One To Grow On

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One To Grow On Page 2

by Caitlyn Willows

Judging from his liveried attire, he was also their limo driver. No name tag identified him, and Judi didn't ask. She didn't want to spoil the fantasy. She simply named him “Well Hung” in her mind.

  "The boss wants to see you,” he said when they were ready, and swung open the door.

  He said nothing further during the elevator ride down. Always the gentleman, he made sure doors opened before she reached them, yet never seemed to have to dart forward to do so. She supposed that was an advantage he had because of his height ... one of many.

  Judi saw the limo through the lobby's thick glass wall. The early evening air cooled the heat from her skin as Well Hung opened the door for her. Normally she hated that time of year when the sun set so early. Tonight she was glad of it. It help set the tone for the night's forbidden liaisons. The limo's motor idled, ready to whisk them off to the next birthday fantasy. How far had Reese gone to see those fantasies fulfilled? Apparently all out. She wouldn't spoil the excitement by asking.

  The hulking man beside her whipped open the limo door. One glimpse of Reese in his navy-blue pinstriped suit took her breath away. He thumbed open the jacket button and spread the edges aside. She could see his own substantial cock straining the seams of his pants. He cupped his hand over it and gave it a stroke.

  "We've been waiting for you."

  She nearly fell over herself to get inside. Her ass barely kissed the leather seat before she sank to her knees before him. The instant the door shut, she reached for his fly.

  Reese gently cupped her chin in his hand. “Aren't you going to say hello to our guest?"

  Her eyebrows tugged together with her puzzlement as she studied the amusement on his face. Then Reese pointed behind her. Judi glanced over her shoulder and saw a blond Adonis sitting there. He passed a laser-hot stare down her body and then slipped to the floor before her feet.

  Reese rolled her to her back and lifted her halfway onto the seat, while Adonis parted her legs and started a slow crawl up them with his mouth. Reese straddled her and fished his cock from his trousers. It surged forward, its milky eye seeking her lips. He braced his hands on the back of the seat and offered it to her.

  Swallowing a groan, she caught the beast in one hand and sucked the crown into her mouth, while she cushioned his balls with the other. That's when Adonis found home.

  She lifted her hips into the tongue-lashing, her pussy aching for attention like the spoiled pet it had become.

  Judi rolled her own fantasy scenario in her head. She knew Reese couldn't have talked if his life depended on it, not the way she was twirling her tongue around and around his cock. Adonis’ hands nailed her hips in place, while he fucked every millimeter of her crotch with his mouth.

  And her fantasy—God!—on her way to her summer home, her driver had taken pity on two wandering souls. Of course, she was in a horse-drawn carriage, not a limo. With her consent, they'd given the men a ride. Little did she realize they were former lovers she'd scorned at her debutante ball. They weren't the scrawny youths she recalled, and they were determined to teach her a lesson she'd never forget. They ravished her as she'd never been—

  "Mmmm!” she squealed around a mouthful of cock as Adonis sucked the orgasm right out of her.

  Salty pre-cum kissed her tongue. Reese pulled free and shifted down her body, hiking her dress to her waist as he went. She spread her legs wide, ready to be taken, to be fucked again. He caught her behind the knees and hoisted her legs over his shoulders, then pressed her knees to her chest. A condom package tore open.

  Why would Reese...

  He seated himself on a hard thrust. Adonis hovered directly behind him. It looked like Reese had decided to indulge in a fantasy of his own, too. She felt Adonis’ plunge into Reese's ass. It forced Reese deeper inside her. With both of them pivoting in unison, it felt like a pile driver going into her. Only one thing would have made it supreme—to have a cock up her ass, too. All she could do was hold on and watch.

  Jaws clenched as the men strained to hold on. Deep growls of feral pleasure tore from their throats. It was powerfully addictive, these two gorgeous men going at it, going at her, each other...

  Judi arched her hips into Reese as she came. It seemed the signal for them as well. Deep plunges seated them as they came ... and came. She could feel Reese's semen spurting against her walls. Rough pants filled the interior of the limo. Slowly they peeled apart. It was all she could do to move.

