Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection

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Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection Page 73

by Crowne, K. C.

  “Yes, this road takes us up the mountain until we reach the resort.” Now was the time to tell them about the road conditions. “We had a strong storm last night. Some trees were downed. This is already a bumpy road, but it’s worse with the trees. Seems to be a lot more potholes lately, as well.”

  “Okay,” Emily said. “What does that mean?”

  “Hold on because it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. And don’t look over the drop-offs when we get close to them. Not if you aren’t good with heights,” I warned them.

  “The drop-offs?” Emily squeaked, eyes wide.

  “It’ll be fine. I’ve been driving this road since I was a kid. And in much worse circumstances,” I tried to console her.

  Emily’s face turned ghost white, and she just looked straight ahead. I wanted to reach out to her but needed both hands to drive. Kellan simply nodded as he studied the scenery out the window, and Chloe was straining to see better. She didn’t want to miss a thing.

  I glanced at Emily before the road got worse and my eyes would have to stay on the road. “It’s fine,” I told her again. She nodded. Her face was pale, though.

  The windows were down, which was good because I had to put my head out of mine a few times to get a better view. When we reached the first downed tree, I warned them, “This is the first tree I have to go around. The city won’t be out to move it until later in the day or tomorrow.”

  Emily nodded. I pulled to the left, getting close enough to the rocky edge of the gravel road that I could see the view below. I leaned my arm on the door of the Bronco and unbuckled my seat belt.

  “What are you doing?” Emily asked in a quick, high-pitched tone.

  “I need to see,” I said, as I propped myself up with my left arm, pushing my head out of the window. My right hand controlled the steering, and I pushed the gas softly and listened to the engine rev. We slowly made our way around the first tree. I had put the SUV in two-wheel drive as I navigated around the tree to diminish the power a bit. As I came around, the front tires suddenly skidded on the loose gravel. The sound was loud, and Emily yelped.

  “What’s wrong? Are we stuck?” Emily asked, panicked.

  Even though the Bronco was now facing the road, I didn’t want to punch on the gas and lose control. Looking down, over my shoulder, I saw the river snaking below. Way below. I put the truck in four-wheel drive and eased on the gas pedal. Slowly, the massive tires made purchase, and we straightened out onto the road.

  I looked at Emily. Her right hand was tightly gripping the roof strap, and the other was holding herself back from the dashboard as if at any minute she would be thrown through the windshield.

  “Relax, Em, it’s over,” I tried to calm her.

  Emily nodded and sat back in her seat. Her body didn’t relax, though.

  One more, I thought.

  Kellan was sitting beside Chloe and had seen how close we were to the precipice as I moved around the tree. In the mirror, I noticed the look of relief in his eyes when the truck was back on the road. I considered asking them to get out for the next tree, which would bring the Bronco even closer to the drop-off.

  The small trees I could drive over were next. With two big thumps, the Bronco lifted itself over each tree. Everyone bounced in their seat as the tires traveled up and fell back to the ground with a thud. Chloe giggled as if it were a child’s ride, clapping her hands with joy. When we made it to the next tree I had to maneuver around, I asked them if they wanted to get out rather than stay inside.

  “This one is a little trickier,” I explained. “And we have to get closer to the edge.”

  Emily agreed and jumped out to grab Chole. Once all three of them were out of the Bronco, I steered it slowly into position. Carefully, back in two-wheel drive, I urged the truck around the tree, being sure not to go over too far, just in case the rocks that separated the road from the ledge gave way. But the tires gripped the gravel, the rocks didn’t shift, and without my guests in the car, I felt a lot less nervous than I had previously. The Bronco and I made it quickly around without incident.

  Smiling at my skills, I hopped out of the Bronco to help them navigate around the tree. Kellan was holding Chloe, and I hurried to give Emily a hand. I offered her my arm and she accepted it, but her eyes remained on the drop-off. She stood on her toes briefly to see how far of a drop it was. I watched as her gaze traveled all the way down to the Blue River. Emily shivered, and I tugged lightly on her hand. Her face was still as white as a ghost, even though she hadn’t been in the Bronco for the last maneuver.

