A Man's Appetite

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by Nicholas Maze

  Copyright © Nicholas L. Maze, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Pearle Pages Publishing (3P)

  Flint, MI 48505

  [email protected]

  A Man’s Appetite

  Designed by Nicholas Maze

  Maze, Nicholas L., A Man’s Appetite

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  “Hello. T and C Incorporated. This is Angie. How can I help you?”

  “No sir, this isn’t the taco house.”

  “It’s okay. People make that mistake all the time.”

  Before Angie could hang up the phone, Tina walked in and sat in front of Angie.

  “Angie. I mean Ms. Waters, we need to talk.”

  “What’s wrong this time Tina? And, if it is about the position, I don’t want to hear it.”

  “But Ms. Angie, I know I am qualified for the job. I’ve been working here for seven years. Shouldn’t my seniority be worth something?”

  “Tina, you have not displayed enough leadership, within your seven years with this company for me to consider you for the position. Plus, the position has been filled. So, this conversation has no value. I can’t call our new hire and fire them before they ever start their job.”

  “But, what if we don’t click?”

  “That is yet to be seen and anyways, this will be your supervisor. So, it has to click or else. As I said before, I will not fire someone that has not had the chance to learn the company.”

  “Is it a guy?”

  “Now Tina, if it was a guy, I would have first dibs. That’s one of the perks of my job. I get to him, before you vultures use him up.”

  “That’s not fair. I’m single and looking.”

  “Read my nameplate. So am I. Anyways, to answer your question, it is a female.”

  “Ugh. That’s even worse.”

  “Well get use too it, because she’ll be here this afternoon.”

  “She will have to get use to me!”

  Tina jumped from her chair and walked out the door. Before she could close the door good, Angie replied, “And, be on your best behavior!”

  “Sure”, shouted Tina.

  Angie and Tina has seemed to always bump heads. During their seven years together at T and C, Angie has become sort of a mother to Tina and Tina has become Angie’s stubborn child. Despite their disputes, Tina is quick to run to Angie for advice or a shoulder to cry on. Angie is the General Manager of T and C, an advertising firm based in NYC. Angie worked her way up the ranks, sometimes professionally and sometimes seductively. The 6’1, dark brown, curvaceous woman makes being thick look good. She is happy career-wise, but still hungers for a man.

  Tina is an employee of T and C, by chance. An administrative assistant in the marketing department of T and C. She applied and was picked from a group of about 300 seeking employment. With the stress from her relationships with men, Tina is an emotional wreck. The 28-year old’s desire for success and love has forced her into a slump. She is very beautiful with her honey brown complexion, on-again, off-again styled, shoulder length hair, and slim build, but has yet to find the one for her. Her perky, cheerleader build usually grabbed the attention of “Mr. No Goods”. Although Tina and Angie have two different situations, a man is at the top of both of their lists.

  T and C is a fairly new corporation, with 9 years under their belt. Although young in age, the company is experiencing amazing success. There is even consideration for expansion in another state, but that is yet to be seen. The company was formed by two brothers, young entrepreneurs with a love for creating. The T and C represents the initials for the first name of each brother, Thomas and Carl. The business was started, while they were still in school. Thomas was 17 and Carl was 14. At such a young age, Thomas and Carl have easily been placed among the successful, young, business men and women.

  Angie watched her small staff, outside her office, hustle and bustle to generate more business for the company. With her right hand, she rubbed the Pandora bracelet that was on her left wrist. She stopped observing her staff, looked down at her bracelet, and began playing with the charms. She had eleven charms total. Each one represented something special in her life. As she mentally went off into her own world, there was a knock on her door.

  “Yes, Tina”, she said without looking up.

  “Angie, I need to leave. I have some personal things I need to take care of.”

  “Tina, do you realize you’re at work? Your job? Place of employment? Where you get a paycheck?”

  “I know, but this is very important. My mother just called me and if I don’t take care of this now, there could be some legal issues.”

  “So, what type of image are you showing your new supervisor?”

  “That I am responsible and I take care of my personal business.”

  “We’ll see. Don’t make this a habit.”

  “Thank you!”

  Tina rushed out the door, with the biggest smile on her face. Angie got up from her desk and walked to the door. She scanned the area and spotted the young, smooth, and over aggressive Armenian.

