The Silver Braid

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The Silver Braid Page 4

by Shanna Hughes

  He shrugged, then wrinkled his nose in disgust. “It’s strange – it felt like we all shared a connection, a brain. We were linked. I could hear their thoughts, especially when a command was given. And I wasn’t even fully Changed yet. That’s why I went here. I remember picking the leather pouch up from the floor, thinking I had to Infect the presents. But at the same time, a part of me was screaming to take it away from the presents. To hide it. It was a constant battle. I don’t even know why I went for the reindeer.”

  I hugged him again. “I’m so proud of you for trying to do the right thing. Come on, let’s check on the others.”

  * * *

  The graveyard vibe that hung in the canteen was not what I’d expected to find when Luigi and I returned.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked Oliver.

  He looked beaten. Tears pooled in his eyes. “It’s Santa.”

  “What’s wrong?” I repeated as horror struck me. Surely he could’ve been Cured, had he been Infected? I gave them so many coins!

  “There were Infected elves here, too. It spread so quickly.” He shook his head in disbelief. “We managed to save most of them. I’ve never seen such teamwork. Unfortunately, one of them had a knife. He stabbed Santa before I had a chance to kill him.” He looked up and found my eyes. “I’m sorry. I have a feeling he means a great deal to you.”

  “Is he…” I swallowed apprehensively. “Is he dead?”

  “No, but it’s bad. After all elves were cleared, a couple of them took him to the hospital wing. They’re performing surgery as we speak.”

  I sank to the ground and covered my face with my hands. This could not be true. We could not have saved Christmas, only for Santa to die. A lot of elves passed me, some offering kind words, others just touching my shoulder. We all felt the same. Everyone was waiting for news. Time passed by. I barely noticed. Santa, Santa, Santa. The word repeated itself in my head like a mantra.

  After what felt like hours, a hand touched my shoulder and stayed there. I looked up and found Luigi standing in front of me. “Santa will be all right, Leigha. But it’s time.”

  Time? What did he mean, time?

  Then it dawned on me. Time. The sleigh. The reindeer. Christmas Eve was about to start and Santa was in a critical condition. There was no one to deliver the presents.

  “You’re the only one, Leigha. It’s your destiny.”

  I couldn’t! I wasn’t cut out for this – all I knew was how to fight, to kill. Battling the Infected, that was my destiny. But I couldn’t escape Luigi’s eyes, the look in them proud, fierce, full of confidence. In the end, I gave in.

  “Okay. But just this once.” I sighed and got on my feet.

  Luigi nodded. “Just this once.”

  “Leigha? What is he talking about?” Oliver’s confused voice sounded next to me.

  I closed my eyes briefly, composed my face, hid my emotions. “Someone has to deliver the presents because Santa is too weak”, I said brusquely. “Luigi, will you please show me to the sleigh?”

  We walked out of the canteen which, by now, was as good as empty. A few elves remained behind, taking care of the dead elves. The rest had gone back to work as soon as possible – there would be time to grief for the lost later.

  Oliver’s footsteps pounded behind me as we crossed the workshop and I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to brush him off easily. Not this time. As I walked, one elf handed me Santa’s trousers. Another handed me his coat. I quickly stopped to pull the trousers on over my own – they magically shrunk to the right size – and put on the coat as I walked.

  It was Luigi who placed Santa’s hat on top of my head. “There. All set.”

  Oliver looked back and forth between us. “Wait – you will deliver the presents?”

  I let out a strangled laugh. “No, I’m going to a fashion show. I told you FFG did not recruit you for your brain. Yes, I will deliver the presents.” The sleigh was ready – the bag with the presents in the back, the reindeer eager to leave. I stepped in the sleigh and carefully – respectfully – picked up the reins. It seemed like they were humming, talking to me.

  Oliver’s eyes sparkled when he realised what this meant. “If you’re going, I’m going.”

  “Absolutely not. It’s out of the question.”

  He gave me a dead-serious look. “May I remind you that this is my mission, too, ma’am? Wasn’t it you who said that they’d set this up as a trip for two? Our mission is to save Christmas. So far, we have yet to accomplish it. That means I’m going. I don’t want to fail my test.”

  I sighed. Honestly? He had a point – and a good one, too. “Get in.”

