Little Bethany & The Warden (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 1)

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Little Bethany & The Warden (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 1) Page 5

by Becca Little

  “I forgot.” He blinked a couple of times. “I got distracted by the commotion.”

  “I didn’t forget.” I said with a heavy sigh. “I’ve been dreading it all day.”

  “It is necessary though.” He said. “It is a critical part of your rehabilitation.”

  “I know.” I nodded.

  He cleaned me up and took me to the couch. I leaned over the back with my bottom in the air, as ready as I could be to face the agonizing leather strap. It landed hard, wrapping around my bottom and slapping the other side so fiercely that it made me squeal. It was just as intense as the first time I felt it, and I was quickly sobbing across the couch with the agony of my rehabilitation coming down across my bottom again and again until I thought I couldn’t take anymore.

  “I’m sorry!” I screamed. “I’m sorry I was such an idiot!”

  The man who protected me and took care of me seemed to take a backseat to the warden who believed the leather strap was the best way to rehabilitate a crime such as mine. When it finally started to slow down, I was a complete mess of tears and sobs. He finished with a few very hard ones and then dropped the strap back on the table by the door. I wasn’t able to move, but he came over and leaned down beside me, running his fingers through my hair.

  “I’ll never enjoy that, baby girl.” He said. “But it is necessary.”

  “I know.” I said with a sob.

  He took me over to the changing table and put lotion on my agonizing bottom, cooling it down tremendously. The strap had left me hurting, but the lotion started to heal some of the pain quickly. He finished putting on the lotion and then slid a fresh diaper on, pulling it around my waist and cinching it. After he we done, we had dinner and sat on the couch. I wanted to please him, to take away some of the stress, but he wasn’t interested. He put me to bed and left without using me at all. Even though he said it was okay, I felt like I had disappointed him. The feeling left me sick to my stomach and hurt worse than the strap.


  The next day he was ready to take me the moment he came through the elevator door. I was ready to swallow his cock, but he had a hunger for something a lot more than my mouth. He started kissing me immediately, running his fingers through my hair as he worked his way down my neck. The diaper came off and he gave me a bath, constantly kissing me throughout the whole ordeal. He didn’t even bother drying me off, he just took me straight to the bed.

  “I missed you.” He said as he moved between my legs.

  “I missed you too.” I said with a smile. “Are you in a better mood today?”

  “I am.” He nodded. “I sent the letter, so hopefully we won’t have to worry about them showing up again.”

  “Good.” I pulled him closer. “I really didn’t want to have to leave.”

  Two years without seeing my parents and Adrianne wasn’t a terrible price to pay for the opportunity to avoid spending any of my sentence in gen-pop. I was glad to take the weekly strapping and enjoy all of the benefits I had with my Daddy when the alternative was so scary. He entered my pussy quickly, sliding his cock into my tightness and leaning down to kiss me again. He pulled my legs up, rolling me into a position where he could easily enter me. I moaned with pleasure as I felt him slide across my g-spot and bury his cock as deep as it would go.

  “You fill every inch of me.” I said with a gasp as he started to drive his cock in deep and withdraw it to the edge of my pussy.

  The picked up the pace and started fucking me with an unbridled passion that sent electricity through my whole body. He felt amazing inside of me, looking like a Greek God carved from marble with his strong muscles tightening each time he slammed his cock inside of my pussy. He grabbed my hair and twisted it, turning my neck so I was staring directly at his cock as it fucked me. Watching myself being penetrated sent off a new eruption of shivering ecstasy through me.

  “You’re going to make your Daddy cum inside of you.” He said with a loud moan.

  “God yes…” I let out a shriek of pleasure.

  He bucked against me with quick thrusts and I felt his cock surging with his cum. A second later it exploded inside of me and it ignited my orgasm. His hot, sticky manhood flooded my tight pussy sending me over the edge. My body shook each time I felt another stream and when he was finally done, I could barely move. He leaned against my lips, kissing them lightly with the exhaustion overcoming us both. My bed was too small for both of us, but we were both too tired to move. We lay there for almost thirty minutes, skin on skin, before he finally leaned to an elbow.

