by Bette Ford
She nodded, picking up her spoon.
“I upset you.”
“It’s okay. Martin has been gone almost five years but it has not been long enough for me to forget. I’m left with this fear. I’ve always been independent and I detest having to bother others when the weather is bad.”
“Sounds like you are lucky to be alive.”
She said candidly, “I don’t believe in luck. I was blessed to come out of it okay.”
He reached out and briefly squeezed her hand. “Your fears are understandable.”
She confessed, “Since I was driving that night his twin daughters hold me responsible for the accident. My husband was older than I was.”
“Are you saying they blamed you?”
“Yes. Losing him was hard. But when I came away with only a concussion and a few injuries, it was too much for them. Plus, they were upset that I was in his will and would be receiving the bulk of his insurance policy. All of it was enough to convince them I never loved him and was after his money.”
“Sounds like his girls never bothered to get to know you. Trenna, tell me something. How did you manage it? How did you get beyond your losses without being bitter?”
She sighed. “It wasn’t easy. But acceptance came for me when I remembered two things. God is the one who determines the day we are born and the day we die. Instead of focusing on my parents’ death, I decided to celebrate their life by being grateful every day for them and giving thanks to God for the time I had with them.”
He made no response. He looked stunned as if he hadn’t been expecting her answer.
She hesitated before saying, “I really thought I had gotten past the accident or at least that I was doing better, until one of our good friends, Jenna Gaines, was in a serious car accident. It was New Year’s Eve. My girlfriends and I got together to celebrate. The weather was terrible. Jenna never arrived because her car was hit and sent crashing into a telephone pole. It was bad. We nearly lost her.”
Trenna shuttered. “It brought everything back for me. I nearly lost the nerve to drive at all. But I’m much better now, except in the ice or snow. And I’ve been fortunate that Maureen has been so understanding.” Trenna shrugged. “But life happens. Mrs. Hale needed her. I don’t expect her to drop everything for me. That’s one of the reasons why I designed my office to double as a studio apartment with a full bath, sofa-bed, and spare closet for emergencies.”
“Smart,” Darrin said. “How’s Jenna now?”
“She’s fine and happily married to the man of her dreams, Scott Hendricks.” Trenna smiled. Taking a sip of wine, she surprised them both when she said, “Now, it’s my turn to pick your brain, counselor. Why Detroit? You can practice law anywhere. Why not move someplace warm and sunny?”
Chuckling, Darrin leaned back in his chair, unwittingly drawing her eyes to his strong, handsome features. She was used to seeing him dressed formally in expensive custom-tailored suits and silk shirts and ties. Tonight his jacket was tossed over the back of her sofa, the top two buttons of his pale blue silk shirt had been left open, revealing the strong lines of his ivory throat. The color brought out the dark blue depths of his eyes while the cloth was pulled taut against his broad chest and lean mid-section. Gorgeous!
Why did he have to be so darn attractive? So sexy? More importantly, why couldn’t she keep her eyes off him? His lips were lush, the bottom one fuller than the top. He was downright dangerous, especially to someone like her who had sworn off sex.
Hoping to distract herself, she prodded, “Well? Why not Vegas? Miami or L.A.?”
“That’s easy. Detroit’s home and my family was here. Dad, along with his friend and business partner, started the firm. Both men passed along their love of the law to their sons. It wasn’t until Dad passed that we learned he wanted me to head the firm. I was reluctant. I would have rather shared the responsibility with Douglas but he wasn’t interested. He’s comfortable being a full partner.”
“Why were you reluctant?”
“I’m not sure. Perhaps the grief? Or maybe I was busy wondering if I could fill his shoes?”
His hand rested on the table. She surprised them both when she placed her hand on his.
”You truly believe what you said about God determining the day of our birth and day we die?”
“I do.”
Judging by his frown, she suspected he had his doubts. In hope of changing the subject and lightening the mood, she asked, “More chili? Salad?”
