‘Yeah, I’m sorry too,’ said Vicky quietly as she exhaled a long thin stream of smoke and tapped her nails on the windowsill.
‘Here, put some clothes on,’ muttered Rex, throwing a bathrobe lamely in her direction.
‘I mean, well you just look cold, that’s all,’ mumbled Rex, realising he had pissed Vicky off enough by now that he could guarantee she’d be deleting his number from her phone within the hour.
‘Look, if there’s someone else,’ started Vicky.
‘Babe, I only have eyes for you,’ responded Rex, on autopilot, as visions of Tiger swam tantalisingly before his eyes. Those magnificent bouncing breasts, that amazing arse, running his hands over her glorious hips and taut stomach as she mounted him like a rodeo champion. That roaring infectious laugh of hers, those voluptuous lips, swallowing up his helmet as her soft pink hair tickled his balls … Rex now felt his cock rigid, drilling a hole in the mattress.
Looking up he saw that Vicky had gone and locked herself in the bathroom, and he was sure he could hear her snivelling over the sound of the running shower. Great. Suddenly he hated himself. What was he doing here in a six hundred quid a night hotel suite, at lunchtime like some hooker’s John? He ached with longing, he needed to be with Tiger, wrapped in her curves, smelling her perfume, tied up in her arms. Now her show was over he was ready and able to spend time with her. Properly. He’d waited this fucking long to meet his match, he wasn’t about to blow it. Women are just women, right? A fuck’s just a fuck, right? Well, Tiger Starr wasn’t just any woman. She was a magnificent goddess, with an endearing vulnerability in balance with her formidable womanly power; and Rex Hunter was ready to rise to the challenge. And god, those tits! He was on his knees now, hand closing around his throbbing cock. Three strokes later he lay happily crumpled on the bed, satisfied and smiling like a smitten schoolboy.
* * *
Tiger tried to mask her horror as she looked at what lay before her on Sienna’s desk.
‘I knew you’d find it hilarious, bless her!’ laughed Kat.
Tiger tried to smile but she was dying inside. Before them on the desk were pages of copier paper with every last square inch decorated with signatures reading ‘Mrs Sienna Hunter’, ‘S. Hunter’ and ‘Ms Hunter’. Beneath those were a collection of pictures of Rex; not just any pictures, but ones that had been taken of him with Tiger at various events, which now had Tiger cut out of the frame.
‘Look, Sienna will be back from her break soon, please put these back where you found them, Kat, she’ll be mortified if she knows we’ve seen them,’ begged Tiger.
‘Oh relax, doll, she won’t be back for an hour at least; she’s off on an errand in St John’s Street. Look, I’m putting them back now.’ Kat patted Tiger on the shoulder.
‘Okay, you know, it’s just…’
‘Yeah yeah, she’s family, I know. Sorry. I guess I shouldn’t have laughed, but honestly, the juniors we’ve had through here who’ve fallen for Rex – I never thought a smart cookie like Sienna would go for it as well!’
‘She’s smart you say?’ asked Tiger, perking up.
‘Yeah! She’s alright, you know! She’s been working hard. She made a few cock-ups at first but she learns fast. We give ’em some shit here, mind you. So many dolly birds pass through thinking it’s all champagne lunches and networking … and Rex of course.’ Kat rolled her eyes theatrically. ‘We have to sort out the wheat from the chaff. But Sienna – she seems tough! The girl’s got balls!’ laughed Kat.
‘Hmm. Well, great! Something inspired her finally!’ said Tiger. Trust bloody Rex to be the object of her sister’s crush. Damn him, she thought, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.
Tiger knew with a sinking heart that the right thing to do would be to step aside for Sienna’s sake. Infatuation was painful at the best of times. Tiger couldn’t bear to hurt Sienna by gadding about on the arm of her big crush. But could she really bring herself to give up the chance of happiness with Rex all because of what could be nothing more than a teenage fantasy? As Kat eyed up the flowers, Tiger’s mind raced. She may as well face the fact that she was in danger of falling too deep, too quickly. Tiger knew deep down no woman could ever win the key to Rex Hunter’s heart, least of all her. He’d never be ready for love. She would just become another of his many broken-hearted bitter lemons sooner or later, she was sure of it. She may as well nip it in the bud and save herself a lot of pain. She prayed Sienna had already seen for herself what a player Rex was. As Kat said, she was a smart girl after all. Tiger would just have to let Sienna have a clear path to sweet dreams for now, and hope sweet dreams was where it ended.
