Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection

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Take a Mountain Man Home for Christmas: A Mountain Man Romance Christmas Collection Page 88

by Crowne, K. C.

  “If you need anything, darling, just push that button.”

  She handed Felicity a small cup of water. Felicity pulled her hand free from under the blanket to grab it, and I noticed she was shivering.

  “Can we get an extra blanket or two? She looks to be freezing.”

  “I’m fine,” Felicity said.

  The nurse looked at me, then at Felicity, then back to me. Maybe it was the look on my face, or perhaps she could see that Felicity was, indeed, cold. Whatever it was, it caused her to nod.

  “More blankets, coming right up.”

  The nurse left the room and Felicity glared at me. “You didn’t have to speak to her like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like-- well, you could have said please or thank you, or even asked me if I wanted another blanket before demanding one.”

  I was glad to see she was in good enough spirits to argue with me. She was right. I could have been more polite with the nurse. “I’m just stressed. I’m worried and want answers now.”

  “You think I don’t?”

  I stared at her for a long time. Her chin was kicked out and she stared back at me with defiant eyes.

  “Of course you do,” I said with a sigh, sitting down beside her. “I didn’t mean to insinuate that you didn’t.”

  “Good. Just so we’re clear, I love these babies already, and if anything were to happen to them, I--”

  Her voice cracked and she couldn’t finish the sentence. I couldn’t blame her. I reached for her hand, but she jerked it away.

  The nurse returned with extra blankets. Felicity took them and thanked her, before covering herself up with a second one.

  “The doctor should be in shortly,” the nurse said. “But he did want me to tell you to relax, everything looks fine.”

  Both Felicity and I let out a breath at the same time.

  “Thank you,” Felicity said.

  The nurse left the room. Everything looked fine, but until I heard from the doctor, I wouldn’t fully relax.

  A few minutes later, which felt like an eternity just the same, Dr. Lawton entered the room.

  “Good evening,” he said, taking a seat in front of us. “How are you feeling, Felicity?”

  “Worried about the babies, but otherwise I feel fine.”

  “Good, good,” Dr. Lawton said, never taking his eyes from her file. “The bleeding has stopped, correct?”

  “Yes, I haven’t noticed any since I got here. Just the one time at home.”

  “MmmHmm, I see.”

  I laced my fingers together and cracked my knuckles, staring straight at the doctor, waiting for him to say something of substance.

  “Well, everything looks fine to me. I see no reason for concern,” he muttered, almost too softly to hear. He checked his watch.

  “So why was I bleeding?” Felicity asked. “Isn’t all bleeding bad?”

  “No, not all. I’d encourage you to go home and get some rest.” He closed the file and stood up from the chair, checking his watch again as he turned away from us.

  “That’s it?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?” the doctor asked, looking back at us.

  “You don’t really know the cause of the problem, but you’re just going to send her home and hope for the best?”

  Dr. Lawton finally managed to pull his head out of the file and look at me. Recognition set in right away. I’d seen him around at conferences and such. He was a younger doctor. Too young to have such a poor bedside manner. He didn’t even bother to look in Felicity’s eyes when talking to her.

  “Dr. Hammond, as a medical professional, you should know that sometimes we don’t have all the answers. Sometimes bleeding just happens, most likely implantation related, and as long as there’s no concern for the babies or the mother, there’s very little I can do.”

  “You know, it’s been years since I’ve worked in an emergency room, but back when I did - I always tried to put myself in the patient’s shoes. Sometimes we can’t give them answers or solutions, but you seem more concerned with grabbing lunch or clocking out for the night than answering any of her questions - like, how she asked why she was bleeding. You just skipped right over that one.”

  “Because I don’t know.”

  “Then at least have the balls to say that,” I said, pushing myself up to standing. Dr. Lawton didn’t say anything else, and I had nothing more to say to him. “Let me look over the test results.”

  I reached out for the file, but Dr. Lawton looked over at Felicity.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said, holding the file tight.

  “Felicity?” I asked, never taking my eyes off Dr. Lawton.

  “Yes, hand it over to Abe, please.”

  Dr. Lawton pursed his lips and didn’t look pleased in the slightest, but he handed over the folder. Most people wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of it, but I wasn’t most people.

  Babies’ heartbeats were normal. Something he failed to mention and was the main thing I was looking for. If they were normal, that was a good sign. Still didn’t mean she was completely in the clear, as miscarriage could still happen. But unlike Dr. Lawton, my instructions to Felicity wouldn’t be so dismissive. I’d make sure her, and the babies were fine.

  I handed the file back to him. “Can we go?”


  “Just for tonight, because I’m too tired to argue with you.” Felicity leaned back in the passenger side of my car, closing her eyes. We’d said goodbye to Leah who’d waited until we were ready to go. At first, Felicity thought she was riding home with Leah, but I told her she was coming home with me - so I could keep an eye on her, just in case there was more bleeding or other concerns.

  “You know, I’d feel much more comfortable with you staying at my place from now on,” I added.

  “Just for tonight,” she repeated, opening her eyes and looking over at me with a defiant look.

