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Hooker (L.A. Liaisons Book 2)

Page 22

by Brooke Blaine

  “Nate, hey.” A hard clap on my shoulder had me turning around to see Ace standing there.

  I greeted him with a clasped hand and a pat on the back. “Good to see you here, man. Thanks for coming.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. The place looks great.” He looked around the open space, decorated in airy beach colors that Shayne had said reminded her of childhood summers spent at the beach where she grew up in Wollongong. And I only remembered that piece of information because I’d made her say it five times fast, and shocker of all shocks, she did.

  “The girls went through the client list that’s scheduled for the next couple of months and invited all these people. This whole thing is just going to explode, you know that, right?”

  “If this is where she’s starting, that’s damn impressive. And thank fuck she’s away from that psychopath of a boss. That woman’s attempt at conversation was to unzip my pants under the table.”

  “And I thought her grabbing my ass was bad,” I said, laughing. “But seriously, thank you for helping make her dreams come true. The girls said they’ve never seen her so happy.”

  “No, I don’t believe that for a second.” He looked me dead in the eye. “But as far as the business side of it goes, I mean it when I say it’s the least I could do for…hell, all of it. I’m just glad I screwed your head on straight before you lost her for good.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Whoa, man, word choices.”

  “Oh, shit. Yeah, you know what I mean—”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Paige shrieking from behind me had us shutting up and turning in her direction. A man in a casual suit, the top half of his shirt unbuttoned, was barely in the door before Paige stomped over, attempting to usher him back out. With a self-satisfied smirk, long dirty blond hair pulled back, and sporting what looked like eyeliner, he looked like something out of one of those glam rock bands or some shit. Come to think of it, he’d been at the club in Vegas with us back in January. Didn’t look like those two were on any better terms.

  “You’re becoming a broken record, Pita,” he said, his smile lazy. “One of these days you could greet me by simply saying hello.”

  Her hands balled into fists as they went to her hips. “You mean goodbye. This isn’t a brothel, Dickwad.”

  “Judging by your appearance here, I’d say that statement is false. Besides, I heard this is the hot new place to pick up chicks.”

  “There won’t be any reason to pick up anyone when I cut off your balls and serve them as an appetizer at my next wedding event.”

  The man bristled. “You get so flushed and passionate when you talk about my balls. Please continue.”

  Wheeling around, I pushed Ace toward the drink table before they started throwing things at each other’s heads.

  Even as I chatted with Shayne’s parents and struck up conversations with the other guests, I kept one eye on my girl, and I couldn’t help but be awed by the effortless way she put everyone around her at ease. Pride swelled in my chest, and well over an hour passed before the crowd parted enough that I could make my way over to her.

  “I don’t think that smile has left your face since we walked in,” I said, coming up behind her.

  “Oh my God, Nate, I’m floored. Sensory overload, seriously.”

  “Well, there’s just…one more thing,” I said, taking her hand and leading her over to the wall of windows that overlooked the city. It was a stunning view, and Shayne would have the same one from her office that was to the left.

  Shayne raised an eyebrow. “Another surprise? It’s not Val, is it?”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Fuck no, and security downstairs knows she’s not allowed within ten feet of the building.”

  “Guess I can put my mace away, then.”

  “Nah, keep it on you in case someone gets too handsy with my girl.”

  “Your girl, huh?” She smiled as she stared up at me, her expression so full of joy I wished I could keep it on her face forever.

  “Are you opposed to that?”

  “Not in the slightest.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked. “Because I’ve got to ask you something…”

  Shayne’s eyes shot straight to where my hand was reaching into my pocket for what I wanted to give her. When I pulled it out, I held it behind my back.

  “Do you remember our conversation on our first date?”

  “You mean the IHOP date?”

  “That would be the one. Do you remember when we talked about bucket lists and what I told you?”

  Shayne’s hand grew shaky in mine when she gulped and whispered, “You said you wanted to fall in love.”

  I smiled and nodded. “I did say that. And—”

  “Oh my God, you’re not going to propose, are you?” Paige sounded horrified as she came to an abrupt stop next to us, her martini splashing over the lip. The room went dead silent as everyone turned in our direction.

  Oh shit.

  “Paige,” Shayne said through clenched teeth. “Shut up.”

  “Dude, at least get down on your damn knee,” she protested.

  Okay, this is not going like I planned it.

  Clearing my throat, I turned my attention back to Shayne. Yeah, now I was sweating like a motherfucker.

  “There was something else I mentioned on that list,” I said. “And I thought it might be a nice addition to what you’ve got going on here.”

  Shayne’s forehead pinched ever so slightly. “And what would that be?”

  I looked over my shoulder and nodded at Ryleigh and Hunter, and her gaze followed. When they pulled back the curtain from the corner of the room, it took her a moment to realize what it was she was staring at, and then she gasped.

  “Is that a—” She took a few steps forward, her hand still in mine, and touched the thin red iron bars that crisscrossed up and down the outline of the large heart sculpture. I’d had Hunter custom-build the piece with a partner of his over the last few weeks, and it stood about seven feet tall and the same distance wide.