‘Kat, can you just leave these flowers for Sienna, I thought she might like them,’ sighed Tiger, reluctantly laying the gladioli on Sienna’s desk. ‘Oh, and give Rex a message that I called. I have something for him – a courier will drop it by later.’
‘Sure, doll. Hmm, the flowers smell nice. Hey, break a leg for the gig tonight. Rex says it’s gonna be wall to wall money and Hollywood.’
‘It is? Yeah. Whatever. It’s charidee, darling.’
‘Oh cheer up! It’s good to see you, lookin’ gorgeous as always.’ Kat slapped Tiger’s bum heartily.
Once outside in the street, Tiger came over all faint and staggered across the road to the dining tables outside the posh hotel opposite. A waiter recognised her immediately and descended on her with the champagne menu and a little bow. Needing to calm her nerves she ordered a glass of Krug and dialled for Blue as she fanned her face with the menu.
‘Dahhhhhling, I’m fluffing up your little poodle tail a treat!’ came the drawl down the phone. Tiger was silent, trying to get the words out.
‘Tiger? You there?’ Blue sounded worried.
‘C-c-c …’
‘Tiger, calm, darling, it’s okay. What’s happened?’
‘S-s-s …’ Tiger thumped the table in frustration. Tears pricked her eyes. She was not going to cry under any circumstances. Survivors don’t cry, she reminded herself as she hastily scrabbled in her bag and put her shades on.
‘Breathe, darling, it’s okay,’ soothed Blue.
‘I’m s-stopping this thing with Rex.’ Tiger hurried the words out.
‘What? But – you’ve hardly started! He’s all you’ve talked about for the last three months! I thought as soon as the Savoy was done you guys were on and were going to spend some quality time together? He’s absolutely besotted with you too! I’ve never seen him like it!’
‘I knoooow!’ she wailed plaintively. ‘I just c-c-c …’
‘What’s he done? The slimy bitch, I’ll kill him. Shall I come over? Where are you?’
‘No! No, it’s okay, it’s not Rex’s fault for once. Look I’ll explain everything later. C-can you get a Rolex over to him at the Hunter Gatherers’ office please? And a card, it needs a card. Just put erm …’
‘The Rolex? Woh. Tiger, are you sure about this?’ Blue asked, half laughing.
‘Yes. Just put, “I love” … no, put, “It was fun. Back to business?” ’
‘Er – are you absolutely sure?’
‘Yes.’ Tiger snivelled daintily, composing herself. ‘And put a little pawprint underneath.’
‘If you say so,’ replied Blue, sounding sceptical.
‘Thank you. I appreciate it. By the way we have to be at this gig at six, and you need to load in costumes. God, I need tonight like a hole in the head. How am I supposed to go on and smile and be fabulous when all I want to do is lock myself in my bedroom and have a cry to Roy Orbison songs while wearing Rex’s aftershave? I really need a hug.’
‘Come home, darling. I’ll be waiting for you. I’ll get you in showroom condition for tonight, don’t worry.’
Tiger snapped her phone shut and, realising an excited crowd was gathering around her taking photos with their cameras, dived inside the hotel to wait miserably for her Krug.
‘Yeah! Amazing, darling!’ squealed Blue, draping a gold silk dr
essing gown about Tiger’s bare shoulders, as he escorted her to the dressing room. ‘Lewis, did you see that actress in the audience start to take her clothes off too! Ooh, and did you see that chat-show host Bentley Berry down there too? You shoulda seen his face, classic! I bet he mentions it on his show next week!’
‘Okay calm down,’ said Lewis, closing the door of the dressing room and ushering Tiger to her seat. ‘That was great. The audience are still going nuts, the client was giving me the thumbs up from across the room. I’ll have to go and see her in a minute.’
‘Oh the whole thing was fantastic!’ gushed Blue. ‘Did you see Georgia sliding down the banister, camp as Christmas!’
‘Now, Tiger, the client wants you to join the celebrity guests and the charity CEO for a glass of champagne.’
‘I don’t think I can manage it tonight, Lewis,’ she replied softly, starting to pack up her make-up caddy, ‘I’ve already done my photocall with them anyway. I’ll just tell Vladimir to be ready for half an hour’s time, I’ll be packed by then.’
