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Little Bethany & The Warden (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 1)

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by Becca Little

  “What the fuck is this shit?” The large black man stepped into the room and looked at me. “Hey, what are you doing up here?”

  “Why are you here?” I asked, taking a few steps back.

  “Oh shit, I remember you.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Beth Wilson. Yeah, the warden really liked you, but you got transferred to another prison…”

  “Stay away from me.” I said as he walked closer.

  “Well look at that shit.” He shook his head. “The warden said you turned him down and he had you transferred because he was afraid your family would start some shit. Now I see what’s up.”

  “My Daddy will not be happy you’re here!” I snapped at him.

  “I’m sorry, what?” He titled his head. “Your daddy? Oh shit, he’s made you his little secret whore. The warden always did get the best ones, but he ain’t taken his cut in a long time. Now I know why.”

  “I’m not a whore!” I said quickly. “I’m here by choice.”

  “Is that so.” He backed me against a wall. “We ain’t had nice fine piece of ass come through those doors in a long time. I don’t think it’s fair the warden gets to keep the best one hidden away in his own little private prison.”

  “Leave me alone!” I slapped his chest and he backhanded me across the face—hard. I slumped down into a pile after my head hit the wall.

  “Oh man.” Through my blurry vision, I could see him licking his lips. “What hole do I want to fuck first. I know the warden don’t have a dick as big as mine so you’re going to be nice and tight.”

  “Stop!” I put my hands up in defense.

  “I like it real dirty.” He said as he reached down and grabbed me by the hair. “I think I’ll fuck your ass first and then make you lick it off.”

  “No! Stop!” I tried to fight back but he threw me against the sofa and ripped my dress. He tore my panties off with a quick yank. I heard his pants unzipping and I started to cry.

  “Oh, look at this tight little hole.” He said as he squeezed my ass with his hand. “The warden doesn’t fuck you in it, does he? I bet you ain’t ever been fucked in it. You won’t be the same after I’m done with you.”

  “Please don’t…” I begged.

  I knew I was moments away from being sodomized by his cock. My Daddy had never shown interest in fucking me there, although I would have let him if he wanted to do it. My mind raced as I cried. Suddenly, there was a grinding noise. I heard the elevator moving back down and then it started moving back up. The dog behind me zipped his pants and turned towards the elevator. I hoped with everything inside of me it would be my Daddy and not another dog.

  “Bethany?” I heard his voice—it was him!

  “Daddy!” I yelled through my tears.

  “Shut up.” The dog hit me in the ribs with his fist and I slumped to the ground.

  “Zeke?” Daddy stormed into the room. “What the fuck are you doing up here?”

  “I found your little hideout, warden. I fought your little secret slut that you keep locked up. I was just about to have me a little piece of her, but since you’re here, we can share.” He laughed.

  “Stay the fuck away from her.” He walked over and helped me up. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be okay.” I nodded.

  “She won’t be okay after I get done fucking her in the ass.” The dog said.

  “You aren’t doing shit, Zeke. She is mine. You will get on that fucking elevator and you will leave. If you ever say a word about this to anyone, I’ll cut your damn balls off.” Daddy snarled with rage.

  “Nah, see.” Zeke shook his head and snorted. “It ain’t going down like that.”

  “What did you say to me? Need I remind you that I am the fucking warden in this prison.” Daddy leaned me against a chair and got closer to Zeke, poking him in the chest.

  “You ain’t nothing but a white bitch, just like her.” Zeke pushed him off. “Maybe I’ll make both of you take turns sucking my dick tonight.”

  “I’m warning you, Zeke.” He tensed up.

  “Warn me all you want, you’re still a little white bitch. You ain’t going to be the warden after I get done telling everyone about your dirty fucking secret.” He grabbed Daddy by the throat. “Unless you want to get down on your knees and beg my forgiveness while she watches you swallow my dick.”

