Her Second Chance

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Her Second Chance Page 22

by Bette Ford

  “How early?” she quizzed as he ushered her into the bathroom.


  “You still haven’t told me where we are going.”

  He just grinned but didn’t answer.

  They put on robes and ordered an elaborate array of cheeses, fruit, and finger sandwiches. Trenna couldn’t stop laughing when Darrin wheeled the food chart into the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Exactly what it looks like,” he grinned and stacked pillows against the headboard. He patted the place beside him. “Come on, sugar. Let’s eat.”

  Settling in, she surmised, “Not worried about crumbs.”

  “That’s right.”

  As she watched her new husband bow his head to give thanks for the meal it hit home that she was truly blessed. She had never dreamed it was possible to be this happy. Overcome by emotions, tears suddenly filled her eyes. She tried to quickly wipe them away.

  “Trenna…” Darrin put down the plate he’d been filling. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  She laughed. “Not one thing. I’m so happy.” And it was absolutely true. For the first time since her parents passed she didn’t fear the future. No matter what might be ahead, she knew beyond all doubt that together they would find a way to get through it.

  “You, my love, are a very special man. I’m sorry it took me so long for me to really see you and even longer to trust you. I’m so grateful for how patient you’ve been with me. It would have been so easy for you to give up and walk away from me.” She blinked back fresh tears. “Despite all the mess I threw your way, you never gave up on me. Tell me why?”

  “After you take a bit of this.”

  She nibbled on a turkey and cheese sandwich. “Okay. Now, tell me. It was the challenge, right?”

  "No. It was always you. For a long time, I assumed you were grieving and were still in love with Martin. I kept telling myself to be patient, give you the time you needed.” He paused, taking a swallow of bottled water, then admitted, “It was tough. As a distraction, I dated as many women as I could, hoping to get over you. It didn't work, nothing worked. It felt like a kick in the teeth when you accused me of being a player, of sleeping with every woman in the building. No matter what I said or did you refused to have anything to do with me. “

  “You know why.” She fed him a chocolate-covered strawberry.

  “Mmm,” he said. “You can believe I wasn’t laughing then. It really got to me. So I kept reminding myself that I was a Morgan and we don’t run from battle. But there was no getting around it. I wanted you. When we met I knew there was something special about you, something that spoke to my heart. I needed you in my life. No matter what you threw at me or how often you said no, I kept coming back. I couldn’t walk away.”

  He chuckled. “You made my day when you got off on the wrong floor. I was convinced you were weakening and were too stubborn to admit there was something between us. But you quickly shot me down. I called myself all kinds of bad names because instead of walking away I came back for more of the same.”

  He kissed her hard and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She whispered, “I’m glad.”

  He grinned. “Me too. I was drawn to you from the first moment I saw you. Somehow, I knew you were the one for me. Heck, I liked everything about you. You’re feisty, intelligent, hard-working, talented, and so incredibly sexy that it was tough to keep my hands off you. I made no secret that I wanted you, Trenna McAdams.”

  She teased, “It’s Trenna Morgan.”

  Darrin grinned. “I forgot. It won’t happen again.” His kiss was slow and tender. “I’m so proud of you. You had to be strong, and determined in order to make your school successful. And you did it! I was so impressed by your determination to give back. I had to find a way to help you.”

  “I didn’t know what to think when you invited me out to dinner to meet your friends. It shook me up, forced me to notice you.”

  “Good.” He smiled as they shared a flute of pink champagne. “Despite that hard-shell you showed the world, I sensed your vulnerability. Talk about a puzzle, you, my love, are that in spades.” Laughing, he said, “And you’re right. You challenged me, intrigued me. Mostly, you infuriated me when you wouldn’t give an inch. I lost count of the number of times you told me no. But what bugged me the most, you were dating men I knew, some even worked in the building.”

  “Dating, not sleeping with,” she reminded.

  “And I knew that how?”

  “I didn’t want you to know.”

  “Yeah. I suspected you were hiding something because you were so guarded, practically had ‘no trespassing’ stamped all over you. It’s a good thing I’m stubborn, because I tried everything I could think of to change your mind. Then you shocked me when you came over and helped when we lost dad. I was touched by your candor and kindness. Afterwards, I started to wonder why.

  “I hated the way things were between us. So when Maureen called and said you needed a ride home, I was all ears.”

