KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three

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KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three Page 30

by Juliet Braddock

  Maxine’s trust in her husband was unshakable. However, she found herself speechless by all of the splendor surrounding her.

  “I’m just…”

  “You’re tired…” he assured her, molding her body against his for an added sense of comfort. “Let’s have a look around, and then I’m putting you down for a mandatory nap.”

  “You…and this…” Maxine gestured around the room “…perfection…”

  “It’s our honeymoon. Only one we’ll ever have,” he reminded her. “I want you to dream—and dream big on this trip. Promise me?”

  To that, she smiled through her tears.

  “Come on, Madame Mack,” he said, taking her arm in his. “Let’s have a look around, and then you’re going to sleep!”

  The main salon was appointed in regal shades of red and gold with a marble fireplace. A gilded mirror that climbed toward the ceiling accentuated the mantle. However, it was the crystal and gold chandelier that served as the focal point of the room, sparkling with only the sunlight streaming against the fine prisms. The damask sofas and embroidered chairs that defined the separate seating areas were luxurious to the touch.

  A rather modern kitchen, staffed with a five-star chef to prepare their meals and stocked with a private wine cellar, sat off to the side of the salon. It was the main bedroom of two, though, that left Maxine’s jaw gaping once again.

  Designed as a replica of Marie-Antoinette’s boudoir at Versailles, the room boasted a richly embroidered canopy bed and gold-leafed walls. Maxine’s thoughts stirred with fantasies of a bygone era—when kings and queens ruled the land and over-the-top opulence was the true signature of nobility.

  Maxine couldn’t resist flopping down on the settee by the fireplace.

  Folding his arms across his chest, Drew shook his head. “That’s not a proper bed, Maxine…”

  “But I think I could easily fall asleep here…”

  “Max-seen…” Oh, she knew that tone so well. His playful frustration with her had surfaced again. He took her hands and pulled her gently to stand. “You could fall asleep on a bed of nails, I’m convinced, little one…”

  Carefully, she eased herself between the cool linens which had already been turned down for them. Without bothering to undress Maxine or himself, Drew tucked the blankets around her and then crawled right in beside her. Staring up at the gold brocade canopy, Maxine sighed.

  “Welcome to Paris, Madame McKenzie…” were the last words that Maxine heard before she fell into the most peaceful, dreamless sleep of her life.

  # # #

  The first thing Maxine noticed was the face of Marie-Antoinette staring down at her as she tossed beneath the sheets.

  “Voyeur!” Maxine shouted playfully at the painting, then with some reluctance kicked away the covers.

  Patting the bed as she stretched out, Maxine turned over to find Drew’s spot empty, but for once, she was in no rush to get up to hunt him down. Reaching for her phone, she realized that it was only noon, but that three-hour power nap left her feeling so refreshed. A shower would give her just the boost she needed to make it through the rest of the day.

  Of course, Drew had texted her, alerting Maxine that he was in the main salon, taking a call with the General Manager of McKenzie’s Paris as a goodwill gesture from the family. He’d planned to stop by the store at some point before they left France just for a quick visit. Often, he had to step away from his career as an actor and slip into the role of heir, even though it was Adam who would ultimately take over the store.

  She just had to smile, though. Drew had learned his lesson in sneaking out of bed after the first time he’d made love to her. Now, he followed up with texts just to alert her to his whereabouts.

  First, however, Maxine had to call her dad to let him know that they’d arrived. It was likely that Tom and Vicki were still in-flight, but she left him a message, asking him to text her when he’d landed. A honeymoon was no excuse to forget about her dear old Papa Kirk.

  Meanwhile, Maxine decided to lose herself in the glorious master bath. The pristine white marble glistened. With accents of golden swan faucets and fluffy peach-colored towels, she could have easily spent the rest of the afternoon in that room, luxuriating in a bubble bath. In fact, she didn’t even need to open her overnight bag, as they were well stocked with an array of products from La Prairie.