  Zeke’s eyes went wide and then he slumped forward, releasing his grip. I had no idea what had happened until I saw the blood started to pool on the floor at Daddy’s feet. A knife was sticking out of Zeke’s sternum. He fell down to the floor and then fell to the side. Daddy kicked the knife and drove it in deeper, extinguishing any life that was left in the larger man. I ran over and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “You killed him!” I said in shock.

  “I did what I had to do.” His voice was ice cold. “Nobody hurts my little girl and nobody touches her but me.”

  “What are we going to do? They’ll send you to prison!” I started tearing up.

  “Nobody is going to find out about this.” He said firmly. “But I need your help.”

  “Anything.” I said quickly.

  Chapter 9

  An hour later, I was dressed in a guard uniform, riding the elevator down from my prison for the first time since I had first ridden it to the top floor. Daddy killed the cameras in the prison and told the guards watching them it was some sort of electrical malfunction. We rolled Zeke up in a rug and carted him down to the kitchen, dodging other guards at every turn. We left him there on the floor for someone to find. As much as I hated him for what he had done, I didn’t like knowing we were responsible for his death.

  “Okay.” He said. “Let’s go.”

  “What happens now?” I asked.

  “There will be an investigation. They’ll decide he must have gotten killed by a prisoner, so there will be a lock down and everyone will get searched. It isn’t the first time we’ve had a guard mysteriously die.” He sighed. “That fucking bastard.”

  “I’m sorry I caused so much trouble.” I said as we got into the elevator.

  “This wasn’t your fault.” He shook his head. “I should have been more careful.”

  We got back to the top floor and cleaned up the blood. After we were done with that, we bleached it until there was nothing left but cold cement. We slept together in his bed without saying very much, but neither of us got very much sleep. I couldn’t believe he had killed for me. I was so overwhelmed by emotion that I struggled with my dreams even when I could close my eyes. There was a clear distinction between what he had done and what I had done, although they were both crimes. I wished I had some sort of justification for my actions.

  Chapter 10

  “Tomorrow is the big day.” He said as he took me in his arms when the elevators opened.

  “It is!” I shook my head in agreement. “The paperwork processed?”

  “Yep, I recommended it and they agreed. You’re a free woman when the sun comes up.” He pressed his lips to mine for a long, tender kiss.

  Our relationship evolved after Zeke’s death. It changed both of us. He was still my Daddy, still the dominant man who put me over his knee when necessary and gave me my weekly dose of the strap, but we were in a different place. I loved being there with him, but I was also excited to see my family again. I was excited to find out what Adrianne and Steve had been up to, and to know what I had missed in the outside world while I was locked up inside the prison.

  “If I’m a free woman when the sun comes up.” I said, looking into his eyes. “That means I’m still your Little Bethany until then.”

  “Yes, you are.” He said with a smile.

  He lifted me up and walked me to the big bed, dropping me into it and stripping my panties off before it started bouncing. He spread my legs and moved his tongue down my thigh, sending shivers up my spine as he approached my pussy. His tongue was like magic, licking my clitoris as I moaned with pleasure. I knew I was going to miss it when I was in th
e outside world, but I also knew I had to go. My emotions were torn and shattered, but I couldn’t focus on that with his hungry tongue so desperate to make me cum.

  “That feels so good…” I moaned and stretched out on the bed.

  He got me so close to an orgasm I could taste it and then he climbed onto the bed with his cock engorged with his lust. He slid inside of my wet pussy and lifted me up. I slid up to my knees and started to lift and fall onto his cock. I felt like we were equals for the first time in our relationship. He was no longer using me for his pleasure, we were face to face and I was the one driving both of our desire. We stared into each other’s eyes, not breaking our gaze as we became enthralled while we got closer and closer to our orgasm.

  “I love you, Bethany.” He said.

  “I love you too, Daddy.” I started pushing him hips into him faster and he flexed his muscles to push his cock in deeper each time.

