A Man's Appetite

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A Man's Appetite Page 7

by Nicholas Maze

  “What? Okay, thank you.”

  Angie quickly walked out and pulled out her phone to text Marla.

  [Angie: Rhonda tried to kill Jimmy]

  [Marla: Say what?]

  [Angie: That’s what the co-worker said. He wasn’t at work.]

  [Marla: I’ll call Rhonda.]

  [Angie: If you don’t get an answer, try the local jail.]


  Rhonda was standing in the waiting room of the emergency department, leaning on the wall. She looked at her phone, which was still showing no signal. One of her co-workers, Rene stopped by to check on her, while on her break.



  They hugged each other tight.

  “You making it?”

  “Yes. Just still in shock, a little.”

  “Have you heard anything?”

  “No. I haven’t been able to go back there. I’ve been out here all morning. I wish I had my employee badge on me. I’d go back there myself.”

  “Has anyone tried calling you?”

  “The signal is terrible in here. I was thinking about going outside and checking my phone.”

  “Come on. I’ll go out there with you.”

  As soon as they walked outside, Rhonda got a number of messages coming to her phone. The most recent message was from Marla that read [Are you okay???]. Rhonda decided to call Marla, first.



  “Rhonda, where are you?”

  “I’m at the hospital.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Well, Jimmy was in a bad car accident this morning.”

  “What? I wasn’t sure what was going on. I called the local jail and everywhere.”

  “Local jail? No, we’re here in emergency. I haven’t seen him, so I’m not sure of the condition.”

  “Wow. Did you need anything?”

  “No, thank you. I’m just more concerned with what is going on with Jimmy.”

  “Okay. When you hear something, let me know.”


  When Marla and Tina arrived back at work, Tina quickly got out without saying a word and headed directly for Angie’s office. Marla wanted to give Angie an update on what was going on, but decided to wait and let Tina have her time with Angie. Instead, Marla walked back to her department to check on her other two employees.

  When Marla approached her area, the first person she noticed was Betty. Betty was busy sorting mail, but had dozed off to sleep at her desk. As Marla approached Betty’s desk, she noticed Betty tongue resting on her bottom lip as saliva began to form in the corners.

  “Poor, Betty”, Marla said to herself.

  “Mrs. Betty?”

  Marla tried calling Betty’s name and lightly shaken her shoulder. Eventually, Betty awakened and realized where she was. Then, she noticed who was standing over her.

  “Mrs. Evans. Please, forgive me.”

  “No need to apologize. Have you taken a break, Mrs. Betty?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay. I think it’s a good time to do so. I’ll have Tony finish this up.”

  “Bless your heart.”

  Betty slowly rose from her chair and hugged Marla, before leaving. Tony walked up to Marla, just as Betty was leaving.

  “Just who I was looking for.”

  “How can I help you?”

  “Tony, you’ve been on your feet a lot lately. Too much caffeine?”

  “No. I was in a bad incident, a few days back. Now, I’m starting to heal.”

  “Whoa. Be careful out there. Well, Mrs. Betty is on a break. I need you to finish up the mail.”


  Tony went to Betty’s desk and had a seat on the side of one of his butt cheeks that had the least pain.

  Tina was still in Angie’s office, complaining yet again to Angie about Marla. Showing no concern at all, Angie played with her Pandora bracelet and partially listened.

  “She must be a stone Gemini, because she got those up and down mood swings. I mean, one minute we having a good conversation. And the next, she’s totally ignoring me and off in her own world. Like, I’m not even there.”

  “Tina, you do have that effect on people.”

  “What effect?”

  “Well, you have to tone it down some. Too much talking, complaining, crying, whining can throw a person off.”

  “I don’t whine”, yelled Tina as her voice started to squeal.

  “Just be careful and limit your comments. Try to be more of a listener, at times.”

  “I do listen. Remember, when I sat right here in your office and listened to your hurt and pain?”

  “Tina that was one time, when my wedding was rudely derailed. So, don’t go there. Besides, you need to get to work. This isn’t counseling. Do it on your own time.”

  Tina quickly jumped from her seat and left out, slamming the door behind her. The loud slam alerted everyone as they watched Tina return to her desk. At the same time, Angie was disturbed after Tina mentioned one of the most disastrous times in her life. Angie continued to play with her bracelet as she continued to replay that “dark” afternoon in her mind….

  It was about five years ago, Angie was dating a guy, named Andrew. In her mind, she was in love. Although Angie may have been in love, Andrew was only in lust. Since Andrew was six years older than Angie, she thought she was on to something by having an older man. Their often ‘night outs’ led to Angie’s pregnancy. At the time, Angie was staying in a small condo. When they found out she was pregnant, Andrew decided to move her in.

  Andrew had no problem with moving Angie in. To him, the move made for “instant sex”. Instead of calling and having to meet somewhere, go out to eat, and so forth, he could simply go home and it would be waiting for him. On the other hand, Angie felt they would be together forever. She was so sure that she eventually talked Andrew into marriage. Once Andrew agreed, Angie went to great lengths to prepare for their wedding. With little money, they planned to get married at the courthouse. Although it was going to be a courthouse wedding, Angie planned and prepared for it as if they had a church, a hall, a wedding planner, and the works!