  A smile spread on his face as he jumped in. “Do you even know how to fly this thing?”

  I smiled wryly. “You’d be surprised.” I took a deep breath. “Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen! Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen!” They each responded to their name and gave a small tug on the reins.

  “Good luck, Santa Leigha”, Luigi said with a smile as he pushed a button on the wall. Two large doors opened, revealing the workshop temporarily to the world outside. Other than that, the entire place was concealed.

  “I’ll see you on Christmas day”, I answered. “Ok, off we go!”

  The reindeer started pulling and the sleigh slid forward over the floor. Just as the first reindeer reached the door, I hit a button on the sleigh and we lifted off the ground. We gathered more speed, and more, and more and then – I couldn’t even see the workshop anymore. The doors had already closed. We were off to our first destination. I pressed another button and the sleigh was covered by a glass cap, shielding us from the cold.

  “I can’t believe the amount of different types of flight I’ve been on in the past days”, I muttered.

  “Tell me about it”, Oliver replied.

  “There’s hot chocolate and cookies right here”, I told him and pointed at the middle of the dashboard, just below the radio/CD player with a USB-connection. “And if you want a meal, just use the screen and select. Ten seconds later, it’ll be ready.”

  He gave me an incredulous look. “How is this possible?”

  I shrugged, trying to stay nonchalant. “You heard Santa. Magic.”

  “We’re not travelling at the speed of light”, Oliver said as he looked down to the world below us. “Aren’t we supposed to travel at the speed of light?”

  “No, not unless you want to feel like your guts have been separated from your body.”

  He looked lost. “But how… how will we manage to deliver all presents in time? Uch, I can’t believe I’m talking about this. It’s unbelievable.”

  I opened a secret compartment on the dashboard. “That’s why we have this.”

  Oliver cocked his head as he studied the object. It was made up of a larger outer ring, another ring inside that, with an hourglass inside connected to a third ring. “Is that… a time-traveller?”

  “It is”, I confirmed. “Why wouldn’t Harry Potter be real if Santa is? He has very good connections at Hogwarts – friends, even. Do you honestly think reindeer can fly? It’s a simple levitation spell.”

  He fell back into his seat. “A simple levitation spell”, he muttered under his breath. “Leigha, how do you know all of this?”

  I bit my lip. “Edward sent me over years ago when Santa was in need of help. Haven’t you noticed that every year around Christmas, I’m not at the headquarters? I’ve been helping him ever since.”

  His face turned thoughtful. “Now that you mention it, Joe and I were talking about your absence just last year. Anyway, tell me, what’s our first destination?”

  I glanced at the dashboard, that showed all kinds of features such as time, speed, time zone, the amount of presents still in the bag, the amounts of presents to be delivered per country and of course, the next destination. “Samoa”, I said, “in Oceania.”

  “And how, exactly, are we going to get the presents to the right places?”

  “Oh, that’s easy. In order to sav
e time, ‘substitute-Santa’s’ have been created. It’s like a 3D image and looks as real as you and I. As we fly over a city, or even a house in the middle of nowhere, all I have to do is tap this button and our magic Santa – or several Santa’s – will appear, automatically taking the presents with them down the chimney. All we have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.”

  I turned on the radio and soon we were both singing along to Christmas songs.

  * * *

  When we returned to Rovaniemi, both Oliver and I were exhausted. We’d taken turns flying, and even though a bed was present in the sleigh and it had been a wonderful time, I felt like we’d been away for months. Which, if you counted the amount of times we’d used the time-traveller, was probably the case. It was still a strange idea that by the time we arrived at Santa’s workplace only a day had passed for them.

  We were greeted by loud cheers, hats flying through the air. I jumped out of the sleigh and gave every single reindeer a cuddle. “Dasher, you were marvellous. You’re energy was incredible, Vixen.” I murmured something to each of them before the elves brought them to the stables for a well-deserved rest – until next Christmas. It was only because of a spell that they were able to fly for so many hours and were still in good shape. I sighed. Where would we be without magic?

  Luigi was positively beaming. “You did incredibly well. We’re all so proud of you”, he said.

  I smiled my thanks at him. “Can you take me to Santa?”

  “Follow me.” He walked through the maze of hallways.