“No, but thank you. I ate like a pig. I can’t eat another bite.” He leaned back and laced his long fingers over his flat stomach. “You are full of surprises, Trenna McAdams. You’re not only smart and talented. You’re a darn good cook. I bet you can do anything you set your mind to. “
Smiling, she said, “Stop flattering me.”
His gazed lingered on hers, before he said, “Have you spent the day watching the snow and dreading going out in it?”
Embarrassed, she hedged, “Some days are better than others.”
“And today reminded you of the devastation of losing your husband.” He surmised. “I’m glad Maureen thought of me and I was able to help you out tonight.”
Stunned by his kindness, she couldn’t seem to pull her eyes from his dark gaze. Trenna couldn’t name what she was feeling. Her heart felt as if it were doing somersaults in her chest. What was happening to her?
She managed to say, “Me too.”
Genuinely flattered by the compliments, Trenna mumbled her thanks then jumped to her feet. She began collecting and stacking dishes and utensils. When she reached for his bowl and salad plate. He surprised her when he caught her hand. Her eyes were wide, questioning him. He surprised her even more, moving a caressing thumb over her knuckles. He leaned forward to lightly brush her mouth with his.
“Thanks,” he said softy, “…for dinner. Now you sit while I’ll clean up.”
Deep chocolate-brown eyes locked with his dark blue ones. Feeling as if she’d been scorched by a flame, her face heated, and she blushed.
When she didn’t reply he spoke again, “Trenna?”
She struggled to contain the shivers of awareness that rushed over her body. “Yes?”
Rolling up his sleeves over his muscular arms, he asked, “Do you wash them by hand or use the dishwasher?”
“Dishwasher.” Gauging the way her heart was racing it was a wonder she could formulate a response. Goodness! She was a mess. The instant he’d touched her her brain had ceased working.
Trenna sat and watched him scrape and rinse the bowls and plates before he filled the dishwasher. She felt as if one of her silly fantasies about Darrin was real. He was here, in her home…so close she could touch him…could almost feel the warmth of his skin. She blinked in shock, realizing she’d been staring at his firm buttocks as he leaned over. She was rattled, in need of a diversion…and she needed it now!
“Cobber?” she blurted out, then clarified, “I made apple and pear cobbler last night. Would you care for some?”
Straightening, his eyes twinkled as he teased, “I’ve had apple and I’ve had pear, but I don’t believe I’ve ever had them together.” Rubbing his hands, he flashed that sexy grin. “I’m game.”
“It won’t take long heat it up. Why don’t you relax on the sofa?”
Trenna was putting the deep-dish stoneware in the oven when the telephone rang. She caught it on the second ring, “Hi, how’s your grandmother? Pneumonia? Okay, yes, we got in a little while ago. We just finished dinner and I’m heating the cobbler.”
She saw that Darrin was flipping through the channels, then stopped to listen to the all-news channel. “Sorry, repeat that please.” She listened as Maureen explained that she was staying overnight with his grandmother. “Are you sure you don’t need me to come? No, are you sure? Okay.” When she hung up she realized Darrin was watching her.
“How serious?” he asked.
“Maureen’s concerned but not worried. The doctor wanted Mrs. Hale to stay in the ho
spital as a precaution because of her age. Maureen’s staying with her tonight.”
After switching on the coffeemaker, she prepared the dessert tray including scoops of vanilla ice cream.
“Smells wonderful,” he said, coming over to carry in the tray. He placed the tray on the middle sofa cushion rather than on the ottoman.
Darrin moaned, savoring the dessert. “Delicious. Someone taught you well, darlin’. You’re a great cook,”
“My mom,” she said with a smile. “I’m glad you like it. It’s nothing fancy. I’ve gotten a lot of my culinary ideas from Anna Prescott Mathis. Her catering company supplies the children’s lunch.”
“I know her husband, Gavin. He plays for the Detroit Lions. Have you taken lessons from her?”
“No! We talk, discuss menus over the phone. Both Anna’s mother and grandmother were southern cooks.” Trenna laughed, curling her legs beneath her. “She claims she developed the perfect menu that appeals to men.”
“Say what?”
