Hells Royalty The Princess

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Hells Royalty The Princess Page 10

by Wennberg, Jessica

  I was shocked and more than confused! See this is why I don't like knowing visions; they can screw with your head so damn bad. There are so many things that can change and happen along the way, and people get fixated on a vision and are determined that is the way something will happen, well over my dead body will that happen.

  "Well the vision of fighting Aaron is still consistent, so let’s work on that one first. Since you have had in multiple times and it is the same that is something. It more than likely means that it will probably happen like you've seen, unless something drastic happens and changes things." I was hoping keeping them occupied on the old vision would help avoid the new creepy vision.

  "Prophet, how many times is multiple?" Phelan asked. I noticed Jace cringe and figured it was at the name.

  "Please don't call me that, I would prefer to be called by my name, Jace. Multiple times is at least ten different times and each time they are more in depth. I can see more on each vision, more details of the surroundings and noises." He had a note of uncertainty in his voice, was there something he wasn't telling us.

  "I'm sorry Jace. My son and I are traditional in calling people by their abilities. We have a prophet whom we call Mother Seer, I am Chief Sandalio, and Phelan is actually called Master Sandalio. I am sorry if you thought he was disrespecting you." Chief Sandalio aimed at easing Jaces’ nerves.

  "Thank you, and I'm sorry that I was so testy, it's just I'm not used to that term just yet." Jace acknowledged the Chiefs attempts.

  The Chief looked thoughtfully at Jace, "Normally when our Mother Seer has a vision more than three times it plays out like she saw it. We believe that the more you have it the better the chance that it will happen."

  This is where I decided to jump in, heaven forbid they believe if Jace has another vision of me crying over Aaron to be true and will happen.

  "Ok, so we can more than likely deduce that I will battle Aaron while he holds Jace and Grayson captive. But when, since Lilim is off to tell Damien where I am wouldn't that change the future now. And what about my choices, what if I choose to hold Jace captive in the house wouldn't that change the visions future?" I was really trying to not focus on the vision of me being in a dungeon in hell.

  "Then I would think that we should be prepared for anything starting now. Damien could show up any moment and we are nowhere near prepared for him. And what about us, you never said anything about the wolves in your vision?" Phelan asked him rather anxiously.

  Jace looked nervous then. "Yeah, I'm not sure about the wolves. I think that all the wolves were blocked out somehow. There was a black ring around the battle area, and that kept everyone else from helping. From what I could tell it might have been the work…"

  "..Of a witch." I finished for him.

  "He does have a witch working for him, and she loves to use her black magic. Her name is Greta and I have already marked her. She was using her magic against me, and when I discovered it I marked her so anything that she does to me will actually not harm me but will rebound and do triple the spell to her. I don't see her using any against me directly, but I'm sure she can work some loopholes and use it to work against anyone else I am around." I confirmed his thought, and gave the wolves something else to think about.

  "Well that must have been what she did, because I could hear the wolves on the outside of the circle growling to get in." Jace told us, telling us that my assumption of her using magic against the others was possible.

  "Well then I guess I had better go and prepare myself for a battle with Aaron and more than likely one with Damien much sooner than I really wanted. I also need to see if Grayson is still safe, if he is, then maybe that will change the vision." I was ready to get out of there so I could find out some answers.

  "What about that other vision Katilyn? The one of you and Aaron in hells dungeon, what do we do about that one?" Jace asked cautiously.

  I was quiet and pondered that for a moment before answering, I was actually afraid I would scream that I was terrified it might come true.

  I took a breath before answering. "Well right now I'm not going to worry about that. It was the first time that you have seen it, so I'm more interested in the fact that Damien might be coming sooner and that Aaron will be here really soon also. To top all that off I still don't have full powers so that is more my priority right now, keeping my ass alive long enough to find out if it might actually come true." I said in a rushed tone and then turned to the Chief.

  "Chief would you two mind moving from the boat house to the house? I would like to close in my wards closer to the house and to do that I need you guys closer, plus it would make it much safer if we were all in the same vicinity when either of our enemies show up." I asked him in a very nice tone, making sure I sounded very pleasant and obliging.

  "It is done Miss Katilyn, and we will also start making perimeter checks every two hours to see if anything has come to watch us" the Chief said.

  I nodded my head to him in a thank you, "Thank you Chief, I am going to go and do my preparations and perform some spells. I will see you all later. Jace you need to read some more and see if your mom might have written anything that might pertain to this situation." I left the room then my mind completely focused on Grayson and whether or not he was still safe.

  Chapter 12--Egos, Plans, and Poor Preparations

  First I performed some more protection spells against different types of dark creatures and also just reinforced the ones that were already on the house and property. I went through my wording very carefully to make sure that there were no loopholes of any kind; I didn't want some weasel getting through and terrorizing us.

  Now I was searching my heart, soul, and mind to see if I could find anything different about myself. I should be getting some more powers and I might be oblivious if I don't search for them. It’s not like I have been doing daily magic routines to test for anything, which if I was alone I probably would have been doing that.

