Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

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Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2) Page 19

by Janae Keyes

  My dad, Kenneth Walker, he was a force to be reckoned with when it came to his wife and his girls. He worked incredibly hard and did all he could for us. There were times I didn’t see my dad often because he was working, but I knew he was working to make sure we had everything we could need. I’d do the same for my little one.

  “Sorry Dad, I’m fine. Just feeling a little homesick.”

  “You sure?” The concern was obvious in his voice. “Katie and Mom said you are dating someone. Is he treating you okay?”

  “He’s treating me, fine, Dad. I’m just homesick.”

  “If he wasn’t you’d let me know right?”

  “Of course I would, Dad.”

  “Good, Katie said he showed up at the wedding, and she cursed him out.”

  “What?” Nate nor Katie had said anything about her cursing him out. I was slightly mortified, but it served Nate right, he deserved it.

  “Who was on the phone?” I heard my mom’s voice call out.

  “It’s Tay,” my dad responded cheer in his voice, making me smile through my tears. “Here Tay, you’re on speaker.”

  “Hi, Mom!” I said, beaming, feeling my joy come back to me.

  “How’s it going over there?” she asked.

  I emailed my mom about once a week, filling her in on my new job and life in London. I’d told her I was back together with Nate, though her information on him was very limited.

  “She’s homesick. Called me crying,” my dad informed my mom.

  “Is that guy treating you right?” She asked right away, her voice stern and ready to hurt anyone who hurt her baby. I shook my head and smiled.

  “I already told dad that he’s treating me just fine. I just miss you guys,” I admitted to her.

  “We miss you too. I know we get into it sometimes as you are just like me, stubborn, but I miss you.” A tear fell down my cheek. My mom and I were always at odds, but I never once doubted her love for me. She could be a hardass and get on my last nerve, but she was still the woman who gave me life and cared for me since day one. “Dad and I have been talking. We want to leave Katie and Jordan alone for their first married Christmas. We thought about flying out to see you.”


  “Really. It would be nice to visit. Properly meet that boyfriend of yours, and spend some time together,” my mom explained.

  As excited as I was, my nerves hit me. There was a possibility of me looking much more pregnant at Christmas. I didn’t know how to tell my parents about the baby. In their eyes, I’d finally achieved something and was successful in my own right. I couldn’t tell them I’d gone and gotten myself pregnant after only a few months with my on and off boyfriend.

  “Sounds good. I know it’s late. I will let you guys go. I love you both so much,” I cried happily. I knew, though, no matter what, my parents would be there for me.

  “We love you too,” they chimed together.

  “Cheer up Tay-girl, we’ll be there before you know it,” my dad added.

  “I know,” I whispered as I struggled to wipe my tears away.

  Ending the call, my phone began to ring back right away. It was Nate. I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to alarm him or make him worry while he was away. Nate needed to be focused on work.

  “Hey!” I answered, forcing cheer into my voice.

  “I didn’t hear back from you last night, my darling,” he said right away. I knew he was worried. He was aware that I was going out with Lauren and he was always looking out for my safety.

  “Sorry, once I got home, I went straight to sleep. I was tired from traveling, I guess,” I lied. I absolutely hated lying to Nate. He and I had worked so hard to find our corner of honesty with one another. I’d breathed down his neck when it came to honesty, and I found myself lying to him.

  “It’s fine, my darling. It is a mess here. I hoped to come home right away, but I will be here for the week,” he explained to me. I needed him with me, but I was relieved.

  By the time Nate returned home, I would have healed more and I could figure out exactly how to tell him about our baby. I put my hand over my belly and grinned to myself. This was my little family. Of course, I had my parents and my family back home, but there was this special feeling that came with knowing I’d have my own little piece of loving care, all bundled up in the three of us.

  “Don’t worry about me, you know I’m good.”

  “I know. I always want to take care of you, but I know you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You’re always telling me that you’re a grown ass woman.”

  I laughed.

