. “Listen to this,” I say, putting the phone down on the counter and hitting speaker.

  I pick up the note and begin reciting.

  A booming laugh rips out of Jax and I hear the ‘oomph’ from Cass nailing him. “Are you shitting me?” Cass questions. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill him,” I tell her. “Fuck. I need to throw something, but there’s nothing to fucking throw.”

  “I know,” she says. “Try and calm down. Stress isn’t god for my babies.” I try to calm down, b
ut the more I think about it the worse it gets. “Do you want to come and stay at my place?” she questions.

  “Can I let you know?” I ask. “I’m going to head over to Carter’s place and rip him a new asshole.”

  “Ok,” he says. “Rip him an extra one for me, too.”

  “You got it,” I say before hanging up and heading for the door. I slam it behind me and pick my bag up off the floor where I left it, not bothering to lock the door as it’s not like there’s anything to steal.

  I get in my car and kick over the engine before taking off like a bat out of hell, going way too fast for a pregnant mother of twins.

  I screech into his driveway, not caring that I kind of took out half of his hedge. The fucker can deal with that himself. He can also fix the scratches the stupid hedge left on the car.

  I get out of my car and slam the door, realizing that a good door slamming is the only thing making me feel better right now. I storm up his front steps while clenching my hands into fists. Argh, I want to beat on him so bad.

  I get to the door and push my way in, not bothering to ring the doorbell or knock. “Where are you, you damn bastard?” I call out over the massive foyer of the rich prick’s home.

  No answer. Fucking great.

  I get searching around. I find a shit load of my stuff sitting in the dining hall which never gets used and seeing it here only manages to infuriate me further. “Carter?” I yell.

  No answer.

  I head into the kitchen and the living room. Nothing. I dart up the stairs, having to wrap my hands around my stomach as the pace is probably too fast for what I should be doing. I push open every door I pass and take a quick look inside but come to a screeching halt when I push open a door and find it completely dressed with the sweetest nursery I’ve ever seen.

  Two beautiful cribs look back at me with a rug in the center. A fully stocked changing table stands in the corner of the room with drawers. I step into the room and my emotions completely take over me.

  Fuck, I can’t handle these hormones.

  I look around the room and open the wardrobe to find two of everything. Matching little suits and booties. Fuck me. The tears start and I can barely hold it all in. My bottom lip wobbles and I find myself breaking into the packet of baby wipes to dry my face.

  This is fucking perfect, but it’d be so much better if I wasn’t so mad at Carter.

  Wow. As I take in the room, I can picture it all. I’d come in with my little boys. Have one playing on the rug with his daddy while I get the other dressed and ready for the day. I can’t fucking wait. This is amazing.

  But I’m not going to let him know that.

  The past couple of months have been incredible as we’ve been reconnecting. I can tell he is trying so hard and I truly believe he wants this, I’m just not entirely convinced that he’s ready. He’s going to make the perfect daddy. My boys are so lucky to have him, especially now that I realize he’s the kind to spoil them.

  I clean myself up. I can’t get too emotional over this. I need to deal with the fact that Carter had the audacity to move me out of my own home first, before I can thank him for this wonderful nursery he’s created for our children.

  I grab another wipe and clean myself up before I leave the room. I go to close the door when I think better of it, the room is too beautiful to have the door closed, it needs to be seen. I leave it open and walk over to the next room.

  I push open his bedroom door, which a lifetime ago used to be our bedroom door, and the first thing I notice is the sound of the shower running in the connecting bathroom. No wonder he didn’t answer when I called out.

  I head straight for the bathroom door when I think better of it and detour to his wardrobe. I push open the doors and before me stands all my clothes. My dresses, pants, shirts, even my fucking underwear is in here.

  That bastard.

  I can’t go on another second without confronting him. I take the few steps out of the wardrobe and to the bathroom door and practically kick it down.

  “You big fucking bastard. Where the hell do you get off moving all my shit into your place?” I ask the very naked man, with water running down his perfectly sculptured body, who just happens to have his very large and very hard dick in his hand. He looks at me with hooded eyes and I do my best to ignore it and pretend like the sight of his glistening body doesn’t affect me.

  Fuck, he’s amazing. I’d do anything to strip off and get in that shower with him. To have me bent over, clutching onto the slippery tiles while he fucked me within an inch of my life. In, out, in out. Fuck yeah, I want it. I want it bad, like a needy whore. I’d scream his name out until the neighbors called the police.

  My thighs clench together and I feel my lip being drawn in between my teeth. Fuck. I need to get out of here.

