Always His

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Always His Page 2

by James, J. P.

  Narrowing her eyes, she studies my face to see if I’m lying.

  “Good. I’m glad you’re starting to see things my way.” Elena finishes off her martini in one gulp, and internally, I cringe. I’m sure she’ll be making her way to the living room sofa soon.

  “Thanks for the talk, Mom,” I say. “Treasure you.”

  But then my mom grabs my shoulder.

  “Hey I mean what I said, kiddo. If you don’t start going out more I’m going to-” She drunk hiccups again. “I’m gonna set you up on a blind date with my co-worker’s daughter.”

  What? Is she out of her mind? This is a double whammy. A blind date with a woman? Set up by my mother? Hell no. Fuck, what am I going to do? Unfortunately, I can tell Elena means it. Goddammit. I’m going to have to start going out more, whether I want to or not.

  “Fine,” I say in a surly voice, giving in.

  “Good. I knew you would see things my way,” she simpers.

  Stumbling a bit, Elena walks over to the counter to make another martini. She hasn’t had enough drinks yet, clearly. But goddamit! How did this happen? Now I’m going to have to find a way to get out of the house every weekend until graduation. Maybe I’ll say I’m going to a party, but instead sneak over to the library instead. I’ll have to figure something out because if I don’t, my mom is going to start meddling in my social life, which only means trouble.



  Trudging up the stairs, I go into my room before slamming the door. Hopefully Elena heard that. Why can’t she be the kind of mom that celebrates my academic achievements? It’s as if she doesn’t give a damn that I’m a straight A student. We went on a college tour together last month and instead of asking about the employment rate of the recent graduates, she asked which fraternity was the most popular on campus. What parent does that?

  I was embarrassed, to say the least. I’ve worked my ass off to do well, but she’s disappointed because I don’t get drunk every weekend with the rest of the seniors. Hell, maybe the doctors did give her the wrong baby. Elena and I are nothing alike and it’s goddamn annoying. It’s bad enough that my dad isn’t around, but to make matters worse, I don’t even have my own mother’s support.

  But it just highlights another problem. Sure, I’ll probably get into a good college due to my academic excellence, but it’s not like we have the money for school. Elena just doesn’t make enough money to pay tuition, even at a state school. I’m sure I’ll get a few scholarships, but it probably won’t be enough. Given that we’ve pretty much always had money troubles, I doubt college is realistically on the horizon for me.

  But it’s okay because I’m not sure I want to go to college. The only reason I’ve been applying is because it’s what people do. That, and the fact that I want to get as far away from my mom as possible. Besides, it’s not like things are perfect once you have a degree. My cousin graduated from college two years ago and she still hasn’t found a job in her field yet. Instead she’s been waitressing at a diner a few blocks from our house.

  I don’t want that to happen to me. I don’t want to end up wasting my time and money at a university, and then not be able to find a job. Instead, I’d rather look for an entry level position that only requires a high school diploma and work my way up in a company. Most parents would oppose this decision, but my mom couldn’t care less. Elena’s never urged me to further my education. Honestly, I don’t think she gives a damn whether or not I actually learned anything all of these years. All she cares about is whether or not I fit in with the in-crowd.

  It’s probably because Elena wasn’t the academic type herself when she was in school. She brags about how she used to get away with cheating on every test, and that was when she actually showed up. Most of the time, my mom would cut class, or skip altogether. Obviously, Mom cared more about hanging out with her friends than she cared about her academic career. She says the only reason she didn’t go to college was because she had me, but truthfully I don’t think she would have gotten in anywhere.

  Plus, Elena’s always resented my dad for going away to further his education. I think that’s why things ended between them. Mom says they were high school sweethearts and were madly in love. They talked about getting married and starting their lives together, but when they found out she was pregnant, reality hit. They had to grow up fast. My dad graduated at the top of his class and went off to the University of Delaware, while my mom stayed here in Milford. She said he used to come back home to visit us every weekend, but then one day he just stopped. The last time I saw him was when I was a baby. What a bastard.

