Barrie, James M.
Barrie, Wendy
Barry, Griffin
Barry, Joan
Barrymore, Diana
Barrymore, Ethel
Barrymore, John
Barrymore, Lionel
Barrymore, Maurice
Barton, Catherine
Barucci, Giulia
Bathe, Hugo de
Bay of Pigs fiasco
Bayeu, Francisco
Bayeu, Josefa
Beadnell, Maria
Bean, Roy, Judge
Beauharnais, Joséphine de
Beaulieu, Priscilla
Beauvoir, Roger de
Beauvoir, Simone de
Beauvoisin, Mlle.
Begbie, Alison
Begemann, Margot
Behrs, Sofya Andreevna
Bekyeshova, Dunia
Belboeuf, “Missy” de
Belgiojoso, Christine
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bell, Quentin
Bell, Rex
Belle of Amherst, The
Bello, Marino
Belmonte, Juan
Belmonte, Juan, Jr.
Beloff, Angelina
Benjamin, Dorothy
Beregi, Oscar
Béreyter, Angéline
Bergman, Ingrid
Berkman, Alexander
Berle, Milton
Berlin novels
Bern, Paul
Bernays, Martha
Bernays, Minna
Bernhardt, Sarah
Bernis, François de
Bernstein, Aline
Berny, Laure de
Bezzi-Scali, Christina
Big Brother and the Holding Company
Bigelow, Lucy
Birkhead, Larry
Bishop, John
Black, Dora
Blaine, James G.
Blanchard, Maria
Blangini, Felix
Blasco, José Ruiz
Blondell, Joan
Blondie of the Follies
Blood, Fanny
Bloomsbury group
Blount, Elizabeth
Bodie, Ping
Bogart, Humphrey
Boissevain, Eugen
Boito, Arrigo
Boleyn, Ann
Boleyn, Mary
Boleyn, Thomas
Bolton, Clara
Bonaparte, Joseph
Bonaparte, Marie
Bonaparte, Pauline
“Bonus Marchers,”
Book of Lies, The
Book of Mormon
Book of the Law, The
Bookstaver, May
Bora, Katharina von
Borelly, Mariette
Borghese, Camillo
Borgia, Cesare
Borgia, Giovanni
Borgia, Lucrezia
Bosse, Harriet
Boswell, James
Boswell’s Clap and Other Essays
Boucher, François
Boudin, Philomène
Bouer, Emma
Bouillon, Jo
Boule de Suif (“Ball of Fat”)
Bourges, Michel de
Bouvier, Jacqueline
Bow, Clara
Bowles, Samuel
Brackett, Rogers
Bradford, Lady
Brady, Edward
Brady, James “Diamond Jim,”
Bragadin, Matteo
Braham, Harry
Brahms, Johannes
Branden, Barbara
Branden, Nathaniel
Brando, Marlon
Braque, George
Braun, Eva
Brett, Dorothy
Breugnol, Louise
Briand, Aristide
Brion, Friederike
Britton, Nan
Brodie, Fawn
Brooke, Daisy
Brooks, Ellingham
Brooks, Louise Cromwell
Brooks, Romaine
Brown, Horace
Brown, John
Bryant, Clara Jane
Budberg, Moura
Buff, Charlotte
Bülow, Hans von
Bunnell’s Curiosity Dime Museum
Burchard, Johannes
Burne-Jones, Edward
Burns, Robert
Burns, Tommy
Burroughs, William S.
Burrows, Louie
Burton, Richard
Burwell, Rebecca
Buschini, Francesca
Byron, George Gordon
Byron, John “Mad Jack,”
Caesar, Julius
Cafarakis, Christian
Cafiero, Martino
Calhoun, Eleanor
Calixtus III, Pope
Call of the Wild, The
Callas, Maria
Callender, James T.
Cambon, Jules
Cameron, Lucille
Cameron, May
Camille, Aunt
Campbell, Mary
Cannan, Gilbert
Canouville, Armand de
Canova, Antonio
Cantor, Eddie
Capellen, Édouard Willen van der
Capote, Truman
Caprichos, Los
Cardboard Lover, The
Carlyle, Thomas
Carpenter, Meta
Carroll, Lewis
Carter, James Earl
Caruso, Enrico
Casa dei Bambini
Casanova, Giovanni
Casas, Manuela
“Casita del Principe,”
Caskey, William
Castaneda, Carlos
Castiglione, Countess di
Castiglione, Francesco di
Casting Couch, The
Castro, Fidel
Castro Monte, Fernanda de
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine the Great
Cattanei, Vannozza dei
Caux, Marquis de
Cavour, Camillo di
Cazals, F.A.
Cederström, Rolf
Cerdan, Marcel
Chabanais, Le
Chalmers, Margaret
Chamberlain, Wilt
Chambers, Jessie
Chandler, Chas
Chaney, W.H.
Chang Keng
Chaplin, Charles “Charlie,”
Chaplin, Charles, Jr.
