Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection

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Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection Page 50

by Crowne, K. C.

  Congresswoman Noel Stone and her husband, Peter, showed up first, the evening before. We had a meeting scheduled with them at nine a.m. at the ski lodge, where the main wedding ceremony would take place.

  The meeting went on for hours with Mr. and Mrs. Stone nit-picking through the original plans. Or, I should say that it was really the Congresswoman who was doing most of the nit-picking since Mr. Stone was pretty laid back, himself.

  But we battled through it and it was time for lunch. The group had decided to send me down in advance with some notes to the main resort building that housed The River Room, the resort's restaurant, lounge, and main dining room.

  I was bringing the notes of changes and additions down to Brad and Dax Hunter, two of the brothers and owners of the resort, who were in charge of making sure the family’s wishes were seen to. The Stone’s wanted them to get started on the requested changes ASAP.

  Brad and Dax accepted my notes and had taken off. While I was waiting on the rest of the Stone party to come in and join me for lunch, Cooper Stone walked into the dining room looking for his parents.

  Now, I didn’t know at the time that this hot man was Cooper Stone, son of the Congresswoman. To tell you the truth, it didn’t matter who he was. All I knew was that he was the sexiest man that I had ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on.

  I turned around and our eyes locked for the first time. His dark blue eyes met my light green ones and that was it; the beginning of our story.

  Cooper was tall, built, and handsome. He probably stood 6’3” because he towered over my already lofty female height of 5’10”. His hair was dark ─almost black─ cropped short on the sides but styled longer on top. He was well-groomed with a matching, dark five o’clock shadow, long sideburns and all.

  And his body. Sexy. Sexy. Sexy.

  He had a broad, muscular frame. His muscles were bursting out of his short-sleeve, light blue dress shirt. Unbuttoned at the top, a manly line of dark chest hair traveled how far down his super-toned torso? Bulging biceps and forearms added to his eye candy physique.

  His lower body was just as nice to look at. His thigh muscles formed a beefy outline in his blue jeans. He had a nice ass, as well. I could easily picture my curvy body nesting perfectly within his strong arms.

  My eyes only left his to travel down his body and slowly back up. I felt frozen in time as Cooper took a second to look around the room and then his gaze locked back onto me.

  Then he stepped forward and the spell was momentarily broken.

  I was dressed in a tight-fitting, mossy-green blouse and an above the knee, cream-colored pencil skirt. I wore creamy tights underneath my skirt and black leather knee-high boots. The undertone of the mossy green color accented my green eyes and my long, dark brown, flowing hair.

  “Hi, I’m Cooper.”

  He flashed a grin full of perfectly white, straight teeth. I’d never seen anyone this perfect and found my usual out-going self, lost for words.

  “Ahh,” was all I managed to get out, and I suddenly wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

  Cooper’s smile broadened. He was probably used to woman floundering in his presence.

  “Hi,” I finally blurted out.

  “I’m looking for Mr. and Mrs. Stone? They’re my parents and are supposed to be here for lunch,” he explained.

  “Oh, you’re Cooper Stone,” I acknowledged, finally coming to my senses.

  “Yep, in the flesh,” he grinned.

  I tried to shake myself out of my lust-filled stupor and smiled. “Your parents were up at the ski lodge for a meeting with the wedding planner. They should be arriving down here for lunch at any moment,” I informed him just as the group walked through the door.

  “Speaking of your parents, here they are!” I said, motioning to his mother and father.

  Cooper nodded. “I didn’t catch your name,” he tilted his head in question.

  “Oh, I’m Hailey. I’m the Wedding Planner’s assistant,” I informed him.

  “The Assistant Wedding Planner. I see. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Hailey,” Cooper replied, extending his hand to me.

  I accepted his hand and his shake was firm but soft. He held on to my hand until his mother, Congresswoman Stone, called out his name. “Cooper! There you are. Come and join us, dear.”

  “Coming,” he called back to her. But his gaze lingered on me. “Are you joining us for lunch, Hailey?” he asked.

  “Ah, yes, I am,” I floundered again. I mentally kicked myself. I really needed to get a grip, or I was going to lose my professional edge.

  He smiled bigger at my response and instead of releasing my hand, he led me over to the table where the rest of the party was sitting down.

  He pulled out my chair for me and then took the seat beside me.

  My heart was racing. Oakley met my eyes with raised brows from across the table, but she remained silent as she took her seat beside Congresswoman Stone.

  I gave her a small shrug in return.

  The Stone’s had pre-ordered lunch and the dining room servers brought out our meals.

  As we were eating and listening to Congresswoman Stone do most of the talking, I could feel Cooper’s gaze upon me. He wasn’t staring, but I saw him watching me out of the corner of my eye. My cheeks burned hot every time that I noticed his eyes turned my way.

  I tried my damndest not to look back at him. Though, God knew I wanted to. I wanted to take a good long look at the man, but I was the professional in this situation, and I had to remain so. This event was huge for Oakley and I was not going to risk screwing it up by making googly eyes at the Congresswoman’s son. No, I needed to stay focused on the task at hand, and that was not jumping Cooper Stone’s bones.