  “That’s because I am Nathaniel, but I’m a grown ass woman who needs her man sometimes,” I confessed, knowing it would make Nate smile.

  “Your man will be home as soon as he can. I hate to cut it short, but I have to get to the office here. Straightening things out will be a challenge.”

  “You’ll do a good job at it. You’re the boss after all.”

  “I am. I love you, my darling.”

  “Love you too,” I said happily as we ended our call.

  Alone in my quiet bedroom. Looked down and imagined how big my belly was going to get. I remembered seeing family members toward the end of their pregnancy, bellies big and round. As uncomfortable as they all claimed to be, they had smiles on their faces; they were bringing life into the world. I was bringing life into the world.



  I RAN MY fingers over where I knew I had a bruise. I’d concealed it well with makeup. Nate was coming home, and I didn’t want to alarm him to my beaten state. Turning from the mirror, I went toward my bed. I’d had a long day at work, and knowing Nate would be returning got me through the day.

  Maybe it wasn’t the best idea for me to ignore Miranda’s warnings, but I wasn’t going just to pick up and leave, especially now with knowing I had a baby on the way. There was no way I’d let go of the future of my little family.

  “You good in there Gummy Bear?” I questioned down to my bloated belly, giving it a rub. There was the bond already formed between myself and the baby. I spent much of my time talking to him or her and reassuring of our safety and future as a family. “Daddy comes home today, but first I have a doctor’s appointment, and I get to see you. I’m so excited.”

  “Taylor, Chris is here!” Sarah called from downstairs.

  Grabbing my purse I left my room and jogged downstairs. Before Nate came home, I had a doctor’s appointment with the OBGYN that examined me at the hospital. After seeing her the night of the attack, I felt comfortable with her and took her up on her offer to be my prenatal care physician. I had a million questions and concerns. I hope she didn’t think I was some freak.

  When I reached the front door, I opened it to see an unwanted face, Miranda. She gave me a smirk filled grin as she pushed past me, the strap of my purse snapping at the violent shove she gave my shoulder.

  My purse fell to the floor, contents spilling everywhere. I cursed under my breath as Sara came over to help me get my things off the floor. I glanced up to see a smirking Miranda as I struggled. The wind from outside didn’t help as papers flew around the downstairs of the house.

  “Hello Taylor,” Miranda said snidely. I stood from the ground, clutching the things I managed to grab.

  “Miranda,” I spat.

  “Sara, my gown for tonight was apparently delivered here and not to my hotel. My driver is prepared to have it loaded into the car.” Miranda noted to Sara, her arms crossed over her chest.

  “Sure, let me get it,” Sara said as she tried to hold her professional composure.

  “Perfect, I’m on the way to get my hair and makeup done. Too bad you’ll be missing out on a fabulous party Taylor. Nathaniel and I will be attending the Queen’s banquet this evening, once he returns,” Miranda noted.

  Sara returned with a large box. Miranda’s driver took the book from Sara’s arms and started out toward the black SUV I saw her get into the week pr
ior when she had the group of thugs attack me.

  Miranda started toward the door. She gave me a smirk just as she passed me before she paused.

  “Oops, I must have dropped something,” she said as she grabbed something from the floor and continued out the door.

  “What a little bitch,” Sara spat.

  “Tell me about it,” I added before I started back to my room to grab a new purse.

  At the doctor’s office, I sat in the waiting room, anxious about everything that was to come. Nate had sent me a text that his plane landed. My body shook with anxiety. Our relationship and our lives were going to change for the better, at least I hoped.

  “Taylor Walker.” I glanced up from my jittering hands to see the doctor giving me a smile from the door of her exam room.

  Making my way to her, she gestured me into the room where a gown waited for me folded up on the table.

  “I have to run these samples to my nurse, but while I’m gone, change into the gown, no underwear please,” she instructed, and I nodded.

  Only minutes later, the doctor returned, and I sat nervously awaiting her arrival. Nate had sent me another text asking of my whereabouts, I lied and told him I was catching up on a few things at work and would be returning to the house.