  Oliver was one step behind me. We’d gotten to know each other very well during our flight and something had changed. I was still his superior – and always would be – but we’d definitely become friends. The nickname baby boy was no longer in use; he had proved himself a true soldier. He was loyal, had my back, and had a brilliant sense of humour. I smiled. So much had changed since the day I caught him spying. Technically, that was only… four days ago.

  I hadn’t been to the hospital wing before and waited for Luigi to point me to the right door. A nurse just came out of his room. “He’s awake and expecting you”, she said with a smile.

  As soon as I walked in, I fell apart. Tears streamed down my face and I ran to his bed, carefully wrapping my arms around him.

  In return, he wrapped one arm around me. “My dear girl, don’t you worry. I’m going to be all right.”

  I already knew that as I’d kept in touch with Luigi during the flight. He’d given us regular updates so it was no news to me that he would make a full recovery.

  “I know”, I managed, “but you scared the hell out of me.”

  “I’m sorry. I promise next time I’ll schedule an appointment in the calendar”, he said and smiled weakly. “There is, however, one small complication.”

  I looked up into his grey eyes, but he didn’t look worried at all. Instead, he looked proud.

  He took my hand, his expression serious. “Leigha, dear, I’m old. I’m afraid that this… incident has left me drained. Although I will recover from it, I will no longer be able to go on my yearly trips. Are you ready?”

  I sank to one knee, realising what was about to happen. Then I faced him as I straightened my back and lifted my chin. “I am.”

  “Then I, Santa Peter Simon Claus, hereby transfer my powers and role as Santa Claus to you, Leigha Sky Claus, the first female Santa Claus ever to have existed in history. Do you accept your heritage?”

  My throat tightened and I swallowed with difficulty. “I do.”

  “My gorgeous daughter.” Tears pooled in his eyes. “I am so, so proud of you. Don’t you ever forget it. No matter how much people have looked down on you, no matter how many regard you as a flaw in the family because you were supposed to be a boy when you were born, you are everything I’d ever hoped you’d be.”

  I gave him another hug. “I love you, Dad.” Suddenly, every inch of my body felt warm and a blinding flash lit up the room. I blinked, trying to get my sight back. When I did, the first thing I noticed was my hair. It was completely white.

  The room was silent for a moment. Then Luigi started clapping, followed by the nurse. Slowly, the sound of clapping filled the entire hallway, the entire building. I was being honoured by the elves, recognised as their new Santa.

  Luigi approached me and gave a small bow. “Welcome home, Santa Leigha Sky Claus.”

  “Thank you, Luigi.” I glanced at Oliver, fearing for the worst. He looked taken aback, but not as shocked as I had expected. “Oliver, are you okay?”

  He looked at my dad, still in his hospital gown, then at me, still in my Santa outfit, which was now officially mine. Slowly, he nodded. “I think so. I must have put the pieces without realising, but do correct me if I’m mistaken. He was Santa Claus. You’re his daughter, now the new Santa, although normally this is transferred to a son? I’m taking Edward adopted you?”

  I gave a firm nod. “Correct. Being part of the Claus family gives you extra strength, endurance and coordination. I was the perfect addition to FFG from the moment I was born. But no matter how long I’ve been known as Leigha Griffin, I will always be a true member of the Claus family.”

  A wicked grin appeared on his face. “Then let’s hope, Leigha Claus, that you won’t start growing a beard.”


  Thank you for reading this short story. If you have enjoyed it, please leave a review at your favourite retailer.

  Shanna Hughes

  About Shanna Hughes

  Shanna Hughes (24-07-1987) has been crazy about books from a young age. It didn’t take long before she created her own imaginary world and she’s been talking to her characters daily ever since. Often out loud and in the middle of the supermarket.

  In 2010 she completed her bachelor in business communication (communication & journalism) at the Hogeschool Utrecht, the Netherlands. From 2008 to 2012 she worked as a journalist, web editor and later also as an editor.

  She spends her evenings cooking dinner with her housemate, which is often followed by one (or more...) episodes of Once Upon A Time. She tries to go to the gym (but hates it with a passion) and loves travelling. Her next trip will be in April 2015, when she's going storm chasing in Tornado Alley (USA).

  She lives in Shropshire, England, and works as an Account Executive in Affiliate Marketing.

  Connect with me


  E: [email protected]

  F: Shanna Hughes (author page)

  T: @writerShanna

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