  “Em,” I barked. I had to get her attention away from the drop. I said her name a second time, even louder. Emily’s gaze finally tore away from the ledge. Her eyes met mine. “Look at me,” I told her. “Don’t look away until we are around the tree.”

  She nodded. Eyes on me, she made it around the tree in one piece. Back at the truck, Kellan strapped Chloe into the car seat, and we headed the rest of the way up to the resort. I was as anxious to get off of this stretch of road as I was to show Emily and her family our resort. I was incredibly proud of the resort and my family’s life work and wanted to show it off. I also wanted Emily to see what she could have if we could just figure out how to get her asshole ex off her back.

  A huge white and green welcome sign announcing Hunter Brothers Mountain Ski Resort came into view on the right.

  I turned into the driveway before the sign, and as the Bronco straightened out, I heard Emily gasp. I smiled broadly because I knew she was immediately impressed. She watched, amazed, as the resort magically unfolded before us as we traveled down the driveway. Seeing her reaction made me remember how picturesque it was. Being used to it, I sometimes took the beauty for granted.

  As the resort came into full view, Emily remarked, “This place is so lovely.”

  I followed her gaze as she stared at the giant log cabin building ahead and the surrounding landscaping. Cole had outdone himself with flower beds and hanging baskets galore. Recently, we’d installed a fountain and pond in the grassy area before the main lot and added several decorative benches around it. Blue colored water sprayed from the fountain into the surrounding pond. We’d added Koi, and turtles, geese, and ducks had made it their home as well.

  “We’ll take Chloe over later to feed the fish,” I offered.

  “And the ducks,” Chloe chimed in.

  “And the ducks,” I agreed.

  Emily was smiling again, her fear forgotten, and it warmed my insides.

  Looking around the resort as we drove through it, I saw through fresh eyes how beautiful it was. I pointed up the mountainside where you could see part of the resort’s ski slopes. “See, no snow until the very tippy-top.”

  “Ooh,” Chloe murmured. “Can we go up there?”

  I looked at Emily and smiled. “Maybe,” she answered. “If it’s even possible.”

  “It’s possible,” I told her. “We’ve got ATVs.” Emily’s nervous look returned. I was starting to think she had a fear of heights. Not a good thing in the mountains. I’ll have to break her of it, I thought.

  “Yay!” Chloe exclaimed. Emily glanced back at her excited daughter, then apprehensively at me.

  I smiled. Oops.

  I drove straight to the row of guest cabins positioned along the road that led up to the ski lodge. There were five cabins, all separated by dense pine trees and green foliage, each with their own driveway. I turned into the first cabin’s driveway and drove up to the front porch.

  “Home sweet home for the next week,” I recited as I hopped out of the Bronco. I went around to help Emily down from the passenger seat. She grasped my hand, and I had to literally hold her as she climbed down the SUV. I remembered her quick exit when she got out on Mountain Road, wanting nothing to do with that downed tree. Now she was nervous about climbing out of the SUV. She definitely had a fear of heights.

  Feet firmly on the ground, she helped Chloe out of the car seat while Kellan grabbed their bags from the hatch.

nbsp; “You guys want to get settled in for a bit? I stocked the fridge with some food, a case of water, and beer. But we can have lunch in an hour if you want to, at the River Room. It’s our restaurant and formal dining room,” I explained when Kellan lifted his eyebrows in question.

  “Sounds great,” Kellan answered, looking at Emily.

  “Yes, I’m sure Chloe will be hungry for lunch,” she agreed.

  A white sedan was parked in the driveway, but only Chloe noticed it. “Whose car is that?”

  “It’s your car while you’re visiting,” I informed her.

  Chloe beamed. “We get our own car?” she asked happily.

  “Yep,” I answered.

  Chloe tugged on Kellan’s jacket sleeve. “Uncle Kellan, we got a car!”

  Kellan grinned down at her and nodded. “We sure do,” he said, chuckling.

  “Harley, you didn’t have to do that,” Emily said.