  While pregnant, Angie managed to get promoted to department supervisor. It was one afternoon that Angie went home early, because she was having stomach sickness. When Angie made it home, she found Andrew in the bed with two other women. Andrew felt he had to get it all out of his system. Angie was distraught and quickly moved out. She managed to find a relative that would allow her to stay at their place, until she could find her own.

  Afterwards, Angie was heartbroken and went into deep depression. Her unhealthy eating and prescription pills to cope with depression led to a miscarriage. Along with infidelity, she had to deal with the loss of her first child. Over the next three years, Angie was receiving help from everyone, including Tina. Tina’s help came by way of drinking and partying. One of Angie’s cousins bought her a Pandora bracelet and the first charm, which had the word “love” on it.

  Now, Angie’s bracelet had a total of 11 charms. Some of them, she bought herself and others, someone bought for her. Every one of them had a meaning. In a way, the bracelet helped ease her mind. It was a better option than taking pills or drinking.

  “I talked to Rhonda.”

  Being off in her own world again, Angie didn’t hear Marla walk into her office and was slightly startled.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re fine. You said, you talked to Rhonda.”

  “Yes, not too long ago. I guess it wasn’t as bad as we thought. Jimmy was in a bad car accident.”

  “Wow. What is his condition?”

  “Not sure. She is waiting to see.”

  “Well, I’m planning to stop by Reggie’s barber shop when I leave here.”

  “Two in one day?”

  “You know me.”


  “Well, there was traumatic brain injury. We noticed dam
age of the frontal lobe. If there are any symptoms from this injury is left to be seen.”

  “How is he, currently?”

  “His responses are a little slow, but it is good that he is responsive. By being hit on the driver’s side, the impact was much worse.”

  “Will he be his normal self?”

  “Possible. If there are any symptoms….”

  Marla walked into Jimmy’s emergency room.

  “….they might be temporary. Also, there could be memory loss.”

  “But, there’s no way of knowing right now?”

  “No. We will continue to do tests. We will hold him for a while and find out if any additional damage exists and what effects they may have.”


  The doctor flashed a partial smile at Rhonda and Marla and walked out of the room.


  “Hey, girl. How you feeling?”

  “Tired, upset, bothered, you name it.”

  “You can’t stress over this, Rhonda. You have to be the strong one in this situation.”

  “Yes. But, I feel like it is my fault.”

  Rhonda lowered her voice.

  “I was too focused on getting back at him, this morning. I was acting in a negative way and I could’ve lost him in an instant.”

  Rhonda’s eyes began to fill up.

  “I just don’t understand this crap. Why does this have to be?”

  “Remain positive, Rhonda. There is no guarantee on anything. Just have faith in your husband. Have faith in his recovery and have faith in the vows he made before God.”

  “Yes, but….”

  Rhonda was unable to speak and burst into tears. Marla wrapped her arms around Rhonda and comforted her. The sounds of the heart rate monitor beeped in the background as Marla consoled Rhonda. At the moment, there was no thought about anyone’s significant other sleeping around. In fact, Marla and Rhonda were disgusted with the entire situation because now someone’s life had been in danger. Rhonda managed to pull herself together and have a seat. Marla sat next to her and watched as the staff, patients, and visitors constantly walked pass Jimmy’s room. For a moment, there was silence. Marla was at a loss for words and instead gave Rhonda some time to herself. Eventually, the silence became too awkward.

  “I never knew it was packed like this in a hospital”, said Marla, attempting to break the awkward silence.

  “All the time. I work in this environment, so I see it every day.”

  “There are these many people in need of assistance and care on a daily basis?”

  “Yes. At the same time, you got your addicts and homeless people that come in to get a night’s rest.”


  “Yeah. For the most part, a hospital has to accept someone that needs assistance. So, you have people that walk in and claim to have some illness in order to get a bed to lay on. The staff checks them in and runs test, while the individual gets some rest.”

  “Wow. How often does that happen?”

  “Every day. You have some that are wise enough to plan their visit. They arrive at a time, when patients receive a meal from the cafeteria. So, some get a meal and a bed to lay in.”

  “How do they pay for it?”

  “They don’t. You do.”


  Reggie is co-owner of Island Cuts. Along with two other barbers, Stace and Mel, he rents a section of a strip mall for his barbering business. Island Cuts is a dream that Reggie had for a number of years. After putting in his time renting a barber chair at various locations, he managed to build his clientele and start his own barber shop. The partnership made the transition easy for Reggie and a huge success. Island Cuts is also the place where Reggie met Stephanie. Stephanie needed her eyebrows arched and randomly chose Island Cuts. It was a slow day and Reggie was the only one cutting hair on that day. As Reggie took his time producing the perfect arch, Stephanie was mesmerized by Reggie’s light brown skin and lime green eyes. A general conversation began, and the rest is history.