  God, she was so sexy when she was bossy. Scratch that, she was sexy as hell all the time. And the bigger she got with my babies in her belly, the sexier she became too. I’m not even sure how that was possible.

  She closed her eyes again and the drive to my place was mostly quiet. I thought she might be sleeping, but every once in a while, she’d move or open her eyes and stare out the window. She was anxious, and I wanted to do something - anything - to help.

  We pulled into my driveway, and I rushed over to help her out of the car. Even though I tried to keep my pathways clear, fresh snow littered the ground around us and I was afraid there could be ice as well. Felicity scowled but took my hand anyway.

  “You treat me like I’m fragile,” she said, frowning. “But I guess in a way, I am. I hate this.”

  She didn’t fight me as I helped her up the stairs and into my house. As soon as the front door opened, Koda greeted us.

  “Looks like someone is happy to see you. He’ll just love having you stay with us,” I said.

  “It’s just for tonight,” she repeated yet again, giving me a look of death.

  “I think you need to reconsider that, Felicity. But for tonight, I think we both just need to get some sleep, so I won’t argue with you.”

  “Good,” Felicity said, petting Koda on the head. I noticed her movements were so careful, she didn’t bend over or sit down on the floor. She wasn’t very far along, but because she was carrying triplets, was already starting to show. Her rounder belly peeked out from her sweater as it rode up. She pulled it down as soon as she noticed, but I caught a glimpse of it - and it was beautiful.

  “I should get the guest room ready for you. Take a seat in the living room, I’ll start a fire.”

  Felicity followed me, and Koda followed Felicity. He was a friendly dog, he liked everyone - but he seemed even more attached to Felicity. Normally I was his number one person, but when she was around, he was almost always by her side. Perhaps he sensed she was with child and protective of her, or maybe he just sensed that she was a good p
erson. Probably a little of both.

  Felicity took a seat as I got the fire going for her. Her eyelids appeared heavy, but she fought against the tiredness and kept them as open as she could.

  I knew better than to ask if she needed anything - she’d just tell me no. So I went into the kitchen and got her a glass of water. I grabbed some crackers and cheese for her too, just in case she was hungry. Then I had another thought and made her a hot herbal tea, just in case she wanted something warm.

  I brought everything out to her, while grabbing a blanket from the hall closet.

  “Jesus, you’re just going to be preparing the guest room, Abe. You’re not going to be gone long,” she said, chuckling as I placed everything on the table in front of her.

  “Just wanted to make sure you have everything you need, to keep you from moving around too much.”

  “Are you going to use the bathroom for me too?” There was a twinkle in her eye. She was teasing me now. At least some of the annoyance was gone, for the moment.

  “If you need to use the bathroom before I get back, just call for me and I can--”

  “I think I can handle using the restroom on my own, Abe. But thank you.”

  I opened my mouth to argue but decided against it. She was less annoyed right now, but I could see it in her eyes, the good mood wouldn’t last long if I kept it up.

  “I just want you to take it easy.”

  “And I will,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere tonight, except for bed. Well, maybe to the bathroom a few hundred times since the babies keep pressing on my bladder, but you can’t get up with me every time I have to go anyway.”

  “Yes, I could.”

  She tilted her head to the side and rolled her eyes. “Please get the guest room ready, I’m exhausted. That’s what I really need you to do right now.”

  “I’m on it,” I said. “But if you need anything else--”

  “I’ll be fine,” she said, waving me off.

  I hurried down to the end of the hall. The room I’d chosen for her was on the first floor, not too far from the master bedroom. It would be turned into the nursery at some point, but for now, it was a guest bedroom with a queen bed and a private bathroom. Plus, it was literally right next door to my room which meant I was always close by. I didn’t use it too much, since mostly I liked my privacy and had plenty of bedrooms upstairs, but I wanted to be nearby in case she called out to me in the middle of the night.

  I didn’t have to do much - the house cleaners freshened all the rooms up frequently, including the rooms that never got much use. I checked that there were clean sheets on the bed and that she had a thick, soft down comforter. I checked that the bathroom was stocked for her as well. Everything was perfect.

  As I walked back into the living room, I found Felicity on the couch, with Koda’s head in her lap. She looked to be asleep. Her eyes were closed and she looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to wake her. I grabbed the blanket I’d bought in and covered her up, but as I did so, her eyes flickered open.

  “The room’s ready, or you can sleep here. Wherever you’re most comfortable.”

  Felicity didn’t answer, she gently moved Koda’s head from her lap. He stood up as soon as he realized I was helping Felicity. He often helped children with mobility issues and he waited by our side, a safe distance, but there in case she needed him. I grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet, and once she was standing, we were face-to-face and inches apart.

  After everything she’d been through this evening, she still smelled like sweet vanilla and fresh lavender. I wasn’t sure how she could smell so good after being at the hospital all evening, but it was addicting. I relished in her scent for a moment, my hand still locked in hers.

  Before I knew what was happening, I moved closer to her - our lips inches apart.

  “Abe,” she said, her breath coming out warm against my lips. “We can’t keep doing this.”

  She was right.

  I pulled away, careful to make sure I didn’t knock her off her feet. She let go of my hand and moved toward the hallway, not looking back.

