Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection

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Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection Page 12

by Crowne, K. C.

  Brad had said the black car had gone straight the other night when he was driving home from my house.

  I accelerated up the hill and didn’t see the black sedan again. My heart was beating fast, and I took several deep breaths to try and calm myself down.

  I reached the resort entranceway and turned inside. I drove straight to the main house and found Brad on his porch, waiting for me. As soon as I parked, he hurried to my car.

  “I was waiting for you,” he said, opening the door for me.

  I could tell that he was worried about me. I smiled at him and told him everything was fine. But he was watching me closely and could tell everything was not fine. “What is it?” he asked. “Tell me.”

  “There was a man watching me in town. I think it was a man. I saw a dark figure between the buildings on Main Street. He ran when I noticed him,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

  Brad’s face turned red with anger. “Did you see his face?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I couldn’t see his face. The space between the buildings led to an alleyway. I couldn’t see where he went, either.”

  “You looked for him?” Brad said, practically yelling at me. “Angela! What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking that I could prove whether it was John or not,” I defended angrily. “I didn’t get close. I drove around the block and looked down the alley. Nobody was there, but—”

  “But what?” Brad said in an angry tone, his blue eyes glaring.

  “A black car with dark windows pulled up behind me on Main Street. I turned onto the mountain road, and it kept going straight, thankfully,” I told him. Brad’s eye flashed in anger. “Brad, I’m fine now. Please, calm down.”

  He took a deep breath and just looked at me for a moment, eyes still gleaming. He took another deep breath before speaking. “The important thing is that you’re okay. Do you have a picture of John?”

  “Yes, on my phone,” I answered.

  “Send it to me. I want to show my family and the staff so they can be on the lookout for this lunatic just in case he tries something.”

  “I’m really okay,” I repeated, trying to soothe him.

  “I should have stayed with you. Never again,” he stated.

  I hugged him. I couldn’t believe he cared for me so much. “Thank you,” I whispered into his ear, hugging him hard and giving him a peck on the cheek.


  When I saw Angela’s car pull up the road to the resort, I felt immense relief. But when she told me about what had happened in town, I felt anger like I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

  Usually, I was a calm guy. In fact, I was a bit surprised at the rage that took over when Angela told me John was possibly watching her and had even followed her in his car.

  After I got Angela settled in the main house, I had her send me a picture of John. I took it down to the resort and showed it to most of the staff.

  There were a couple of guys scheduled to work with Cole, who focused on outdoor tasks, such as shoveling walkways and keeping the parking area cleared. I made sure they were on the lookout for not only the man in the picture but the black car with tinted windows as well. I felt confident John wouldn’t be able to drive into the resort without being noticed.

  I took my brothers aside and talked to each one of them about what was going on. They all seemed shocked at first but agreed to keep an eye out and to help me keep Angela safe.

  Everyone was busy all day. It snowed a lot but didn’t get bad until nightfall. Harley had the lifts open most of the day. Cole worked on keeping the walkways and common areas cleared of snow, along with the driveways and parking lots. Dax bartended at the lodge, where most of our guests hung out for the day. Mom and Ms. Everett took care of housekeeping and any room service that was ordered, and I bartended at the lounge during dinner and in the evening.

  I asked Angela to join me in the bar. I taught her the ropes of bartending and making the drinks the guests ordered the most. She learned quickly and was great with the guests.

  “You’re doing a great job,” I told her.

  “I’ve always wanted to try bartending,” Angela confessed. “Thanks for teaching me. It was a lot of fun.”

  At eight o’clock, I had one of the waitresses take over the bar for the night. Since we had a full house, we would keep it open until things slowed down. Angela and I went to the kitchen to talk with my mom before heading to the house. We had two receptionists at the front desk until ten p.m., so when room service ended at ten, Mom said she would be done for the day.