  “I’m going to sleep here tonight.” He said with a smile. “I want you to sleep in my bed with me. I want to hold you. Would you like that?”

  “Yes!” I nodded quickly.

  He picked me up off my bed and carried me over to the big bed which was designated for him, although he hardly got an opportunity to stay. I wasn’t sure why that night was different, but I was happy to have him there. He pulled me tight against his chest and snuggled me as we drifted to sleep. It was an amazing experience and I felt loved more than I had ever felt loved before in my life. I slept deeper than I had since I was involved in the accident, feeling a peace that had been denied from me for so long.

  Chapter 7

  Time didn’t pass as slowly as it seemed to pass in the outside world, but it was a lot faster than the time I spent down in gen-pop. Months ticked away. I loved being there with my Daddy, the prison warden, but things bothered me as time went on. I knew very little about him. We never really talked about our personal lives. It was mostly sex, discipline, and occasionally he would stay with me for the evening. After one of our passionate lovemaking sessions, I snuggled up next to him and ran my fingers across his chest.

  “You’ve never told me anything about yourself.” I said as we lay in the afterglow of our passion.

  “What do you want to know?” He asked, looking down into my eyes.

  “Are you married?” I asked. I didn’t have any say in it if he was, but I needed to know if I was the secret other woman in an adulterous affair.

  “No.” He shook his head. “I was for a while, but things ended badly.”

  “Do you have any children?” I asked.

  “I do not.” He looked away from me. “I’ve always wanted children, but my wife was sterile and it was part of what drove us apart. She couldn’t handle not being able to give me a child and she didn’t want to adopt. I’ve always had a strong desire to nurture and protect my own, but it probably won’t happen now.”

  “Am I the first prisoner you’ve brought up here and kept as your little girl?” I needed to know if I was special. I could handle it if I wasn’t, but it had to be asked.

  “You are.” He nodded. “I waited a long time for the right one to come along. Most of the time we get violent felons in here, felons that were trash before they walked through the gate, and will be trash when they leave. You were very different.”

  “How so?” I leaned up, curious to know what made me so different from all the rest.

  “You’re a good person.” He looked back to me. “You got the raw end of a shit deal, Bethany. I read your file when they said you were being transferred to my prison. You made a mistake and you definitely have to pay for that mistake, but you were screwed out of the deal you made with the prosecutor.”

  “Wow.” I said in a stunned tone. “I didn’t know you knew so much about me.”

  “I don’t agree with the deal you cut, don’t get me wrong. I think you definitely deserved prison for what you did, but the maximum sentence? That’s for people who are just going to re-offend the second they get out of here.” He shook his head. “The problem is that this prison would have broken you. If you would have turned me down, I would have just had to let it, but I thought you were strong enough to choose a better path.”

  “Don’t you control this place? What happens here? I thought they were your dog?” I felt like I was probably going too far with my questions and accusations, but I still pre
ssed on, driven by my curiosity.

  “I didn’t build this system, I took it over. Yeah, they’re my dogs alright, but do you know what happens when you stop feeding dogs?” He stared at me. “They eat everything they can find. They would tear this place apart and it would be absolute carnage. So yes, I feed them what they need in order to keep them in line, to make sure they remain my dogs. I can either be the pack leader, or I can be their dinner.”

  “I see.” I nodded.

  “Any more questions, or can I fuck you now?” He rolled me over and slid back on top of me.

  “I’m barely even conscious!” My exhaustion of our last encounter had left my limbs barely functional.

  “Good thing I’m on top then.” He pushed his cock inside of me and started kissing my neck.