  “It’s fine. I’ll have to teach some of my fitness classes while you’re here, afternoons mostly,” I explained. “I didn’t want you stranded here waiting for me. You guys can go into town or go sightseeing if you want. And once the township clears that road, you won’t have any problems like today. I promise you,” I stressed when Emily blanched. “All the guests who visit have to use that road.”

  “I can drive it, Em. No worries,” Kellan said, smiling reassuringly at her. “Thanks, Harley. I’d like to go exploring.”

  “Thank you.” Emily put her arms around my neck and leaned on her tippy toes to kiss my lips.

  A prickly sensation grew in my groin as her silky lips pushed against mine. Three weeks was too long. Way too long. I moved away before my cock got noticeably hard in my pants. Emily’s lips formed a seductive smile. She must have felt it twitch against her thin dress. I grinned suggestively at her.

  “Later,” I mouthed.

  Emily nodded her head. “Count on it.”

  I grinned and addressed everyone. “Do you guys want me to swing by and pick you up in an hour? Or you can drive the car to the main building. I can give you the car seat. You can even walk if you want to. Lots of our guests walk around the resort. We keep all the walkways and roads lit up 24/7.” I shrugged and smiled. “Up to you guys.”

  “Maybe we should walk. We’ll have plenty of time, and it’ll be nice to get some fresh air and take a look around,” Emily suggested, looking at Kellan.

  “Yeah, we can walk. Harley, keep the car seat for now just in case we need a ride back.”

  “Sounds good,” I replied. “I’ll see you guys at the main building we passed on the way in,” I reminded them.

  “Okay, thanks,” Emily said.

  “Thanks, Harley,” Chloe sang, wiggling and dancing.

  “I think someone needs to use the restroom,” Emily suggested, watching Chloe do her pee dance. Chloe nodded her head affirmatively, and Emily took her small hand. “We’ll see you there, Harley,” she yelled as she led Chloe up the porch stairs and through the front door.

  I nodded to Kellan and got back into the Bronco. I wanted to stop home and change my clothes. When I’d left that morning, it had been cold outside. Now, the afternoon sun was quite warm.


  We had lunch from the buffet since there was something for everyone. I suggested that after lunch, I show them around the resort. “We’ll start in the kitchen because my mom’s working.”

  Emily’s face scrunched up in nervousness. “Your mom?”

  “It’s no big deal,” I tried to tell her. “My mom is the friendliest person in the world. She likes everyone.”

  “Must be nice,” Kellan mumbled under his breath, and Emily made a noise that said she agreed.

  My mom was busy in the kitchen when I brought the trio in after lunch. I introduced them all, noticing Emily blush as my mom looked her over. But when Mom gave all three of them welcoming hugs, Emily relaxed, and the conversation was light and fun.

  “We’ll all get together some time. Maybe for a small nature hike?” Mom suggested. “Angela and Lindsay bring the girls, and we usually just walk over to the meadow with our cameras and bird callers.”

  “Can I have a bird caller?” Chloe blurted excitedly. “Can we find birds with it?” she asked my mom.

  “You bet. And I’ll be sure to find you one. I’m sure we’ve got an extra around here someplace,” my mom crooned to Chloe, ever the grandmother. Chloe beamed happily.

  Just as we were about to exit the kitchen, Brad walked through the side door. I introduced Emily, Kellan, and Chloe to Brad, and he shook each of their hands, even Chloe’s. Chloe was all smiles. We stood around and talked for a little while in the kitchen, and I noticed Brad was paying extra attention to Emily and everything she said. I’d finally broken down and told my other brothers and my mom about Emily and how I felt about her. If I wanted to try and make it work with her, I would need their support.

  Just as Dax told me they would, Brad and Cole had been great. They’d had their own whirlwind romances and found the loves of their lives under unconventional means as well. They were all for Emily and her daughter coming for a visit and getting to meet the girl who had their baby brother all in a tizzy. I’d even spoken to Brad about my plans for the spa where Emily was concerned, and he’d promised to consider it.

  “Why don’t we all get together tomorrow for dinner? Make it a family affair,” Brad asked us.” My surprise must have shown on my face because he continued. “We can discuss the spa startup since you finally got your massage therapist here for a visit,” he joked lightheartedly.

  Emily blushed and glanced at me, though I couldn’t read her expression.

