“No, thanks,” Sabrina said, brushing Emma off. “I think I look good and that’s all that really matters.”
“Just let her do what she wants,” Chris said. “She’ll regret it later and maybe then she’ll learn.”
“I’ll have nothing to regret,” Sabrina snapped, “but thank you for your concern.”
Holly had heard enough and knew there was no use arguing with the hardheaded floozy. “Enough, everyone. Let’s get this show on the road and go meet your recruits.” She led the lady in white and the God-knows-what in black out to the rooftop. The hopefuls were still chatting amongst themselves about everything from football to stocks and bonds.
“Gentlemen, can I have your attention please?” Holly asked, clinking the side of a champagne glass with a fork.
The men craned their necks in Holly’s direction and immediately quieted down.
“I’d like you to meet Sabrina and Jackie,” Holly said. “Jackie is our blonde bombshell model from Los Angeles, and Sabrina is a model, chef and actress from Brentwood.”
“You forgot hostess,” Sabrina whispered.
Holly rolled her eyes. “Of course. How could I forget? She’s a hostess as well,” Holly said, faking a smile. “Now, I encourage you all to go ahead and get acquainted.”
Both Jackie and Sabrina walked into the circle of men and introduced themselves.
“You’re very beautiful. Where are you from originally?” Jonathan Camp asked Jackie. He had great hair, the thick and wavy kind, jet black and shoulder length.
“Nashville,” Jackie said, eyeing his cute bubble butt.
“No way! So am I.”
“Really? Whereabouts?”
Holly watched Sabrina closely from afar, as she got acquainted with her set of men. “Check out her body language,” she said to Chris. “She only seems to respond to the men in their twenties.”
“So, Sabrina, from what Holly said, you’re a real Renaissance woman. What is your real passion out of all the things you do?” asked Jeff Miller, an engineer from Malibu.
Sabrina took a dainty sip of her champagne and pondered his question for a moment. “Yes, I do pretty much everything,” she said, enjoying the look on his face from her intentional double-entendre, “but my passion would have to be…me! I don’t believe in false humility. I’m an amazing person and extremely good at everything I do.”
“Wow. You sure do have a lot of confidence, don’t you?” commented Gordon Roth with a roll of his eyes. He had dimpled cheeks and curly blond hair.
Jackie continued making her rounds and finally latched on to Josh White, a personal trainer. He was exquisite looking with a square jaw line and sculpted cheekbones. His dark, fringed eyes and sensuous lips entranced Jackie. He had a slightly crooked nose that complemented his features to perfection. He stood about two-inches taller than she did, and he was dressed in a pricy and perfectly tailored business suit.
“So you’re a model? I can tell. You’re in great shape,” Josh mentioned, wearing an infectious smile that could light up a room.
“Awe, thanks.” Jackie found his velvety chocolate-brown eyes hard to resist; they were almost magnetic. “What do you do?”
“I’m a personal trainer to the stars.”
“How cool! And what stars have you trained, if ya don’t mind my asking?”
“Hmm. Well, nobody that famous. You probably wouldn’t even recognize the names.”
“Go on, silly. Who?”
“Jessica Alba after she gave birth to her first daughter and Mark Walberg for his most recent movie role,” he said, trying to sound humble. “I could see you in the movies. You have the look.”
Jackie gushed, “The look? I doubt that.” In spite of his blatant attempt at flattery—or maybe because of it—she was really starting to dig the guy.
“So, Trevor, what do you do?” Sabrina asked a beefy, arrogant twenty-three-year old from Beverly Hills. He was thick-necked to the point where it looked like he had no neck at all.
“I’m a janitor.”
“You own a janitorial company?”
He took a swig of beer right out of the bottle, which wasn’t exactly common behavior among the guests of higher caliber. “No. Like I said, I’m a janitor. I clean toilets,” he responded bluntly.
Although Sabrina wasn’t too keen on his career choice, she was more attracted to him than any other guy in the room. Yet, she still wasn’t satisfied with the choices that had been presented to her. If there was one thing Sabrina was good at, it was voicing her opinion without one solitary shred of concern for how anyone else might feel about it.
“Holly, could I talk to you in private for a second?” Sabrina asked.
“Sure. What’s up? Any luck out there?”
“Well, honestly…” Sabrina hesitated for a moment. “None of these guys are really my type.”
Holly was taken aback and rather insulted. “What? Are you insane?”
“I mean, sure, some of them are lookers, but they’re just not on my level mentally.”
Holly truly had to work at containing her temper. “Listen to me closely, honey,” Holly said, bracing herself. “We went through a lot to find a pool of quality men for you, so you’d better march your ass back out there and choose one. Otherwise, you can leave right now and you ain’t getting your money back.”
Sabrina made her way back into the crowd and did what she was told, without so much as another spiteful complaint.
After about two hours of mixing and mingling, the two women had finally decided on their dates.
“Okay, guys. The ladies have come to a decision,” Holly announced to her recruits. “So— Jackie ended up picking…Josh.”
Some men clapped and congratulated the brown-eyed trainer, and others sneered.