  It didn’t take him long to regain my interest. The exhaustion I was feeling was easily overwhelmed by the way he nibbled along my neck and attacked my ear. His cock swelled up to full girth again, opening my exhausted pussy and allowing him to slide deep inside of me. He went slower than he normally did, driven by the obvious exhaustion of his own orgasm. I lifted my hips and worked to squeeze his cock with my pussy, providing him the pleasure I knew he loved. In a couple of minutes, he was pumping away with heat resonating between us.

  “See…” He said. “You were ready.”

  “I can’t help it when I’m with you.” I shook my head. “You know how to turn me on.”

  He drove his cock inside of me with reckless abandon, holding me tightly against his body as he pulled me towards him with each thrust. There was so much energy inside of him that it was like a beast unhinged. I was practically locked in the throes of my lust when I started to feel his cock throbbing against the walls of my pussy. He had sweat forming on his forehead and I could feel it underneath my breasts. My whole body rocked as he made the bed shake with his violent thrusts.

  “I’m going to cum again.” I said as I prepared for the sensation.

  “Me too.” He moaned, almost growling as his lust consumed him.

  We stayed locked in that moment for a couple of minutes, delayed by the fact we were both mostly spent after our last moment of passion. I felt my pussy start to spasm and my body tensed up. The spasms began milking his cock and he concentrated his efforts on short, quick thrusts and landed right on my g-spot. I orgasmed and I felt his cock begin to explode. He drove it in deep and unloaded all of his cum inside of me while I milked it with my orgasm. When my body finally stopped, I had no energy left at all. He collapsed beside me on the bed.

  “I think I’m staying here tonight.” He said with a smile.

  “Good plan.” I nodded and snuggled close. “You can even do that to me tomorrow morning before you go to work if you want.”


  “Happy Anniversary, Bethany.” He walked through the elevator door and I ran up to him, hugging him tightly.

  “Happy Anniversary, Daddy.”

  The anniversary of our first year had arrived and I realized my time with him was halfway over. He presented me with a large pink box and I couldn’t wait to open it. I ran to the table and sat down on the couch, pulling the bow off of the top. I peeled back the wrapper and pulled the top off the box to find a gorgeous pink dress. It was more magnificent than any of the ones there and I could tell, just by holding it up, that it was tailor made for me.

  “Thank you so much! It’s beautiful!” I said with a lot of excitement in my voice.

  “There’s more.” He replied. “Keep looking.”

  “What’s this?” I reached inside and pulled out a pack of panties. They were pink and matched the dress.

  “You won’t wear diapers anymore after tonight.” He said. “We have to start transitioning you back to normal life, and you have been a very good little girl, so your bathroom privileges have been earned.”

  “Thank you!” I held them in my hand. “I really appreciate this!”

  “You earned it.” He smiled.

  He changed me out of my diaper one final time and bathed me. When I was done being bathed and completely dry, I put on my new panties. They felt amazing—it had been a full year since I had worn any. I couldn’t believe how incredibly they felt and how good it was to walk around without the bulky diaper around my waist. I spun around and showed them off before finally getting dressed in the pretty dress. I loved the way it felt and the way it hugged my hips. I felt like a little princess.

  “One more year.” He said, pulling me close. “Then you’ll be free to go.”

  “Yeah…” I nodded, but the idea of it scared me.

  He let me choose a movie to watch and I chose a teen movie, one that was a little edgy, but mostly safe. I felt like it was acceptable since I was starting to grow up in his eyes, moving towards the life that would come once I was out of prison. I cuddled with him and when I needed to go to the bathroom, I didn’t think twice about relieving myself. A second after I felt the warmness on my legs, I realized the mistake.

  “Oh no!” I jumped off the couch.

  “What the fuck happened?” He asked. “Did you pee yourself?”

  “It was habit!” I felt totally embarrassed. “I was so used to the diapers.”

  “This is unacceptable.” He said. “Remove your panties—now!”

  I swallowed a lump in my throat as I lifted my dress and pushed them down. I picked them up off the floor and walked them to the clothes hamper. Once they were in the pile, I walked back with my head held down feeling like a total failure. I had earned my way back into a pair of panties, but I had gone so long without them that I didn’t even think twice about it when the time came. I stood in front of him and stared at the floor.