  “Babe,” he smirks with those sexy, hooded eyes.

  “No,” I demand, holding my finger up. “Get the fuck out.”

  He chuckles at me and I swear, I nearly come in my pants. “Can I finish first?” he asks as his hand slowly moves up his dick, teasing me. Shit, I need to get out of here and finish myself off.

  “No,” I snap before making a hasty exit out of the bathroom.

  I sit down on his bed, waiting for him and wonder if I have time to hide in another room and take care of business. No, that’s just delusional, though, with how wound up I am, it would only take a second. I cross my legs on the bed and find that relieves a tiny bit of the pressure, but not nearly enough.

  Fuck. I need him.

  The bathroom door opens and a cloud of steam comes rushing out before him. I roll my eyes. The fucker never could remember to use the fan. He comes strutting out with a towel wrapped around his hips, looking like a god with the little beads of water covering his chest. Shit, am I drooling? “Is something wrong, babe?” he questions, walking past me and into the open wardrobe like he doesn’t have a damn care in the world.

  “Are you kidding me?” I screech as I fly to my feet in outrage. “You had no right to do that.”

  “Babe,” he says, turning around, dropping the towel and pulling on a pair of jeans, bypassing the underwear.

  “Don’t ‘babe’ me,” I demand as the stupid hormones start bringing tears to my furious eyes. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  He pulls on a shirt and makes his way over to me and brings up his hands to wipes away my tears with his thumbs before placing a hand on our kicking babies. “I was thinking that I love you and these babies and I want you guys here with me. I know it was stupid and I should have talked to you first but the opportunity kind of presented itself to me and it took it.”

  “You’re an idiot,” I tell him. “Did you consider that I might not want to live here with you?”

  “I did,” he says. “But then I remembered that I’m a fucking legend and you’d be crazy not to want that.”

  I hold back a smile. This has been my dream for so long, but right now, I’m not going to tell this bastard that. “Call me crazy because I don’t want to live with you.”

  “You’re a liar,” he accuses.

  “So, what if I am?” I say bringing as much attitude to the party as possible.

  He smirks at me before he reaches up and runs a hand over the little crease between my eyebrows. “You’re so fucking sexy,” he murmurs.

  “Don’t,” I demand. “You don’t get to do that, especially right now. I’m so freaking mad at you.”

  “I know, babe,” he says before I finally have enough and storm over to the wardrobe and grab a handful of clothes before storming out of the room. “Are you going to stay?” he questions.

  I turn around and fix him with a glare. “Only because moving everything out is going to be too exhausting.”

  His whole face lights up and I want to throw myself at him. Damn him.

  I finish storming out and make a show of slamming another door before I find one of his many spare bedrooms and slam that door as well.

  I throw my clothe
s down on the floor and rifle through my bag until I find my journal. I pull it out and get started.

  Week 27

  Your father is an asshole.

  An hour later, the door opens and I find Carter standing before me with Chinese food. He doesn’t wait for me to invite him in, just strolls right on over, makes himself comfortable on my bed and starts digging into his dinner.

  The smell is too much for me to handle and I find myself digging in as well. Once I’ve finished off my dinner, Carter puts the empty containers on the floor and pulls me into his arms. I want to hate him right now, but the love I have for him is just too great.

  I melt into him and he lays us back on the bed. “I love you, you know that right?” he murmurs as his fingers run up and down my arm.

  “I know,” I say. “I love you, too.”

  “Will you consider sleeping in my room?” he questions.

  I smile up at him. “Wishful thinking,” I tell him.

  “Ok,” he chuckles as he runs his hand through my hair and rests his other on my protruding stomach. He presses a kiss to my forehead and I find myself growing sleepy.

  “Are you going to stay?” he questions. “I want you here.”

  “And I want a castle in the South of France,” I scoff.

  “Babe,” he groans.

  “Yeah,” I tell him. “I’m going to stay.”

  Within moments, I find myself falling into the first peaceful sleep I’ve had since the night we were together.

  Chapter 21


  The fucking Wilder house is finally complete. I handed over the keys and never have to deal with the mind changing idiots again. I’ve never had such a frustrating build in my life. I do have to admit that the place was amazing. I even took Bri for a walk through just to show off how fucking flawless and incredible my architecture and design skills are.

  Naturally, the Wilders were thrilled and even though they’ve been a thorn in my side for nearly two years, I couldn’t wait to hand it over and see the look on their faces when they stepped through the threshold of their new home. I absolutely love doing custom designs, but man, they take a lot out of me, though, I guess that’s to be expected for the amount I charged them.


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