  Since then, Elena’s been around the block a few times, to put it mildly. Every couple of years she decides to settle down with a new guy, claiming he’s the love of her life. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that phrase, I’d have enough money to pay for college myself. I’ve seen just about every single man in Milford creep out of my mother’s bedroom. It’s been embarrassing. Plus, it’s really sad because I’ve even seen some married men sneaking out the back door of our home.

  Damn. I wish Elena wasn’t so shallow. I wish she cared more, but instead, she’s single-handedly managed to ruin my quiet night in. She’s my mom, but that doesn’t give her the right to interfere with my personal life, right? I can’t remember the last time she tried to talk to me about something I’m actually interested in. It’s like this woman hardly knows me, despite the fact that we share DNA. How the hell am I supposed to make it through the next couple months? Graduation can’t seem to come fast enough.

  Annoyed, I sigh heavily while flopping onto my bed. Staring up at the ceiling, I imagine what my life will be like once I leave Milford behind. I’ll finally be able to be myself and come out of the closet. Just the thought alone brings a smile to my face. It’s tiring living a lie, and the sooner I get out of this small town, the better.

  I search through the nest of pillows and blankets for my cell. Maybe I should go to college far, far away. Like California. Or Hawaii. Grabbing my phone, I open the web browser and look up universities out west. I still haven’t decided what I want to study yet, but luckily I can apply as an undecided student. Scrolling through a list of colleges in California, I stop and click on the University of Southern California. Wow. The acceptance rate is low, but with my 3.9 GPA and high SAT score, it’s possible.

  As I scroll through the campus photos, a warm fuzzy feeling starts growing in my chest. The students grin from ear to ear in each picture while dressed in USC apparel. They all look genuinely happy. Maybe it’s staged, but whoever did up this spread did a good job.

  But when I click on the tuition tab, my eyes almost fall out of their sockets. What the hell?!?! USC is $67,000 a year? With wide eyes I stare at the screen in disbelief. Where the hell am I going to get that much money? My mom doesn’t even make that in a year. I know I’ll get scholarships, but I doubt it’ll be enough. I guess I could take out a ton of loans, but that makes my stomach queasy. I’d be drowning in debt by the time I graduate. What a let down. I guess I won’t be going to the University of Southern California.

  As I continue to browse the list of California universities, I realize that just about all the schools roughly cost an arm and a leg. Even if I go to a public school, tuition with room and board still costs a lot. Frustrated, I decide to end my college search. What’s the point in looking up schools when everything’s so expensive?

  Instead, I surf the web for job openings in my local area. Maybe that little coffee shop on Main Street is looking for barista to work evenings and weekends. At least getting a position pretty much guarantees that I’ll be out of the house most of the time. Plus, once I’m working, I won’t have to worry about my mom hounding me for staying home all the time. As I scroll through a few job listings, an ad for a dating website pops up. Damn these internet pop-ups. I swear I’m getting so many computer viruses from doing nothing but browsing around.

  “ChatAttack?” I utter. My finger itches. “What’s th

  Curious, I click on the link. Dating websites seem to be gaining a lot of popularity these days. I used to think they were a joke, but my Aunt Cindy met her husband on one a few years ago and they’re madly in love. There are a ton of sites out there, but this one seems to be the newest, shiniest model. It has positive reviews, but most of them seem to be from people who are just looking to hook-up. My eyes squint as I read one such review:

  This app is fucking awesome!!! It’s the easiest way to meet hot chicks in your area and bang them!!! RippedStud.

  Gross. Unlike half of the students at my high school, I’m still a virgin. It’s almost embarrassing to admit, but it makes sense. Since I’m not officially out yet, I haven’t really dated, and thus, no sexy times. I’m not in a rush, but I think every guy fantasizes about his first time. Maybe if I join this app I can meet someone and lose my virginity? Maybe even someone who’s completely inappropriate just to spite my mom. Yeah, that would be awesome. Elena did say she wants me to be more social. Hanging out with someone she disapproves of will make her eat her own words.

  Fortunately, there’s a “Men Interested Men” section, so it should be pretty easy to find hot single gay guys in the area. I just hope I don’t see any of my teachers on this site. That would be disgusting.

