Angel Among Sinners (The Garden Book 1)

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Angel Among Sinners (The Garden Book 1) Page 11

by Rachel Blake

  The lame joke had a huff of laughter erupting from Prim, but it was a short-lived reprieve.

  “I can’t go to the hospital. I just can’t.”

  “You’re not pulling this shit, Primly,” Eden growled. “You are not going to leave that boy in that hospital bed on his own. Do you hear me?”

  “I-I don’t know how to do this,” Prim said, her eyes shifting.

  “None of us do, but if you don’t get your ass off this floor right now, I’m going to flip you over and paddle it. Right here, in front of God and everyone, and I swear to God, Primly, if I get arrested for assault, it will be your ass.”

  “Again.” When two sets of eyes swung to her, Embry felt the blush take hold as she struggled to hold back the laughter. “Sorry.”

  Shaking her head, Prim stood and wiped at her eyes. “Let’s go find out what’s going on.”


  Embry sat in the corner of the dimly lit hospital room and tried to stay out of the way.

  What the hell was she doing there, she’d only met him once? She needed to go home and allow the people the privacy to, well, do whatever you did when a person you love has swelling on the brain.

  Standing from her chair, she moved to James and tapped him on the shoulder.

  “I should go home and allow you guys to deal with this as a family.”

  “You’re part of this family, Embry. Have I not made that clear to you in the last few weeks?” Eden asked, releasing Prim’s hand.

  “No, I mean, I’ve only met him the one time, and I feel like you guys should be able to deal with all of this without having a tag along. You shouldn’t have to worry about me on top of all of this.” Embry had to fight the need to smack herself in the forehead.

  “We’re going to worry about you no matter what, it’s what we do, especially when there’s a danger out there,” James explained as he stood and stretched. “I’ll tell you what, you can come with me to the cafeteria and help me get food for everyone. We all need to eat.”

  Nodding in agreement, Embry watched James give both Prim and Eden a kiss before moving to the hall. She felt it—jealousy. It wasn’t for James, no. It was for the love he showed both of his girls, the love any sane person would want in their life.

  “Embry, in order to help me get food, you actually have to come with me,” James teased lightly.

  “Shit, sorry.”

  They were silent as they walked, her having to take two steps to his one in order to keep up, but she wasn’t going to complain. He needed time to be in his head and couldn’t necessarily do that when he was with Prim and Eden.

  With her, it was different. He wasn’t her, well, whatever he was to them. She was just a woman who worked for the same company, a woman he’d been tasked with protecting.

  After they got the food, enough to feed far more than four people, James led them to a table. “No point in trying to juggle it all on the way back. We can eat down here, and our load will be lighter on the way back.”

  “Do you actually think they’re going to eat any of this?”

  “If either of them wants to sit, they’ll eat it.”

  “You would still spank them with all that’s happened tonight?”

  “With everything that’s happened tonight, a spanking would probably be a relief for Prim. Eden, she’s in business mode, ready to put this in her categories and move on to finding out who’s responsible. A spanking for her right now would involve me forcing her to submit, but she would.”

  “What if she uses her safeword?” Embry’s eyes stayed locked on the glob of catchup, she was twirling her fry in.

  “Then I respect it. I’ve been with that woman for a long time. She’ll use her safeword if she needs to, but she won’t need it.”

  “You just said you would have to force her to submit.”

  “I will.” Taking a bite of his hamburger, he nodded as he chewed. “She knows she needs it, but it’s harder for her to submit to it than it is for Prim. Hell, part of what she needs is to know that, while I can force her to do or take anything I give her, I don’t. I respect the boundaries she’s set forth. When stuff like this happens, she has a need to be reminded of the fact that I’m in control, and as a result, I have to earn it all over again.”

  “Does it get old? Forcing her to submit?”

  “Fuck no. It’s heady as fuck.” At her look of confusion, James continued, “It gives me a run for my money, allows me to prove to not only her but myself that I still have it and still deserve her submission. It also earns her more. Let’s face it, the woman is used to being in charge and usually is, so real reasons to punish her are few and far between.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Also, as weird as it sounds, I would get sick of hearing the words ‘yes, sir’ all the time.”

  “Is it the same way with Prim?”

  “At times, yes, but it’s rare. When she brats, it usually only takes a look or a certain tone of voice, and she drops right into her submission. She really doesn’t stand a chance when Eden and I gang up on her.”

  Embry looked down at the fry she still held in her hand. The jealousy was back.

  “When was the last time you saw Maverick?”

  Her eyes snapped to his. “That’s not what any of this is about. Shit, you were the one who started this whole conversation.”

  Holding up his hands, James allowed the smirk to cross his face. “Em, I wasn’t implying anything, although it’s nice to have my suspicions confirmed.”

  “You didn’t suspect anything.”

  “Didn’t I?” He started ticking off his suspicions, holding up a different finger with every new observation. “You allowed the man to spank you, you curled up in his lap like a purring cat after said spanking, you try really hard not to let how much you like him show.”

  “I do not.”