  She cuddled close, giving him a bite of her strawberry. "And I was stuck. I had to say yes. But I found you highly annoying. I didn't want to spend time with you, certainly didn't want you to be nice to me. Mostly, I didn’t want to care about you. My awareness of you was so strong it scared me silly. That night changed everything. I fed you, even though every single time you were near I felt things I didn't want to feel.” Trenna giggled, "I couldn't decide who I was angrier with you or Maureen but, because her grandmother was ill, you won.”

  “Won? Hardly. That night I reached my limit. After we made love and you pushed me away, I was sure I was done.” He chuckled, “I didn’t realize you had wormed your way into my heart.”

  “Wormed!” she challenged.


  “Darrin, I will always regret the way that night ended. I hurt you and couldn’t bear it. I remember how nervous I was when I came to your office. I expected you to throw me out. It was what I deserved. But I needed to see you. Somehow, I had to tell you how I felt about you. I couldn't keep it inside, any longer.

  “Sweet man, I love you so much,” she whispered, then kissed him. “You listened to me, which means so much. You’re the one I have been waiting for, even when I didn't realize I was waiting. I was convinced I didn't need or want a man in my life. Oh, honey, you were so patient with me, and you kept loving me. You accepted me despite my endless flaws and hang-ups.”

  “Trenna, none of us are perfect, least of all me. It tore me apart when you blamed me for taking Todd Marks’ case, for getting him off, and subsequently hurting your friend.”

  “I was wrong. You were doing your job.”

  He said, “It was a tough time for us. Yet, you were there when I needed you the most. Losing my father left me angry, bitter, and feeling broken inside. Both my brother and my mother tried to reach me, but couldn’t. You came over, you sat with me, stayed until I understood you knew the pain of loss because you’d lived it. Because of you I was able to open up and talk.

  “I think that was when I realized what I felt was more than desire.” Darrin said tenderly, “I knew I was in love with you. You reminded me that I still had a heavenly Father and He had not turned his back on me. Thank you, my love."

  Smiling, Trenna shook her head. “I should be the one thanking you. You allowed us to start our new life together in this very special way. By honoring God our marriage will be blessed for it. Even though the waiting was harder for you than for me because of my fears, it was important and meant so much to me. I am so grateful because you put your love for me on full display. All my doubts about remarrying are gone.”

  He studied her eyes before he asked, "What about the fears?

  She shrugged. "Gone, thanks to you."

  They exchanged a deeply, passionate kiss.

  Snuggling against him, she said, “Darrin, thank you for giving me a second chance at love. I can almost see a future, filled with love and babies.”

  “You’re welco
me. Our marriage may feel like a second chance, but it’s okay if you need a third or fourth, even. The door to my heart is open to as many chances as you need. God’s love lasts forever and I pray our love will last just as long. As long as we remain honest and open with each other, there is nothing to stop us.”

  She nodded because her throat was closed by tears of joy. As she pressed her lips his, she vowed, “I promise no more secrets."

  "Me, too."

  “Good. That means you can tell me where we’re going tomorrow morning on our honeymoon."

  "Alaska!" Darrin laughed when she shuddered with dread. "No, I’m just teasing. We’re going to our vacation home in Honolulu, Hawaii.”

  "We have a home in…?"

  He nodded. “We do now. Years ago my father bought it as an anniversary surprise for my mother. She hasn’t been back since he passed. She gave me the keys and the deed to the property before the ceremony…our wedding gift from her and Dad.”


  She remembered to give thanks to her God for His goodness, and then she wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck to bring his mouth down to hers.

  Also by Bette Ford

  Mrs. Green’s Girls Series

  Can’t Get Enough of You

  Can’t Stop Loving You

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  The Prescott Series


  An Everlasting Love

  Can’t Say No

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  Malcolm-X Community Center Series

  For Always

  Forever After

  After Dark

  One of a Kind

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  Single Title Romances

  Mama’s Pearl

  All the Love

  Island Magic

  When a Man Loves a Woman

  About the Author

  Bette Ford grew up in Saginaw Michigan, where she continues to live. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. Bette began her teaching career in Detroit and completed a master’s degree at Wayne State University. She has taught in the Detroit Public School HEADSTART Project for many years. She is now writing full time.

  She has received several awards, including the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award for Best Multicultural Romance, as well as the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award.

  She is the author of eleven books including, UNFORGETTABLE, AN EVERLASTING LOVE and CAN’T SAY NO. She truly enjoys hearing from readers.

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  Please connect with Bette on her website or Facebook!




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