Koklova, Olga
Kokoschka, Oskar
Kosakiewicz, Olga
Kourakina, Anna
Krantz, Eugenie
Kreutzer Sonata, The
Kristofferson, Kris
Kropotkin, Pëtr
Kropotkin, Sasha
Kubasova, Irina
Kubly, Virginie
Kuhr, Constance
Labay, Catherine
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lamarr, Hedy
Lamb, Carolyn
Lamb, William
Lambertier, Mlle.
Lan Ping
Lanchester, Elsa
Landau, Arthur
Landru, Henri
Lane, Betty
Lane, Doll
Langdon, Livy
Langham, Ria
Langtry, Edward
Langtry, Lillie
Lanskoy, Alexander
Lanzmann, Claude
La Prunarede, Adèle de
Lardner, Ring
La Sourde, Berthe
La Suze, Mme. de
La Tour d’Auvergne, Henri de
Laughton, Charles
Laugier, Marianette
Lauris, Laure de
Laussot, Jessie
La Vallière, Louise de
Laverne, Marianne
LaVey, Anton
Lawford, Peter
Lawrence, David H.
Lawrence, Thomas
Leclerc, Charles Victor
Leclerc, Madeleine
Lees, Edith
Legion of Honor
LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,”
Leigh, Augusta
Lembourn, Hans Jørgen
Lenclos, Ninon de
Lender, Marcelle
Lenin, Nikolai
Lennon, John
Leo X, Pope
Leo XIII, Pope
Leon, Jean
Leoni, Barbara
Leopold II
Lepage, Édouard
Lepic, Baron
Leplée, Louis
Leszczyñska, Maria
Létinois, Lucien
Let’s Make Love
Lettres à l’Amazone
Levant, Oscar
Levetzow, Ulrike von
Levy, John
Lewis, Anne
Lewis, Mary Anne
Lewisohn, Jesse
Liddell, Alice
Life of Henri Brulard, The
Life of Samuel Johnson
“Lifting Belly,”
Ligne, Prince Henri de
Lind, Jenny
Liptauer, Suzi
Liszt, Franz
Livanos, Tina
Lloyd, Constance
Locke, John
Lokhtina, Olga
Lollobrigida, Gina
Lombard, Carole
London, Jack
London, Joan
Long, Earl
“Long March, the,”
Look Homeward, Angel
Lord, Otis
Louis XIV
Louis XV
Louis Alexander, Prince
Louvre, the
Louÿs, Pierre
Love, Earl
Love in the Afternoon
Lovell, Frances Sarah
Lowendahl, Charlotte de
Lowenthal, Elsa
Loyer, Ursula
Luce, Claire
Ludwig I
Ludwig II
Lugosi, Bela
Luhan, Mabel Dodge
Lunt, Alfred
Lupino, Ida
Luris, Deborah
Luther, Martin
Luxor Baths
Lvov, Pavel
Lyndhurst, Lord
Lyon, Isabel
Maar, Dora
MacArthur, Douglas
Macchetta, Blanche Roosevelt
MacDonald, Angus
McDonald, “Country Joe,”
Macfadden, Bernarr
MacGrath, Leueen
McGrew, Charles
McKay, Louis
McKinley, William
McLay, Hattie
Maclehose, Agnes
MacLeod, Rudolph
McMurchy, Helen
McPherson, Aimee Semple
McPherson, Harold
Maddern, Bess
Maden, Sarah
Magaldi, Agustin
Magic Island, The
Mahler, Gustav
Mailer, Norman
Mailly, Mme. de
Maine (battleship)
Maintenon, Mme. de
Maja paintings
Makanji, Kasturbai
Malleson, Constance
Malló, Manuel
M.A.M. (Malicious Animal Magnetism)
“Mama Jean,”
Mammoth Cod
Man at the Crossroads
Manceau, Alexandre Damien
Manchester, William
Mancini, Countess
Mancini, Marie
Mann, Thomas
Manners, Margaret
Mansfield, Jayne
Mansfield, Katherine
Mao Tse-tung
Marchal, Charles
Marconi, Degna
Marconi, Guglielmo
Margaret Ogilvy
Maria Louisa, Queen
Maric, Mileva
Marie (lover of Sartre)
Marie, Princess
Marie Louise
Marie Thérèse
Marignoli, Laborio
Marín, Guadalupe
Mario, Giovanni
Marquet, Caroline
Marriage and Morals
Married Love
Marsh, Marian
Marshall, George
Marshall, J. Howard
Martha, Princess
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Karl
Mary, Queen of Scots
Mason, Bertie
Massena, Victor
Massie, Robert
Massloff, Vadime de
Master Olof
Mata Hari
Mathis, June
Matisse, Henri
Matthews, Joyce
Maude, Aylmer
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maupassant, Guy de
Maurisse, Paul
Mauté, Mathilde
Maxwell, Elsa
Mayer, Louis B.