  “Don’t interrupt.” When she fell silent, he continued on a chuckle, “You’re submissive. Eh…” He held up a hand when she opened her mouth to argue. “You’re totally submissive, but you are far more with him.”

  “That doesn’t prove anything.” Embry crossed her arms over her chest, refusing to look at the man.

  “Maybe not, but I saw the look on your face the other day when you realized he’d left the office without telling you goodbye.”

  “It wasn’t a big deal. I just wanted to tell him something I’d remembered.”

  “Are we going to lie now?”

  She knew if she were to look up from the table, she would see his brow elevated, so she chose to keep her eyes on the scarred surface. “No, sir.”

  James tapped the table three times. “Eyes on me, please.” As soon as she followed his direction, he started speaking. “You don’t have to be ashamed of the feelings you have for him.”

  “Yes, I do. He’s a man I once knew. He isn’t the boy I loved back then.”

  “Good God, the two of you are going to be the death of me.” Shaking his head, he took a deep breath. “I shouldn’t be telling you this because doing so means I’m breaking every bro code there is, but damn it, the two of you going through this song and dance is getting old.”

  “There is no song and dance. Even if there was, it has only been a few weeks. How can it be old already?”

  “Your sass is strong, today, little one. I would watch it if I were you. I’m already resigned to taking two girls over my knee, I can easily make time for you as well.” The slight lowering of her head was answer enough. “Now, as I was saying, the two of you are worried about the same thing.”


  James smiled. “The night he spanked you, while you were gathering the courage to come out of the bedroom, we talked. He told me much the same thing you did. He couldn’t act on the love he felt because you were teens back then. He felt it wouldn’t be reciprocated.”

  “How could he think that?”

  “Ask yourself that question, and you may have an answer.”

  “We should probably get back to t
he room.” Embry shoved the last of her fries in her mouth. “They’re probably wondering where we are.”

  “Yeah, if I’m not there when that poor nurse comes back around, Eden is going to have her head on a platter.”

  The walk back was taken at a much slower pace as if James wasn’t looking forward to going back to the grim scene of the hospital room, so she started filling the silence.

  “You know he’s going to be okay, right?”

  “I’m not entirely sure. When he finally wakes up, he’ll be faced with the fact he wasn’t able to protect her.”

  “She’s not dead, James.”

  “No, but she’s just hanging on at this point.”

  Stopping dead in her tracks, Embry let the emotions of the night, fall from her mouth.

  “Don’t you dare count her out! Do you hear me, James? She needs all the love she can get right now, and I will be damned if I’m going to let you count her out already.”

  “You’re right, that was insensitive of me, and I’m sorry. I should have never said it.”

  Nodding, she started walking once more. “Is that what happened? He was protecting her, and they both ended up here?”

  “That’s what the cops think. A witness said she screamed first. When they finally got to where they were able to see where the yelling was coming from, they were both on the ground. He was alert but fading fast. She was on the ground, bleeding from the head.”

  “She is going to make it, isn’t she?”

  “Have you ever met her?”

  “Passed her in the hall a time or two, but that was it.” Embry shook her head, promising herself she was going to take the time to meet everyone who worked for Eden as soon as possible. “Maybe said ‘hi.’”

  “You’re not beating yourself up for not having met her before now, do you understand me?”

  The door to Parker’s room had just come into view when her chin was caught in a firm grasp. Reluctantly, she looked up.

  “Meeting her would not have changed anything. It wouldn’t have helped her on the street tonight and wouldn’t have helped with the way you’re feeling right now.”

  “I know, I just feel like a burden. Like I’m only here because of your need to protect me.”

  “You’re not wrong, that’s why you’re here, but Eden also told me that the whole way to the hospital you were Prim’s rock, holding her hand and reminding her that it would be okay.”

  “All things any person would do.”

  James shook his head, “No, those aren’t things anyone would do, and you, of all people, know that.”

  “But it doesn’t change the fact that rather than walking back into that hospital room, I just want to go home and crawl into my own bed.”

  “You think that makes you selfish?” At her nod, he continued, “It doesn’t. You were there for them when they needed you, and that’s enough.”

  “But I still can’t go home.”

  “Not alone, no.”

  “Which is why I’m here.”

  Embry squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she heard the newcomer join them. “Tell me you didn’t call him.”

  “Of course, I did.” James didn’t sound the least bit sorry. “It’s late, you need to go home and get some sleep, and I can’t let you do that on your own.”

  “So, you called your lawyer?” Embry questioned.

  “No, I called a trusted friend. A person we both trust,” James countered.

  Embry narrowed her eyes at James before she moved to face the other man. “Well, George, I guess you’re stuck with me for the night.”

  Chapter Nine

  “I ate fries earlier, I don’t need any more food,” Embry protested as she watched Maverick pull more and more food from the to-go bag.

  “French fries don’t count as supper.”

  “James didn’t mind that was all I ate.”

  Maverick stopped pulling items from the bag and turned to look her dead in the eyes. “James let you get away with calling fries a meal?”

  “Well, he didn’t have much of a choice. The cafeteria didn’t have much to choose from, and his head was on other things.”