  The meal went on for what seemed like forever. I tried to sit tall and to not squirm in my seat. Unfortunately, it was hard to do that, considering I was sitting next to a man who had just walked straight out of a fairy tale.

  I was relieved when the lunch meeting was over. The Stones wanted to go outside and check on the lighting and outdoor decorations. Dax and Cole Hunter were apparently putting up the lights right now. They had to be perfect, according to Noel Stone.

  I had thought that Cooper, who was silent during most of the meal and seemed to be a lot less interested in all of the details than his mother, would be happy to go off and do something else.

  But to my surprise, he followed us outside and to the various places that Oakley led us. For now, the lights had only been put up around the main resort buildings, lots, walkways, and roads.

  Cooper walked beside me in silence as we checked on the various outdoor decorations. He walked alarmingly close to me as if we were long lost friends. It was a strangely comfortable closeness; like I had known him all along.

  Oakley informed the Stones that the decorating was still a work in progress and that Dax and Cole were working on the road up to the ski lodge and then the lot and surrounding outdoor areas of the lodge would be decorated, as well.

  Congresswoman Stone and her husband seemed to be happy with the outdoor decor which had been already finished and they said that they would check out the other areas before dinner.

  As his parents were walking back to their car parked in the main lot, Cooper turned to me and asked what there was to do around the resort.

  His question took me off guard. I knew they had covered these things at check-in, so I was unprepared for it. I began spouting off things from the brochure that I’d memorized: Skiing, fishing, snowmobiling, hiking, and a fitness room for guests.

  “Are you going to have any free time today or does my mother have you guys running wild all day?” he asked me.

  Again, his outright question took me off guard. Was I going to have any free time? I wasn’t sure how to answer that.

  “I... I don’t know,” I stammered, looking at Oakley for help.

  Oakley was busy looking at her phone where she had a checklist that she was going through. She didn’t pay an
y attention to Cooper and me.

  Great. Thanks, Oakley. Leave it to her to not pick up on things right away! Oakley was very serious sometimes and that’s where her mind would stay... on her current activity and not her hopelessly floundering bestie.

  I was on my own.

  I looked back at Cooper who was looking at me.

  “Here,” he finally said when I didn’t elaborate about having any free time. To tell you the truth, I had no idea when I’d have free time.

  Cooper held out a business card. I took it from him and read the front.

  Cooper Stone, Esquire, M.B.A.

  “You’re a lawyer?” I blurted out in surprise.

  “Yep,” he shook his head chuckling at my response. “Why? I don’t look like a lawyer to you?”

  “No. I mean, Yes. I guess I hadn’t really thought about it. Just didn’t expect it. Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  Really, I had pictured him as a scorching hot male model. But I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “No offense taken. Lawyers run in my family. And Politicians,” he replied.

  Lawyers and politicians, I thought. A daunting bunch.

  “Anyway, if you find yourself with some free time and bored, give me a call. Maybe we can go for a walk or something. My cell is listed on there,” he said, pointing at the card.

  “Alright,” I agreed. “I can’t promise anything though,” I informed him, shaking my head.

  “Okay, but if you can get away…” he repeated, grinning.

  I nodded and our eyes met once again. Before I could melt right in front of him, he turned and headed for his truck in the lot.

  I watched as he drove toward the cabins. He gave a short wave as he drove by and I lifted my hand in return.

  Shit, I had forgotten that he was my neighbor for the next few nights. Oakley and I were in Cabin Three and he was in Cabin Two. I was sure to be running into him several more times before the wedding.

  I looked to Oakley as we walked back to the dining room to retrieve her briefcase and our paperwork. She looked over at me and smiled.

  “Cooper seems nice,” is all she said.

  “Yeah, he does,” I agreed and followed her inside.

  * * *

  I didn’t find myself with any free time the rest of the day. With the wedding in two days, there was a lot to do.

  Part of me was relieved that I had enough on my plate to keep busy all day. After all, I was here on a job, and socializing with the client’s son wasn’t on the menu.

  But I’d pulled that silly card that Cooper had given me out of my pocket at least five times. I couldn’t get him off of my mind.

  Maybe, I’d give him a call later that night. Oakley would probably go and hang out with Dax like she had been doing the last couple of nights. Why shouldn’t I have some fun too?

  But Cooper wasn’t Dax. It was different. Dax was the owner of the resort. He wasn’t our client. Cooper’s mother was our client, and she might not approve of the Wedding Planner’s assistant fraternizing with her son.

  But on the other hand, her son was a grown man... not a teenager. I’m sure he could hang out with whomever he pleased. And, technically, my free time wasn’t on the clock.

  What to do? What to do?

  I decided to see what happened later. Oakley and I had a full day ahead of us yet and I might not even have time tonight to hang out.

  Later that night, I found myself exhausted. When Oakley and I came back to our cabin after dinner, we passed Cooper’s cabin on the way. I had hoped that he’d, for some reason, be outside. Maybe on his porch or at his truck. But I didn’t see him. Only the lights within his cabin shined bright, telling me that he was probably in there.

  And aside from being tired, I just didn’t feel right about calling him. I stared at his card and twirled it between my fingers. I went back and forth: call him; don’t call him.