  Dipping her toe into the warm, sudsy water of the Jacuzzi tub, she reveled. Just for amusement, she decided to flip on the television as she soaked in the warm water, blowing tufts of bubbles around the room. After making one failed attempt to decipher the news in French, she settled upon a music program and decided she quite liked that Belgian rapper Stromae.

  Feeling sufficiently refreshed, she stepped out of the tub and wrapped herself in the thick, peach robe that matched the towels, and chuckled to herself. While an admitted metrosexual her husband indeed was, Maxine knew there was no fucking way in hell that he’d be caught dead in that robe!

  Back in the bedroom, she found another little gift, care of Drew—a shopping bag from Valentino with a note penned on the hotel’s stationery.

  Wear the contents in this bag. No more. No less.

  Meet me in the salon for further direction after you’ve dressed.

  First, please, do sample the food on the breakfast tray.

  You’ll need your energy for this afternoon.


  Your Husband

  Glancing behind at Marie-Antoinette’s portrait, Maxine raised a very curious eyebrow and asked, “What did he do now?” She turned sharply and put her hands on her hips, appealing to the long lost Queen of France. “Not gonna tell me? Should I look for myself, Mare? And may I call you ‘Mare’?”

  Maxine could have sworn that, just like the Mona Lisa, those damn eyes followed her as she poured herself a cup of coffee then stuffed a flaky corner of a fresh baguette into her mouth. A few white grapes rounded out her brunch. In truth, she was far too excited to eat. However, she knew she couldn’t run around all day on her husband’s fantastical whims alone.

  After wiping her lips with the thick linen napkin, she peered into the shopping bag he’d left for her. On top, she found a hair barrette by Alexandre, the exclusive accessories shop just around the corner from the Ritz. Ponytail, she thought. That’s what he wants.

  And then, as her fingers slipped past the tissue paper, she found a lingerie set from Agent Provocateur. He’d chosen black panties and matching scalloped lace skirt overlay, which also served as a garter belt to the black fishnets he’d also ordered up.

  Conspicuously missing from the set was one key piece!

  “Mare, you’re not answering me!” Maxine said with the projection of a spoiled brat. “No bra?”

  As she dug further into the bag to find the shoes—black Louboutin suede pumps that clocked in at nearly five inches—she winced.

  And then beneath all of those lovely layers, she discovered the dress.

  Fuck. Me. James. Andrew. McKenzie.

  “Oh, husband of mine…”

  Pulling her new outfit from the bag, she pinned the shoulders to her own. Fuckballs, it’s short, she thought. Schoolgirl short.

  “Game on, Monsieur Mack,” Maxine said, looking once again to the rendering of her muse behind her. “We can pull this off, right?”

  Dragging the robe from her shoulders and allowing it to drop to the antique rug beneath her bare feet, Maxine muttered, “Yes, we can, Mare…yes…we certainly can…”

  # # #

  Eyes lined in the blackest of kohl, lips painted red and auburn locks fastened into a ponytail, Maxine strutted from the bedroom like a supermodel. Pounding her heels along the hardwoods, she pouted her lips and shook that little ass all along the way. And just for sport, she stopped wrapped one leg around the other in her stance, then settled her hands on her hips.

  She watched Drew, sitting on the divan with his phone glued to his ear, as he settled his eyes upon the sight of her in that mini-dress

  With its bright white lace collar, the folds of black wool fit around her bare breasts and hips—and the flounced skirt just barely touched her thighs.

  “Monsieur Gerard, I’ll get back to you in a bit. Yes, I will be sure to tell my parents hello, and I’ll let them know how well things are going at the store. And…oops! Spilled my coffee! Must run—” Drew cut line dead with his thumb. “Fuck…”

  Beginning at the shoes, those mindful blue eyes followed slowly up the curve of her legs, stopping to appreciate the catch of her short dress right at her thigh. From there, his gaze took a slow journey upward, taking note of her spritely nipples poking beneath. When at last he caught her own sinful stare, his own smile exuded pure pleasure.

  “Well, look at you…” Naturally, Drew had to hike up the skirt of the dress just to make sure that she’d followed orders. “I see clearly that you’re not wearing a bra…and all looks good below.”