Chaplin, Syd
Chapman, Thomas
Charenton asylum
Charles II
Charles IV
Charles IX
Charles of Hapsburg
Charlet, Marie
Charlie Collingwood’s Flogging
Chateaubriand, Viscount de
Chaumont, Mme. Le Ray de
Cheap Thrills
Checchi, Tebaldo
Cheney, Mamah
Chesterfield, Lady
Chevalier, Maurice
Chiang Ch’ing
Chiang Kai-shek
Chiffinch, Will
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
Chopin, Frédéric
Christian, Elizabeth Ann
Christian Science Church
Christian Science Monitor, The
Churchill, Winston
Citizen Kane
Clairmont, Claire
Clary, Eugénie
Cleveland, Grover
Clifden, Nellie
Clift, Montgomery
Clothed Maja, The
Clow, Jenny
Clunet, Maître
Cobb, Ty
Cocteau, Jean
Cogni, Margarita
Cohn, Harry
Coit, Margaret Louise
Coke, Lady
Colet, Mlle.
Colette, Sidonie
Coligny, Gaspard de
Colli, Paco
Collins, Nan
Combs, Sean “Puffy,”
Comédie Humaine, La
Communist League
Communist Manifesto
onan the Destroyer
Condillac, Étienne de
Confessions of a Mask
Confidential magazine
Conrad, Joseph
Constantine, Eddie
Cook, Frederick
Cook, Louise
Cooper, Gary
Cooper, Isabel Rosario
Cooper, Veronica “Rocky,”
Corbett, James J.
Cordier, Émilie
Corral, Luz
Cosby, Rita
Cosgrove, Ruth
Cossio, Julia
Costa, Marguerite
Coste, Rose
Coste, La (château)
Costello, Dolores
Cosway, Maria
Cosway, Richard
Côté, Evangeline
Cotton Club
Covent Garden
Cragin, Mary
Craig, Gordon
Craig-y-Nos Castle
Crawford, Cathy
Crawford, Christina
Crawford, Christopher
Crawford, Cynthia
Crawford, Joan
Creamer, Robert W.
Cricket team (J.M. Barrie’s)
Crime and Punishment
Croix de Guerre
Cromwell, Oliver
Crowley, Aleister
Culpeper, Thomas
Cunninghame, Annie
Curial, Clémentine
Cyon, Françoise
Cyon, Serge
Czernicka, Pauline
Dahlinger, John
Dahlinger, Ray
Dalser, Ida
Damala, Aristides Jacques
Damrosch, Leopold
Dance of Life
Dandridge, Dorothy
Dangerous Curves
Danneman, Monika
D’Annunzio, Gabriele
Dark Month, A
Darmond, Grace
Darrieux, Danielle
Daru, Alexandrine
Daru, Noël
David Copperfield
Davidov, Vladimir “Bob,”
David-Rhonfeld, Valerie von
Davies, Acton
Davies, Arthur Llewelyn
Davies, George
Davies, Marion
Davies, Michael
Davies, Nico
Davies, Sylvia
Davis, Angela
Davis, Moll
Dax, Alice;
Day Dreams
Dean, James
Dear Children
Death in the Afternoon
Debussy, Claude
Decker, Clara
Decker, Lucy
Dedichen, Ingeborg
Dell, Floyd
Delsarte, François
Dembowski, Mathilde
DeMille, Cecil B.
Demuth, Helene
Denk, Alexander
Denuelle, Eléonore
De Profundis
descamisados, los
Deslys, Gaby
Dessiat, Abbé
Deutsch, Helene
Deux Magots
Devereux, Robert
DeVoe, Daisy
DeWolfe, Florence King
Diaghilev, Sergei
Diaries of Anaïs Nin
Diarium Romanum
Dickens, Charles
Dickinson, Emily
Dickinson, Violet
Diebitsch, Josephine
Dienes, André de
Dietrich, Marlene
Dillon, Josephine
DiMaggio, Joe
Dinner at Eight
Disney, Walt
Disraeli, Benjamin
Divine, Father
Divine, Mother
Dixon, Dolores
Dixon, Mildred
Dodd, Martha
Dodds, Mrs.
Doheny, Edward L.
Doig, Peggy
Doll’s House, A
Don Juan
Donahue, Jimmy
Doolittle, Hilda
Dorval, Marie
Dorville, Mlle.
Dostoevski, Fëdor
Doud, Mamie Geneva
Dougherty, Jim
Douglas, Alfred “Bosie,”
Dove, Billie
Dowson, Ernest
Dreyfus, Alfred
Drouet, Juliette
Dryden, John
Du Barry, Comtesse
Dubrovina, Praskovia
Duchâtel, Marie Antoinette
Duckworth, George
Duckworth, Gerald
Duckworth, Julia
Dudevant, Casimir
Dudley, Helen
Dudley, Robert
Duillier, Fatio de
Duke, Doris
Dumas, Alexandre, fils
Dumas, Alexandre, père
Dumas, Anna
Duncan, Isadora
Dunlop, Frances
Duplessis, Marie
Dupont, Gabrielle
Dupont, Louis
Durbach, Fanny
Durcal, Duchess of
Duroc, Géraud
Duryea, Etta Terry
Duse, Eleonora
Duval, Alexandre
East of Eden
Ed Sullivan Show
Eddington, Nora
Eddy, Asa Gilbert
The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People Page 75