  Clicking download, I install the app onto my phone. My excitement builds as I fill out my profile. I start to type JakeM as my username, but then decide against it. I don’t want anyone to know it’s me. Instead, I type NeighborBoy. It’s simple enough, and won’t give me away.

  I decide not to upload a photo of myself either, at least not yet. Maybe I’ll change my mind once I’m more comfortable using the app, but for now, I’d rather discreetly navigate through the site. Since I’m not using a profile photo, I’ll have to describe how I look instead. I put down that I’m six feet tall with a slim, athletic build. I’ve been going to the gym and bulking up, but I wouldn’t say I’m jacked or anything. I also add that I have brown eyes and chestnut brown hair.

  After I finish with my physical description, I click in the “About Me” section. Oh shit. What should I write? I stare blankly at the empty box for a moment, trying to come up with something. Finally, I type in a few things about my interests.

  Hey, I’m NeighborBoy. I’m a shy guy who finally decided to give online dating a try in the hopes of meeting someone special. I’m an avid reader and will always choose a good book over a party. I prefer a quiet night in spent cooking and maybe catching up on a few of my favorite Netflix series. That, or re-watching my top Marvel films for the millionth time. I also enjoy listening to podcasts and watching the news. I’m probably the only eighteen-year old guy who watches the nightly news lol. I’m a bit of an introvert, but hopefully I can meet a guy who brings out my wild side.

  My ideal man is hard on the outside, but soft on the inside. The type of guy who knows how to take charge, but also has a heart the size of the moon. I’m far from shallow, but I’d prefer someone taller than me with a muscular build. You know, the tall, dark, and handsome type, and definitely masculine.

  Everyone wants to be with someone they’re attracted to, but looks only go so far. I want to meet a kind and loving man. Someone who knows that the little things in life matter and never takes anything for granted. Maybe I’m crazy to think a guy like this exists, but a man can dream, can’t he? If you are out there somewhere, send me a message. I promise I’ll reply.

  Oh shit, have I gone overboard? I definitely sound a little sappy. I consider deleting half of what I’ve written, but then decide against it. After all, it’s a lot, but it’s the truth. Besides, any guy who’s willing to read the entire thing is worth a shot.

  I click submit and toss my phone aside, not expecting much. What are the odds that I’ll actually meet someone who fits what I’m looking for? Sure, Aunt Cindy got lucky, but I doubt that lightning will strike twice. If anything, scrolling through the photos of single men will just be something that I do when I’m bored. It’ll be my escape when my mother starts nagging me… again.

  What is Elena up to anyways? I haven’t heard anything since coming upstairs to my bedroom. Chances are she’s already passed out drunk on the couch. She’ll be sleeping until tomorrow morning when she wakes up to the smell of bacon frying. I can’t stand the fact that she has a drinking problem, but I hate seeing her suffer from a hangover too. As a result, I’ve been cooking her breakfast ever since I was tall enough to reach the stove. Kinda sad, right? Your gay son cooking you hangover food?

  Pulling the blanket over my body, I nestle myself back into a comfortable spot. I rummage underneath my pillows for the remote and resume watching TV. As I try to focus my attention on the tube, I can’t help glancing over at my cell. Maybe someone’s already sent a message to my inbox? Should I check? I start to reach for my phone, but then decide not to. What am I doing? I’m being so lame. I shouldn’t be getting my hopes up because it’s just a dating app. Those things are filled with randoms looking for hook-ups, and not true love.

  I sink back into my cozy position and try to forget about the profile I just created on ChatAttack. But still, I keep thinking about it. Maybe, just maybe, there’s someone good on there. Someone tall, dark, handsome and hot. Someone who looks like my studly neighbor Vance, with his black hair, muscled body and heavenly tattoos. Of course, this is just a fantasy, but a man can always dream ….



  I can barely keep my eyelids open as I let out a yawn. What time is it? The TV’s still blaring, and there’s a puddle of drool on the coverlet. Gross.

  My hand aimlessly fumbles around my bed in search of my cell phone. Grabbing it, I squint my eyes as I stare at the bright screen. Shit, it’s already midnight. I can always finish this season tomorrow because it’s not like I have any other plans.