  “You’re the only thing on my mind tonight, so you’ll actually be eating a meal. Now, are you going to sit down and eat with me?”

  “I’m really not hungry, George.”

  “Let me rephrase. I know how small the fries are at the hospital, and that’s not enough to count as a meal. I also know if you don’t sit your butt down and eat with me now, you will be doing exactly that after I bend you over and give you a reason not to want to sit with me.”

  “You don’t play fair, you know that?” Crossing her arms over her chest, she took a seat.

  “I may have been told that a time or two. Do you want a fork or chopsticks?”

  “You mean you know how to use them?” Embry questioned, gesturing to the wooden sticks wrapped in red paper he had next to his plate.

  “You don’t?” When she shook her head, he shut the drawer holding the utensils and handed her a set of her own. “We fix that tonight.”


  Sake-fueled laughter filled the room when, once again, the chopstick shifted, and the piece of pork Embry had in her grasp went flying.

  “It’s a really good thing I had those fries.”

  “Have you gotten anything in your mouth?” Maverick asked as he pushed his plate away.

  “No! That’s it, I quit. I’m going to get a fork.” When she stood to move around the island, she was stopped with a hand around her wrist.

  “Let me help you.”

  Sitting with a huff, she threw her hands in the air. “You’ve already tried that. There are only so many ways you can show someone how to use these, George.”

  Shaking his head, he stood and moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her, so his hand rested near her wrist, and his chest pressed against her back. “Pick up the first one and hold it like a pencil.”

  The breath Embry took was filled with the smell of him, the masculine musk tickling her nostrils. “Um, how’s this going to help?”

  “Do as you're told, and I’ll show you.”

  “It isn't holding it like a pencil I have problems with.”

  His chuckle rumbled through her back. “No, it’s the part where you have to keep hold of the food long enough to get it to your mouth.”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s the teacher’s error.”

  “Oh, is that what you think, Angel? It couldn’t be that the student was sneaking sips of sake when she thought the teacher wasn’t looking, could it?”

  “You weren’t even here when I did that.”

  Maverick’s lips went to her ear. “Yet you still confirm my suspicions, even though there’s no way of me knowing for sure. Since you decided to be honest, I won’t punish you for that one.”

  “It was only a tiny sip, anyway.”

  “Beyond the point.” He nipped at the shell of her before picking up the second stick. “Pointer finger up. Good girl.” He placed the second one along her thumb before folding her pointer finger down.

  “That’s how I’ve been holding them.”

  “Don’t pout, it just has a bit of a learning curve.”

  “I’m not pouting.” His silence had her biting her lip before Embry amended her statement, “Okay, so I was pouting a little, but you used them like it was nothing. You were a pro.”

  “My grandfather served in Japan for a few years. He taught all of us grandkids how to use them. My grandma hated it, but he just smiled and promised the dog would clean up the mess as we learned.”

  Looking at the floor for a second, she smiled before looking back up at him. “We need a dog.”

  “We’ll worry about clean up after I get you fed.” Placing his hand over hers, he helped her manipulate the utensils a few times. “Now, you move them on your own. Good job. Pick up some food.”

  Doing as she was told, she grabbed a piece of meat, and with a steady hand, brought it to her mouth. She wa
s nearly there when she shifted the stick, and the pork fell to the ground. “The worst part is, I’m actually hungry now.”



  Tapping her hip, Maverick repeated himself, “Stand up. There is no point in going hungry while you try to figure these things out.”

  She did as she was told, but she only stood there for a second as he took her seat, and she realized what he intended. “I’m not sitting on your lap.”

  “Come one. Maybe watching my hands will help.”

  “And if it doesn’t?”

  “At least I got to hold you for a little while.”

  Shock—the only word to describe what she felt. Why though? James had told her of their conversation, told her to take the chance and allow her love to show through.

  Embry looked at the thigh he was offering as a seat. She could refuse, grab a fork, and get this meal over with, so she could go to bed, or she could take a chance. She chose the latter.

  Taking the hand he offered, she settled onto his lap. “I’m not too heavy for you, am I?”

  “God, no. Now, watch my hand.”

  She watched alright, but it wasn’t so much his hand as it was his forearm. The muscles flexed and moved below where he had rolled up his shirt sleeve, the veins popping the slightest bit. Damn it, she wasn’t sure if it was the muscles or the age-old picture of a man rolling up his sleeves before a spanking that had her drooling.


  “Since when do you call me by my actual name?”

  “Since I called you ‘Angel’ three times, and you didn’t respond.”


  “Yeah, ‘oh.’” Maverick smiled. “Want to tell me what had you so distracted?”

  “Not really.”

  “You’re blushing, so it must be good.”

  “I am not blushing.” Shoving his shoulder, she felt her blush deepen.

  “You’re a horrible liar. Open up.”

  Scowling, she did as she was told, allowing him to deposit the bit he held perfectly between the two small sticks into her mouth. “Thank you, but wouldn’t it be easier for me to just get a fork?”

  “Then I wouldn’t have an excuse to hold you.”

  “Do you need an excuse?” Embry questioned as she took another bite, her eyes not meeting his.


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