Blood Moon_A novel of the Paramortals

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Blood Moon_A novel of the Paramortals Page 16

by Livia Quinn

  Conor had been filled with such rage over Aevyn's story that the force of it had nearly driven him mad. He'd attacked the nearby cliffs and forests lest he hunt Dutch down and destroy him. And here he was. But once Conor had returned to his senses and concentrated on the full account of Aevyn's tale, he'd known Dutch had been as much a victim as his people.

  "But?" Conor's guttural growl came from deep in his chest.

  "But... you might want to wait until we eliminate the Zhoratuu."

  River knew the extent of his father's abhorrence for Styx then. He'd used the derivative of the ancient word for "demon", but worse, this word meant unredeemable.

  Conor's swords were gone from Dutch's throat instantly and once again flew over his shoulders to sink into the sheaths on his back.

  "Wait a minute. Wait!" Cinder shut her eyes in frustration, pressing her hands to the side of her head. "I don't understand. If father isn't dead, where is he? And why couldn't I kill Styx?"

  Dutch's voice was soft, and gentler than River had ever heard it. "Your father's soul energy is held captive in the amulet Styx wears."


  Cinder cried burying her face in Conor's chest. "No."

  "The necklace contains your father's soul energy, his mind's eye," Dutch said.

  River made fists at his side to keep from reaching for her. After what she'd just learned, Cinder may relish the chance to use that ancient sword of hers on his thick neck.

  Dutch said, "During one of the previous Para-moons Styx struck a deal with the dark leader to get out of The Pale, and became a warlock. The warlock's dark magic hid his true identity from me when I saw him in the Moat. I saw only the dragon's eye on his necklace and assumed..." He ran a big hand through his unruly hair. "I'm sorry."

  River had never heard his father say he was sorry before and now he'd said it twice in a matter of minutes.

  Dutch continued, "Styx is responsible for the disappearances of many of our people, most recently the fae that Bella and Petre reported. Dylan was investigating them before the Chaos. He was also the one who gave Dylan's father that spelled poison four hundred years ago. He also cursed Phoebe so she couldn't conceive, thinking it would be his revenge. After that, he went... what does Jack say..."

  "Off the radar," said Ryan.

  "That, yes. Later, after Dylan helped us break the curse and we had a family, we heard Styx was stirring the pot once again. I knew he was getting close but we hoped that you children would come into your powers before he surfaced. Unfortunately, he was meddling even then."

  Conor looked at River. "Aevyn told me that Styx used magic to keep Tempe from quickening to try to draw Dutch back to Destiny."

  River shook his head, "It almost worked. Efrit. And I blamed her. How long do you think he's had Maxim's power at his command?"

  Conor's tone was sad. "Aevyn said he only recently felt a change in father's soul energy. He's been monitoring it closely, hoping he would…pass." His eyes flared.

  Cinder strangled a sob and looked away. Here she'd been, worried that she might have to kill River's brother. But this was even worse. How was she supposed to accomplish her mission to kill Styx when it would mean slaying her own father? She didn't think she could do it. Even if it was possible.

  The way Dutch and Conor talked, Styx commanded massive power, and not only the Dark Lord's magic, but her father's dragon magic. At least she understood now why she'd hesitated. But what did the fact that Styx wasn't actually a dragonhunter mean for their plans now? It was no longer a given that she could take him out.

  River watched Cinder, feeling her despair, suddenly struck by how childish his own expectations had been. At least his parents were alive. She sensed his regard and met his gaze though he couldn't read her thoughts. He wanted to go to her, but Dutch wasn't finished.

  "We've been keeping an eye on the Dark Path after a spike in their power this summer. I believe that's when they came up with this plan to use Maxim. Styx wants revenge on me, but taking down his sister, her dragon mate and enthralling his little brother is..."

  "Icing on the cake," said Ryan.

  Dutch frowned, not getting the metaphor. He said, "It was Styx' goal, but he is so consumed by his revenge he can't see his master's manipulation. The dark path only wants the destruction of all light-minded creatures, or any that might put up resistance in the future."

