Soldier On: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

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Soldier On: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse Page 23

by Shawn Chesser

  Chapter 43

  Outbreak Day 7

  Schriever AFB

  0100 Space Command Operations

  Colorado Springs, Colorado

  Cade rapped on the solid door. Major Freda Nash let him inside the secure operations room. The first thing he noticed was the abundance of flat panel monitors. The only place that Cade had seen more screens was the rear wall in a Best Buy store. Cade was in man cave heaven gazing at all of the shiny TVs.

  Major Nash cleared her throat.

  Cade recognized the other petite woman; Valerie Clay was the Speaker of the House. It dawned on him then, that she was next in succession and therefore, since Odero was dead, she was the President. The lady wore an olive drab long-sleeved shirt, khaki pants and a pair of sturdy hiking boots. To Cade it looked like she was a Sierra Club member and not the Commander-in-Chief. A colonel stood in the wings, obviously letting the major run the show. Seeing as how Major Nash was the satellite wizard it made perfect sense. Behind the colonel, President Clay’s stone faced Secret Service agents stood at attention trying to remain inconspicuous.

  “Madame President you already know General Mike Desantos, let me introduce you to Sergeant First Class, retired, Cade Grayson.”

  “Good to finally meet you Mr. Grayson. I have heard nothing but good things about you. I want to personally thank you for bagging Uday and Qusay.”

  The news stunned Duncan, he knew Cade was special, but he had no idea he was Tier-One. Dan also was taken aback. He beamed at the revelation and couldn’t wait to thank the hero.

  “It was my pleasure Madam President.”

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to snub you two gentlemen. Major Nash briefed me. Your service in Southeast Asia will never be forgotten. If you would consider passing on your war fighting knowledge to our young men and women here in Colorado Springs I would be extremely grateful. With so few of us left everyone is going to have to cross train and learn how to combat this new enemy. I believe the window is about to open...Major Nash will take it from here.”

  Cade knew instantly what he was looking at and judging by the constantly changing numbers in the lower left corner of the display the image was coming from somewhere in real-time. It was the two tone gray gun camera feed from a Reaper or Predator UAV.

  “President Clay, the Colonel and I wanted you men to see this with your own eyes. Cade has vouched for the two civilians and I concur they can remain. Let me stress-what you see here does not leave this room.”

  The image on the largest screen continued to slowly rotate as the UAV circled the target.

  “The video on screen number one is streaming real-time from an HQ-9 Reaper.” Nash inserted a Bluetooth enabled Plantronics ear bud. “Zoom one stop.” She was giving orders to some PS3 veteran sitting in an air-conditioned trailer at Creech AFB in Nevada.

  The magnification increased, the forest that dominated the screen disappeared. A wide open courtyard surrounded by multiple buildings that varied in size took its place, a long access road snaked from the compound, at least thirty pickup trucks and SUVs were parked haphazardly on both sides.

  Dan squinted his eyes, although the compound looked tiny from the drones altitude, he instantly recognized it.

  Major Nash continued, “Colonel Shrill authorized me to redirect these assets from other areas. Cade Grayson appealed to me to surveil a group that are taking advantage of the citizenry and also responsible for a number of murders. Based on the images captured during the first Keyhole Sat pass we have decided to retaliate decisively and with impunity.”

  “Oorah,” Dan added, he was in total agreement.

  Screen number two lit up. The satellite imagery was less grainy than the Reapers feed. The compound remained in the center of the screen, but from a different angle. It looked to Cade like U.S. military vehicles were parked on the premises. Two Humvees and a lone M1A1 Abrams stood out in stark relief. People were evident, moving about, inside and around the target area.

  The more the merrier, Dan thought. They didn’t spare any Stanley citizens.

  Once again the image changed, the same vehicles reappeared only magnified much larger, and it was evident that all three of the military vehicles were adorned with Nazi flags.

  “That’s Ganz and his boys,” Dan muttered.

  The magnification increased again.

  Duncan noticed he could actually read some of the license plates on the parked vehicles.

  Dan gritted his teeth as Richard Ganz likeness came into view. It was surreal seeing the dirtbag again, his red mane appeared close enough to touch.

  “This imagery was taken at 1245, twenty minutes ago outside of Stanley, Idaho. Can anyone positively identify the individual on the screen?” Nash asked.

  Dan answered forcefully. “That’s Richard Ganz. Tell your pilot to send a missile up his ass.”

  “In due time,” Nash replied. “Let the record indicate we have positive target identification.”

  Cade couldn’t believe with all that was going on in the world anyone would find it necessary to document for the record all the minute details to justify killing this scum. If he had his way, Cade thought, he would snatch the fucker, bring him back and get medieval on his ass.