  Maxine watched him closely as he sat so still, just holding the hem of her dress between his thumb and forefinger and staring directly between her legs.

  “Thank you, Kind Sir…” Maxine twisted in place. “And thank you for the outfit…”

  “You’re quite welcome, Maxine,” he said. “It enthralls me to see you wearing it.”

  “So, uh…Sir…” Knowing, too, that he appreciated her fidgeting, Maxine scuffed her shoes against the floor. “Is now the time to deal with Naughty Sassy Siri’s punishments for me?”

  “Oh, no, my precious little one,” Drew smiled. “I have a car waiting to take you shopping—the driver is fluent in English and he’ll serve as your guide. He’s retired now but spent his entire career at Interpol.”

  Only Drew would hire a former member of the international police force to follow them around Paris.

  “Uhhhh…” Taken aback with a touch of disappointment flecking in her eyes, she found herself flustered. “Shopping, Sir? Alone?”

  “I have to take a call with Rob—that contract is still fucked up,” he threw his arms in the air in disappointment. “I certainly don’t want you to have to sit around the room and wait for me…”

  Oh, this was so much like her Kind Sir. She knew there had to be more to this than just a day of indulgence. Perhaps he’d found a toy shop for her to explore…or something equally as eccentric to amuse her dark desires while he took care of business.

  However, before she allowed her imagination to run away with her own fantasies, she stopped herself. There was also no way in hell Drew would entertain the idea of allowing her to venture out on those sorts of places on her own. He’d miss out on all of the fun. And Drew wasn’t a man to step away from a good time…especially when it involved his wife.

  “I’ll meet you later,” Drew assured. “You’re a smart, independent woman. You love exploring New York all on your own…”

  “So…shopping and exploration, Sir?” she confirmed. Still, this was so unlike him. Oh, sometimes, he just drove her near crazy with his enigmatic ways. All though, she knew, would be explained eventually.

  “Don’t worry, little one,” he said. “I’ll make sure we have an adventure later…”

  “You always do, Sir,” she smiled.

  “That’s the McKenzie team spirit that I love…” he pulled her close, making certain she felt his hardness against her tummy and kissed her quickly on the lips. “Luscious…”

  That fine, delicate slip of lace between her legs suddenly felt so very constrictive. She hated being made to wait. Oh, Patience and Fortitude, where the fuck are you when I need you most?

  “Sure you can’t come play with me now, Sir?” she decided to press her luck. “You do have a mobile phone…”

  “But I don’t always get the best reception when I’m traveling abroad. If I don’t take this call, my whole cabaret show could fall through,” he explained. “You know Rob tends to get a little hotheaded sometimes—just like Naughty Sassy Maxine when she wants something.”

  “Naughty Sassy Maxine is on her best behavior today, Sir.”

  “Oh, yeah?” he entertained her words, those lips just curving very slightly upward. “Go shopping. Do some damage. And then we’ll…assess her behavior. And don’t forget, I have my spies…”

  “Will do, Kind Sir!” And with that, she stomped toward the door without asking for a kiss. He wanted to play. Game on, she thought.

  “Maxine, careful!” Drew called out after her. “My French isn’t good enough to translate you through a broken leg!”

  # # #

  “Princess, you’re not supposed to be answering your phone on your honeymoon!” Tom admonished.

  “Oh, I’m just strolling under the Eiffel Tower…waiting for my husband who got stuck on a bit of business this afternoon,” Maxine said as she walked in circles beneath the monument, staring up into its steel pillars with that same amazement she’d had that morning. “I can talk!”

  Tom’s chuckle over the line was like a warm ray of sunshine. “You be careful—I’ve heard about those gypsies around that tin can.”

  “I’ve got a six-foot-four bodyguard with me, old man,” she reminded him. “I think I’m gonna be alright…”

  “Well, if he’s half as protective as my son-in-law, I’ll be happy with that.”

  Letting go was certainly not easy for Tom, but Drew made that transition gentler for all of them. “You had a good flight?” she asked.