“It’s true. It worked for Gavin.” She explained that Anna had catered meals for some of the bachelors on the team.
She told him about growing up in Charleston and vacations at Hilton Head. She shared happy memories that she hadn’t thought about in years while they finished up.
Sipping his coffee, he surprised her when he demanded, “Pictures!”
She laughed, “You want to look at old family photos?”
“I do.”
Shaking her head in disbelief, she reached into end-table drawer and pulled out a thick photo album. Cradling it against her chest, she warned, “It’s not too late to change your mind and save yourself from boredom.”
Chuckling, Darrin moved the tray to the end table then patted the middle cushion. “Sit here, so we can both see. You can tell me who is who.”
Time flew as Trenna shared childhood and high school memories. There was laughter and even a few tears by the time she closed the album. Surprisingly, she wasn’t uneasy about how much private history she had revealed. She had let down her guard and been able to relax with Darrin. She felt no judgment coming from him, only acceptance.
He teased, “You come from good stock. Your father was able to take your mother’s creative designs for clothing, turn them into very successful clothing boutiques and then expand into manufacturing the clothes. I’m impressed.”
Trenna smiled. “Not much gets by you. You’re an excellent listener.”
“Thanks, an advantage in my profession.” He grinned. “It’s no surprise that you’ve made a success of your school. Brains, beauty, and talent are part of your DNA.”
“Goodness! It sounds like a mutual admiration committee meeting in here.”
“Something wrong with that?”
Flustered, she blushed. “Evidently not.”
“Good.” He caressed her check with the light brush of his knuckle.
Determined to ignore the quivers of sensation that ran down her spine, she needed a distraction. “More coffee?”
"I should go while I can. The last time I looked the snow hadn’t stopped.”
She had been enjoying herself, so much so that she’d forgotten the reason why he was here. She was disappointed, didn’t want him to leave. She rose when he did telling herself it was better this way.
“Thanks for dinner, Trenna. If you tell my mom I will have to deny it, but that was the best cobbler I’ve ever had. If you ever get bored with running the nursery school, you can always sell pies. You’d make a fortune.”
Laughing so hard her side hurt, she managed to say, “I’m glad you enjoyed the cobbler, but I think I’ll stick with Little Hearts.”
Nodding, he led the way into entrance hall. As he put on his suit coat, he said, “I can swing by in the morning and pick you up so you have a car this weekend.”
Warmed by his thoughtfulness, she actually considered taking him up on the offer. But her keen awareness of his clean scent, his masculinity, his rock-hard body, was too much. She couldn’t think!
Evidently, she had been silent too long because he prompted, “Trenna?” He placed a finger beneath her chin and lifted her face toward his. Their eyes met.
“Would you like me to…”
“No!” she said sharply but quickly amended, “I mean, I’m sure you have plans for the weekend. Maureen won’t mind dropping me by the office, so I can pick up my car.”
Studying her small, dark features, he said, “There is no need for either you or Maureen to go out in the cold. If you give me your keys, Doug can follow me and we will drop your car off for you. And you can stay warm and dry inside.”
Unable to look away, she stared up into the heat in his eyes. She couldn’t help being mesmerized by his handsome features, his dark lashes or his thick, close-cut, wavy black hair. Even his lips were well-shaped...enticing.
“I’ve inconvenienced you enough.” Reaching up, she smoothed his shirt collar.
Darrin dropped to his head until he could say into her ear, “That’s impossible, darlin’. Don’t you know, Trenna, there’s nothing you can ask that would inconvenience me?” His voice was deep, huskier than before.
An instant later he covered her mouth with his. She was surprised because he was gentle as he softly brushed his lips against hers. His touch was whisper-light and electric. Trenna quivered from the contract, her senses alive in sweet anticipation. Darrin? did it again and again until she released a sigh. She was completely awed by his tenderness. The kiss, while incredibly warm, was also gentle.