  "Ultimately, they want the complete subjugation of the supernatural species," Conor confirmed.

  Dutch crossed his arms and his eyes sparked with copper light. "It is time for a showdown."

  Conor crossed his arms, one black brow arching up.

  "So, let's get to it, River said. "He could summon me at any time. What is your plan?" He cocked his head at his father, "You do have a plan..."

  Dutch looked up at the sky. "The Blood Moon will eclipse tonight, and if we can get all the pieces in place, a plan we worked out long ago for just such an emergency should be successful."

  Cinder looked from River to Conor, "But what happens if we kill Styx? What will happen to father, Conor?"

  Conor's expression was sad but his voice was firm. "Aevyn said father would rather be dead and able to join our mother in the after void than be used in this maniacal and evil domination of our people. You know this, a sheòid."

  "As would I..." Dutch said, meeting River's gaze... "if it comes to that, rather than put our family at risk." His voice softened when he looked at Cinder. "If it were possible to save Maxim, I would give myself in his place."

  Ryan blinked as the tension in the room subsided. "We should go now." Then he looked at the three large supernaturals standing in front of him and remembered who he was talking to. "Uh, if you don't mind my saying, the longer we wait, the less likely we are to find Jack and Tempe alive. What's our first move?"

  Conor held Cinder to him, his eyes burning a deep red. "I must kill our father." When Cinder flinched, he kissed the top of her head and murmured, "Tis the only way, wee yin."

  Dutch crossed his arms over his chest and smiled. "Now, there you are wrong, Conor."

  Ryan said, "Sounds like he's pretty powerful if he's got the spells of the dark path behind him, and River in his tool chest."

  Dutch's teal eyes glowed. "These tools will be his downfall." He crouched and waved them down beside him. Smoke rose from the grass as he used a fiery fingertip to draw a map on the ground. "Listen up."

  Chapter 32

  If there's anything I've learned living in Destiny, it's that nothing is ever over, even when you're dead.

  Tempe tried one last time to bring even one of her elements forth. "Zeus' foul temper!" No matter what she tried—lightning, heat, wind or electricity—she couldn't zap the lock. She slumped against the bars.

  Jack spoke from his prone position on the cold cement floor, a smile in his voice, despite their circumstances, "It's not a car door, sweetheart, or we'd be outta here."

  Tempe looked at Jack, his face drawn and his shirt near his neck saturated in blood. She squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated, trying one of her old standards, "Come to me..."

  "Careful, Tempe, you never know around here who you might be summoning."

  She twisted her hands in her hair. "I don't understand. Nothing is working. But I shouldn't be surprised, it's been like this for—"

  "A few weeks…" he finished. After a slight hesitation, Jack said, "For more reasons than one, Temp. I'm sure Styx put a powerful spell on that lock. He said as much and I've tested it."

  "What did you call him?"

  "Styx, like the river," Jack said. He paused, making a decision. He'd save the news about Styx 'til last. He took a painful breath and continued, "Sweetheart, I was going to surprise you last night, but I didn't get the chance and now I don't want to wait, in case..."

  "Don't say that," Tempe said, kneeling down next to Jack. "Ryan will find us."

  His hand cupped her cheek. "Will you marry me, Tempe." His green eyes searched hers for an answer. "I know it's not always done in
Paramortal relationships but your father married Phoebe, and my parents..."

  "Oh, Jack!" She took his face in her hands. "That's so romantic. Is this another of Jordie's assignments?"

  He rubbed his cheek against her wrist grimacing, so she moved closer. "No, my beautiful storm maiden, this is totally on me, though our lovely venue wasn't in my plan." He moved his shoulders, trying to ease the discomfort of the chain digging into his neck. "There's a ring in the glove-box of my car."

  "Aww, I love you, Jack." She kissed the side of his mouth, and he groaned. "I'm sorry."

  "It's okay, sweetheart. It can't be helped. I'll take another one of those kisses." After she'd complied, he smiled up at her. "Now... before you jump to conclusions, this wasn't the reason for my proposal, but have you figured out why your emotions have been so erratic lately?"