“And Sabrina decided on, uh… Trevor.”
Trevor simply smirked.
Sabrina couldn’t have made a more horrible choice, and truthfully, Holly had originally thrown Trevor in the mix as a test for Sabrina. Sabrina took the bait and failed Holly’s test miserably by picking the shark. He was nearly twenty-years younger, and they had absolutely nothing in common. Holly didn’t like know-it-alls and she was happy to let Sabrina crash and burn, just to teach her a lesson.
February 25, 2013
Sparks101.com- I Teach Women How Men Think
I just wanted to give a shout out to all my faithful readers and share some exciting news. For the next year, there’s going to be a major change in my life. I’ve decided to take part in a dating experiment. Most of you already know how much I detest dating websites. For those who don’t, let me make it clear that I’m completely against everything these sites stand for. Well, I must have been out of my mind, but I agreed to sign up on an online dating website. The intention is for EXPERIMENTAL purposes only, where I will be blogging about each date I go on.
I recently joined www.findmetheperfectmatch.com. How these dates end up is anyone’s guess. Knowing how dating sites go, I’m pretty sure they will all be blog worthy with the good, bad, and the ugly, if you know what I mean. The process will begin as soon as I set up the first date. When I do, my readers will be the very first to hear about it. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you.
Love Always,
Holly Sparks
February 26, 2013
Sparks101.com- I Teach Women How Men Think
Sparks 101 Dating tips: How to Spot Potentially Toxic or Time-Wasting Men
Class is now in session.
Sometimes I can’t understand why women go to such great lengths to keep a man that is all together toxic or just a downright time waster. When I sense something is off about the man I am dating, I am out faster than Sarah Palin’s dirty laundry. So what gives? Well first, women need to learn the red flag warnings and learn them well.
Time-Waster # 1: The Guy Who Has no Interest in Having a Relationship – I don’t know how many times I’ve had to mention this, but there i
s absolutely no reason to spend time with a man who is not interested in a relationship—period. What’s the point? Unless you are just “friends” or simply interested in hooking up occasionally, then that’s fine. Usually when a man outright tells a woman that he doesn’t want a relationship with her, she will continue to believe that one day he will come to his senses, and so she waits around for him. Well, she’s in for a big letdown. He will never change his mind no matter how hard she tries to persuade him. Besides, it’s a Sparks 101 follower rule that we do not waste time with men who do not want to take us seriously.
Time-Waster # 2: The Guy Who Just Wants to Fool Around – You would think that when a man hits his late 30s that the horny teenager side of him would cease to exist. Nope, not a chance. I’ve dated men in their early forties whom are even hornier than the average twenty-five year old. Don’t expect anything to come from this so-called “relationship.” When a man just wants to fool around, he’s not going to take you out on dates or do anything special for you. This is usually how it works: He will call when he feels like it (usually at the last minute), and ask you to come over. He only wants to see you because he’s in the mood and you happen to be conveniently available. That’s basically the gist of it. Don’t be a fool and fall into this trap because you will only get your heart broken.
Time-Waster # 3: A Guy that has no Interest in Getting to Know You – This coincides with the man who just wants to fool around. Although this type will take you on dates and act like he’s into you, but don’t be fooled by this charmer. Deep down, he really doesn’t give one iota about your recent job interview or your cat, Fluffy. For example, let’s say you are on a date and you get into a conversation about the last book you read and how it changed your life. His response will be a short one-liner such as, “Oh really? I see… Okay… Right…I get that.” He’ll never really elaborate on the topic you bring up, unless it’s the topic of himself. Why? Because he’s not even listening to you—HELLO! He’s trying to appease you by pretending to be interested. More than likely, he’s doing this all for the perfect opportunity to get in your pants. Women fall for this trick all the time. The more a man seems interested in a woman the more susceptible she will be to sleeping with him. I really don’t understand it, but this is just the way women are. It’s as if the guy has flipped some sort of “I think I’ve met the one,” switch, inside her brain. Yeah right. Good luck trying to get a hold of him after you give it up.
Time-Waster # 4: A Guy that is Geographically Undesirable – I’m not saying that a long distance relationship can’t always work. I know quite a few people that have made their “on-line” long distance relationships successful, but truth be told, 90 percent of them don’t work out. Why? It’s obvious isn’t it? Lonely men get horny, and let’s not say that some women don’t end up feeling exactly the same way. What is likely to happen is that one of them will end up cheating on the other, and that’s all she wrote, folks. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. Let’s say your boyfriend is a two-hour drive away—there’s more of a chance of that relationship working out than with one who lives across the country.