  We had never said those words. He had told me I loved his cock, he had told me he loved to fuck me, but he had never actually told me he loved me. It was the last chance for either of us to say those words and it felt right. I felt my pussy start to spasm and his cock was ready to burst with his cum. I moved my hips until I couldn’t hold on any longer and let out a long gasp as I started to orgasm. He wrapped his arms around me and ejaculated inside of me, his cum sending me over the edge again for another orgasm.

  “We have to do that again.” He said with a tired sigh once we were laying on the bed.

  “I’m not a free woman until the sun comes up.” I rolled over to him. “I belong to you until then.”

  “Yes, you do.” He nodded.


  “I can’t believe you got out so quick!” Adrianne hugged me when I walked through the gates. “I bet it was hell in there. You look good though.”

  “It was hell.” I nodded. “I’m ready to go home.”

  “Your parents are still a little upset about your letter. You’ve got some sucking up to do.” She opened her car door for me to enter.

  I paid my penance underneath my mother’s angry finger and vicious words, but my father hugged me before he started laying into me with his verbal wrath. I didn’t try to explain myself. I just expressed my sorrow and remorse. They seemed surprised I didn’t try to justify my actions. We eventually broke down into tears and hugged. I decided to stay with Adrianne. Her marriage to Steve had fallen apart while I was inside and she had plenty of room.

  “I’m hesitant to offer you this.” Adrianne said a few hours later when she extended a glass of wine towards me.

  “I’m not driving.” I shook my head. “I’ll never do that again.”

  “So…” She moved closer. “Did you become anyone’s bitch while you were in prison?”

  “What?” I raised my eyebrows. “No.” I didn’t tell her I became someone’s little girl. I certainly wasn’t anyone’s bitch.

  “Good.” She smiled. “Then you’re still my bitch.”

  “Always.” I shook my head in agreement. “So, do you know anyone hiring ex-felons?”

  “Honestly? No…” She sighed.

  The next month was spent looking for a job. I had been a secretary before I got locked up, but nobody wanted to add a felon to their payroll. I finally ended up finding a job waiting tables that paid enough to cover my half of the rent. Adrianne was extremely generous not to ask me to cover half of the bills on top of it. I was just happy to have work. I worked long hours, picking up extra shifts when I could. Having something to do kept me grounded in reality and kept my mind busy.

  When the work was done and I was alone, I thought about Warden Matthews, the man who had made me his Little Bethany. Life was so simple locked in the cell that became my home. He truly was my Daddy while I was locked up. He protected me—he killed for me. I could never repay his kindness, even if it came with a fair amount of pain throughout the two years we were together. My bottom still twitched when I thought about the weekly strappings I endured to pay my penance and take three years off my sentence.

  Six months passed. My life became a boring, tired routine. I served my tables during the day and at night, I drank wine with Adrianne, wallowing in our misery of being alone. Steve had cheated on her and she was still extremely spiteful. Most nights she drank more than her fair share and I had to help her to bed. It was strange being on the other side of that. She was always the strong one that kept me sane when I got out of control. The night I didn’t listen to her was the night I lost everything when I got behind the wheel of my car.


  I stared at the ceiling when I woke up one year to the date from the day I walked out of prison a free woman. I rolled out of bed and got ready for my shift. I started the day with the usual customers, taking orders and running orders out as fast as I could carry them on two feet. The day got chaotic and I barely even had a chance to look at my customers. I approached my latest table, seeing a man with a hat on his head and a menu covering most of his face.

  “Happy Anniversary.” His words stopped me in my tracks.

  “Daddy?” I pushed the menu down. “Oh my God!”

  “What are you doing here?” I slid into the booth across from him. “Is everything okay?”

  “No.” He shook his head and placed the menu on the table.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling a quick sense of concern in my stomach.

  “I wake up every morning and I go to work.” He said. “I go upstairs and I stare at an empty room. I go back to my office and spend my day managing the prison. When the night comes, I go home. I lay awake in my bed. I don’t sleep. I just stare at the ceiling.”