  She picked at non-existent lint on her t-shirt. "You probably think it's because I was jealous of Miranda."

  "You were?" He smiled and raised his hand off the floor to push her hair back. "No, Tempe. You were probably jealous because your hormones are surging." He kissed her hand and met her eyes, the crinkles around his softening. "You're having our child." He grinned, "And I'm pretty damn sure she's going to be a trouble magnet, just like her Mommie."

  "Really?" Her shocked expression told Jack a lot. She might be happy once she got used to the idea, but she was also terrified. She looked around, searching for their captor. Her breath hitched, "But…"

  He put his hand over her lips. "Hush. If there's anything I've learned living in Destiny it's that nothing is ever over, even when you're dead. There's always another shoe… so, when we get out of here, how would you feel about a big community wedding, real soon, like, at the Samhain Nights festival?"

  Tempe threw her arms around Jack and kissed him, forgetting for a second where they were, and trying her best not to hurt him. He held her tight with his right arm, as if trying to convey his love with just this one embrace. In the next second, his body went rigid and his face twisted into a mask of pain as he convulsed.

  "Zeus, help me." With tears streaming from her eyes, she embraced him tightly, hoping to keep the collar from doing irreparable harm. Sensing a presence beyond the cell, she looked over her shoulder.

  There was no mistaking the aura surrounding this being in front of her. It was like a black void, at first making it almost impossible to make out his features. His voice, when it came was deep and grating, like a heavy object being dragged down a rocky slope.

  "How quaint. Did I hear a marriage proposal? A little late for that isn't it, Sheriff? Besides, the bride would have to marry a corpse."

  He was as big as the men in her family, though she couldn't quite discern his species. Her first impression had been Djinn but she felt no kinship, no Djinn source like River or her father. He wore a hooded cloak… then her eyes went wide.

  It was him, the thug who'd been present the day Morpheus appeared at the Moat. Hadn't her father called him a dragonhunter? She assumed he'd left Destiny.

  His scarred lips drew back from his teeth in a wicked smile. "Since we're family, how about if I promise to say the marriage rites over your dead rotting flesh? Of course, that would be after I pile all the Destiny immortals' remains in the center of town." He crossed his arms and flipped the cowl back intending his scarred features to add a macabre shock to his threats. "Talk about putting some motivation in the hearts of what's left of your villagers, something they won't be able to ignore, but for now…"

  Behind Styx, a gray cloud formed and Tempe nearly gasped when River's large presence filled the cell. Her heart quickened. He was here to rescue them.

  Styx' eyebrow rose and he turned nonchalantly to regard River who surprisingly made no move toward the dragonhunter. Styx tilted his head quizzically and said with a growl, "River. You are an irritating djinn. I have not yet summoned you."

  Chapter 33

  I’ll start with some of your blood!

  "You irritating djinn. I haven't yet summoned you." Spittle flew from his scarred mouth as he cursed.

  What? Tempe gawked at the two, who were well matched in size but River's arms hung at his sides in a nonthreatening manner. River knew this monster? Why didn't he just take him out? Instead her brother said, "I've come to beg you to let Jack and Tempe go. I'll leave with you willingly."

  The gray cloaked figure seemed to be contemplating, his deliberations contorting his features, but then he shook his head and turned his back on River as if he were no threat at all. Facing her and Jack once again, he glared at them with hatred. But why?

  "I am your master, River."

  Tempe gasped, looking quickly from Styx to her brother. Styx' mouth widened in a sneer, enjoying her reaction. "Yes, dear Tempest, I have control over River already, so why would I let you and your mate go?" Jack still fought for breath but he'd managed to rise to his knees while Styx taunted River and Tempe. "For that matter, River, why does it matter to you whether I kill the dragon?" He pointed at Jack cutting his breathing off. Jack's eyes bulged.

  "Stop, please," Tempe begged Styx.

  Tempe sensed River imploring her to forgive him for his attitude over the last months. Now, she understood his actions, and silently tried to convey with a look how much she loved him.

  River said, "Because he's Tempe's mate, and you've already figured out there's going to be offspring."