  “How are you feeling?” Dr. Marigold asked me.

  “Sick, but okay,” I answered, my voice shaking.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Just a little nervous. My boyfriend just returned from his business trip. I’ll be telling him about the baby today. I know it will be okay, I’m just anxious,” I explained.

  I’d daydreamed scenarios in my head all week. I’d thought about the different ways I could tell him, I could be straightforward or cute about it. His reaction could be off the wall excited or very Nate and mellow. I knew he’d be happy. He’d been talking about kids. The family he always talked about, we were starting it.

  “Anxiety is completely normal, throughout your pregnancy as well. If you ever feel too anxious and you’re having trouble with it, please talk to me.” I liked this doctor, she didn’t sugarcoat, but was very kind and didn’t make me feel afraid of all the changes I’d be facing.

  “Okay. I will.”

  “First, let’s see this baby.”

  Lying on the table, I pulled up the gown. As she did during the hospital visit, she stuck this wand up me, the most uncomfortable thing on earth. She looked around, taking measurements until she landed on what I knew was my little one. It had grown so much since last time. It’s little nub arms wiggled, and I caught myself smiling like a fool.

  “My Gummy Bear,” I cooed happily.

  The excitement I had to share this with Nate was beyond anything. We’d be sharing this little life together. There would be nothing to keep us apart. The odds against us were shrinking as this person grew inside me.

  “Everything is still looking healthy and good. You’ve got a feisty little one in there.”

  “Definitely gets that from me,” I joked.

  “I bet. I could tell right away that you were a fighter.”

  I was a fighter. I’d fought to be my own person through the years. I’d fought to make my passion into a career. I’d fought all the doubts I had about Nate. I would fight Miranda if I had to. Though I’d always been a fighter, I’d weakened a bit. I’d weakened myself to love and the prospect of a happy future with someone that changed my world. He’d thrown me into a tailspin, and I was along for the ride.

  UPON RETURNING TO the house, I ran inside. I wanted to see my man. I burned for him to hold me and kiss me. I burst with excitement to tell him our news. I wasn’t going to hold back, and the moment I saw him emerge from his home office, I jumped into his arms.

  “I missed you so much!” I cried as his arms enveloped me and held me tight. His stubble scratched my cheeks, damn I missed that.

  “Mmm, my darling. It’s so good to be home,” he mused into my ear before he pulled my face into his view. The joy in his eyes began to fade. “What happened to your face?”

  “It’s nothing,” I lied.

  “Nothing? There are healing scars and bruises.”

  “I tripped down the stairs at the tube station, no big. I survived,” I lied again. Lying hurt so bad when it was to the person you loved with your entire heart and soul. “I’m fine, Nate. Don’t worry. I see it in your eyes; you’re worrying. Stop.”

  “Of course I worry. I love you and never want to see you hurt, physically or emotionally,” Nate said before he pressed his lips to one of my scars. He kissed that scar before moving to another one, and a bruise.

  Tears dripped down my cheeks. I didn’t know what I deserved to have someone like him, who loved me unconditionally. I wasn’t from the same cloth as him. I’d been a struggling artist from a middle-class family while he grew up privileged. Nate didn’t see our differences and loved me through them as I loved him through his.

  “Shh, don’t cry my darling. Tonight we’re going to a party.”

  “That ball thing that Miranda is going to,” I spat.

  “Yes, that. Come with me.”

  Nate took me by the hand, his warm fingers lacing with mine and making me feel cared for. I followed his every step as we ascended the staircase and went into my bedroom. I large box awaited me on my bed.

  “Open it,” Nate whispered in my ear.

  I stepped to my bed and took the lid from the box. Tearing away the tissue paper, my fingers pulled at ivory silk fabric. Raising my arms, presented to me was a gorgeous ivory silk with pink flower pattern ball gown.

  “You’re wearing that to the ball tonight,” Nate informed me.

  My mouth flew open before I dropped the gown and rushed to Nate, jumping into his arms, my legs around his waist as he held me. My lips were on his, kissing him with everything in me.