  “Really?” I asked. I was even more flabbergasted now.

  “Yes, Emily’s here. We should discuss it now and see if we can come to an agreement. I know the terms have changed from your original proposal. We can discuss new terms, and Emily can make up her mind what she wants to do,” Brad offered.

  Wow, I thought. He must really have taken to Emily to propose a thing like that out of the blue. “Okay, let’s do it. Thanks, Brad,” I answered. “I mean, if it’s alright with Emily?”

  “That sounds great. I look forward to spending some more time with your family,” Emily agreed, shaking Brad’s hand. She didn’t speak of the spa.

  “Sure thing. I’ll have Michael put together something special for us,” Brad announced, heading back to his office.

  The rest of the day went smoothly. I took them on a small tour of the resort and introduced Emily, Kellan, and Chloe to the rest of my family as we came across them. Dax and Oakley asked us to come over for dinner one evening. Angela and Lindsay suggested play dates with Abby and Raini.

  “Chloe would love that,” Emily told my sisters-in-law.

  The only person who hadn’t been around all day was Cole. Dax had informed us that he was out on a fishing trip since early in the morning. That made sense. Summer was Cole’s busiest time with the guests. Fishermen came to the resort from all over to try their lines in the Blue River. Cole knew all the hot spots, so his trips had become overwhelmingly popular in the last several years.

  I had to leave Emily, Kellan, and Chloe at their cabin for my Monday afternoon fitness class. Emily said Chloe needed a nap anyway. After the class, I called Emily and asked if I could bring dinner over for all of us.

  “Sure,” she agreed. “Chloe’s still down for her nap, so that will work out perfectly.”

  “Okay, I just finished my class, so I’m going to run up to my house and shower. I’ll grab something from the dining room on the way over,” I told Emily.

  “You don’t have to grab food from the dining room,” she said.

  “Do you really want to cook tonight?” I asked her. “‘Cause I don’t. I thought we’d eat then walk over to the pond with some bread for the fish and ducks.”

  “That sounds nice. Chloe would love that. You sure about the food?” Emily asked.

  “Yes, I can grab food at any time. I take food way less oft
en than my other brothers do. So, it’s about time I get in on the good stuff,” I chuckled.

  “Okay, then let’s do it,” Emily agreed.

  “Cool. See you in an hour.”

  “Cool,” Emily mimicked me.

  I grinned and drove up to my cabin. I showered and shrugged on a white tank top and pulled a short-sleeved flannel shirt over it. I slid into a pair of blue jeans and my work boots and ran my fingers through my thick, dark hair, creating the spiky effect.

  Back at the resort, I made sure to grab several bags of stale bread for the fish and ducks before I forgot. Then, I asked for four take-out boxes and filled them from the buffet, choosing chicken tetrazzini, a garden salad with house dressing, and freshly baked bread. In the fourth box, I added some white meat chicken nuggets and a side of sweet corn for Chloe.

  In their cabin, we ate around the four-person table adjacent to the kitchen island. Looking around, I realized I hadn’t been in one of the cabins for quite some time. Cole did all the maintenance, and we had a housekeeping team, so there was no need for me to frequent the cabins.

  Just as we had promised Chloe, after dinner, we took a stroll to the fishpond. When we approached, the geese and ducks spotted the bags of bread and immediately flocked to us. Out of instinct, I quickly picked up Chloe.

  Looking into my eyes, she said earnestly, “I’m okay. You can put me down.”

  “The geese get really excited about the bread, and they’re as big as you. Don’t let them bully you,” I told Chloe. “Yell if you need help,” I added before placing her by my feet.

  The geese weren’t mean, per se, or I’d never have brought Chole near them. But I’d seen them around bags of bread before, and I didn’t want them to scare Chloe. Sometimes, they got overexcited. After the geese got some bread and calmed down, they made room for the smaller pairs of ducks to wander over. They came right up to grab the bread from our hands. Chloe giggled and giggled. Her jumping around kept the bigger geese at bay.

  I led her to the pond and tossed in some crumbs to attract the fish. I watched as their gold, white, and black faces broke the surface to suck up the bread.


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