  Overall, it was a productive and busy day. We hadn’t even had dinner yet, so I suggested we go back up to my place and make something for the boys and us to eat. I scooped the boys up from the common room, and we drove to my cabin in my jeep.

  “What do you guys want to eat?” I asked Bryce and Reid.

  “Tacos!” Bryce yelled.

  “I want French fries,” Reid countered.

  “Tacos and French fries, huh?” I repeated. “What about you, Angela?”

  She put her finger on her chin, tapping, pretending to think about it. “Mmmm, tacos and French fries sound good,” she said, smiling.

  “Yeah!” cried the boys in delight. Angela giggled.

  “Okay, tacos and French fries, it is then,” I agreed, chuckling.

  I showed Angela where everything was in the kitchen, and she got started on the cooking. I wanted to clear the front porch and walkway of snow and make a path leading to the main house so I could walk Angela over there later.

  After shoveling my place and my mom’s, I returned to the cabin to the scent of frying potatoes. Angela had Bryce shredding lettuce, and Reid was setting the table.

  “Smells good in here!” I exclaimed, stomping the snow from my boots. “Think we got a good seven inches out there now. Doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon, either.”

  “Wow,” Angela mused. “It never snows more than two inches in Garden City. The snow is really beautiful,” she observed, looking out of the kitchen window.

  “Yeah, it is,” I agreed, following her gaze. I had a couple of spotlights set up outside the house, and we could see the snow falling illuminated in the light.

  I lit a small fire in the fireplace, and we sat around the kitchen table, eating dinner. The boys were so happy to have Angela for company.

  “It’s great to have you here all of the time,” Bryce told her, grinning big.

  Reid nodded, matching his brother’s grin. His mouth was full, and he’d shockingly remembered his manners. They looked at each other and giggled.

  “We should go ice fishing,” Bryce announced a few minutes later. “Angela, you can borrow my boots if you don’t have any.”

  “Ice fishing?” Angela said, scrunching up her face. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Boys, the river won’t freeze over with one snowstorm. The water is too warm after the last couple of weeks. We’ll see what else we can do tomorrow. We have to see what the weather holds.”

  They reluctantly agreed.

  We finished eating dinner, and I told the boys they could watch some TV while I walked Angela home and made sure she had everything she needed.

  I slung my arm through hers. Even though I had just cleared a path, there was a dusting of snow covering it again. We made it to the main house without incident, and my mom had left a light on in the living room for us. I tiptoed to her bedroom door and faintly heard her snoring on the other side.

  “Mom’s sleeping,” I told Angela.

  “She’s probably really tired after all the work she did today,” Angela commented.

  “Yeah, I’m getting tired, too,” I told her, laughing. “It was a good day. Busy day, though.”

  “Yeah, it was,” she agreed.

  Angela’s room was on the second floor, along with a bathroom and three other bedrooms that used to be my brothers’. Besides the boys using one of the rooms occasionally, she would have the space to
herself. The master bedroom that was Mom’s was on the first floor, along with a master bath.

  I showed Angela around quickly before taking her upstairs. She told me she didn’t need anything from the kitchen, and I walked her upstairs. I hadn’t had the time to hook up the cable in her room yet, so I did it quickly.

  “That should do it,” I informed Angela.

  “Thank you,” she answered.

  I turned around to see her smiling at me. She looked sexy, standing in the soft light of the room. Outside the windows, the snow fell like a white blanket covering the world. It was quiet in the house, and we were the only ones on the second floor.

  I thought about fucking Angela in my old bedroom. She was giving me a sexy, inviting look, and I went to her. She was wearing a purple dress shirt and black dress pants. I kissed her lips hard and began to unbutton her shirt immediately.

  “Brad,” she whispered. “Should we do it here?”

  “Why not?” I asked her.

  “It’s your mom’s house.”

  “She’s fast asleep. Snoring. She won’t hear us.” I groaned as I kissed Angela’s ear.

  I continued to unbutton her blouse. My dick was throbbing for her.