  “Go get your hairbrush from the bathroom.” He said firmly.

  I had no idea why he was asking for it. It seemed like such a strange request after I had just peed myself, but I did as he requested. I had learned not to question his authority the hard way. I picked up the heavy wooden hairbrush and walked back to him. He took it from my hand and stared at me with a burning intensity in his eyes. I could see he was disappointed in me and that stung more than the embarrassment of peeing myself to begin with.

  “Why did you want the hairbrush, Daddy?” I asked.

  “You’re about to find out.” He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me over his knee. His hand slid under my dress and he pulled it up, exposing my bare bottom.

  “Wait, are you going to spank me with the hairbrush?” I asked as things started to become clearer.

  “Sometimes a little girl needs more than her Daddy’s hand to learn her lesson.” He brought it down hard on my bare bottom.

  “Ouch!” I squealed. “That thing hurts!”

  “The next time you think about soiling your panties, you’ll remember how much it hurts to do so.” He brought it down again.

  I squirmed in his grasp as the hairbrush started to come down on my bottom with less delay between each smack. It hurt a lot more than his hand and I got the message really quick. The only thing that really started going through my mind as he started to really redden my unprotected bottom was that I was supposed to get the strap the next day. The calendar had offset it by one day, even though it was our anniversary day, and it looked like I was going to have a very sore bottom when he gave me my weekly punishment for coming to prison in the first place.

  “I’m sorry!” I said with a loud squeal. “It won’t happen again!”

  “It better not.” He said firmly.

  The hairbrush spanking quickly turned agonizing as he went from one side of my bottom to the other in quick succession. I was squalling and crying with tears rolling down my face. A quickly glance over my shoulder revealed that my bottom had turned a bright shade of red and he wasn’t showing any signs of stopping. I tried to get away from him, but he held me tight in his grasp, keeping my bare bottom completely at his mercy.

  “Please!” I screamed. “I’m sorry!”

  “Since you don’t appreciate my gift, you will spend
the next week without anything under your dress at all.” He said as he continued to deliver agonizing smacks.

  “Yes Daddy! Whatever you say!” I said quickly.

  The hairbrush kept coming, but it started to slow down. I knew the spanking would soon be over, but there were still a dozen hard painful smacks delivered on my bottom before he finally stopped and tossed the hairbrush on the table. He lifted me off his lap and pulled me close against his chest. I pushed my eyes against him and cried as my tender bottom glowed with a fire-coated agony. When he sent me to bed and left without another word, I felt like I had ruined our anniversary.

  Chapter 8

  The strapping was as intense as I expected, leaving me a crying, quivering mess by the time it was over, but he did put lotion on my bottom once it was done, so the agony faded a lot quicker than the hairbrush spanking had. After the brief accident, I was able to control myself without any difficulties. The hairbrush had taught the lesson exactly how it was meant to be learned. My week without panties came with almost daily trips across his knee for a hand spanking, but they were nothing compared to what I got from the hairbrush.

  Months went by with very little incident and things became very routine. He would arrive and I would either suck his cock or we would go straight to bed. I loved both of them equally at that point because he normally satisfied me with his tongue after I swallowed his cum. When our bodies were spent, we would spend a couple of hours talking. I felt like we were totally bare, nothing hidden or forbidden in our talks. I learned about his life and I told him all of the uninteresting stories I had to tell. He had lived a hard life and my stories were nothing compared to his.

  One afternoon everything changed. The elevator started grinding away a couple of hours before it normally did I was surprised so I quickly worked to prepare myself for him. I figured he had decided to take a late lunch since he was sometimes able to pull himself way for a quick visit during the day. I waited by the elevator with a smile on my face, ready to service him in any way he wanted, anxious to feel his cock or his tongue again. When the elevator opened, it wasn’t my Daddy standing there—it was one of his dogs.


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