  “You too?” I sighed.

  “I miss you.” His face turned to a smile.

  “I miss you too.” I nodded.

  “I’m a man of action.” He extended his hand and took mine. “I’m here to claim you.”

  He took my hand lifted me from my seat. He pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine, igniting the passion we felt while we were together in the prison. I was there again in mind, ready to succumb to anything he wanted. In that moment, I realized that I would never be Beth Wilson again. I was his Little Bethany. I belonged to him. He didn’t have to claim me. He had let me wander lost for a year, and I was still his in every way.


  “Holy shit.” I stood up and held my stomach.

  “What’s wrong?” Daddy wrapped his arms around me. “Are you sick?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Well, yes and no.”

  “What do you mean?” He asked.

  “I’m pregnant.” I said as I pulled his hand to my stomach. “I’m going to have your baby.”

  “What!?” He took a step back, leaving his hand on my stomach. “Are you serious?”

  “I am.” I nodded. “No doubt about it.”

  “When did you stop taking the birth control?” His eyes got wide.

  “I didn’t.” I shook my head. “I would never do that without talking to you.”

  “Fucking hell…” He pulled me close. “This is incredible.”

  “It’s a miracle, just like everything that has happened between us.” I stared into his eyes. “You’re finally going to be a father.”


  Ten months later, our son was crying in his crib as we both struggled to sleep. We grunted in frustration as we both climbed out of bed and went to try and comfort him. We smiled at each other as we savored the moment, watching our child begging for attention. I picked little Henry Jr. up and started cradling him in my arms. I had never been happier, even though we were both drained and needed sleep. Hank walked into the room and took him from me.

  “I’ll take care of him.” He said. “You go back to bed.”

  I walked back to the bedroom and collapsed into the bed. I knew my son would never be in a safer place than his father’s arms. Hank had killed for me. He was the strongest man I knew. I pulled the pillow close and was drifting off when the crying stopped. A few minutes later,
Hank crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around me. I was still his Little Bethany and he was still my Daddy, but our relationship had evolved again. We were husband and wife, a solidified unit against the world. Nothing would ever break that bond.

  The End

  The Evolution of Little Julie

  The wedding was beautiful and everything I could have ever wanted. Everyone said I made a gorgeous bride, but all my attention was on the man standing across from me. He was like a dream come true. He was beyond handsome, especially when his lips were turned upwards into a smile that lit up the whole room. How he ever decided I was good enough to stand across from him and hear his vows was something I didn’t understand. Underneath my wedding dress was a scared little girl who felt like she was in way over her head. We had rehearsed the moment enough that I could have done it on autopilot, which was exactly what I needed when it officially began. My mind was fogged with emotions and my heart was beating out of my chest. When the preacher finally pronounced us husband and wife, after I dropped his ring once and nearly tripped over my own dress trying to retrieve it, I was a mess of tears and mascara. Thankfully, he still dipped me backwards and placed the most passionate kiss he had ever given me on my trembling lips. The hard part was over, or at least that was what I thought.

  The first year was filled with absolute lust. We couldn’t get enough of each other and we never wanted to get out of bed, even for food. The honeymoon wasn’t long enough for either of us, and we still acted like we were on it every night when he got off work. The weekends were a blur of eagerness and excitement. God, how I loved his touch. It was always in the right place, and it always drove me wild. I’m surprised my parents didn’t send out a search party when I went days without returning their call because I was too busy being consumed by his carnal appetite for every orifice I would give him. When he was pulled from my arms for work every Monday morning, I spent the day hungry for the moment he walked through the door and we picked up where we left off. How could something so magical ever wear off? I was sure we were going to grow old living that same moment over and over—I was more than okay with that. I envisioned a white picket fence, a yard full of kids, and us in bed while they took care of themselves. I just wanted to live in our blazing indulgence forever.


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