  She didn’t protest anymore and exhaled slowly when I slipped my hand under her blouse and fondled her plump breasts. I felt her nipples harden under the lace bra. I quickly pushed her shirt off her shoulders. I reached back behind her and unsnapped her bra. The cups dropped from her round mounds, and pink nipples begged me to suck on them.

  I bent my head and found her erect nipples with my tongue. I licked each before taking them fully into my mouth, sucking hard.

  Angela squirmed, and I held on to her midsection firmly, sucking her breasts into my mouth. She groaned and grabbed my shaggy hair.

  I moved my hands down to her waist and unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. I pulled them down, over her ass and long legs. Then I reached for her lace panties and pulled them down as well.

  “You are so sexy,” I groaned and kissed her. My hands roamed over her naked body, feeling every inch of her soft skin.

  I reached her swollen mound and pushed my fingers through her pussy lips. I pushed into her wetness and felt her clench around me.

  Angela bit my shoulder as I thrust my fingers inside her pussy. She grabbed for my flannel and began to unbutton it. Then she pushed it off my shoulders and down my biceps and forearms. She ran her hands over my sculpted pecs and my biceps.

  “You’re so toned. So hot,” she murmured as she moved her hands through my chest hair and over my carved abs to find my belt.

  She unbuckled my belt, undid the button, and unzipped my pants, all while my fingers were deep inside her wet pussy.

  She pushed my pants off, and they dropped to my feet. I kicked out of them. My cock stood hard and erect. Angela reached for it and made a fist around it, moving her hand up and down over its smooth surface.

  I moaned, expressing the intense pleasure she was giving me. Her soft hand moved over my smooth shaft faster, and I pumped my fingers inside her pussy deeper.

  I removed my fingers from her, and she dropped to her knees. She dropped her hand and replaced it with her mouth, taking all of me down into her throat. She moved her mouth over my long shaft, faster and faster. I didn’t want to come in her mouth, so I stepped back and pulled her up to her feet.

  I pushed her back onto the bed and climbed on top of her. I kissed her deeply for a long minute before grabbing my cock and positioning it at her entrance. Instinctively, Angela spread her legs wide and lifted her ass off the bed. I slammed into her, burying myself to the hilt. We tried hard to stifle our groans so as not to wake my mom below.

  We fucked hard and fast, like teenagers worried about getting caught. Feeling the pressure building in my balls, I reached between us and found her clit with my fingers. I rubbed her sensitive flesh as I plowed into her over and over.

  Angela writhed underneath me, her head tossing back and forth in pure ecstasy. I felt her pussy contract, and her juices flowed over my cock. She threw her head back and closed her eyes as her body went rigid underneath me. Her body convulsed, and I let loose inside of her.

  I moaned as I came hard.

  Angela went limp under me, and I sagged with exhaustion. We were breathing hard. I moved my mouth to hers, and we kissed passionately.

  I rolled off her and lay beside her, holding her naked body close to mine.

  After holding her a few minutes, I murmured, “I hate to leave you, but I have to get back to the boys.”

  “I know. It’s all good,” she said as she kissed me again.

  I got up and got dressed. “See you in the morning for breakfast?”

  “Of course,” she answered, smiling sleepily.

  I kissed her again, pulling the covers over her naked body. “I’ll lock up. You go to sleep.”

  “Good night, Brad,” she murmured, her eyes closing.

  I left her room, closing the door behind me, my heart swelling in my chest.


  Sunday morning came quickly, and I looked at my bedside clock to see what time it was. At first, I thought the clock must be wrong. It said eleven o’clock.

  I hadn’t slept that late since high school. I showered quickly and put on some warm clothes. I knew the resort would be busy, and I wanted to help, so I hurried to the kitchen and found two slips of paper addressed to me on the counter.

  Dear Angela,

  Good morning. I hope you slept well. I’m down at the resort. Come find me when you’re ready. Take your time, there’s no rush. The boys are here with me.