  I decided on the later and didn’t call him. Instead, I took a quick shower and went to bed. Alone.


  I had met the most amazing, attractive woman of my life. As soon as I’d laid my eyes upon her, I’d known that she was special.

  Why? Was it her long legs, slim, curvy figure, or long and dark flowing hair? Nope. At first, I only noticed her beautiful green eyes as I peered into them. And what I saw in them was magical.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her for the rest of the afternoon. I knew that I was making her feel uncomfortable, but I couldn’t get enough of her beauty.

  I know nothing of her except that her name was Hailey, and she was working for my mother as the Wedding Planner’s assistant. She didn’t say too much and working for my mother was probably the reason. My mom was a real tough cookie.

  When I’d given her my card and cell phone number, I had hoped that she would give me a call. But I also had a feeling that she probably would not. I was putting her in a tough spot.

  I had thought about going outside to intercept her when she came back to her cabin in the evening. I had known that my brother, Jackson, and his fiancée, Bethany, had Cabins Four and Five, and my mom and dad were in Cabin One, so with me in Two Hailey and her friend, Oakley, had to be staying next door, in Cabin Three.

  From my front window, I had a small view of the road out past my short driveway and line of pine trees. At about eight p.m., I had seen Hailey and Oakley walk by. But I stayed inside and in the shadows. I didn’t want to come on too strong and scare her away. I would just wait for her to call.

  It was almost ten p.m. and no phone call. I wasn’t not going to pretend that I wasn’t a little disappointed. I was a lot disappointed. I’d have to make it a point to run into her the next day.

  I wondered what her schedule was like for the next day? I was sure that she'd be busy for most of the day, being that it was the day before the wedding. Plus, tomorrow evening was the rehearsal dinner.

  That was it! The rehearsal dinner! For sure she would be there. I knew that she and Oakley had organized it and would be setting it up, so, I was hoping that she would be staying for the dinner as well.

  I bet that my mother had even invited them to eat with us. She was all business, but she often included the “help” in meals. She would often ask her housekeepers and cooks to join her and my dad for dinner. She wanted to be seen as a woman ‘of the people’.

  So, that was my plan. I’d be meeting up with my brother, Jackson, the next and doing some skiing. So, that would give me something to do to take my mind off of Hailey for a while during the day. And then, I’d see her at the dinner party.

  That would be my chance to get to know her better. And I was going to take it.


  The day was busier than ever. The day before a big wedding always was, especially when it was a prominent family like the Stones.

  When Dax picked Oakley and me up that morning, I had seen Cooper talking to his brother outside of his cabin. It was a little after nine a.m. and they were both dressed in outdoor attire, so I figured they were going skiing or snowmobiling.

  Cooper looked up as Dax’s truck drove by and he raised his hand in a greeting to us. I was sitting in the front seat, with Oakley crammed into the back, so I waved my hand back in reply. Our eyes met briefly, and a chill of excitement ran through my body.

  I couldn’t wait to see him later today.

  The morning went quickly while Oakley and I prepared and decorated the dining room for the family’s rehearsal dinner. The bride and groom, along with Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Cooper, who was the groom’s best man were all there. The bride’s parents, two sisters and their husbands and children, her maid of honor, and all seven of her bridesmaids were there as well.

  The Stones had also invited Hailey, me, and all the eleven of the Hunter gang to the dinner party. It was a pretty large event.

  After lunch, Oakley and I made a trip up to the ski lodge to take care of a few final arrangements that were needed up there and I was hopeful I’d run into Cooper while we were there.
I was mildly disappointed when I didn’t but knew I’d see him at dinner.

  Back at the dining room, I was setting up the sternos under the chafing dishes lined along the buffet table when I looked up to see Cooper walk into the room. I gasped and my heart almost leaped out of my chest. I hadn’t expected to see him until this evening at the party.

  My first instinct was to turn around and run into the kitchen. I had no idea why and told myself that that would be a silly thing to do. So, I just kept setting up the sternos.

  I glanced over at him and admired the view for a minute while he wasn’t looking. He was still dressed in his ski jacket and pants.

  Cooper looked around the room, spotted me, and walked right over. I was shocked. It was too late to run now. And I couldn’t ignore him. So, I stood up tall to greet him.

  “I almost didn’t recognize you,” he said grinning.

  At first, I wasn’t sure why he would say that. Then I remembered that I was dressed up yesterday for the meeting with the Stones. Today, I had my hair pulled back in a ponytail and was dressed casually in order to get work done more easily.

  I looked down at my blue jeans and beige, off the shoulder sweater and smiled. “It’s casual Friday,” I informed him.

  “Casual looks good on you,” he complimented me.

  I blushed. “Thank you.”

  We stood looking at each other for another moment and I was just about to ask him if I could help him with something when he blurted out, “I know that my mom has invited all of you guys to the dinner tonight and I want to sit beside you. Can we make that happen?” he asked me seriously.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but I was flabbergasted. Taken totally by surprise, I told him, “The guests of honor are the bride and groom and their families. They will all sit at the head table. I’m sitting with Oakley and the Hunters,” I told Cooper.


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