  Half dazed, she watched the men clean up. Then Reese washed her crotch with a warm cloth, just as Well Hung had early. He added a kiss and handed her a glass of vanilla vodka Adonis had poured. She rattled the ice cubes and took a sip. It slipped down her throat like liquid frost.

  The limo stopped for a red light and Adonis wasted no time exiting. Just as quickly, she watched him slip into the front seat.

  "Will we be seeing them later?"

  Reese fished an ice cube from his glass and brought it to her lips. “I hate to ruin a surprise, but ... yes."

  Judi sucked the whiskey from the ice and traced her tongue around it.

  "You keep that up and you'll have me hard in no time.” His voice rumbled over her ear. He slid the ice down the column of her throat to the well at the base. Three slow circles marked the space before he continued his journey to the valley of her cleavage. “I want your breasts where I can see them."

  She tugged them free of the material, gasping as the first kiss of ice hardened her nipple. Cold water trickled down, he caught it on the tip of his tongue and followed its path upward. A warm breath over her icy areole sent a shiver through her. When she was certain she couldn't bear the sweet torment any longer, hot lips closed over her breast ... and the cube targeted her other nipple.

  "You want to be tied down, don't you?” He dragged his mouth behind the ice.

  "Yes,” she gasped.

  "Don't worry, sweetheart, you will be. Every fantasy ... just as I promised.” He pulled her facedown over his lap with one hand and returned his torture device to his glass. “I can't believe I'm hard for you again so quickly.” He brushed his hand over the curve of her bare bottom. “It's still warm and red from your bad girl spanking.” He tickled his finger down the crack of her ass, then lower to tap the well of her juices. “It's going to be redder before the night's over. But we're close to the restaurant and it's time for another present before we arrive."

  God, what could he do to her in that short period of time? She listened as he retrieved something from his black bag of tricks on the floor beside his feet.

  "Spread your thighs, sweetheart."

  She did so and was rewarded with a dildo slipped deep into her cunt. When it reached the hilt, Reese flicked it on. She couldn't hear it, but she could damn well feel delicious vibrations coursing through her.

  "Feel good?"

  Judi lifted her head. “Good God, yes!"

  "Then you should love this.” Without another hint, he shoved a butt plug up her ass.

  Pleasure rippled through her. If anything brushed her clit during dinner, she'd be coming all over the place.

  "And I'll let you put this right where you need it.” He dangled a butterfly vibrator before her eyes. “I have the remote."

  She wrapped her fingers around the strap-on device as he eased her onto the seat across from him. Excitement raced her heart. They'd played with this at home, even at friends’ parties they attended where she could slip into a secluded niche whenever he indulged her. But never in a public location where she was “captive.” He had the power to make her come a thousand times over, or bring her to the edge and leave her hovering there, and all she would be allowed to do was sit there and take it ... quietly.

  "Where are we going?” she asked as she slipped it on and adjusted the elastic straps. As an added bonus for him, she lifted her dress and spread her legs wide so Reese could get a good view.

  He smiled and nodded his appreciation. “Stefano's, of course.” Then he pressed the remote.

  Judi sucked in a sharp
breath. The combination of all three toys was a girl's dream come true. She was instantly at the peak, ready to explode. And just like that, he cut her off, chuckling when she flashed him a dirty look.

  "Greedy little kitty you've got there, isn't it?"

  She flicked her dress down. “As you've indicated ... the night is young. I might have a few tricks of my own up my sleeve."

  He crawled over her. “I'm looking forward to that.” His lips covered hers in a slow kiss. When the limo slowed, he patted her thigh. “We're here."

  Judi finger-combed her hair as they stopped, detangling the curls. Reese stepped out first and extended his open palm her way to help her exit. His broad smile and the light in his eyes bathed her in love and the promise of delights yet to come. Every step shifted the devices up her and on her, keeping her primed and ready.

  Reese kissed her fingertips, then looped her arm through the crook of his. “Everyone will be watching, wondering about the smiles on our faces. They'll see how much in love we are, but they'll never guess our extra secret ... unless, of course, you give us away.” He punctuated the sentence with a wink as the owner—Stefano himself—swooped down upon them.