Using the tip of his tongue, Darrin teased the closed seam of her lips. Slowly he tantalized first the right side and then the left corner of her mouth. He repeated each caress again and again. Unsure if it was him or the kiss, she found it impossible to resist. She released a throaty moan as shivers of delight raced along her nerve endings. Her defenses quickly crumbled and she gave into her longing and curiosity. Eager for more, Trenna opened for Darrin, allowing him complete access.
Caught in a sensual haze, she silently vowed, ‘Only one taste…just one.’ She, tentatively sponged his lips with the tip of her tongue. Goodness, his lips were soft, yet firm. She sighed while he moaned as she caressed him, marveling over the velvety texture of his tongue. He relaxed, returning the favor and giving her access to him.
She was shocked that there was no pressure, no demands, and no force on his part. She always thought of Darrin as being macho, very male, but he was so tender with her.
This was so new that Trenna felt like a teenager. Almost as if she had never been kissed. She hadn’t experienced such tenderness. She sighed in pleasure, thoroughly enchanted as she wrapped her arms around his neck, eagerly pulling him down to her.
Consumed with desire, Trenna became the aggressor. She explored Darrin’s mouth, boldly taking his tongue deep into her mouth and sucked. He tasted of coffee, apple, pear mixed with a hint of cinnamon, but there was something more. Something she could not describe but was uniquely his. Cushioned against his long body, her petite frame shook with pleasure.
“Mmm,” she moaned. With her eyes closed, she absorbed the pleasure of being cradled. He held her close. For the first time in a very long time, she felt safe.
How had she lived without the simple luxury of being held? She hadn’t even realized how much she wanted this until Darrin had cradled her body against him.
Floored by his care, she was unprepared when he pressed her full length against him. His body was firm, his chest taut and his shoulders incredibly wide as he took her bottom lip his into his mouth and suckled. She trembled from the contact.
Amazed by how good it felt to be cradled against him, desire whirled around her, shooting sparks of need directly into her bloodstream. Goodness! He was confident and so assured of his masculinity that he had no trouble tempering his strength. He held her in his muscular arms as if she were made of spun glass. Slowly, he tantalized her senses, giving her the freedom to taste him and relish in his velvet heat. The kiss grew so hot it practically
sizzled, sending ribbons of desire so deep inside that they reached her core.
It didn’t occur to her to protest, not even when Darrin moved his hands up and down her back, following the soft lines from her shoulders to her spine. When he touched her hips they both moaned at the warmth of his caress. She sighed when he cupped her lush curves before he pressed her into his hard angles.
“So sweet, Trenna, you are so beautiful,” Darrin hushed into her ear, ”…pure perfection.”
He kissed her again and again, hungry with need. The hot wash of his tongue on hers was mesmerizing, leaving her eager for more.
Passion sped along her body, spread like wildfire from skin to bone to muscle, encompassing soft tissue to every cell of her body. No part of her was unaffected. Suddenly her breasts felt heavy, so heavy they ached. The tips were hard and ultra sensitive, like twin beads of longing, piercing her resolve and attacking her entire system. She sighed, wondering why she was fighting it. Why was she even trying to control the urge to rub her breasts against his hard chest?
“Darrin…” she moaned.
He crooned in her ear, “Whatever you want, darlin’.”
Her eyes went wide as she stared at him disbelief.
“Whatever…” he repeated.
She shivered from the mere thought of more of his kisses. They were better than potato chips and she didn’t want to stop.
“Yes, madam…” he crooned as he brought his mouth down to hers. The kisses were so incredible….
“Yes…” she breathed in his scent.
Impatient to touch him, she quickly unbuttoned his heavy coat, pushed it off his shoulders along with his sport coat. But, she didn’t stop there. She undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt collar. She didn’t slow until Darrin’s warm chest was bare. Going up on tiptoe, she brushed her lips against his throat. His skin was supple, warm. They both trembled as she licked the scented hollow at the base of his throat.
She inhaled the heady combination, relished in his aftershave mixed with his male scent. Darrin’s throaty groan thrilled her. She closed her eyes, moving her hand over his chest and savoring his strength and heat. Inhaling, she rested her face against him.