  Since I was outside still I decided to test a few things, strength and speed would be first. I went to my Jeep and sure enough I was a lot stronger, I had no issue picking it up with my hands. I actually managed to get it off the ground about a foot, which was something new. Now for speed, normally I could top out at 45 miles in about 4 seconds, let’s see what I have now. I got out my speed detector and set it up on the Jeep. I walked over to the woods, took a breath and then took off. I crossed in front of the detector at 4 seconds and it was registering 68 miles. Holy cow! I can go 68 miles per hour; that is so freaking cool.

  Ok so strength and speed are improved, let me try some magic now. I held my hands out in front of me, facing the woods; I sure as hell didn't want to burn my house down. I calmed my mind and let it wander through my body. I searched for new feelings that might alert me to something different than I was used to. There was something there, I just had to figure out how to tap into it, that is the hard part.

  It felt cold, so that means that it is connected to the darker side of me. Hmm, how do I use that and am I sure that I really want to. I thought about death and hatred and it clicked. I felt the rush of power come up my chest and run down my arms to my hands. I opened my eyes to see a white fire coming from my fingertips, it didn't feel hot, actually it felt cold. What to try it on?

  I chose a dead branch to see what it would do, I sure wasn't about to try it out on something living to begin with. I concentrated on the branch and sure enough it burst into flames, but they were blue. I went over to touch it and the flames were as cold as ice. Maybe it went with the saying "when hell freezes over", who knew, but it sure as hell was awesome. I would have to figure out how to use it in combat and be successful.

  Now it was time to go in and make up some potions for Jace to use. Since I was making him stay inside I still thought he needed some kind of protection. An hour later and I was back in my room preparing myself to search for Grayson and see if he was indeed still safe.

  I was going to do the one thing that was so intimate a
nd close and I vowed that I would never do again after the last time. I was going to connect to his mind on the inside, damn the personal boundaries and feelings.

  I closed the shades and lit some candles to center and calm myself. I leaned against the side of the bed as I sat on the floor and slowly formed a picture of him in my mind. Once I had him perfectly pictured I visually took a step into his mind from inside of mine. It didn't take but a moment and I had found him, he was agitated and worried.

  "Grayson" I called barely above a whisper, but I knew he would hear me. His mind went on alert then calmed down instantly, like he was trying to not react to me.

  "Grayson I'm really sorry to invade like this, but..."I had started to give him an explanation but he cut me off.

  "Kat, what are you doing here? It’s too dangerous, I'm being followed." He was telling me then he quieted down.

  "I told you that might happen are you still safe?" I asked him still in a whisper.

  "Katilyn, right now there is nothing to worry about, I'm safe at the moment. What did you need to tell me?" Grayson asked.

  "Well, loads actually." Then I began to inform him of the prophet that crashed into me and what he had seen. Then I told him about the wolves and that they were coming to help me.

  "That's great, you have allies now. But how certain are you this prophet can see all? I mean I'm still safe and haven't been captured so how can you trust this guy Katilyn?" he sounded unsure of himself.

  "Well he saw me coming months ago so I'm pretty damn sure of his visions. Even though you haven't been captured yet doesn't mean that you won't be. That's why I was checking on you and making sure that you stay super low under the radar, I think if I can keep you safe I have a better chance of changing future events." I told him in desperation.

  "Katilyn, I'm fine. You just go and take care of yourself and your new friends. Go see what else your prophet has seen, keep up your defenses and you should be fine. I'll get in touch with you when this all blows over. Where are you so I can come and see that you are still safe when this calms down?" Grayson asked in a voice devoid of emotion.

  Warning bells started ringing in my head and I immediately put wards up in my mind to block anyone from digging around for details. Rule number one with us was we never told each other where we were at, especially in dangerous times like this, and besides despite all that had happened between us he would have more emotions about this. Something happened while we were talking and I had to figure out what.

  I was trying to think what had changed, at first he was the Grayson that I knew, but now, he was different almost like he…holy hell he was a different person. Someone must have already captured him and realized he was talking to me so they took over his mind too. Damnit, I had told him so much already and I wasn't sure when the other person took over.

  I eased further into his mind, searching for some kind of clue as to what was going on. Irritation, worry, anger, caution, and a lot of fear ran over me. Yep something was definitely wrong if Grayson had fear in his mind.

  "Kat! Get out! Affinia has already captured me, she working for someone called Aaron. I tried to stay safe but she got me. She's using my mind to try and find you, don't tell her anything, follow your instincts and stay safe. I have to go; I can feel her trying to take over again." Then he was gone.

  I calmed myself down so I wouldn't sound hysterical when I talked to her again. I backed myself out of the depths of his mind and looked for the imposter, sure enough she was there calling my name.

  "Grayson" I whispered.

  "Katilyn, where did you go?" the imposter asked.

