Tierney, Gene
Tiggs, Carol
Tilden, William, Jr.
Tillich, Paul
Time Machine, The
Tobin, Catherine
Toklas, Alice B.
Tolson, Clyde
Tolstoi, Leo
Tommy and Grizel
Tone, Franchot
Tough Guy
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
Toussaint L’Ouverture, Pierre
Town House Hotel
Townsend, Thérèse
Tracy, Spencer
Trans World Airlines
Trillet, Catherine
Trujillo, Flor de Oro
Truman, Harry S
Trungpa, Chögyam
Tudo, Josefa “Pepita,”
Tudor, Arthur
Tudor, Mary
Turgenev, Ivan
Turner, Kate Scott
Turner, Lana
Twain, Mark
20th Century-Fox (film studio)
Two Tahitian Women
2Pacalypse Now
Tyabji, Raihana
Uhl, Frida
Ullmann, Regina
Uppsala, University of
Urfé, Marquise d’
Urquijo, Luis de
Valadon, Suzanne
Valentino, Rudolph
Valéry, Paul
Vallabrige, Maria Teresa de
Vanderbilt, Gloria
Vanderbilt, William K.
Vasilchikov, Alexei
Vasnier, Mme.
Vaughan, Madge
Velez, Lupe
Velvet Lips
Venus de Milo
“Venus Urania,”
Verdi, Giuseppe
Verdun, Battle of
Vère, Marthe de
Verlaine, Paul
Victor Emmanuel II
Victor Emmanuel III
Victoria, Queen
Villa, Francisco “Pancho,”
Villa Borghese
Villa Mauresque
Villa Medici
Villarceaux, Marquis de
Vindication of the Rights of Women, A
Vintimille, Marquise de
Viotti, Lucien
Vivian Grey
Vivien, Renée
Voelcker, Thea
Vorobiev, Marievna
Vos, Kee Stricker
Vulpius, Christiane
Wadsworth, Charles
Wagner, Cosima
Wagner, Richard
Wagogo women
Waldorf, Hotel (N.Y.)
Waldstein, Count von
Walewska, Marie
Walewski, Count
Walker, Betsey
Walker, Jimmy
Walker, John
Wallace, Amy
Walter, Marie-Thérèse
War and Peace
War of Independence
Ward, Freda
Warhol, Andy
Warm Springs Foundation
Warner Bros. (film studio)
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Waterloo, Battle of
Watts-Dunton, Walter T.
W.C. Fields and Me
“Weaver’s Beam, A,”
Webb, Clifton
Weber, Aloysia
Weber, Andrew Lloyd
Weber, Constanze
Weekley, Frieda
Wegener, Carl Richard
Weis, Leocadia Zorrilla de
Welch, Raquel
“Welcome to a Bastart Wean,”
Weld, Tuesday
Well of Loneliness, The
Wellcome, Henry
Wellcome, Syrie Barnardo
Welles, Orson
Wellington, Duke of
Wellman, Flora
Wells, Herbert G.
Wells, Isabel
Welsh, Mary
Werfel, Alma Mahler
Werfel, Franz
Werner, Hannah
Wesendonk, Mathilde
West, Rebecca
Westhoff, Clara
Westphalen, Jenny von
Wever, Margarethe
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Whippingham Papers, The
Whistler, James
White, Sonny
White, Stanford
Whitehead, Alfred North
Whitehead, Evelyn
Wilde, Dolly
Wilde, Oscar
Willard, Jess
Willemer, Marianne von
Willet, Deborah
Williams, Alice Faye
Williams, Joan
Willis, Irene Cooper
Willson, Anita
Willson, Millicent
Wilmot, John
Wilson, Devon
Wilson, Edmund
Winters, Shelley
Wise Parenthood
Witness for the Prosecution
Wodzinska, Maria
Wolf Song
Wolfe, Thomas
Wolff, Toni
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Women Have Been Kind
Woodford, Helen
Woolf, Leonard
Woolf, Virginia
World as Will and Idea, The
Worthington, Marjorie
Woyciechowski, Tytus
Wren, Christopher
Wright, Frank Lloyd,
Wu, Lily
Wymore, Patrice
Wynne, Giustiniana
Wyss, Clotilde van
X, Malcolm
Yale University
Yang K’ai-hui
Yankee Stadium
Yeats, William Butler
You Can’t Take It with You
Young, Brigham
Young, Lester
Yussupov, Felix
Zale, Tony
Zemlinsky, Alexander von
Ziegfeld Follies
Zilboorg, Gregory
Zola, Émile
Zubov, Platon
Zulficar, Safinez
The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People Page 79