  “I--think--you--like--it,” Nate said between kisses.

  “Yes,” I whispered on his lips.

  “Perfect, my Cinderella.”

  “Yes, you’re my fairy godmother and the prince,” I giggled.

  Nate allowed my feet to the ground. He kissed me once more before his hands slipped over my hips and held me tight. I peered into his olive eyes, knowing it was time.

  “You know how I’ve been meaning to go see a doctor about birth control?” I questioned as I played around with his tie.

  “You finally went?” he questioned, but before I could answer he was talking again. “I’m so glad. Imagine if you’d get pregnant. It would be a disaster.”

  “Disaster?” I asked innocently.

  “Absolutely, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if you would get pregnant now. Luckily we’re avoiding that travesty,” Nate explained.

  I held my breath. I couldn’t allow myself to cry. That was the opposite of what I expected. Nate always went on and on about a family and having children with me. Why didn’t he feel that way now?

  “I need to get going soon. I need to change into my tux and get Miranda. I will leave Chris to drive you to the party, don’t worry about anything, your name is on the list.” With one quick kiss on my lips, Nate left me alone.

  I STEPPED FROM the car at the entrance to Buckingham Palace. I’d been to some fabulous parties with Nate, but this was the ultimate party. I was stepping into the home of the Queen of England. A man was waiting to greet me with an umbrella as it was pouring raining. I held up the bottom of my gown to keep it from getting wet, but once inside, I allowed it to fall and brush along the floor.

  People were absolutely everywhere and all dressed like royalty. For the night, I was a princess. I was going to forget what Nate said about a possible pregnancy being a disaster, and I’d have a good time because a night like this was once in a lifetime.

  I searched to see if Nate had arrived and I even spotted the Queen across the room. My heart pounded at the thought of actually meeting the Queen. I spotted Nate immediately after. He stood looking devilishly handsome in his black tux with Miranda on his arm.
r />   Miranda, on the other hand, she was dressed in the ugliest seafoam green gown I’d ever seen. Whoever suggested that was a good color on her clearly had too many drinks. Nate’s eyes met mine. I gave him a smile and a small wave before he was dragged away by Miranda and into another conversation. Miranda’s eyes spotted me. She sneered at my presence.

  I found where I could get a non-alcoholic drink and sipped away at it in a corner. I observed the party, hoping that Nate could escape for a moment to be with me. As glamorous as the party was, it was no fun without someone to enjoy it with.

  “Come with me,” spat Miranda’s voice from behind me.

  I sharply turned to see her staring me down and observing me from head to toe. I rolled my eyes and followed her. She couldn’t hurt me here. We ended up around the corner from the party in a quiet hall.

  “As you’ve not left with my threats. I’m going to make you an offer,” she began.

  “An offer?” I laughed.

  “An offer to spare you a world of embarrassment. Nathaniel is only going to string you along. March will come, and I will be his wife. Don’t pretend you don’t already know this. You’ve been thinking it all along and now.” Miranda began to giggle. “You’ve got that little bastard child growing inside.”

  “How?” I questioned, taking a gulp. I couldn’t think of any way she’d know about my pregnancy and my baby. I hadn’t even told Nate, and he would never tell her. Fear took over my body.

  “You lost an ultrasound photo when your cheap purse broke this afternoon, and I got the joy of finding it. Your child will never hold the Branagan name. Your child just like you will never fit into this life. You aren’t meant to be on Nate’s arm; you know it, and he knows it. So, therefore I’m extending my offer. You return to the States. I will pay for your abortion, and you disappear. If you stay, Taylor, get ready for your biggest nightmare.”

  “You’re a cold hearted evil bitch; you know that?” I hissed under my breath.

  An eerily creepy and satisfied smile inched into Miranda's face. "Do you think I don't know that? Of course, I know that, but want to know the irony of it all? This cold hearted and evil bitch is the one marrying Nathaniel." With that, she took the last sip of her champagne and giggled like a schoolgirl.


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