  “Of course, I did, Maxie,” Tom insisted. “I can’t believe Adam rented a plane just for us since you two took his jet to Paris…”

  “He wanted to fly you home in just as much style as you arrived.” Maxine paused for a moment to admire a mime entertaining a small group of children on the plaza. Funny how she’d stopped taking the time to mind the little nuances of life in the city while living in New York. She needed to pay closer attention to her surroundings. There was life everywhere. “So what are you up to right now?”

  “Well, Princess,” he began, “I feel like I’m preparing for the next phase of my life here.”

  “Daddy, just don’t ever forget that you have a huge support network behind you,” Maxine assured him.

  “I know, Maxie,” his voice echoed with a trace of fear. “Guess I’m nervous. This is all new to me.”

  “And it’s alright to be apprehensive,” she said. “You don’t think Drew’s worried about the Tony nominations? You don’t think I was anxious about moving to New York?”

  “Who’s the daughter and who’s the dad here?” Tom wondered out loud.

  “The daughter has a dad who taught her well…”

  “You’re a good kid, Maxie…”

  “I try, Daddy…”

  Tom pushed her to tell him all about Paris so far, and Maxine recalled every detail with that frenetic excitement of a young girl. Papa Kirk and Vicki, she insisted, would have to return with them one day.

  “Listen, I’ll talk to you later this week,” he said. “You have fun, don’t get the hiccups…and be careful…”

  The thing she loved most about Tom was, even though she was now a married woman, he would never stop being her father.

  She hung up the phone and just grinned that silly smile of hers. Maxine thought she could get quite used to hanging out underneath the Eiffel Tower. However, she had little time to dream that day.

  Naturally, Drew had left an envelope with Etienne, her guard for the day.

  Dearest little one,

  Meet me at the carousel by the E.T. at four.

  Please sit on the upper deck.

  I’ll be waiting for you…and I’ll be watching you…

  Be a good girl.



  Another carousel ride, she thought. Knowing Drew’s attempts to outdo himself, she couldn’t even begin to guess what he’d planned.

  Maxine’s arrival was prompt, given that she just had to stroll across one busy street. Immediately, she spotted Drew sitting in one of the stationary seats, curiously on the bottom rung of the carousel. Even from
behind she’d recognize that thick, always rumpled curly hair.

  She took her own sweet time to purchase her ticket, making sure that she spoke to the attendant in very careful French. That, of course, killed at least another minute while she struggled through basic pleasantries.

  Obediently, she carefully climbed the small set of stairs that led to the ride’s second level. Without asking a single question, she already understood the game he wanted to play. Evidently, he wanted a bit of a show, and to that request, Maxine could happily oblige.

  She found the perfect horse within his sightline. Certainly, he’d have a few glimpses under her dress—the catch of the garter at her fishnet stockings, perhaps even a peek at the porcelain skin of her thigh between the two pieces of lingerie. And oh, how she felt his eyes upon her. Cackling to herself, Maxine mused over the idea of giving this little pony a ride.

  “Giddy-up…” As she took the reins, her creativity flourished once again. Now, she understood why so many great authors found inspiration in Paris. In fact, she thought that perhaps she could write her own novel.

  What if they were strangers?

  The carousel began to spin faster…and she could feel the slight flutter of the skirt of her mini-dress in the gentle breeze…and her filthy version of “Once upon a time…” began to play through her mind.

  She fancied that gentleman with the enigmatic blue eyes who sat just beneath her, his hands folded in his lap. He was likely another tourist. He certainly didn’t look French—especially with that hair!

  Turning her head for just a quick moment, she caught his stare, then shyly turned away. He was indeed watching her, intensely minding her every move.

  Clutching the pole tighter, she worked that rainbow colored pony with the spirit of a true jockey, easing up…and…down….holding her shoulders so very straight and still…all the while feeling that prickly tease of fabric against her bare nipples.

  With each rise, she took greater effort to maintain both the perception of sensuality and poise, daring to behave with such subtle yet explicit intentions. She could almost feel his cock inside her, this tall, mysterious and handsome—ahem—stranger.


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