The Lost Scrolls: Fire (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

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The Lost Scrolls: Fire (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Page 3

by Publishing, Nickelodeon

  of a panda bear.

  I pulled my hand away, and the vision disappeared.

  “You’re the spirit of this forest!” I said, finally

  understanding. “You’re angry because the Fire Nation

  burned down your home.”

  Hei Bai stopped growling. He was listening to me!

  “When I saw the forest had burned, I too was sad,”

  I said. “But my friend gave me hope that the forest

  would grow back.” I pulled out the acorn that Katara

  had given me and placed it on the ground.

  Hei Bai changed back into the panda from my

  vision. He folded his paw around the acorn and left.

  It wasn’t long before the missing villagers stumbled

  out of the forest. The spirit was returning them!

  When Sokka walked out, Katara ran up to hug her

  brother. “Thank you, Aang,” she said. It felt good to

  solve the villagers’ problem and bring Sokka back. I

  was getting used to being the Avatar . . . at least a little


  Now that Sokka was back, I had to focus on my

  next mission. “I think I found a way to contact Avatar

  Roku,” I told Sokka and Katara. “If I go to his temple

  on the winter solstice, I can speak with his spirit.”

  “But the solstice is tomorrow,” Katara announced.

  “Yeah,” I said. I knew there wasn’t much time, but

  this could be my only chance to talk to Roku. I also

  knew I had a bigger problem. “And his temple is in

  the Fire Nation.”

  We left right away. I thought it was too dangerous for

  Katara and Sokka, but they insisted on coming with

  me and Momo, my lemur.

  “Aang! We’ve got trouble,” Katara pointed out as

  we rode on Appa, my flying bison.

  It didn’t look good. A dozen Fire Nation navy

  ships stretched out ahead of us. We had reached the

  edge of the Fire Nation.

  “We’ve got to run the blockade, Aang,” Sokka


  Once they caught sight of us, the Fire Nation

  navy sent fireballs streaking through the sky from the

  ships below. Appa barrel—

  rolled, then dodged the blasts.

  I smelled the burning ashes

  and felt the heat against my

  skin. Before the Fire Nation

  navy could reload and launch

  another volley, we flew over

  them—and into the Fire


  Avatar Roku’s temple was a

  multitiered building that sat

  atop a craggy hill of jagged

  rocks. Molten lava surrounded

  it, creating a fiery moat.

  Flames shot into the sky.

  The entry hall of the

  temple was dark and

  creepy. I felt a chill in

  the air, as if the place had

  been abandoned for years.

  Five old men in

  hooded red robes stepped

  from the shadows. “I am

  the Great Sage, leader of

  the Fire Sages. We are the

  guardians of the temple of the Avatar.”

  “I am the Avatar!” I exclaimed, relieved to be

  among friends.

  “We know,” the Great Sage said, before punching

  a fireball directly at me.

  “Run!” I yelled. I didn’t know why the Fire Sages

  were attacking me, but I knew it wasn’t wise to wait

  around to find out.

  We came to an intersection of two hallways. “This

  way!” I yelled. We turned left and came face-to-face

  with one of the sages. I steadied myself, ready to fight.

  “I am Shyu, a friend,” the hooded sage said. “I

  know you wish to speak to Avatar Roku. I can take

  you to him.”

  Shyu punched fire at a duct in the wall. The stone

  wall slid open to reveal a secret passageway, which was

  lit only by lava from an underground molten river.

  “If this is the Avatar’s temple, why did the sages

  attack me?” I asked.

  Shyu shook his head sadly. “Once the sages were

  loyal only to the Avatar. When Roku died, Fire Lord

  Sozin forced them to follow him.”

  It figured that Sozin was behind this.

  A stone door slid open. We stepped out into a

  large atrium supported by massive stone columns.

  Ahead of us were two huge and heavily decorated

  metal doors. In the middle of the doors was a row of

  five keyhole-like openings.

  “There’s the sanctuary,” Shyu said. “Once you’re

  inside, wait for the light to hit Avatar Roku’s statue.