Mayuzumi, Toshiro
Mazarin, Jules
Mbonisi, Talibah
Me Against the World
Meck, Nadezhda von
Meck, Sonia von
Medon, Fraulein
Mein Kampf
Meinertzhagen, R.
Melbourne, Lady
Melbourne, Lord
Meley, Alexandrine
Melmoth, Sebastian
Melville, James
Memoirs of Sarah Barnum, The
“Memphis Mafia,”
Meneghini, Giovanni B.
Menken, Adah Isaacs
Mercer, Lucy
Méré, Chevalier de
Mérimée, Prosper
“Merry Monarch,”
Merry Muses of Caledonia, The
Merwin, Abigail
Messimy, General
Metropolitan Opera House (N.Y.)
Mexican Revolution
Meyendorff, Olga von
Meyer, Mary Pinchot
MGM (film studio)
Milandes, Les
Milbanke, Annabella
Mildred Pierce
Milette, Dorothy
Milholland, Inez
Millais, John
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, Arthu
Milnes, Richard Monckton
Milyukova, Antonina
Mimi, Mlle.
Mineralava Company
Minutolo, Irma Capece
Misérables, Les
Misfits, The
Mishima, Yukio
Mitchell, Martha
Mitford, Unity
Modern Times
Modigliani, Amedeo
Mongkut, King
Monkees, The
Monkey House Scandal
Monroe, Jimmy
Monroe, Marilyn
Monsieur Verdoux
Montagu, Edward
Montague, Charles
Montand, Yves
Montansier, Mlle. de
Monte Cristo
Monte Nevoso, Prince of
Monterey Pop
Monterey Pop Festival
Monterey Pop Festival of 1967
Montesano, Giuseppe
Montespan, Mme. de
Montessori, Maria
Montez, Lola
Montgomerie, Margaret
Monti, Carlotta
Montreuil, Anne-Prospère
Montreuil, Mme. de
Montreuil, Renée-Pélagie
“Mood Indigo,”
Moore, Alexander P.
Moore, Mary
Moore, Terry
Mordaunt, Harriet
More, Thomas
Morgan, Julia
Morgan, Kay Summersby
Morgan, Richard
Morita, Masakatsu
Mormon Church
Morny, Duc de
Morrell, Ottoline
Morrison, Jim
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Mortenson, Gladys Monroe Baker
Most, Johann
Mother Earth
Moulin Rouge
Mozart, Leopold
Mozart, Maria Anna
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Muhammad, Elijah
Müller, Renate
Murat, Achille
Murry, John Middleton
Muslim Mosque
Musset, Alfred de
Mussolini, Benito
Mutiny on the Bounty
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nader, George
Naidu, Sarojini
Naked Maja, The
Napoleon, Prince
Napoleon I
Napoleon III
Napoleonic Wars
Nation, Carrie
Nation, David
Nation of Islam
National Geographic Society
National Socialist German Workers’ Party
Navailles, Comte de
Nayar, Sushila
Nazimova, Alla
Neal, Patricia
Negri, Pola
Nesbit, Evelyn
Nesle, de (sisters)
Neuberg, Victor
Never Give a Sucker an Even Break
Newquist, Roy
Newton, Hannah
Newton, Isaac
New York Times, The
Nicholas, Grand Duke
Nicholas I of Montenegro
Nicholas II
Nichols, Beverley
Nicolini, Ernesto
Nicolson, Countess de
Nicolson, Harold
Niebuhr, Reinhold
“Night of the Long Knives,”
Nijinsky, Waslaw
Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von
Niven, David
Nixon, Richard
No Exit
Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Prize
Noel, Miriam
Normand, Mabel
North Pole
Notes on Virginia
Notorious B.I.G. (Christopher Wallace)
Novak, Kim
Nowell, Elizabeth
Noyes, John Humphrey
Oates, Joyce Carol
Ober, William B.
O’Brien, Beatrice
O’Brien, Conan
O’Connor, Frank
Odéon Theatre
Oedipus complex
Of Human Bondage
Of Thee I Sing
Ogilvy, Margaret
“Old Man, the,”
Oldham, Estelle
Olivier, Fernande
O’Morphi, Louise
Onassis, Alexander
Onassis, Aristotle
Onassis, Christina
Onassis, Tina
Oneida Community
O’Neill, Jennifer
O’Neill, Oona
Orlov, Grigori
Ormiston, Kenneth
Ormoy, Mme. d’
Otero, Caroline “La Belle,”
Outline of History, The
Oxford University
Paalen, Alice
Palmer, Barbara
Panacea (yacht)
Paramount (film studio)
The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People Page 77