  "Sorry someone was calling me, I didn't mean to worry you. Look my prophet had a vision so I need to go and see what it was. Are you sure that you are okay?" I only asked because that's what my normal paranoid self would do.

  "Yes, I told you that I am fine. I had a tail on me, but I managed to lose him. I wonder what the prophet saw, maybe it was something to do with this Aaron guy?" the imposter asked. BINGO! There shone the true colors of the imposter, to try and figure out what was being seen so that it could be reported back to Aaron, that sneaky son of a bitch.

  "Um, I don't know I told him to wait and I would be down there soon. I guess it’s only a waiting game now, giving I will have my full powers in only a matter of days really. I don't see the fool messing with me anymore after that, only Damien would be strong enough to challenge me then. He may think I'm weak because I've been running all this time, but he will be in for a big surprise when or if he actually does find me." I told the imposter so as to bait Aaron into jumping the gun and not coming after me prepared.

  "That's good I'm glad that he will underestimate you. So tell me where you are and I can come and help you beat this bastard, more help is always better." The imposter tried coaxing my location out of me again, unfortunately for her she didn't know mine and Grayson's rules and she just blew her cover completely.

  "Yeah, hardy har har. Like we visit anymore, besides I don't want you anywhere near me, just makes it easier for you to be spotted and used against me. Look I had better go and see what is going on, I'll send you a message when this does blow over to let you know I'm alive. You stay safe and don't get caught. Take care and I'll talk to you soon." Then I backed out of his mind, and closed the connection, completely locking her out of my mind.

  I took a deep breath, I felt horrible for leaving Grayson in the hands of Affinia, but I had no choice. There was no way I was going to get any information out of the imposter and Grayson would never tell me where he was being held, only to keep me safe would he not accept the help.

  I sat still for a few minutes longer, thinking, deciding what to do. Aaron already had Grayson captured so as of now the vision was coming true how Jace had seen it. I had to figure out a way to fully protect Jace and that would alter the vision some, hopefully enough to change the future.

  "Mom, what do I do?" I whispered the question to the wind, wishing I could talk to her about all of this. I had always believed that she went to some sort of heaven, so I pictured her sitting on a cloud changing its shape and watching me perform my many screw ups. She was probably wringing her hands with worry now, telling me to get it together and figure it out, that it was right in front of me if I would just look hard enough. That was always her answer, stop, look, and listen, just like crossing the street.

  I waited for a response, and just like all other times I didn't receive any. Maybe she wasn't allowed to intervene or give any kind of guidance what so ever, even if it was just a direction to look for answers. I've never had much information on angels so maybe they aren't allowed to have holy intervention at all.

  I sighed and prepared myself for the coming battle and the many decisions, good and bad that I would have to make.

  I needed to go and inform the others that part of the vision had already happened and that Aaron did indeed have Grayson captive, but it felt like such and invasion of my privacy. I didn't want anyone to know how deeply it was actually bothering me knowing that he was captured and by Affinia of all vampires or dark creatures that could have gotten him. He had told me about her when I was living with him, and she was not good in any shape, form, or fashion.

  How was I going to save him, protect Jace, and protect myself from Aaron and Damien?

  I heard a commotion downstairs then and decided that I might as well get up and face reality. I blew out the candles and headed downstairs to see what the hell was going on, because the bangs were getting louder.

  When I turned the corner at the end of the stairs to go into the kitchen the site before me was one to be captured on camera.

  Jace and Phelan were in an arm wrestling match. Although Phelan was clearly winning, Jace was holding his own, which in turn was clearly irritating Phelan.

  Chief Sandalio was very amused standing in the corner watching the show. I moved over to join him while the show kept going.

  "So what's going on here?" I asked clearly wondering how this began.
  "Phelan and I were sparring and Mr. Matthews came and asked us to show his some pointers. Before I could answer him, Phelan told him that if he could best him in an arm wrestling match that he would teach him all the skills that he needed to know." Chief Sandalio explained.

  "But Jace is strong, did Phelan not realize that?" I questioned that amused by this because anyone who looked at Jace would realize he has some strength.

  The Chief simply laughed. "My son likes to believe that despite looks a man must be strong on the inside. I could tell Mr. Matthews has strength in his head, his heart, and his body. Strength of heart can make even the weakest man turn into a He-man."

  "So Phelan is testing Jaces’ inner strength along with his physical strength?" I asked curious how this was going to work.

  "In a way yes, but in reality my son thought that he had found someone that he could easily win against, and luckily enough Mr. Matthews is nice enough to play along with him." He smiled happily at me.

  We watched another five minutes when I finally cut in, deciding that my interruption would be better than bruised egos.

  "Boys we have to talk, because I have some important news. It has to be discussed now so we can create a new plan of action." I said solemnly letting them know the situation was dire.

  They both stopped and looked at each other, then at me, and then at the Chief. They both dropped their hands and got up from the table.

  After we were all seated in the living room I told them that Grayson had indeed been captured by Aaron. So far the vision was coming true and we worked out ways to keep the rest from following suit.


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