  ”Tony”, she yelled from the door.

  Tony was one of the college interns. He rushed over to see what Angie wanted.

  “Yes, Ms. Waters.”

  “I need you to keep an eye on the phone. Tina had to leave for a minute.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  As Tony walked away, Angie thought to herself, “If I could get the entire staff to be like Tony, I would be good. The first one I’d get rid of is Tina.” Tina had no reason to worry about being fired, because Angie had a soft side for Tina. Angie remembered being Tina’s age and how immature she was at the time. So, she took Tina in as one of her own. Angie knew that Tina could be a great asset to the company, once she brought her maturity level up. At times, it has felt as if Angie is fighting a losing battle. But, with this new supervisor, Tina will be on her own. Angie has helped Tina for more than seven years. If Tina hasn’t changed by now, then she never will. Angie has heard a little about the new supervisor, from previous employers, so Tina better get used to straighten up her act.

  12:57 PM

  Mrs. Evans was sitting in her car, with her folder of personal information spread open on the steering wheel. She heard a screech of tires, which caused her to quickly look in her rearview mirror. She noticed a blue vehicle speed pass. Mrs. Evans turned to her left and looked out the driver’s window to see who the “speed devil” was. Not being able to get a good look of who was behind the steering wheel, she looked back at the clock on the radio. 12:58.

  “It’s time”, Mrs. Evans said to herself.

  Warm, light brown legs were exposed, as she stepped out of her vehicle. Her black heels kissed the ground, as she swiftly exit the vehicle, revealing a perfectly grasped, charcoal grey, pencil skirt. Her cream blouse displayed a professional and attractive finish to her overall attire. With the classic, black bob to match her light brown skin, she was prepared to make a great impression. Mrs. Evans scanned the parking lot with her hazel toned eyes, before she began her march into T and C Incorporated. T and C Incorporated doesn’t have a huge building. The traditional, brown brick establishment isn’t on the most high-tech list of other similar corporations. With that being said, the two-story, 7,500 square foot building wasn’t bad for the
nine year old company.

  “Welcome to T and C, how can I help you today”, asked the young secretary.

  Before Mrs. Evans could get into the building good, she was greeted by the bright, young secretary. Once she got close enough, she responded to the secretary.

  “I’m here for Waters, Angie Waters.”

  “Oh! You must be Mrs. Evans.”


  “Nice to meet you. I’m Fay.”

  Fay extended her hand to shake.

  “Nice to meet you, Fay.”

  Mrs. Evans shook Fay’s hand, while reading her name tag on her suit jacket.

  “You did say Fay, right”, she asked.


  As they let go of each other’s hand, Fay noticed her eyeing her name tag.

  “Well, my real name is Gloria. But, I prefer Fay.”

  “Oh, ok. I was confused for a minute.”

  “And, I’m Angie.”

  Mrs. Evans turned around to see Angie standing behind her.

  “I don’t have any nicknames for you.”

  Mrs. Evans began to laugh, while shaking Angie’s hand.

  “Shall we begin”, asks Angie.


  Angie provided a partial smile, looked at Fay, and headed to her office. Once they arrived at Angie’s office, they both had a seat in the designated chairs at the desk.

  “Mrs. Evans, I am so glad you decided to join our unique staff.”

  “So am I. After researching your organization, I felt it was a great place to grow.”

  “Yes. For the last three years, T and C has grown over 200% every year!”

  “Wow. Well, thank you for allowing me to be an addition to such a successful organization.”

  “I can see this becoming a fruitful relationship for years to come. Before I go any further, what do you like to go by? Out of respect, I call people by their last name.”

  “I’m not big on names and titles, so Marla is fine.”

  “I feel the same way, so you can call me Angie.”


  “Marla, Marla Evans. It has a nice ring to it.”




  By Nicholas L. Maze

  “Well Marla, I’ll take you to your department, so you can meet your staff and get an overview of your area”


  They got up from their seats in almost unison. Marla stood still and waited for Angie to come around her desk and lead. Before Angie could make it to the door, Marla quickly grabbed the knob and held the door open for her.

  “Why, thank you.”

  Marla smiled and began to walk beside Angie. The department was only about 20 feet from Angie’s office. As they walked down the hallway toward Marla’s new department, Marla was eyeing every office and area she passed. Angie turned her head toward Marla.