  Love Brad

  Morning Dear

  There’s an extra pair of boots by the front door. Be sure to wear them. The snow is deep! Walk down if the boys haven’t cleared the driveway yet. I don’t know when they will. It’s too dangerous to drive down if you’re not used to the slope. Be careful!

  If you’re hungry, there’s some fruit in the fridge and a coffee cake on the counter. Help yourself. Or you can grab something at the resort kitchen.

  See you down there,

  Mary Beth

  I smiled to myself, feeling blessed that these wonderful people had come into my life and had accepted me so fully. I went to the fridge to see what kind of fruit there was. I took an apple and a handful of blueberries and ate them quickly.

  I put my jacket on and saw that Mary Beth had also left me a pair of gloves and a scarf. I slipped on the boots and headed out to the screened-in porch.

  No one had plowed the driveway yet, so I stepped out of the screened door onto the steps that had been swept earlier. About an inch of snow had fallen since then. I put up my hood to my ears warm as I walked through the lovely, falling snowflakes around me.

  I trudged through the snow and finally made it down to the resort. Once there, I noticed they did have the parking area and walkways cleared as best they could, given the snow was still coming down. Also, the road to the ski lifts was opened, so I supposed they still had skiers up there.

  I found Mary Beth at the front desk making a list of several in-house activities for the day for people who didn’t want to ski in the freezing cold conditions. Of course, there were still those who lived for these conditions, and Mary Beth said they would keep the lifts and lodge open for as long as it was safe to do so.

  I offered to help her with her activities when she was ready to start.

  “I told everyone we’d have bingo at two o’clock in the dining room,” she informed me. “I also have some craft projects I’m going to pull out for the kids, and we’ll do that at twelve-thirty, I think, here in the common room,” she listed, glancing at me and smiling. “I’d love your help if you don’t mind.”

  “Okay, sure,” I agreed. “Is Brad in his office?”

  “I saw him in the pantry last,” she told me.

  “Okay, I’ll be back here before the crafts start,” I promised her and left to find Brad.

  I found him in the pantry just
like Mary Beth had said he’d be, bent over a crate of beer bottles. He was wearing jeans, and his ass looked super sexy. “Hello,” I said as I approached him, taking in the view.

  “Hi, Angela. Did you sleep well?” he asked, grinning up at me, still bent over.

  “I did, thank you. I just saw Mary Beth and told her I’d help with crafts and bingo.”

  “Okay, that’s good. I’ll probably be helping Cole outside today. There’s a lot of shoveling to do, and he’s having trouble keeping up with it. His help went home last night, and he can use an extra hand.” He straightened and grinned. “Then, I’ll come and open the bar for dinner if you want to join me again,” he said.

  “Sure, sounds like fun,” I told him.

  “I saved you a plate of food for lunch. It’s wrapped up in the small white fridge in the kitchen. You should go eat before the activities start,” he suggested, giving me a quick kiss.

  I returned to the kitchen and found the plate of food. A grilled chicken breast, au gratin potatoes, and a side salad.

  Perfect, I thought and grabbed a fork.

  I ate quickly in the dining room then went to find Mary Beth setting up paints and various types of small, hand-crafted wooden chests for the kids to paint and decorate.

  “These are so cute,” I said as I picked up one of the chests. They were already sanded and ready to be painted or stained, and there were various decals that could be added.

  “Yeah, Cole made them for us out of scrap wood pieces. He just hinges them together. We saved them for a rainy day,” she told me proudly. “That boy is really good with his hands.”

  Some of the kids and their parents came in from outside, and more came bounding down the stairs several minutes later, almost as if Mary Beth had rung a bell to summon them. Bryce and Reid came in from outside as well.

  “We made a path to get down to our shack,” Reid informed Mary Beth and me, red-faced.

  “You two need to be careful down there by the river,” she replied, her face expressing worry. “How about you guys play up here until the snow clears? I’d feel better if you did.”


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