Star of the Show

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Star of the Show Page 4

by Sue Bentley

  Chapter EIGHT

  The moment Tessa and Storm reached Harpford Manor, they went to find Fay and give her the new diary. Tessa checked the living room and the game room before she finally tracked her down in their bedroom.

  Fay was reading a book. She looked up as Tessa came in and gave her a small smile.

  Tessa felt encouraged. At least Fay seemed willing to talk. “Good book?” she asked hopefully.

  Fay nodded. “It’s fairy stories, with really great illustrations. See? Ogres, goblins, and monsters, and there’s a handsome prince who rescues a beautiful princess from a swamp monster.”

  “Sounds exciting,” Tessa said, even though she didn’t think she’d enjoy reading it herself. She went and peered over Fay’s shoulder. “The prince looks a bit like Donny. Don’t show it to Kelly or she’ll get drool all over the page!”

  Fay giggled. “Tessa. I wanted to talk to—” she began shyly.

  “Okay, but me first,” Tessa said quickly, thrusting the plastic bag at Fay. “I got you this. I hope you like it.”

  “For me?” Fay’s eyes widened as she reached inside the bag and took out the shiny new diary. “Oh, it’s awesome! And it locks, too. Look at this cute little key.”

  “Yes. So no one can read your diary now,” Tessa said. “Look, about the other evening. I know you probably still won’t believe that I didn’t read—”

  “But I do believe you!” Fay broke in excitedly. “That’s what I was about to tell you just now. I came in here and caught Kelly reading my diary earlier and she admitted everything. She didn’t even bother lying. Anyway, I know that you had nothing to do with what happened.”

  Tessa took a second or two to let this sink in. “Good. So . . . um . . . we can be friends now?”

  “If you still want to,” Fay said, her hazel eyes sparkling. “And thanks so much for my new diary. I love it.”

  “You’re welcome,” Tessa said, beaming. “And guess who I just saw on the way to the village when I went to buy it. Donny Jenton!”

  “Really? Did he have tons of bodyguards with him?” Fay asked.

  “No. He was all by himself. He was looking for Lady, who had escaped and run away.” Tessa told Fay about running after Lady and almost getting flattened by the heavy light but she left out all mention of Storm. “Donny was so happy that Lady was safe that he offered me a reward. At first I couldn’t think of anything I wanted. But then I asked if he’d take me and my friends out for a burger or something.”

  “You didn’t!” Fay said, deeply impressed. “What did he say?”

  Tessa smiled. “He was so cool. He’s arranging for his car to pick us up after we finish filming tomorrow.”

  “Wow! That’s so cool!” Fay exclaimed. “Wait until Kelly hears about this!”

  “Hears about what?” Kelly demanded from the open doorway. “As if I’d be interested in any of your pathetic plans!”

  “So you don’t want to hear about how Fay and me are going out for a burger with Donny tomorrow evening?” Tessa said casually.

  “What? Don’t make me laugh!” Kelly said. “Ugly Fay and silly, spoiled Princess going on a date with Donny? Yeah, right!”

  Tessa did not show her anger. She shrugged. “Well, I guess you’ll see for yourself when Donny sends his car for us.”

  “Yeah, right!” Kelly crowed, but she didn’t look so sure of herself now. “Why would he want to take you two clowns anywhere?”

  “Because Tessa saved Lady from getting squashed when some equipment almost fell on her,” Fay said. “Isn’t that right, Tessa?”

  Tessa nodded. “Donny’s my number-one fan now. I might get his autograph for you, if you ask me really, really nicely!” she teased Kelly and was happy to see the older girl flush with jealousy. She turned to Fay. “Want to play a game of ping-pong?”

  “You bet!” Fay cried, linking arms with Tessa. They skipped past Kelly with Storm trotting invisibly after them.

  “I don’t believe a word of it. You’re just a big liar, Tessa Churchill!” Kelly shouted after them.