  “As I mentioned in the first interview, you will be supervising a small staff. You have a full-time staff of three, but with interns constantly applying, you will possibly have two or three additional people working in your department.”


  “Sad to say, none of your full-time staff is here at the moment.”

  Marla laughs.

  “I guess we can say thank GOD for interns.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  Angie and Marla approached Marla’s department, where Tony was on Tina’s phone, handling an incoming call.

  “And, this right here is Tony.”

  “Hi, Tony”

  Wearing a pale blue dress shirt, Tony smiled and waved at Marla, with the phone glued in between his shoulder and ear. Tony was a twenty-year old male with short, dark, black hair and thick, dark, black eyebrows. He still had his “baby face”, with no signs of a mustache or beard. Tony definitely wasn’t a muscular guy, but he had just enough tone to easily grace the cover of a Macy’s catalog.

  “Tony is an intern. He’s taking calls for your assistant, Tina. Tina had some personal business to take care of and left shortly before you got here.”


  “Your other staff member, Jake is currently on vacation.”


  Angie and Marla stood still for a while, as Marla scanned the area.

  “And, number three?”

  “Oh, yes. I almost forgot. Betty.”


  “Well, Betty takes a lot of time off for various ailments. I’m not sure how long. All I know is she might work for a week or two straight and then, leave for a week.”


  “Yes. I know this is bad to say, but you have your hands full with the small group of people.”

  Marla giggled to herself.

  “I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

  “Yes, if only this was the first time that I’ve ever been in this type of environment.”

  “Oh, so this isn’t new to you?”

  “No, not at all.”

  They both begin to laugh. Tony finally found a way to end the phone call and quickly stood to his feet to greet Marla.

  “My apologies.”

  “No problem.”

  With three buttons unhinged on his shirt, Tony reached for Marla’s hand, brought it to his face, and lightly kissed it.

  “I’m Tony. Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Evans.”

  “Wow. Nice to meet you too. You can call me Marla.”

  “Ok, Marla. It seems as if this employer only hires beautiful women.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Tony, let’s not flirt with your new boss. I don’t think her husband would appreciate that.”

  “I agree. Once again, nice to meet you.”

  “You too.”

  Tony stood still and examined Marla, from head to toe, as she and Gloria walked away.

  “I apologize, Marla. I guess Tony doesn’t know how to handle himself, when he is around a lady.”

  “No need to apologize. I’m a little flattered. If he gets too carried away, I’ll address it.”

  “Marla, I think you’ll fit right in.”

  “Yes. Like I said, this isn’t the first time I’ve ever worked with a variety of personalities and I know it won’t be my last.”

  “You keep that mentality and you’ll go far in this company.”

  Marla and Angie made it back to Angie’s office.

  “Well, I guess the only thing left is to start working. Did you have any questions?”

  “I don’t believe so. If anything comes up, I’ll be sure to ask.”

  “Great. Well, it would be foolish to start you on a Thursday. So, I’ll see you first thing Monday.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  “Alright. Hopefully, you’ll get to see your full-time staff on Monday.”

  Marla laughs.

  “I look forward to it. Have a good day.”

  “You too. If anything changes, I’ll be sure to call you.”


  Marla and Angie shake hands one more time, before Marla leaves. Angie returns to her desk, while Marla takes the staircase to leave the building. Marla walks pass the front desk and smiles at Fay, as she heads towards the door.

  “Goodbye, Marla”, said Fay.

  “Goodbye, Gloria”

  Each of them laugh to themselves. As Marla is walking out of the door, Tina is walking in. Tina has her hair pinned up to the top, in the back. It’s looks as if she’s been running for her life.

  “Excuse me”, says Tina

  “Sorry. Excuse me.”

  Marla stops for a minute and looks back at Tina.

  “Excuse me, ma’am.”

  Tina turns around, a little confused and upset.


  “Is your name, Tonya?”

  “No, Tina.”

  “Yes! Tina! I’m sorry. My name is Marla.”

  “Your name doesn’t ring a bell.”

  “I’m the new supervisor over your depar
tment. Marla Evans.”

  “Oh, ok.”

  Tina smiles, with a little curiosity. “So, this is Mrs. Evans”, Tina thinks to herself as they shake each other’s hand.


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