  President Valerie Clay stood, arms crossed, wearing a serious look on her face.

  Major Nash ordered the attack to proceed. “High Roller you are guns free.”

  The gray image being transmitted from the Reaper changed attitude as the UAV banked to get the proper firing angle.

  “Go to color and zoom two steps,” Nash ordered the sensor operator.

  The camera zoomed in and the gray image disappeared for a millisecond, the flat panel now reproduced every color in vivid HD.

  “Missile away,” the Reaper driver stated without a hint of emotion.

  Ganz was still in the reclining chair reading an Easy Rider magazine.

  Hot exhaust from the disgorged Hellfire blurred the Reapers sensors for a fraction of a second. It reminded Cade of a heat mirage on a desert road.

  The missiles journey from the aircraft to the targeting pip was brief. One moment Ganz was enjoying the afternoon sun, fidgeting with his rock star hair oblivious to his fate and the next he disintegrated into hundreds of meaty pieces. It was a direct hit, the twenty pound warhead annihilated Ganz, the two Pit Bulls and eight other people in the immediate vicinity. Body parts rained down around the smoking crater.

  Duncan looked on with morbid fascination as the little people scurried away from the carnage, sprinting to take refuge inside.

  “Missile away,” sounded again from the pilot.

  The largest building in the Aryan compound imploded from the second Hellfire strike.

  A mans form stumbled from an out building, fully engulfed in flames. It looked like a movie special effect, but no one yelled cut, or rushed in to douse the flames when he finally crumpled to the ground face first.

  Everyone in the room stood at rapt attention watching the display of firepower. The Humvees were aflame, white sparks and flashes meant the ammo onboard was catching fire. In all, six missiles rained down. In a matter of minutes the whole compound was burning out of control.

  The Reaper continued to orbit, airing the funeral pyre to the remote viewers at Schriever AFB.

  Dan watched with grim satisfaction as the buildings crumbled one by one, mesmerized by the dancing orange flames, Rest in peace Bob and Irene.

  Duncan was pleased that he was witness to the biker’s demise. He looked at Cade, “That’s payback for Rawley and the kids.”

  Sharing the sentiment whole heartedly, Cade nodded in agreement; wishing only that he could’ve dispatched the psychopath himself.

  The image from the circling Reaper disappeared, leaving the rest to their imagination.

  Major Nash turned the lights on. “Is there anyone in attendance not satisfied with the outcome?”

  No one spoke up.

  “Outstanding. Dan and Duncan, I have to respectfully ask you two to lea
ve the room now.


  Colonel Shrill was still the base commander, President Clay made that very clear. Shrill saluted the newly minted General and then introduced himself to Cade. “We’ve received some disturbing intel. A cabal of very wealthy men has their sights set on taking control of the country. They have been waiting patiently for an event such as Omega to happen.”

  The large monitor came to life. An image started the slow rotation much like the Reaper feed. Cade could tell that this UAV was flying much higher. The target looked like a ski town. Banff, Whistler, Sun Valley? The mountains ringing the valley floor looked very familiar but Cade couldn’t pinpoint the locale.

  “They’ve taken over Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The fact that the ski town was full of tourists and summer workers complicates things and limits our type of response. The group covertly call themselves the Guild. Before Omega the media referred to them as the Marzenberg Group-named after Kaiser Von Marzenberg. The real goal of the Guild is to maintain all of their members in the ruling class and establish a permanent lower class. I’m sure that you all have heard of them, they have had their hand in every Presidential election since the late forties. Some would argue that they have actually chosen every President since then and have enough politicians in their pocket to manipulate the electoral system to make it happen. The man currently steering the group is none other than one of the biggest land owners in the country, Robert Christian. It is also a longstanding rumor that more than one former President is a Guild member. To put it succinctly; they have lofty goals and will stop at nothing to achieve them.”

  President Clay cleared her throat and interjected, “I was contacted more than once by their lobbyists. They wanted to build some political capital with me so they could manipulate my future voting. I’m one million percent sure that the people funneling opinions into Odero’s ear were hand-picked by the Marzenbergs. They might have gotten him elected and then became his puppet masters. We will never know...unless...” The President smoothed the pleats in her khakis and looked intently at the two Delta operators.

  Not much could cause Cade to squirm-the look Valerie Clay gave him almost did.

  Shrill continued the briefing, “There’s more information in the dossier Nash has prepared.

  “Mr. Grayson I would normally ask something of this importance in a private setting, but time is running out. I urge you to please consider throwing your hat back in the ring.” Finishing up, the President made it very clear that China was down and out with 1.4 billion problems of her own, but still the winds of war were blowing.