  “Am I? We’ll see,” Tessa replied smugly.

  Halfway down the stairs Tessa and Fay clapped their hands over their mouths and started to laugh. “Did you see the look on her face? You are sobad!” Fay whispered through her fingers.

  “I couldn’t help it!” Tessa answered. “I really enjoyed standing up for myself for once. Besides, Kelly won’t be left out for long. I’ll tell her tomorrow that she’s invited to come with us!”

  Tessa held up her long skirts as she emerged from wardrobe in full costume the following morning. “I can’t believe that this is my last day of filming. It’s gone by so fast!” she whispered to Storm.

  Storm nodded, his midnight-blue eyes looking a little troubled.

  “Are you looking forward to coming home with me? Mom and Dad are going to love you,” Tessa said.

  But Storm didn’t answer. She noticed that he kept glancing nervously around as he followed Tessa down to the big old-fashioned kitchen where the scene was being filmed. “Is something wrong?” she asked him.

  “Shadow is very close now. I can feel it. He will use his magic to make any dogs nearby hunt me down,” the terrified puppy barked, beginning to tremble like a leaf.

  “Oh, no!” Tessa gasped, going cold all over. “Maybe it’s another false alarm.”

  Storm shook his head. “Not this time.”

  Tessa racked her brains, trying to think of what to do. “I know! How about hiding in the costumes? There are thousands of them. It would be hard for any dogs to find you in there. As soon as I finish this scene, I’ll come and get you.”

  “It is a good plan,” Storm agreed. He ran off, ears and tail flying.

  Somehow Tessa followed the director’s instructions and remembered all of her lines. The second she was free, she ran off toward wardrobe.

  As Tessa reached it, Storm shot toward her in terror, ducking into a side room. There were three dogs hard on his heels. They had pale eyes and extra-long teeth and were growling fiercely.

  Tessa’s heart missed a beat. Her plan hadn’t worked! Storm was in terrible danger.

  She rushed after the tiny puppy and fierce enemy dogs just as a dazzling flash of gold light stopped her in her tracks. When the light faded, Tessa rubbed the sparkles from her eyes to see that Storm stood there, a helpless puppy no longer, but his true magnificent wolf self. An older female wolf with a gentle face stood next to him.

  Tessa realized that the moment she had been dreading was here. She was going to have to be very brave. “Go! Save yourself, Storm!” she cried, her voice breaking.

  Storm’s midnight-blue eyes shone with affection, and gold dust glimmered in his thick silver-gray neck-ruff. “Be of good heart, Tessa. You have been a true friend,” he said in a velvety growl.

  There was a final bright gold flash and Storm and his mother began to fade before disappearing forever. The other dogs leaped forward, but they were too late. Their eyes and teeth instantly returned to normal and they left.

  Tessa gulped. It had all happened so fast. She felt stunned. “I’ll never forget you, Storm,” she whispered as tears pricked her eyes.

  Tessa had just finished drying her eyes when Fay popped her head into the room. “I’ve been looking for you. It’s almost five thirty. We have to get out of these costumes before we go and meet Donny. I told Kelly that we’re allgoing for a burger. You should have seen her face!”

  “I bet it was priceless,” Tessa said, smiling despite herself.

  As she went with Fay, Tessa felt herself beginning to get excited again at the thought of meeting up with Donny Jenton—she knew so many people who would give anything to be in her place.

  But whatever the future held, Tessa knew that her secret magic puppy friend, Storm, would always be the true star of her life.

  About the Author

  Sue Bentley’s books for children often include animals, fairies, and wildlife. She lives in Northampton and enjoys reading, going
to the movies, relaxing by her garden pond, and watching the birds feeding their babies on the lawn. At school she was always getting yelled at for daydreaming or staring out of the window—but she now realizes that she was storing up ideas for when she became a writer. She has met and owned many cats and dogs, and each one has brought a special kind of magic to her life.




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