Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance

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Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance Page 68

by Ashley Jennifer

  “I take it I’m wrong.”

  Wiping his eyes, he straightened to his full height. “Hey, he’s a good-looking dude, I’ll give you that, especially when he’s wearing the boots he stole from me in a poker game. But I don’t roll that way. The only cock and balls going into this mouth are the ones from Voodoo Donuts.”

  Okay, she really had read him wrong, then.

  As she finished cleaning up, she still couldn’t figure out why he was bothered by the fact that Asher might have deeper feelings for her.


  Asher made love to Olivia slow and easy that night, every movement fluid and rhythmic. Again, he was amazed at how well they fit together. Until Olivia, he’d always held back a little—a fact that was just dawning on him now. With her, he could lose himself without worrying that he was hurting her. It was carefree. Liberating. And addictive as hell. As her muscles tightened around him, increasing the friction to mind-blowing levels, he drove in deeper and joined her in ecstasy.

  When it was over, he rolled to his back and tossed the condom in a nearby trashcan. She snuggled into the crook of his arm, throwing one knee over his leg.

  What would it be like to make love to her without any barrier between them? For her body to receive his seed rather than the latex sheath? What would it be like to have a child…with Olivia? To hold in his arms a human being that they’d created together. A piece of the two of them, and yet completely different.

  Playing with those girls today, imagining having a family of his own, had really messed with his head. He silently berated himself for daring to imagine such a thing. He’d made that mistake once before and vowed never to do it again.

  “That was wonderful,” she said, interrupting his thoughts.

  “Yes, it was.” Asher stared at the ceiling and thought about the last few days, trying not to think about the distant past. He’d learned the hard way not to get involved with a woman over here. But, damn, he and Olivia really clicked. Even though they hadn’t known each other for long, it felt as if they belonged together.

  He could make love to her over and over, night after night, and never grow tired. Given that they had only a few more days together, he’d have to take full advantage of it. They should probably lie low and not risk going out. But then, when should he give her that item he’d bought at the specialty shop? It wouldn’t be nearly as fun if they weren’t out in public.

  “Is…is there something wrong?” She propped her chin on his chest, two tiny lines of worry creasing her forehead.

  “Wrong? Do I look as though something’s wrong? I’m wallowing in the afterglow of us.”

  “You’re quiet, that’s all. Introspective. And normally you’re a little…you know…”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Louder. You weren’t quite as…boisterous.”

  He lay back against the pillow and laughed. “I can be louder next time, if that’s what you want. In fact, where I come from, most couples keep the bedroom windows open to let others hear what they’re doing. A healthy set of lungs on a woman is something to be desired.”

  She gave him a playful slap on his chest and rolled her eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m totally serious. It signifies that her lover is well-endowed and skillful in the bedroom—traits all men want.”

  Now it was her turn to be quiet. Was she picturing what it would be like on his side of the portal? He’d love to see her face when they strolled through one of the open-air markets and heard the sounds of a couple’s lovemaking coming from the castle keep. Would it make her uncomfortable? Or would she pull him into a corner and reach under his kilt?

  “Hmmm. That’s…unusual.” She traced her finger around the edge of his nipple, then along a couple of long-forgotten scars. He grew hard again, even though he should be completely sated.

  “Not only that, but on a couple’s wedding night, people gather beneath the windows of the bridal chamber to hear the marriage being consummated. They want to know that the new husband is pleasing his wife and that she is pleasing him. As you can imagine, it’s a right festive atmosphere, with much drinking and shouts of encouragement.”

  She hiccupped with laughter. “Everyone listens? Don’t they…you know…have performance anxiety?”

  “Haven’t you ever had sex out in public?”

  “Oh my God, no,” she choked.

  “How about a place where you thought someone else could hear you?”

  She shook her head.

  He was going to have to remedy that, he thought, as the seed of an idea began to take hold.

  Running his thumb along the underside of her jaw, he marveled at how soft her skin was. Like crushed velvet. Her lips were plump and luscious, still flushed from his earlier kisses. “That’s the way it’s always been over there, Olivia. It’s part of our culture. In fact, it’s not unusual for couples in the gathered crowd to find a secluded corner in the shadows and partake in some of the same activities as they’re listening.”

  “Like an orgy?” she rasped.

  “Not quite. It’s a little more discreet than that, but it is public.”

  He recalled the first wedding he’d attended after becoming a warrior of the Iron Guild. The warriors were always the most popular men in town. As they feasted in the courtyard, a pretty young woman from the bridal party drew his attention. She grabbed him and led him a few feet away from the crowd. Still holding his tankard of ogappa ale, he’d leaned against the stone wall as she’d taken him into her mouth.

  “The thing is,” he continued, “my people are much more open about sex than you are over here. And our clothing makes it easier, too. A lift of a skirt and kilt, and all the important bits are right there.”

  Olivia gave a little snort. “I can see how tempting that must be.”

  “But because birth control isn’t what it is here and because it’s not good luck on a wedding night to pull out early anyway, there are always a few wee ones born in the village nine months later. Truth is, that’s how I was conceived. My mother got pregnant with me the night my father’s best friend in the Guild got married.”