‘Hrmph. That’s not what we agreed.’
‘Lewis, don’t. I can’t. I won’t be good company.’
‘What’s wrong with you?’
‘Fine. Your choice. Blue have you brought all the costume back from the stage?’
‘Ah. No, I’m missing the gloves and stockings. Where did you chuck ’em, darling?’ Blue looked over at Tiger enquiringly.
‘The gloves went behind me into the band – I think one of them went into the drum kit. The audience got the stockings I’m afraid.’
‘Tsk, I can’t believe Cherry and Brandy didn’t spot them. I’ll fine them both tomorrow.’
‘No, no, it’s okay, Blue, I think they were tied up with the puppy costumes. I know one of the tails kept pinging off.’
‘There’s nothing wrong with those puppy tails. Anyway that’s not the point, the audience always try nicking any souvenir pieces of costume they see left on the stage. It’s an unbelievable pain in the arse for me when that happens, I’m the mug who has to make everything again.’
‘Whatever,’ sighed Tiger, uncharacteristically apathetic.
Blue arched an eyebrow pointedly and turned to Lewis. He took the opportunity to theatrically usher Lewis out of the door, leaving Tiger to her thoughts.
‘Did anyone catch your eye in the audience?’ Blue whispered safely out of earshot of Tiger.
‘Well there was this juicy blonde, she—’
‘No no no!’ hissed Blue testily, ‘Listen, this is important. I think I saw Rosemary Baby in the audience.’
‘Who? What kind of a stage name is that?’ Lewis burst out laughing.
‘You know, Rosemary! The ugly redhead! You know, the one who caused all that trouble with Tiger’s pal Tiffany Crystal out in Vegas a couple of years back.’
‘Really? But Tiffany’s lovely!’
‘Oh for Chrissake didn’t you read about it? It made the newspapers! Tiger was up in arms about the whole thing. Tiffany tried to be her friend at first but she ended up nearly dying on stage one night at the hands of Rosemary Baby.’
‘No shit!’
‘Yes shit. First it was creepy things. Harrassment. Calls in the night. Heavy breathing and threatening voices saying things like “No one wants to see your bony ass and scrawny neck on stage.” ’
‘What? But Tiffany’s gorgeous! A legend in her own g-string!’
‘Exactly. Oh, she just ignored it all at first. Had no idea who was behind it all, thought it was a silly prank. But then Tiffany started getting personal visits from heavies. Her husband hired protection for her and it seemed to get better. So anyway, Rosemary blags a part in the same show as Tiffany only she’s way down the bill. Oh what was it called again? Brief Encounters, that’s it. Great topless tit ’n’ feather revue. I can’t believe Rosemary managed to get a feature in it to be honest, even bottom of the bill. She must have been wiping the dust off her knees all around town, that’s all I can say. So anyway they’re doing a handful of tour dates with this show and when it gets to Vegas? Well, let’s just say when Tiffany slipped down her huge glass staircase they found the top three steps doused in silicone spray; remarkably similar to the spray Rosemary was using to shine up her latex stockings.’
‘I remember Tiger telling me about that now! Tiffany was in traction for weeks!’
‘You got it. Well Rosemary was arrested, and get this! She claimed Tiffany was sending her hate mail, when everyone knew Rosemary was sending it to herself. The brass! Obsessed she was. Well in the end the useless cops couldn’t prove anything, and Rosemary got off scott free. Probably got down on her knees again if the truth be told. So here’s the thing. I’m sure I saw her in the audience tonight. You need to know this, Lewis, because I warn you, you don’t want the likes of her anywhere near our Tiger. Rosemary Baby’s just a bitter, washed-up never-has-been with an axe to grind with the world. I know it’ll put the wind up Tiger off if she finds out she’s been sniffing around. She never forgave her for what she did to dear Tiffany.’
‘Sounds like a lovely girl. Hmm,’ mused Lewis, ‘Rosemary Baby. I’ll remember that, thanks, Blue. Maybe I’ll give Rex a call and he can give me the lowdown on what the papers said about her. Now grab that missing costume please before the locusts descend on the stage to claim every last dropped Swarovski.’