  “Here, let me show you to your room,” I said, my voice hardly coming out at all.

  I stepped in front of her and led her to the room, Koda on both of our heels. I was thinking he might end up sleeping with her, which in a way made me feel better. He could alert me to anything that went wrong, another one of his many talents.

  As long as she was okay with it, that is.

  I shouldn’t have even doubted it though.

  Felicity stepped into the room, Koda following. She scratched his ears and smiled.

  “If you need anything, let me know. I’m right next door. You can call my name and I’ll hear you.”

  “Thanks for everything, Abe,” she said, moving toward the door.

  I stepped outside of it, and her and Koda gave me one last look before she shut me out into the hallway.

  I needed to give her space. Not just for her sake, but for mine as well. With a heavy sigh, I went to my own room and eventually climbed into my own bed. It was hard sleeping with her so close by. My king-sized bed had never felt so lonely.


  Koda curled up at my feet, almost like a foot warmer. I’d never had a dog sleep with me in bed before, and while it took some getting used to, I had to admit, it made me feel safer.

  Not just Koda, obviously - but Abe being nearby as well.

  No one had ever taken care of me before, and I wasn’t used to it - but I had to admit, it was nice.

  I pulled the thick blanket up over my shoulder and rolled over. I was normally a back sleeper, but I needed to get used to sleeping on my side. The bed was so comfortable, even more so than the one I had at home. Everything about this place was cozy and made me feel safe. It made me want to reconsider Abe’s offer.

  But then I remembered the almost kiss. Even Abe wasn’t sure what he wanted right now. He said he didn’t want anything serious, but then he kept doing things like that. Until he decided what he wanted, I wasn’t sure I could trust the two of us under the same roof.

  However, there was a lingering thought in my head - it might be the best thing for the babies. I should put the babies first, I thought. That, and well, maybe a little hopeful thinking too. Yes, I was thinking that Abe might change his mind, in time.

  My eyes drifted close finally, and as soon as they did, my dreams took over.

  “Hi honey,” I said, kissing Abe on the lips.

  Three little toddlers were pulling at Abe’s pant legs, begging for his attention.

  Abe picked up one of them, a little girl and kissed her. Then went between the rest of them too, one by one. He came back to me at the end, giving me a deep, passionate kiss on the lips.

  “How was your day, sweetie?” he asked.

  “Busy, but we’re almost ready to open,” I said. “We just have to put the finishing touches on the menu, make sure it’s perfect. People have higher expectations in fine dining than they do at diners, after all.”

  “That they do, but I have no doubt you’ll come up with the best food in Utah.”

  Abe sat down on the floor, and I joined him. The three kids were around us, and we played with them. He was such a good father, a doting dad. Always tickling and making them laugh. The kids loved him, just as I did.

  How could I have gotten so lucky, I thought to myself, staring at the big, brute of a man with the tiny little toddlers all around him. How did I make him mine?

  Of course, it was all a dream, and I woke up from the dream before long. My alarm went off, and I knew what that meant - I had to get into the restaurant. I’d only managed a few hours of sleep, but someone had to open. I’d eventually hand over the reins to Allison and maybe one other person, but I needed to figure out who else could handle it. Allison couldn’t do it all, not just yet, and we needed Gavin to manage things in the evening. Now that I was having triplets, I’d have to hand even more control over, and likely hand it over sooner. But until th
en, I should still go into work.

  I quickly shower and get ready, while Koda stayed put on the bed. He watched me, and of course accepted pets and love from me, but seemed content to stay in bed all day.

  “I feel ya, Koda,” I said. “I wish I could too.”

  I checked and made sure there was no more bleeding. I was fine. It made me second guess what I saw the night before. Maybe I didn’t even need to go into the hospital, it had all been a waste. Perhaps if I had talked to Abe beforehand, he could have told me that.

  There was a soft knock on the door.

  Speaking of the devil, I thought.

  “Come in,” I said.

  I was wearing the same clothes from the night before. I’d have to head home to change before going in.

  “I heard the shower,” he said, giving me a serious look. “Why are you up so early?”

  “I need to open the restaurant today,” I said cooly.

  “Isn’t there someone else who could do that for you?”

  “Not at such short notice, no. But I don’t plan to stay long. Just until Allison gets in, and then I will try to re-work the schedule for the next week.”

  “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to just open later,” he said. “Or not at all today. After what you’ve been through.”

  I pulled on my socks and shoes really fast, while Abe joined me on the bed. He sat beside Koda and scratched the dog’s ears while I considered his request.

  “I can’t just let things fall apart, Abe. I have to make sure it’s taken care of. If I let things slide too much, I won’t have a business to go back to once the babies are born.”

  “Alright, but make me a promise, will ya?”

  I turned and stared into those soulful eyes of his. “What?”

  “That you’ll stay here, so I can keep an eye on you. At least for a few days.”

  I sighed and closed my eyes, fighting out the competing thoughts in my head.

  “If you’re going to work, I want to make sure you’re able to be off your feet at home,” he continued. “I want to be nearby in case there’s another scare.”


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