  "Welcome, Osbournes, and happy birthday to our lovely Judith."

  He flung his arms wide to embrace them both. His bald head barely reached Reese's chest. He smelled of Italian herbs and spices, giving the impression he'd just left the kitchen. His pristine white shirt, trousers, and shoes said differently. Though he'd professed to have lived most of his life in the United States, his accent still bore hints of his Sicilian roots.

  "What pleasure it gives us to share this night with you. Back to the place where the love started,” he said with a laugh. “The amorous couple who helped build Stefano's reputation as a place for lovers."

  Judi felt her cheeks warm. They'd been beyond amorous on their first date here—kisses, caresses, not-so-veiled suggestions of what they would be doing to each other once they reached the privacy of whichever apartment was closest. Then Reese had slipped his hand between her legs and wandered to the jungle heat at her crotch. There, in front of a packed restaurant, privacy curtains still tied open, he'd brought her to orgasm. Fortunately, she'd been discreet about the mind-numbing explosion. They'd been regulars here ever since, although more cautious about their sex play ... until tonight.

  "Your favorite booth is ready.” Stefano swept his arm before them. “A bottle of Pinot Grigio is chilled and waiting, compliments of the house on this, our beautiful lady's special night."

  Chest puffed with pride, the man led the way. From the chill of the Los Angeles night, they stepped into another world. A minstrel strolled through the restaurant, his mandolin adding to the ambiance. Murals of Venice and gondolas, of vineyards and lovers were painted on the walls. Recessed lighting was soft, while candles in red globes marked each booth. Red and brown were the primary colors, with tassels in burnished gold holding back the curtains on those semi-private niches. Judi's gaze strayed to the one booth that was closed.

  Stefano gave a low chuckle. “Newlyweds,” he whispered and followed it with a wink. “Perhaps the seasoned couple can give them some pointers on longevity."

  Reese laughed lightly. “I don't think three years qualifies us as being seasoned. Besides, we wouldn't know where to begin. Learn, listen, respect, make time ... the list is long."

  Judi smoothed her arm down his until she could lace her fingers through his. She could add the words commitment, dedication, hard work, and great play, but Reese had made his point. A groan from behind the closed curtains pulled heads that way—a reminder to Judi of how discreet they needed to be. It made the lure of what they were about to do all the more appealing.

  They slid onto the faux-leather booth and scooted toward the top of the U the seat created. The dildo and plug pressed deeper inside her, working in tandem to bring her G-spot to life ... as if it needed the jolt. She was still buzzing from earlier.

  No sooner had she thought that, than Reese flicked on the butterfly. Judi held her breath, eyes wide as she willed herself to remain normal. Stefano still hovered over them, always the perfect host. She kept her smile frozen in place, nodding absentmindedly at whatever it was the man had said. He snapped napkins over their laps, and Judi feared he might feel the vibrations ripple through the linen before he released it. Then he uncorked the wine and offered a sample to Reese for his approval.

  Reese took his time doing so, making a ritual of it. At that point, Judi didn't know if he did so to please their host or to torment her. Finally he nodded his consent and Stefano filled the wineglasses.

  She watched the cool liquid rise in the glass, a good equivalent to the rise within her. God, how she'd love that poured over her to ease the fire, to have Reese lick her skin dry, to bring relief to the ache swelling her crotch to the bursting point.

  She gripped her hands together, nails biting into her palms. The vibrators might have been discreetly quiet, but her clit was now singing with the minstrel. Reese sat there with a smug smile, listening to the specials Stefano rattled off while he toyed with the remote in his pocket. If he left her hanging this time...

  She gripped her napkin in her fists as she fought the rising tide. It was going to be a big one. Why was Stefano still there? Just order something, anything, she screamed in her mind to Reese. She was going to come any second now. Even if, by some miracle, she managed to quell the groan that threatened to erupt, Stefano would surely see the pleasure wash over her.

  "Sound good to you?” Reese turned his bright smile her way; devilment danced in his eyes.

  "Yes,” she somehow managed to push out. “Sounds wonderful.” Just get him to leave ... now!