  Duncan and Dan waited outside of the secure room. They swapped recollections of their tours in Nam and shared their post apocalypse experiences. Each man had his own reason to talk to Cade and they didn’t have to wait long.


  General Desantos exited first and switched a bulging manila envelope stamped “TOP SECRET” to his left hand, saluted the two veterans and then continued on his way.

  After a short wait Cade emerged, appearing exhausted and beaten down-like the weight of the world was resting squarely on his shoulders.

  Duncan deferred to Dan and waited for him to have a word with Cade.

  “You made an old leatherneck’s day. Thank you.” Dan was overcome with emotion.

  “I simply repeated your story made your own day.” Dan saluted his brothers in arms and left them alone in the hallway.

  “Cade my man, can you help an old boy rustle up some transportation?” Duncan inquired.

  “After you saved my ass, how could I not? I’ll make sure the General goes to bat for you.”

  “I don’t want to be a pain in the ass...but a Huey would be preferable. After the Black Hawk decided to fall out from under us, I want to stick with what I know.”

  “Where are you going to go?” Cade’s voice softened. He knew Duncan was close to his baby brother. He also knew he was going to miss the old warhorse.

  “Do you really need to ask? I know you’re brighter than that.”

  A guilty grin crossed Cade’s face. “No I didn’t. You and Oops need each other. Blood is thicker than water-as the saying goes.”

  “You read my mind, Delta boy.”

  No thanks to Nash, Cade’s secret background was out. He was a little pissed because he really didn’t want his past involvement in Special Operations revealed. It was too late now. At least only Dan and Duncan harbor the knowledge, Cade thought.

  “I need to run something by Daymon. Have you seen him?” Cade asked.

  “No, not since we had the medical inspections. I’m going to get some chow; do you want to join me?”

  Remembering the egg smoothie from earlier, Cade shook his head side to side, “I have some catching up to do. Family waits.”

  “Take it easy...Wyatt. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for Daymon and tell him you want to talk.”

  Before leaving Cade gave Duncan a slap on the shoulder, “Til we meet again Amigo.”

  Cade looked at the bulging envelope in his hands, he turned it over, hefted its weight, and wondered what information it contained that warranted the words “TOP SECRET.”


  Cade found Brook by her brother’s bedside. “Is he back among the living?”

  “I was getting ready to leave and see the baby when I heard him utter something. He’s been in and out. I gave him something for his pain and now he’s asleep.” Brook’s lip started to quiver. Cade knew it meant she was headed for a good cry. All he could do is hold her close while the sobs rocked her small frame.

  “I didn’t want to sedate him but he was begging me. Carl is a recovering alcoholic and any drugs are a no-no.”

  Cade saw that his wife-the nurse- was conflicted. He stroked her hair while he watched his brother-in-law’s chest rise and fall under the thin sheet. Carl looked at peace. “Sounds like you did the right thing. He wouldn’t have asked if he really didn’t need it,” Cade said trying to assuage her guilt.

  Brook wiped her tears and blew her nose. “It’ll be getting dark soon. I really need some alone time with my family.”

  “Is he going to be alright by himself?”

  Brook nodded; she bit her lower lip trying to prevent another volley of emotion. “Let’s go,” she said in a wavering voice.

  They walked back to their quarters hand in hand.


  Cade sat on the edge of the bed, Raven lay curled up in a ball spooning with her mom. She was fighting the good fight willing her eyes to stay open, “Daddy?”

  “Yes sweetie.” Cade stroked his daughter’s temple.

  “When are we going home?”

  Cade looked to Brook for help. At a loss for words she silently shrugged and closed her eyes. Cade waited for a moment to put some thought into his answer. “This is going to have to be our home for awhile.” Cade never lied to his little girl, but intuitively he knew that she needed something to hope for. “If I can make it happen...we will go home some day.”

  “Will my Lady Gaga poster still be on the wall in my room?” Raven was losing her battle with Mister Sandman.

  Cade smiled, “Yes sweetie.”


  “Yes sweetie.”

  “Did you think you would ever see Mommy and me again?”

  “I was certain that I would.”

  “Why?” Raven yawned, her small form shifting under the thin sheet.

  “Because when I asked you to take care of Mom; you told me, and I quote, “Nothing shall befall Mom when I am on the job. Isn’t that right?”

  He didn’t receive an answer. Raven was fast asleep, wrapped in her mother’s arms.


  Thank you so much for reading Soldier On! I hope you had as much fun reading as I had putting the “movie in my mind” into words. I am currently working on a third book in the Trudge series. Shawn Chesser.





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