  With her face pressed to his chest, he could feel her silently giggling.

  “What?” he asked. “Think that’s strange?” When she didn’t answer right away, he poked her in the ribs.

  Her body jerked and a shriek of laughter burst from her mouth. Despite her efforts to push his hand away, he continued tickling her, his fingers prodding the sensitive spot next to her hipbone.

  Twisting around him, she flung her head back, still laughing. “Oh my God, Ash! Stop.”

  “Not till you answer my question.”

  He kept tickling her until somehow, she ended up on top, straddling him. With her lips parted, she was breathing heavily, her beautiful breasts just inches from his face. He lifted his head and drew a perfect pink nipple into his mouth.

  She arched her back and moaned in pleasure. “You are so maddening.”

  “And you seem to have forgotten Rule Number One.” He let his teeth graze her sensitive flesh. “I asked you a question.”

  She hissed in a breath. “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “What? You enjoy breaking the rules, then?” He placed his hand on her hip, poised to tickle her again.

  “No. Yes. Stop.”

  “Make up your mind, lass.”

  “Okay,” she said breathlessly, an evil smile ghosting on her lips. “I do think it’s weird that you know how you were conceived. I mean, seriously? Who thinks of their parents that way?”

  “If we were the parents, I’d think of us that way. A lot.”

  She grabbed another condom from the nightstand and tore open the foil packet with her teeth. “Yeah, I would, too.”


  The next morning, fresh from the shower and wrapped in a towel, Olivia stared at the clear plastic package that Asher had just given her, and couldn’t figure out what it was.

  He sat on the edge of the bed
and pulled on his boots. “There’s a motorcycle rally today that we’re going to attend. I need to talk to a few of the vendors, plus, one of the top AMA money earners, a twenty-year-old kid, is making an appearance. I hear his bike is pretty tricked out, so I want to see it.”

  The package showed a suggestive picture of a woman in her underwear. “What is this for?”

  “Hold on. You’ll see.” He rummaged through her clothes and picked out a purple polka dot bra with matching panties, a flowery skirt, a T-shirt, a hoodie, and her cowboy boots. “Here. Put these on.”

  “So, you’re dressing me now?”


  She took the clothes from him and put them on as he sat there and watched. When she was done, she turned a little circle so he could inspect her. She hadn’t worn this particular combination before, but she liked it. “Look okay?”

  “Almost perfect.” He opened the plastic packaging and pulled out a small pink object. “Now this.”

  She took it from him and turned it over in her hands. The object fit into the palm of her hand. It was smooth and rubbery and shaped like a squished letter C with nubby ridges on each end. “What is it?”

  “You’re going to wear this, too.”

  “Uh, how?” she asked. It wasn’t jewelry.

  “It goes inside you.” He showed her the instructional guide from the package.

  One of the ends was designed to slip into the vagina while the other end pressed against the clit.

  She swallowed nervously and her mouth went dry. “You want me to have it in…when we’re walking around…at a motorcycle rally?”

  “It’s designed to stimulate you with every movement. And when that happens, I want you to think of me.”

  It was a male-dominated environment. There’d be men everywhere. She ran the tips of her fingers over the rubbery ridges on one end. Wearing this in private was one thing, but out in public? She’d feel so…naughty. She’d probably want to jump Ash the first chance she got.

  Which I guess is the point. “I’ll do it on one condition.”

  “And what’s that?” he said, cocking an eyebrow and probably getting ready to invoke Rule Number One.

  “That you can’t leave me at any time. I don’t want to suddenly find myself standing next to some old guy if I’m having a mini-orgasm.”

  He chuckled. “I wouldn’t dream of leaving you alone, so that’s not a problem. I want to be there to experience every pleasurable sensation you have.”

  A tiny surge of moisture dampened the panties she’d just put on. Part of her couldn’t believe she’d just agreed to such craziness. But another part of her was thrilled.

  “Won’t it, you know, fall out?”

  “The woman at the store said you’re to squeeze your muscles to keep it tight and that your panties will keep it in place.”

  “The woman at the store?”

  “Remember when you were shopping for clothes? I did a little shopping at the Lover’s Pantry next door.”

  He led her into the bathroom, where he washed it with soap and water. “Here, let me put it in for you.”

  Before she could protest, he was pushing her panties down and kneeling in front of her. In this dominant position, she felt nothing but vulnerable.

  He sucked in a breath. “Holy Fates, woman, you’re already wet down here.”

  “I…I know,” she said sheepishly.

  Even though he’d rolled her over first thing this morning and they’d made love already, she felt as if she could go again in a heartbeat.

  He slipped part of the toy inside her, spread her open with his thumb and forefinger, and positioned the other end against her clit. Jolts of pleasure coursed through her and her inner walls tightened instantly around the intrusion. The toy and its little nubs knew exactly where she was the most sensitive. She had to grip the edge of the counter to keep from collapsing to the floor.

  “You okay, lass?” he asked, an impish grin on his face. “How does that feel?”