  Only a fully realized Avatar is powerful enough to

  open these doors alone. Otherwise the sages must

  open the doors with five simultaneous fire blasts.”

  Sokka studied the torch lamps that lined the walls

  of the atrium.

  “Five fire blasts, huh?” Sokka asked, smiling. I

  knew then that he had an idea.

  Sokka poured oil from one of the lamps into an

  animal-skin casing. He sealed the top with a leather

  strap. “This is a little trick I picked up from my

  father. Once you light this strap . . . kaboom! Fake





  homemade bombs and

  shoved them into the

  openings. Shyu shot a

  line of fire across the



  Smoke shot into the atrium, filling the room. I

  ran to the doors. They were scorched and blackened,

  but they still wouldn’t open! Sokka ran a finger over

  the blackened doors. “That blast was as strong as any

  Firebending I’ve seen.”

  “Sokka, you’re a genius!” Katara hugged him. “It

  looks like your plan worked.” She reached down and

  patted Momo’s head. “All we need now is a lemur.”

  I was confused. The doors still weren’t open. “Did

  the definition of genius change in the last hundred

  years?” I asked.

  While I hid behind one of the pillars in the atrium,

  Shyu ushered in the other four sages.

  “Come quickly!” he said. “The Avatar has entered

  the sanctuary! Look at the doors.” Shyu pointed to

  the marks on the big doors.

  The Great Sage turned to the others. “Open them

  before he contacts Avatar Roku!”

  The Fire Sages shot flame into the five openings.

  The doors slowly slid open with a creak of protest

  from their ancient hinges.

  Momo was on the other side.

  “We’ve been tricked!”
the Great Sage yelled. “The

  lemur must have crawled through the pipes!”

  Momo jumped on the Great Sage. Katara tackled

  one sage and knocked him into another. Sokka

  wrapped a cloth around the head of the last sage and

  tripped him.

  “Now, Aang!” Shyu yelled.

  I leaped over the sages and dove through the

  doorway, seconds before the doors slammed shut.

  I was inside the sanctuary!

  As the sun set, the light of the winter solstice shined

  through a gigantic ruby set into the wall. The light

  slid across the floor and up the front of the statue.

  The time was finally here. I bowed my head and

  closed my eyes.

  “Avatar Roku? Are you there?” I had so many

  things to ask him.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw mist swirling around

  my feet. Avatar Roku was standing in front of me.

  Tall, lean, and muscular, he had a long, white beard

  and long, white hair. At last my questions would be


  Roku smiled. “It’s good to see you, Aang,” he

  said in a deep and powerful voice. “I have something

  important to tell you. One hundred years ago Fire

  Lord Sozin harnessed power from a passing comet

  and destroyed the Air Nomads. Sozin’s comet will

  return by the end of this summer, and Fire Lord Ozai

  will use its power to finish what Sozin started. The

  Fire lord must be defeated before the comet comes.”

  Roku put his hand on my shoulder. “We must

  go our separate ways for now, Aang. A great danger

  awaits you outside the sanctuary doors. I can help

  you, but only if you’re ready.”

  I knew my answer. “I’m ready.”

  Mist swirled around us. The doors opened. The

  Fire Sages unleashed a fury of fire at me.

  But I wasn’t there. In my place was Avatar Roku. I

  was Roku and he was me. Roku’s arm swept in front

  of him, creating an arc of power. The Fire Sages fell

  like dominoes. The sages had chained Shyu, Katara,

  and Sokka, but the force of Roku’s power broke them


  Stone began to crumble from the ceiling as lava

  bubbled from the floor. Roku was destroying his


  The sages quickly got up and fled. A mist enveloped

  Roku, and when it dissipated, I was in his place. Avatar

  Roku was gone.

  Katara, Sokka, and I ran out of the temple and

  quickly climbed onto Appa. As he flew us to safety,

  the full weight of my destiny sank in. I still had

  questions for Roku, but first I had to defeat the Fire

  lord. I had to restore balance.

  I had to save the world.