Time-Waster and Toxic # 5: A Guy that puts you Down – I have too many friends that put up with disrespect in a relationship. Many men think that just because a woman is “his” that he somehow “owns her.” Uh, wrong! No woman should be with a man who talks down to her, or acts as if she is his personal property. If your man says things to you like, “Oh, that dress makes you look fat,” or “you’re not allowed to go anywhere without me because you can’t be trusted,” that’s grounds for kicking his ass to the curb. Just think that if you were to marry this guy, you’d be miserable. So why put up with it at the beginning stages of a relationship? Your man should always treat you with the utmost respect and if he doesn’t, well then, you need to dump his ass because you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
Time-Waster # 6: A Guy Who Doesn’t Put His Best Foot Forward - Whether you are dating or in a relationship, the man you are with should be on his best behavior at all times. There is no excuse for him to get too “comfortable” around you. Prime example, my first boyfriend was a real piece of work. Of course, at the time, I couldn’t see that. Years ago, we were going to be on a reality show for MTV. I showed up at the studio with my parents. There we all were sitting around outside waiting for our interview. I don’t quite remember what we were talking about, but in the middle of the conversation, my ex-boyfriend got a tiny weenie bit too comfy, slipped up, and dropped the f-bomb. Might I mention that this was the first time that he’d ever met my parents? Ladies, there is no excuse for this type of behavior. It only means he doesn’t care about you or your feelings. Get out as fast as you can.
Time-Waster and Toxic # 7: A Guy Who is Controlling - I have a major bone to pick with women who let their boyfriends or significant others get away with this type of behavior. Who is to say where we can go, whom we can see, or how we can think or feel? No one can tell us how to live our lives. Period. If we want to hang out with our friends, we will do it, regardless if he likes it or not. Sure, you have to compromise in a relationship, but a man who tells you what you can and can’t do 24/7 only means that you are stepping into something toxic. Nobody owns you, and even if you are married, that does not mean he has the right to control your every move.
Time-Waster # 8: A Guy who is Flakey – Have you ever been with a man who talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk? I know plenty of men like that. Women need to be aware of the type that will say they are going to do something and then never actually follow through with what they say. This applies to many things. Say you get into a relationship with a man who doesn’t have a job. He tells you repeatedly that he’s going to get one, but he never actually makes good on his word. Strike one. Then there is the guy who says he’ll call you at a certain time and wants to make sure you’re going to be around to talk. Low and behold, he never calls. Strike two. Ladies, if a man says he’s going to call you on a Monday and ends up calling you on a Friday––kick his ass to the curb immediately! Flakiness is out. Of course, we don’t wait by the phone for a man’s call, but when he says he’s going to do something––he best do it. Besides, this reflects what you will be getting involved with if you decide to pursue a relationship with him.
Time-waster # 9: A Guy who is Inconsiderate and Selfish – Yes, I’ve dated plenty of these losers. Beware of the ones who show up late to a date without even bothering to notify you. Don’t forget the guy who makes a decision that involves you and doesn’t even bother to consult you about it. How about when he plans a fabulous date and then he decides to hang out with his friends at the last minute. The best part is when he says, “You’re more than welcome to join us.” Don’t expect him to get any better when and if you get into a relationship. If a man thinks about himself most of the time, he’ll likely be that way for the rest of his life. The little things matter the most. When he knows you are sick, does he call and ask how you are feeling or does he call you a few days later and not even remember? After a late night, does he get worried about you driving home or leave you to fend for yourself without any questions asked? It’s those types of details that show you his true colors.
Class dismissed.
Lesson 6
March 1, 2013- Date # 1: Marco
Finding someone suitable to date on Dr. Adam’s website turned out to be a fairly easy task. Of course, with an abundant amount of men that signed up on these dating websites every day, a shortage was unheard of. Although, once again what it came down to was quality and frankly, that was almost like searching for something that simply did not exist.
Thirty minutes after Holly’s profile was up and running, she received fifteen emails. Each man stated how he really enjoyed reading her profile and that he was interested in getting to know her better. Only to their disadvantage, she knew that 75-percent of these men had not read her profile. Holly had specifically stated that the word ‘Hollyweird’ was required in the subjec
t line of the message if anyone expected a response. This tactic would weed out the men who actually took the time to read her profile opposed to the ones who based their decision on her physical description. In doing so, only half of these men came to meet her requirements.
That same day, a thirty-one-year old chef from Homby Hills was the first to catch her interest. Marco had messy, spikey golden blond hair, and large blue eyes. She found him to be decent looking, but for some reason or another, he never showed his teeth when he smiled. Every picture was just a tightening of lips.
Their correspondence led to the exchange of her photo and their phone numbers. They spent most of the evening text messaging back and forth. Judging by his text messages, Marco seemed down-to-Earth, an unassuming and mild-mannered type of guy who claimed to have old-fashioned values and manners.
After a few days of non-stop texting and still no mention of a phone call, they decided on meeting for dinner at a gourmet burger bar in Los Angeles called, The Big Plate, famously known for the unique experience of letting customers create their own burgers.
Holly prepared herself to take this date seriously. When she had a job to do, she didn’t mess around. She formulated a mental checklist where she would judge Marco on a ‘three-strikes you’re out,’ system.
On the day of the date, Holly was in the middle of a meeting with a client when she got an unexpected text message from Marco. Apparently, he was already waiting at the restaurant–– two-hours earlier than planned.
I thought we agreed on 6:30? Holly texted back. I’m still working.
I got here early. So u just want me 2 wait around for two-hours?
The Experiment Page 10