Blue scuttled off to retrieve the missing pieces of costume, worried that Lewis hadn’t understood the seriousness of his warning. Rosemary Baby was a piece of work alright; as her name suggested, ugly inside and out with a face like a half-set jelly and probably a spare set of teeth in her cunt. Blue knew the jealous bitch would stop at nothing to stab a successful showgirl like Tiger in the back. Thank god Tiffany Crystal was alive to tell the tale. Blue only hoped Rosemary hadn’t now switched her jealous, obsessive attentions closer to home.
Tiger sighed as she sat in front of her mirror, looking suddenly exhausted underneath all her make-up.
‘You’re preoccupied,’ came Lewis’ voice as he re-entered the dressing room, softly closing the door behind him.
‘No, just tired. The Savoy – you know, I get post-show comedown after a long run,’ sighed Tiger.
‘Mixing pleasure with business is always a killer you know,’ said Lewis slowly. ‘You have the world at your feet, lady. Don’t sacrifice that for cheap thrills with cheap men who are no good for you.’
Tiger looked at herself in the mirror aghast, and wondered how on earth Lewis knew about Rex – or was he bluffing? She turned to face him and their eyes met. She always got a feeling that Lewis could see right through her, though it surprised her to see there was no judgement in his eyes tonight, only concern. She wondered if he’d known about Lance too. It wouldn’t surprise her. She pulled her shoulders back assertively, deciding now was the perfect time to change the subject.
‘Lewis, I can’t do Vegas,’ she burbled.
‘You’re doing it. No discussion.’
‘I’ll be destroyed.’
‘Come again?’
‘Lance de Brett. He – let’s just say he gave me a taste of what might come if the critics slaughter me.’
‘Critics?’ Lewis guffawed. ‘Since when did anyone ever give a shit about critics! As if a critic could ever destroy you! I can see what’s happening here Tiger.’ Lewis leaned in over her dressing table. Tiger pulled herself up in her chair defensively.
‘Sabotage.’ Lewis thumped the table triumphantly.
‘You. Sabotaging yourself. You’ve worked your whole life towards this and now you can taste it, you’re scared. Scared of success. The higher you go up the mountain the harder the wind blows, and you’re losing your bottle. You wanted this so hard, now you’ve got it you can’t believe it, can you? Now you want to break it all down again. You would have jumped at an opportunity like this ten years ago! It’s no coincidence you’ve gone off the rails and started dabbling in a twat like Rex. He’s not a re
al man. You need to step up, Tiger. You don’t think you deserve success do you? You don’t think you’re good enough do you? You think—’
‘Lewis, s-s-s-stop!’ Tiger burst out.
‘I’m just telling you the truth,’ warned Lewis, standing and waving an index finger.
‘Okay!’ Tiger snapped, losing the will to argue.
‘Oh and Tiger …’
‘I’ve got money resting on you, lady. I’ve got my life tied up in you. You’re doing Vegas.’
‘Okay,’ said Tiger hoarsely, turning her face to the wall, her eyes burning.
‘I’m going to see the client quickly before I go. We’ll sign the Vegas papers in the morning.’
‘Whatever you say. See you tomorrow,’ she grumbled, an angry crease emerging between her eyebrows.
With that, Lewis was out of the door, leaving Tiger silenced, annoyed and alone with her confused thoughts. She crossly poured herself a large neat Tanqueray and took a swig, deep in thought. Looking around the room she saw a smoke detector above her head. She stood on her chair and squirted hair mousse into it, then retrieved a pink Sobrani from her emergency stash of cigarettes in her vanity case. Lighting it, she savoured her first puff, and chugged back more of the cool, bitter gin, trying to relax. She heard a loud rapping at the door and Georgia, Nikki, Frankie and Blanche all squealing their goodbyes at her. ‘Bye, girls, see you at rehearsals,’ Tiger shouted over her shoulder.
She stubbed her cigarette out and took out a make-up wipe. Slowly, carefully she removed her mask layer by layer. Her shoulders dropped as she calmed down. The red lips came off. The eyelashes were peeled off. Tiger slipped down into her chair and rubbed gently at the eyeliner under her eyes. She held her hands demurely in her lap as she looked at herself barefaced in the mirror. Just a smudge of blusher remained. Gently she wiped her cheeks, pausing to sweep stray strands of pink hair from her face when something caught her eye in the mirror. She realised the door was ajar and she could just make out Lewis peering through the crack, rooted to the spot.
Tease Page 7