  The Fire Sages are the last of their kind—remnants

  of a bygone era in the Fire Nation when greater

  importance was placed on spiritual matters. They

  live at Avatar Roku’s Fire temple on Crescent

  Island. Wise leaders as well as powerful Firebenders,

  the sages watch over the sanctuary, protect it from

  Here is more information that I have gathered.

  invaders, and gather what knowledge they can about

  the Avatar.

  The history of the sages goes back thousands of

  years. A council of sages led the Fire Nation in its

  early years. The lead sage was known as the Fire

  lord because of his high level of Firebending ability

  and his deep spiritual connection to fire. Throughout

  the years, the Fire lord severed ties with the sages and

  took over control of the Fire Nation for himself.

  Now led by the Great Sage, the sages are relegated

  to spiritual matters only. Tensions between the Fire
















































  During Fire Lord Sozin’s reign, the sages remained

  loyal to Avatar Roku. They kept watch over the

  sanctuary in Roku’s absence. But after the Avatar’s

  death, Fire Lord Sozin forced them to serve only him.

  Now, after three generations, the sages willingly serve

  the Fire lord and council him on spiritual matters—

  except one sage, Shyu.

  At age sixty, Shyu is the youngest of the Fire

  Sages and the only one still loyal to the Avatar. His

  ancestors were all sages. His grandfather was the sage

  who first declared—against popular belief—that the

  Avatar survived the Fire Nation attack on the Air

  temple. Many years later Shyu’s father also made the

  determination that the Avatar was an Airbender and

  still alive. This was not what the Fire lord wanted

  to hear. Shyu’s father was branded a traitor and sent

  away, leaving Shyu to be raised by the other sages.

  Shyu is the last of his proud lineage, a sage who

  does not blindly follow the Fire lord. But he knows

  Located inside the Fire Nation, Crescent Island is

  home to the Fire temple of Avatar Roku. Crescent

  Island is a volcanic island, and its rocky landscape

  is crisscrossed with rivers of lava, including one that

  runs under the temple.


  the price he would pay if he spoke out against the Fire

  Lord. Fire Lord Ozai has set forth a decree that anyone

  who helps the Avatar will be considered a traitor to the

  Fire Nation, and punished.

  Hei Bai is the black-and-white spirit who has

  guarded Senlin’s forest for thousands of years. His

  natural form is a gentle panda bear, but, angered by

  the Fire Nation’s destruction of his forest, he has

  changed into a snarling monster who threatens the

  local villagers.



  The spirit world is inhabited by a wide variety of

  spirit creatures who act as guardians of the rivers, forests,

  and mountains. The spirits of the previous Avatars

  are alive within the spirit world, and they watch over

  Aang. He may contact them during a solstice or when

  he enters the spirit world.


  When the bender is in the spirit world, he can

  still observe the natural world, but no one can see or

  hear him. If something bad happens to his body in

  the natural world, or if his body is moved, his spirit

  might not find its way back.


  Once they enter the spirit world, benders no longer

  have their bending ability. Because the spirit world

  has no physical form, a bender cannot manipulate

  any of the four elements.

  For Aang, the Avatar

  state is triggered by extreme

  physical or emotional stress.

  Aang sends out a distress

  signal to his

  past lives—the

  previous Avatars—

  for help.



  the Avatar’s life.

  I pulled the hand-carved wooden mask over my

  face. I wrapped my cloak around my body to shield

  me in the night. No longer was I, Prince Zuko, the

  disgraced son of Fire Lord Ozai. I was now the Blue

  Spirit, and my mission was to free the Avatar.

  When I heard that Admiral Zhao had captured the

  Avatar, I had to come up with a plan. I needed Aang

  to reclaim my status in the Fire Nation. I couldn’t let

  Zhao have him.

  Sneaking into the stronghold where the Avatar

  was held prisoner was easy. Admiral Zhao’s self-

  congratulatory speech distracted the guards, and

  I slipped inside the gates.

  “We are the sons and daughters of Fire,” Admiral


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