  Shayne’s eyes were watery as she looked up at me. “Is this for what I think it is?”

  Bringing forward the object I’d held behind my back, I nodded. Then I opened my palm, and she gingerly picked it up. The padlock was the same shade as her hair, brilliant and fiery, and as she fingered the inscriptions, she smiled and a tear dropped. Our initials were carved into one side, and on the other, the date of—

  “The day I met your Star Wars underpants.” She laughed, and the sound was like a thousand twinkling chimes on a breeze. Then she winked. “I mean you.”

  “I thought maybe your clients could come back and…you know.” I gestured toward the sculpture. “Fill up the heart.”

  “Fill up the heart,” she repeated, staring in awe at what stood in front of her. “I don’t know what to say.” Then she brushed a stray tear from her cheek as her friends gathered around her.

  “And we made one for all of us too,” Ryleigh said, showing Shayne the bright pink lock with all four of their initials and the word “Forever” on the bottom.

  Shayne looked around at all the family, friends, and others supporting her dream and said, “You guys, this is so much. I wouldn’t even have any of this if it weren’t for all of you.”

  “Yes, you would,” Paige said. “You’re too fabulous to sit in someone else’s wake.”

  “You’ve got a rival to take down and lonely people all over L.A. knocking down your door,” Ace piped up. “Besides, I want my own lock on that tree, so you better get to work.”

  “No pressure or anything,” Shayne said, laughing, and looking back down at the lock in her hands.

  “So, Miss Matchmaker,” I said, “whaddya say? Care to get love-locked with me?”

  “Hmm.” Shayne’s eyes were teasing as she tapped her lips. Then she looked over her shoulder and said, “Hey, Quinn. What’s my horoscope say?”

  Quinn opened up the app on her phone and grinned. “It says, ‘A new venture in love or b
usiness will be extremely profitable and long-lasting.’ Sounds promising.”

  I wrapped my arms around Shayne’s waist and pulled her close. “I think it means love and business.”

  “Oh, you think so, huh?”

  “I know so.”

  “Want to do the honors together, then?” she asked, her eyes shining.

  “Hell yes, I do.”

  After opening the lock with the key from my pocket, we each grabbed hold of it and aimed for the same spot, front and center, directly in the middle of the heart.

  And then, my friends, as was appropriate at a business so aptly named, we lived Happily the Fuck Ever After.


  Book Three of the L.A. Liaisons Series

  Coming Soon

  Thank you for reading Hooker. I hope you enjoyed it!

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  * Reviews are vital to authors. All reviews, even just a couple of quick sentences, can help a reader decide whether to pick up our books. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review on the site you purchased from. I’ll make sure Ryleigh whips up a Thank You, Sexy Bitch shake in your honor!


  First and foremost, to my favorite Aussie—from the brainstorming sessions to the breakdowning sessions (yes, it’s a word) to the gorgeous formatting to the fantastic book trailer to laughing even when reading my book for the millionth time. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you. If I tried, it’d be the size of a novel. Thank you, Ella, for being my person.

  It truly takes a village to release a book, and I’d like to thank my talented team:

  My phenomenal cover & promo designer, Hang Le, who I just adore. Arran McNicol, my smartass superhero editor. Jay Aheer of Simply Defined Art for the gorgeous teaser photos. Judy’s Proofreading for her fabulous catches—even working on vacation! Mickey Reed Editing for polishing up my blurby blurb. Mary with Between the Sheets Promotions for taking charge of Hooker’s cover reveal, blog tour, and release blitz like a boss. Renee K for keeping my Aussie-isms on track. The fab ladies of FTN for the daily giggle snorts and venting sessions, both of which are always much needed. To my Tribe, my family and friends who keep me sane and give love and support no matter what—my mom and seester, Stacy W, Jen G, Donna, Bianca, Ann. I love you all so much, I’m so glad you’re my people! To the women and men (man? Oh, who am I kidding? It’s you, Bill. Lol) of The Naughty Umbrella—I get to squeeze hug so many of you this year, and I can’t wait!! Cassandra Caress & Karen Branton—I see you both sharing my books constantly, and it blows my mind. Thank you! To the bloggers who have picked up my books, reviewed them, and shared them with the world—a million thanks and spanks. And to you reading this right now…I hope you enjoyed Hooker and will stick around for the many more stories to come!


  If you’d like to get to know Brooke better, you can find her getting up to all kinds of mischief at:

  The Naughty Umbrella

  About Brooke

  You could say Brooke Blaine was a book-a-holic from the time she knew how to read; she used to tell her mother that curling up with one at 4 a.m. before elementary school was her ‘quiet time.’ Not much has changed except for the espresso I.V. pump she now carries around and the size of her onesie pajamas.

  She is the author of the international bestselling romantic comedy series, L.A. Liaisons (“Licked” and “Hooker), as well as Flash Point and The Desperate Man series. The latter, co-authored with Ella Frank, has scarred her conservative Southern family for life, bless their hearts.

  If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find - just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for ten years.

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