  "There's..." Jack gasped... "that word again," he gritted breathlessly between clenched teeth. "You can't change his mind, River. Leave while yo…arrgh." The garbled sound issued from his throat as Styx sent Jack into another round of convulsions. Holding him there in the throes of his pain, Styx looked over his shoulder at River.

  "Like I care! It's a better reason to kill them both. Instead of two, I'll rid the world of three Paramortals." Another pulse of the blades around Jack's neck sent blood dripping to the concrete. He lay on the floor with Tempe helpless to act.

  "Who are you?" She screamed at Styx. "Why are you doing this?" Fire arced along her limbs and he raised his hand again, eliciting another guttural response from Jack who was choking on his own blood. All Styx had to do was wield the magic at his command and he could end Jack's life.

  She noticed each time he did, an amber light glowed from the dragon's eye at the center of his necklace. This was his power. She closed her eyes and tamped down the storm. "What have you got against us?"

  "He's our brother." River said dejectedly.

  "Half-brother," grated Styx.

  "But…" Tempe's mouth opened, closed as her mind whirled. "We don't have a brother."

  "Officially that's true, my dear little half-sister, since our father stripped me of my power, my name and my birthright, but he made a grievous error."

  Tempe's head tilted as she tried to make sense of Styx' words. She caught on quickly though. "What error? Having you in the first place?" The words just spilled out. Tempe had been shocked for a second but knew instantly how River must have felt meeting a long-lost family member. He must have held out hope if just briefly for a relationship with his brother. But not this horrible creature.

  Styx dropped his cloak and the mass of heavy scar tissue covering his entire body was exposed. His eyes bore into Tempe's. "He should have killed me."

  "I'll agree, since it's obvious," Tempe said while nearly gagging at the painful-looking scars. They looked fresh. She was curious, but at this point she only wanted to keep him talking. River gave her a pointed look. Keep it up.

  Feigning concern, she said, "They look painful, like they happened yesterday."

  "This," he held out the arm with the worst of the knotted crimson tissue. "This is what your fine upstanding Paramortal family does to their own. It's more than punishment. It was meant to be demeaning, eternally raw and painful, and a clear signal to those who don't walk the family line."


  "Long before you and River were born. I've wanted revenge for centuries, but even after I escaped The Pale, there was n
othing I could take from AbaJehban that would give him enough pain until he and his whore had their new family. I toyed with them, and you, but when I found out I was going to be an uncle, I knew the time was finally right to put my plan in motion. AbaJehban's new family..." His voice shook with hate.

  He tilted his head thoughtfully, eyes insanely focused on a non-existent point over Tempe's shoulder. "He killed my mother."

  Tempe's mind raced. She didn't have the whole picture yet but it sounded like he was Dutch's son by this other woman. "He never would have done something like that," she said, automatically.

  He glared at Tempe. "You're right. He didn't do the deed himself, but he was responsible."

  She tried again, "Styx, this isn't wise. Surely there's something you desire that we could trade."

  "I thought you'd never ask," Styx said. Teeth bared, his eyes narrowed on her throat. "I'll start with some of your blood."

  He reached toward her as a thunderous crash echoed up the stairwell along with the sounds of rock and falling mortar. Tempe jerked back at the terrifying uproar. The building was built like a fortress. What could have broken through the thick walls? Heavy footfalls marched slowly, ominously, in their direction echoing up the long stairwell.

  Styx concentrated on the sound. "Looks like we have company. You Paramortals are not very subtle." He stared down at Jack. "It's your buddy, Jack, the black dragon." He fingered the necklace and Tempe saw the color change from amber to red pulsing like a heartbeat. Was it due to a command from Styx? He continued to stroke the edges of the amulet. "I thought dragons were smarter than that."

  "Aye, and you're so smart that you would dare to confront the most powerful Paramortals on their own turf?" The voice belonged to Conor who stepped off the stairs onto their level, regaled in full dress battle armor. The metal guards on his wrists and ankles glinted with gold and red, and he wore the kilt of his clan in red, black and gold.


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