  All three of the barbers were at the barber shop today, making money. They each had a customer sitting in their chair. As usual, a hot topic had to be going on, like most barber shops. The topic on today was the comparison of Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. As each barber forcefully gave their opinion, the door of the barber shop chimed as Angie walked in. For a moment, the men got silent to greet and recognize Angie as she took a seat near Reggie’s chair. Since mainly men visit a barber shop, it was always a pleasure for the men to see a woman pass through. After every barber said hello, the men continued to talk about the Bryant and Jordan discussion. At the same time, Reggie placed his focus on Angie.

  “Are you here for a specific barber?”

  “You, if you don’t mind.”

  “That’s cool. What would you like done”, asked Reggie as he continued to work on his current customer’s hair.

  “Just my eyebrows.”

  Reggie took a glance at Angie’s face. He looked again and stepped back from his customer’s head.

  “I never forget a face. Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

  “Not sure”, said Angie with a worried smile.

  “It’ll come to me.”

  Reggie went back to cutting hair, as Angie pulled out her cell phone to text Stephanie.

  [Angie: I think he knows who I am]

  [Stephanie: What did he say?]

  [Angie: He never forgets a face.]

  [Stephanie: I bet.]

  [Angie: lol]

  [Stephanie: What did you say?]

  [Angie: I just played it off as if I didn’t know him]

  Reggie glanced over at Angie a few more times as he continued to barber. A little time passed and Reggie finished his client’s hair. After being paid, they shook hands and said goodbye. Reggie grabbed his ‘cutting cape’ and popped it a few times to get rid of any hair. “You’re up next”, said Reggie, while looking at Angie. Angie put her phone away and quickly got out of her seat. After she had a seat in the barber chair, Reggie placed a fresh neck strip and the cape around to begin his craft.

  “What are we having, again”, asked Reggie.

  “I just need my eyebrows done.”

  “Which one”, asked Reggie as he pointed at examples posted on the wall.

  “I guess something like number nine.”

  “Number niiiiiine. Let’s see what I can do.”

  Reggie twirled Angie around in the barber chair, so that they both were facing the mirror. He grabbed her head with both his hands and looked at her in the mirror. “Nine is a good choice.” They both laughed. He let go of her head and walked over to grab his clippers and changed the blades for the right one.

  “Have you ever been in this barbershop?”


  “What brings you to this barbershop?”

  “Just out and about and decided to get my eyebrows done.”

  “I see.”

  Reggie started his clippers and got close to Angie to focus on her eyebrows.

  “You have beautiful eyes”, said Angie.

  “Thank you.”

  “I bet you hear that all the time from your significant other.”

  “No. Actually, it is becoming rare. I guess for some people, the love eventually fades away.”

  “You deserve better.”

  “Don’t we all?”

  “Yes. I share the same boat.”

  “Relationship problems?”

  “In the past. It seems as if the task gets harder and harder, after each relationship you get out of.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “You’ve had your share of relationship problems?”

  “More than I can count.”

  “You seem like the heartbreaker. Handsome, hard worker, appealing….”

  “Ha. It hasn’t always been me. Like now, I don’t understand where the change in my current relationship is coming from.”

  “Sometimes, you have to determine when to leave.”

bsp; Reggie turned off his clippers, stood back, and looked at Angie.


  Tina lied across her couch on her back, wearing only her white, silk bra and crimson red skirt. The living room was lit by the television, which was showing a movie being played on the DVD player. A bottle of champagne, partially full, sat on the living room table. For the most part, Tina’s place was clean and neat. Along with the bottle of champagne were a few pieces of mail, magazines, and newspapers. Outside of those items, her living room was in order. The downside to Tina was that she is only clean when company is visiting. If someone were to explore her entire house, they would find the areas that Tina uses to house all of her trash and junk.

  This evening, Tina had company and was doing her best to provide a presentable and enjoyable atmosphere. After a couple of minutes of laying on the couch and waiting on her male guest to return from her kitchen, Tina became frustrated.

  “What are you doing”, she yelled.

  “I can’t find what I’m looking for”, he yelled back from the kitchen.

  “Forget all that fancy crap! You’re killing the vibe!”

  “You need to learn patience!”

  “And, you need to learn how NOT to turn a girl off!”

  He quickly closed the refrigerator door and rushed into the living room.

  “What do you have?”

  “Syrup”, he said with a sly grin.


  Tina drove up to the front door of T and C Incorporated. The sun was rising and shining beautifully across the entire area. She put the car in park and sat still, waiting. She was at work a lot earlier than usual. Actually, she is normally late for work. If she didn’t have a close relationship with Angie, she would be fired from her job a long time ago for her constant tardiness. Today was a lot different, because Tina did not want to be seen by anyone. Sitting in the passenger seat, Tony looked over at Tina with a confused look.

  “What are you doing”, he asked.

  “I’m letting you out at the door.”


  “We can’t walk in together. So, I’ll let you out here and go park.”

  “Whatever”, said Tony as he prepared to lean over and kiss Tina.

  “No. Not in public. Especially, not at work”, said Tina as she blocked Tony’s kiss with her hand.


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