  Flicking the television off, I close my eyes and wrap the blanket around my body. But while nodding off, there’s a splash from outside of my window. My eyes open wide as I lay awake in the darkness. What was that? Did I imagine the sound? Maybe I’m just delirious right now and it was all a dream. I close my eyes and try to fall back asleep. But just as I’m about to nod off again, there’s another noise. Splash.

  What the hell? It’s almost midnight, and someone’s swimming? Annoyed, I throw off the covers and stalk over to the window. Pulling the curtain back, I peer outside, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness.

  Holy fuck! It’s my hot neighbor, Vance. Sure enough, he’s doing laps in the pool next door. My eyes lock onto his muscular body as his powerful arms stroke through the glimmering water. I rub my eyes to make sure they’re seeing correctly. Why the hell would Vance be swimming at this time of night? It’s warmer out than most October evenings, but still, a late night swim still seems a bit odd. Then again, who am I to complain? His body is a sight for sore eyes. My mouth waters, and my cock grows hard from the sight.

  But what am I doing? I shouldn’t be spying on my neighbor. This isn’t right. I should close the curtains and get back into bed. Yet, I can’t take my eyes off of him. Goddamnit! Why does he have to be this damn sexy? His half naked body glides through the water effortlessly, muscles rippling in the pale moonlight. As Vance comes up for air, that godlike figure glistens, and my body jerks in reaction. He wipes droplets of water from his chiseled face with massive hands, shaking himself a little to shed the droplets.

  Suddenly, my neighbor opens his eyes and that striking blue gaze pierces the dark night in my direction. Holy fuck! Did he see me watching him? I flush with embarrassment and jerk back from the window. Hopefully he doesn’t think I’m a creep for watching him. Oh shit. He’s probably going to beat the shit out of me for spying.

  Nervously, I slowly draw back the curtain again to see if Vance is storming over. But I guess it was just my imagination because to my surprise, he’s still in the pool doing laps. I guess he didn’t catch me watching him. Thank god. My heart is pounds heavily from such a close call. I’m torn between w
anting to continue gawking at his smoldering body and crawling back into bed. If Vance catches me staring at him, bad things are going to happen. I can feel it in my gut.

  After all, this is wrong. I’m sort of, kind of, invading his privacy. But my eyes stay glued to his muscular physique even as my cock starts stiffening once more. He’s gorgeous, with those tattooed arms and back. I’ve never gotten close enough to see what the images printed on his body actually are, but they swirl magnificently as those powerful muscles strain and flex.

  My breath is coming hard. Fuck, this isn’t fair. I desperately want to touch, but know that I can’t. He’s probably not even gay! If he knows I’m peeping on him right now, he’ll probably report me as a sex offender. Shit.

  At that moment, Vance pulls his soaking wet body out of the pool, muscles bulging as he climbs out. It’s almost like a slow-mo movie, where a woman swings her hair around and winks. But in this case, it’s a man. He’s so goddamn beautiful, with the water trailing down his muscles in tempting rivulets. Holy shit! There isn’t an ouncer of fat on that rock solid body. And now that I can see his tiny swim trunks, it’s obvious that the rod between his thighs is huge. It practically wraps around his waist like a snake, and my mouth waters hungrily.

  But my new neighbor isn’t done yet. Idly, he strides over to a lounger and lays out beneath the moon and stars, stretching like he knows he has an audience. That’s weird. What the fuck is he doing? It’s midnight, so it’s not like there’s any sun for a tan. And ever the creeper, I stare even harder now. His incredible body arouses me, and my fully-erect cock presses against the windowsill. Holy shit, this man is hot, and I’m getting a front-row view.

  But what am I doing? I’m literally a Peeping Tom right now. Plus, this guy has half the ladies in Milford eating out of his hand already. When he moved in, women both married and single rushed over to his house with every casserole known to humankind, and enough cakes and pies to put our local bakery out of business. They were throwing themselves at him shamelessly. I watched from my living room window as the suburban ladies simpered and giggled, gently caressing his bulging biceps while “welcoming” him to the neighborhood. It was over the top, and I have to admit, I got jealous.


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