  “Don’t move,” she said. “I think I’m…I’m going to have an orgasm.”

  “Is that so? Then I guess I have it on right.”

  He applied a little more pressure to the toy and she just about lost it. Every nerve ending sizzled and bright points of light flashed like stars behind her eyelids. She gripped his forearm, right below where his hand was touching her.

  “Oh God, Ash. I’m seriously coming.”

  He mumbled something about the fact that the toy could be used during intercourse and suddenly she felt several of his fingers slipping inside. Powerful waves of pleasure crashed over her, one right after the other. She wasn’t sure when one stopped and another started or maybe it was all just one long, continuous orgasm. The world seriously could’ve ended and she wouldn’t have noticed.

  Leaving the toy in place, he stood, adjusted her panties and skirt, and pressed his lips to hers. “I take it my little gift works?”

  “It was pretty amazing,” Olivia breathed against his mouth, clutching his shoulders.

  He gave her one final peck. “Now, come on. I want to get there when it opens and it’s a long drive.”


  “Does Reckless ever have events like this?” Olivia bit into an ear of roasted corn.

  Asher noticed a drip of butter on her chin, so he wiped it away with his finger. “This is just a demonstration, but Rand does host a qualifying race in the summer where the top finishers advance to the semifinals.”

  A rider from Spokane was on the dirt course right now. One of the biggest jumps was directly in front of where they were sitting in the bleachers. At the apex, the kid did a superman, kicking his legs straight out behind him.

  “Holy shit,” Olivia said, laughing as the crowd erupted in cheers.

  When the rider in blue and white gear landed his bike safely on the other side of the jump, he touched a glove to his helmet, thanking the audience. They cheered even louder and the bleachers vibrated with their pounding feet. Someone had clearly taught that kid some manners.

  Later, as Asher spoke to a sales rep from Samson Brothers, Olivia’s hand tightened around his. He cast a quick glance in her direction as the heavyset guy was telling him about their new line of volt meters. She was biting her lips and her delicate nostrils were slightly flared. Was she having another orgasm or trying to control one? That little toy was turning out to be worth its weight in gold.

  “Doing okay, lass?” he asked after they left the sales tent. He brushed a thumb over her lips.

  “That was number seven.” She threaded her fingers through his, subtly moving them in and out in a slow rhythm that would match the pace of lovemaking.

  He groaned, his cock thickening at the thought of making love to her again. She was undoubtedly primed for him right now, coated in a luxurious silkiness. He’d be able to push himself into her warmth with no foreplay. Hell, the whole day had been foreplay. He’d been walking around at half-mast much of the time thanks to her. At every stop, she stroked the back of his hand with feather-light touches. As they walked, she tucked her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and kneaded the top of his butt cheek. When they waited in line for cotton candy, she’d whispered in his ear that she wanted to “fuck you so bad right now.”

  Another group of vendors was located on the other side of the exhibitor parking lot. It was starting to get dark, so they took a shortcut through the sea of trailers and tents to get there before all the booths were closed. As he started across an open area, she suddenly grabbed his hand and shoved him against the back of a trailer. Her lips were against his and her hands were unzipping his fly.


  “Don’t you even,” she said, nipping his lower lip. “You started this. I haven’t been able to concentrate on hardly anything. All I can think about is having you inside me.”

  “A good problem to have,” he growled.

  She produced a condom from somewhere and he was quickly sheathed. Jumping up, she wrapped her legs aroun
d his waist and lowered herself onto him. He’d been expecting to feel the toy, but didn’t.

  “Where…is…it?” he asked as he drove into her heat.

  “My purse. Didn’t want the condom to rip.”

  He kept one palm braced on the trailer next to her head while the other cupped her ass. She made these breathy little sounds in his ear with every thrust of his hips, driving him mad with desire. He grunted, and the toe-curling friction around his cock had him almost ready to—

  Laughter came from the other side of the trailer and they heard the door opening.

  Olivia’s whole body froze.

  “Potential discovery is one of the hazards of having sex in public.”

  “Shhh.” And then another sexy sound, quieter this time, came from her lips. Her nails dug into his shoulders. “I’m…I’m coming.”

  Her inner walls clenched him even tighter. The friction was unbearable and the dam of pressure broke. Holding onto her perfect ass to keep himself seated deep inside her, he groaned into her hair as he came.


  It was late when they arrived back at Reckless. When Olivia checked her messages, their plans to stay in the next day and play with their new toy changed, but it got plenty of use that night.

  “I’d say we’ve gotten our money’s worth already,” Asher said as he pulled her close and fell asleep.

  The iron arch of Grass Lawn Cemetery stretched above them as they drove through the entryway the next day. Olivia shivered, but not because she was cold. These places always reminded her of the day her father died and of her failure to save him.

  Marco’s wife had left a message on her cell, letting her know about the funeral services this afternoon. She didn’t want to go, but Marco had been a great guy and taken a chance on her. It wouldn’t have been right to skip it.

  Asher parked behind a long string of cars. “Doing okay?” he asked, squeezing her hand.


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