  Stefano clicked his heels, gave them a short bow, then strode toward the kitchen, smiling and nodding at his patrons as he went.

  As the door swung closed, Judi's eyes glazed over. She tensed under the force of her climax, fighting for silence and relief at the same time. It made the orgasm all the more intense. It held on, rolling waves through her, before finally sliding to a finish that melted every bone in her body. She sagged into the seat, wondering if anyone would notice if she took a nap.

  "That good, huh?” Reese knew her well.

  "Oh, yeah ... we might want to pace ourselves a little more. Otherwise there'll be nothing left of me for later."

  "I'll consider your request.” He flicked the butterfly on and off, on and off.

  Still sensitive, she twitched under the assault. She flashed him a look, begging for a reprieve. He granted her request without question or complaint, leaving the toy in “off” mode.

  "To us.” He lifted his wineglass. “Happy birthday, sweetheart. The diamonds look lovely on you. They capture the fire in you."

  Aww. She fingered the jewels as she toasted with him. “I love them. My birthday gift to you will look great on you, too. I was thinking that I'd book us a trip to Cancun. I thought you'd like to work on your all-over tan."

  That made him smile. “Only if you'll join me."

  "I wouldn't want it any other way. I'll even be more than happy to help you wash the sand out of all those private places."

  "I can hardly wait, but I think we'll need some practice first."

  Judi tilted a nod his way and set her glass down. “As you wish. I'm always willing to please."

  "Even if I did order octopus for dinner?"

  He laughed at her wince. “Don't worry. I didn't.” He squeezed her thigh. “It's pasta primavera.” He lowered his voice and mimicked Stefano's accent. “Plus an antipasto of tomatoes and fresh mozzarella in olive-oil, kissed with a hint of basil and oregano. A spinach salad with a balsamic vinaigrette to wake up the taste buds. For dessert we have orange cappuccino and tiramisu made especially for us."

  "After a meal like that, all we'll be fit for is sleep,” she said with a laugh. “I'm going to the ladies room.” She grabbed her purse and started to slide away.

  Reese caught her arm, holding her in place. “The toys s
tay where they are, love. I put them there, and only I take them out. You've already disobeyed me once today."

  Her heart raced. When he'd decided to play out her fantasies, he didn't go for half measures. “But I was punished for that.” She kept her eyes downcast like a recalcitrant girl.

  Reese forced her chin up with his finger. “Not by me, by a play toy, who doesn't really understand the type of discipline you need. You will have a good taste of the crop on your bare bottom later. Thirty, in honor of your birthday."

  "And one to grow on?” Her voice quivered.

  His eyebrow lifted. “And if you disobey me further tonight, I won't have a problem delivering thirty-one more. Understood?"

  The instant she nodded, he flicked the butterfly back on. She kept her gaze down, her hands folded demurely in her lap. In seconds, orgasm raced over her, easing the fire his promise had built.

  "I think I'll keep this on extra low through dinner. It'll help remind you that I'm the one in charge of your pleasure tonight.” He leaned his mouth close to her ear. The heat of his breath made her shiver. “I can give it or withhold it, love."

  Her nipples perked up, aching for his lips. His fingers traced lazy patterns up and down her inner thighs. God, she loved him, loved that he would do all this for her.

  Stefano's return with the antipasto pulled them apart slowly. The man beamed a smile at them and placed the platter of tomatoes and cheese before them along with a basket of fresh Italian bread. “Bon appetit, young lovers. You would like privacy, yes?” He reached for the ties holding the curtains.

  Reese lifted his hand. “Not tonight, Stefano. But thank you for the courtesy."

  Another short bow sent him on his way.

  The meal was delicious, as always, and set at a leisurely pace Judi normally loved. Tonight, though, with that butterfly gently buzzing between her legs and the promise of discipline at Reese's hand hovering over her, all she wanted was to eat and leave. She ran different fantasy scenarios in her head, wondering which ones Reese had selected for the night. They had many they played at; few they'd acted on for real. That's what made tonight extra special. She'd already come more times than she could count, yet her body remained on high alert for the next release.


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